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1-20 of 384 questions page: 1  | 2  | 3  | >>

Are all spiders poisonous? read more

weeds in meadow

I have used newspaper with a layer of mulch to supress agressive, exotic perennial grass in my wildflower garden for a year. read more

shrubs to replace Privet and Honeysuckle

My husband and I are just getting started in trying to make our yard more wildlife friendly. read more


I would like to attract Blue Orchard Bees (Osmia lignaria) to my yard in the summer. read more

Carolina Wild Petunia

Do you know anything about Carolina Wild Petunia. Pictures are a must have. read more

How to make a habitat at school

How do I make a habitat at the back of a schoolhouse? Like what do I need to att... read more

developing water sources on property

On my 1.5 acres there are several small running streams and several small pools of water. read more

Butterfly Weed

I have several butterfly weed bushes in my garden. I planted them in late spring 2003. read more


We would like to know specific details of how best to winterize roses. We have several customers who purchased roses from us this season. read more

Oxalis with purple leaves

Hi there. I've had this great, easy to grow plant forever, but I've never known the correct name for it. read more

Moonflower plant

Hi, Would it be possible for you to direct me to where I may find a picture and information on the Moonflower plant? I have a neighbor who insists that the plant I have is an Angel Trumpet plant. read more

Stepped on A Painful Plant

I live in South Central, Texas (San Antonio) and went on a trip up in the Hill Country one day. read more

tulip bulbs

Hi, I understand with tulip bulbs that once you plant them they will grow flowers year after year. read more

Rolie polies

What is the scientific name for a rolie polie (the bug you find in the dirt or ... read more

flowering shrub

I am looking for a Galan de Noche. Do you know where I can buy one? read more


How do we get rid of them in our house chemical free? Thank You, Tony Gloden read more

Jeffrey Pine source

I was wondering if I could find any Jeffrey Pines in Maryland. It is a tree that is 80-130' tall and sometimes 2'-4' or more around. read more

Peg Beetle

Cathy, What is a Peg Beetle! Please help. read more

Tree Care

Dear Cathy, We are building a home on 2 1/2 acres, covered with Post Oak trees. read more

pine trees and water absorption

We had five very large pine trees cut. Now we are having a problem with a very soggy backyard. read more

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