The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering

The School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering is internationally recognised for its research in the area of photovoltaics, most of which is now conducted under the ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Silicon Photovoltaics and Photonics. It was also the first organisation internationally to offer undergraduate training in the area of Photovoltaics and Solar Energy, and since then has extended the educational programs offered to include postgraduate and research training opportunities.


Australian Government Announces Major Building Grant for UNSW Photovoltaics

12 December 2008

Minister for Education, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Minister for Social Inclusion
Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research

The Minister for Education, Julia Gillard, and Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr today announced $580 million would be fast-tracked into universities through the Education Investment Fund. The Ministers approved 11 successful projects as part of a $4.7 billion nation-building infrastructure package announced by the Prime Minister to support Australia’s economy in tough times. Click here to view the media release (pdf).

The Energy Technologies Building at the University of New South Wales
– $75 million
The UNSW will build the Energy Technologies Building as the focal point for its new Centre for Energy Research and Policy Analysis (CERPA). The proposed building will support UNSW’s world-leading work in photovoltaics as well as research into carbon capture and storage, reservoir characterisation, nanomaterials and policy and market analysis.

Stuart Wenham

IEEE Honours Professor Stuart Wenham

14 November 2008
"Recognizing the achievements of its members is an important part of the mission of the IEEE. Each year, following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the IEEE Fellow Committee recommends a select group of recipients for one of the Institute's most prestigious honors, elevation to IEEE Fellow. It is my great pleasure to inform you that the IEEE Board of Directors, at its meeting on 12 November 2008, elevated Stuart Wenham to IEEE Fellow, effective 1 January 2009" IEEE


UNSW Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence recognized for world record 25% conversion efficiency

28 October 2008
With the International Electrochemical Commission’s adjustment of the internationally recognized solar spectrum the Centre has now achieved 25% conversion efficiency. For more information see the Sydney Morning Herald article here or to listen to the ABC Radio National Science Show's interview with Prof. Green click here.

United Nations Report ~ "Green" energy should create 20 million jobs by 2030

30 September 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Development of alternative energy should create more than 20 million jobs around the world in coming decades as governments adopt policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a U.N. report released on Wednesday. Click here to go to the Reuters site.

OSMR Webpage

Professor Martin Green honored as New South Wales Scientist of the Year

Click here to view video on NSW Office for Science and Medical Research webpage.

12 September 2008
Pioneering UNSW solar energy researcher, Scientia Professor Martin Green, has been named the New South Wales Scientist of the Year – leading a stellar performance by UNSW academics in the inaugural State awards to recognise scientific excellence. Professor Green, a Federation Fellow and Executive Research Director of the ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence at UNSW, was recognised with the State’s highest award for science for his innovative work in solar cell development. He also won the Environment, Water and Climate Change Sciences category.

Professor Green has led the development of the world’s highest efficiency silicon solar cells and is a co-inventor of “second-generation” silicon-on-glass solar cell technology, which offers dramatic cost reductions for solar cell manufacture by reducing the amount of silicon used. He is now working on high-efficiency “third generation” thin-film photovoltaic technology... Click here to read more of this article from the UNSW Media website. Click here to go to the NSW Office for Science and Medical Research webpage.


27 August 2008
UNSW offers outstanding opportunities for students to pursue their research careers by completion of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Masters by Research or a Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) degree. The contributions of UNSW's 3,200 current higher degree research students are critical to our outstanding international research reputation.  All research students enjoy personalised support and service from my office and the Graduate Research School, funding for conference travel, opportunities to acquire enhanced skills and training through coursework options, tailored seminars in research management and career development, and the opportunity in many disciplines to obtain teaching experience.   Whether you are a current research student, prospective student thinking about your research career, or a member of University staff, click here to find out more about postgraduate research at UNSW.

Eureka Prize

Three Awards for the UNSW Shool of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering


19 August 2008
Nicole Kuepper, a 23 year old solar cell scientist, has been voted Australia's favorite scientist in the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes People's Choice Award. Nicole has also been awarded the British Council Eureka Prize for Young Leaders in Environmental Issues and Climate Change. Click here to go to the Australian Museum's page for Nicole Kuepper. The School was also awarded the IAG Eureka Prize for Innovative Solutions to Climate Change. Click here to go to the Australian Museum's IAG award page. Click here to learn more about the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.

New Energy Research Centre Opens at UNSW

View the CERPA Opening 12 minute slide presentation by Prof. Wenham.


12 August 2008
The UNSW Centre for Energy Research and Policy Analysis is a multi-faculty institute focused on innovation and understanding in all aspects of energy generation, utilisation and conservation. With the goal of developing real-world solutions to the energy challenges of today and the future, CERPA harnesses the diverse strengths of UNSW and brings together world-class researchers who are working together on the key areas of:

  • Renewable energy technologies
  • Fuels for a cleaner environment
  • Distributed Energy Systems
  • Efficient energy technologies
  • Economic, social and regulatory policy

To go to the CERPA website click here. To read about the opening of the centre click here.

Book Chapter for ATSE's STELR Project

UNSW Chapter

10th July 2008
The School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering has released for web publication the excerpt Understanding the p-n Junction from its publication Solar Cells: Resources for the Secondary Science Teacher.  This chapter was written to help high school science teachers teach the concepts necessary for understanding the processes operating within p-n junctions. This material will appear on the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering website for the STELR project.  Click here to go to the STELR website.  To download the excerpt click here (21 pages - 1.5MB pdf format).

13th June 2008
The University of New South Wales has now enabled two new combinations of Bachelor Degrees. The Bachelor of Engineering in Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering and the Bachelor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Engineering can now be combined with LAWS to form combined degrees. These two new combined degree programs allow students to specialize in both legal professions and PV or RE engineering. “This is so new that the UNSW Handbook doesn’t yet reflect this change”, says Dr. Richard Corkish, Head of School. Students who want to enter one of these two combined degree programs for second term 2008 would need to contact us directly to help them with the admission by emailing or by phoning +61 2 9385 6155. The current handbook entry can be found at


Note: this book is now available from the UNSW Bookshop. Click here to go to the bookshop's webpage.

27th May 2008
The Centre's book Applied Photovoltaics has just been published in Chinese. "We expect that this publication will become one of the most used photovoltaics textbooks in China", says Dr. Richard Corkish, Head of School and co-author. "With the explosive growth of the Chinese PV industry, engineers and students are looking to find authoritative textbooks published in their own language." This publication has been available in English in China for some time and because of its great demand a Chinese translation has now been published through Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. To view the cover and publication info click here (2 pages PDF). To go to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press click You can order the book from China Education Publications Import & Export Corp.(CEPIEC) (



(The above video was kindly supplied by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.)

16th May 2008
UNSW solar energy innovator, Scientia Professor Stuart Wenham, has won one of the most prestigious Australian research accolades – an Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Clunies Ross Award – for his enormous contributions to solar cell development and commercialisation. Click here for more information on this award. Click here to go to the ATSE website. Click here to go to the Clunies Ross Foundation website.


Click here to go to the download page for the Centre's 2007 Annual Report. This report includes the Directors' Report, Highlights, Staff List, Details in Research Areas, Education, Organisational Structure, Progress Against Targets, Financial Summary and Publications Lists.


UNSW aims to be the most sustainable campus in the southern hemisphere and lead climate change research. Here's how the uni is going about it.


Environment & Water Industry Council & Clean Energy Programme Office
International PhD Scholarships for Singaporean Citizens
Click here for further information (PDF File)

The Environment and Water Industry Development Council (EWI) and the Clean Energy Programme Office (CEPO) in Singapore promote the water & clean energy industries respectively, and envisage growing career opportunities for all in these sectors. The EWI and CEPO, with funding from the National Research Foundation (NRF) are providing PhD scholarships in these areas – the NRF Environment & Water Technology PhD Scholarships and the NRF Clean Energy PhD Scholarships. The objective of the Scholarships is to build up local research capability and groom research leaders in specific Environment & Water Technology and Clean Energy areas that are identified as promising but needing development in Singapore.


March 2008
Jenny Lu, Manager of Suntech Power Australia, accepted an award from the UNSW Alumni Association on behalf of Dr Zhengrong Shi. Dr Shi completed his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Martin Green in the early 1990s and went on to establish the multi-billion dollar company, Suntech Power, in Wuxi, China

UNSW wishes to recognise alumni who have achieved excellence in their chosen field of endeavour. The Alumni Awards for Achievement are made to eminent UNSW alumni in Australia and throughout the world who have made outstanding contributions to their community, have stimulated new ideas and services and have shown exceptional dedication, creativity or leadership. The Awards, an annual event since 1981, are a celebration of alumni achievement and demonstrate what can be achieved with a UNSW education.

Renewable Energy Corporation (Norway) Signs Co-Op Scholarship Agreement

The School is pleased to announce that Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) has just signed up with the UNSW Co-Op program as a new sponsor of one undergraduate scholar in Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering, starting in 2008. REC is a large and rapidly growing photovoltaics manufacturer based in Norway. The company has recently announced plans to construct a huge solar cell factory in Singapore.
For more information about the UNSW Co-Op Scholarship program:
For more information about REC:
For more information about the new Singapore factory:

Teaching Agreement with Sun Yat-Sen University

UNSW and Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China have just signed an agreement that will allow students from the Department of Physics at Sun Yat-Sen University to articulate to third and fourth years of UNSW’s Bachelor of Engineering (Photovoltaics and Solar Energy). The students who come under this agreement will be sponsored by the Australian Government under the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate program ( The School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering is very pleased to welcome Sun Yat-Sen University as a new and valued partner.

Major new sponsorship for students from China, India and Korea

The School is excited to announce the availability of new sponsored places for PhD and MEngSc students from China, India and Korea. In addition, students from particular programs at selected Chinese universities will be sponsored to study their third and fourth years in the School. Further Information on the APP sponsorships here.


The long awaited 2nd edition of Photovoltaics: Devices, Systems and Applications by Chris Honsberg & Stuart Bowden is now available for review free of charge from the University of Delaware. Click here to go to the UDEL site: This is the companion multimedia CDRom for the PV Centre’s textbook Applied Photovoltaics (this textbook is available from the UNSW Bookshop by clicking here).

Photovoltaic Devices and Applications is the on-line version of the 4 th year and postgraduate engineering class Applied Photovoltaics. New for 2008, this 12 - 16 week on-line class is now available either in an engineering strand for professional engineers or in a essay based ‘minimal mathematics’ strand for professional architects and related occupations ~ click here for more information.

Applied Photovoltaics 2nd ed is the school's most recent publication. All of the web links referenced in the book are now listed and updated monthly. New links are added and dead links are removed.

Download a free copy of RaySim Version 6.0.

Download a free copy of RaySim Version 6.0 from the RaySim subsite.

Learn more about the UNSW School of Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering's Bachelor of Engineering in Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Engineering AND the Bachelor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Engineering. Over 1 hour of video ~ click here to open in new (pop up) browser (you may need to Control-Click on some browsers) ~ click here to open in current browser. Presentation 800 by 600.