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Feature Story
Wood Warbler Vocalizations
Among North American wood-warblers (family Parulidae), usually only the males sing, although female song has been documented in a few well-studied species, such as the Yellow Warbler. Wood-warbler songs are usually rather high-pitched and often include a series of notes or trills. The songs of many species contain emphatic inflections, often at the end, while other species give monotonous trills. Read More...

View the wood-warblers in the Sibley Field Guide.

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Rufous-crowned Sparrow

Aimophila ruficeps
Adult Interior side

Term of the Day:

About David Sibley
David Sibley had wanted to create his own bird guide since he was a teenager, and spent most of the 1980s and 1990s traveling around North America watching and sketching birds. The knowledge he gained in the field during those years allowed him to create the nearly 7000 illustrations in the Sibley Guide to Birds, published in 2000.

The result of over ten years of field work and six years of painting and writing, the Sibley Guide to Birds is generally recognized as  an indispensible resource for both new and experienced birders.  David's personal website can be found at
