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The Alaska Natural Heritage Program (AKNHP) partners with many federal and state agencies, private businesses and non-profit organizations.

Currently, our zoology program database is being developed cooperatively with the Nongame Program at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program, and the Geographic Information Network of Alaska at the University of Alaska.

In addition, the weeds database is being developed in cooperation with the USDA State and Private Forestry and the National Park Service Alaska Support Office.

Below is a list of the organizations that support our work and cooperate on projects with us.

TNC - Alaska Chapter
NPS - Alaska Support Office
US Fish and Wildlife Service
UA Herbarium
Alaska Department of Fish and Game
USDA, Forest Service
GINA (Geographic Information Network of Alaska)
US Geological Survey
Bureau of Land Management - Alaska
Environmental Protection Agency

In addtion to the above organizations, the Alaska Natural Heritage Program has worked with and helped support other research work that compliments our mission and goals. One such project is the Alaska Habitat Connectivity Project which was the work of former UAA assistant professor, John DiBari.

Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage
707 A Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 257-2780 voice, 907-257-2789 fax.
© Copyright 2002, University of Alaska Anchorage
UAA is an AA/EO employer and education institution.