Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


New Search 


Vascular Plant Name Search

(NEW) Taxon*:
Common Name:

Notes on Searching:

  • The search is not case sensitive.
  • The contents of the search fields (family, taxon, genus, species, and common name) are combined with "and" so that the search results must match every field containing text.
  • *Taxon without authors & must use "var.", "subsp.", "f." for variety, subspecies, and forma; " X " for named hybrid
  • The family, taxon, genus, and species fields are automatically "wildcarded" at the end of the search field; therefore, the query will select all names beginning with only the letters entered. For example, typing "ace" in the family field will result in a query which will select only taxa in the Aceraceae, and not taxa in all the other families ending in ---aceae.
  • The common name field is automatically "wildcarded" at the beginning and end of the search field; therefore, the query will match any name containing the string of letters entered. For example, typing "garlic" will match both "garlic mustard" and "cultivated garlic". All spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes are automatically removed. Lady's slipper, ladys-slipper, and ladysslipper all give the same results.

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


New Search