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National Seed Laboratory
5675 Riggins Mill Rd
Dry Branch, GA 31020

(478) 751-3551

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International Union of Forestry Research Organizations

The National Seed Laboratory hosted the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations Tree Seed Symposium August 10-14, 2003 in Athens, Georgia.

PowerPoint presentations given during the Tree Seed Symposium
 Developing a conservation strategy for Dwarf Birch (Betula glandulosa Michx.), a species of concern in New Brunswick
 The Changing of Oil Content at Different Germinating Stages in the Seeds of Camellia grijsii Hance
 Variation in cone and seed traits among provenances of Cedrus atlantica Manetti in Algeria.
 DNA changes in naturally and artificially aged longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill) seeds
 Effect of Liquid Nitrogen Storage on Seed Germination of 51 Tree Species
 Germination changes of Picea abies seeds at water-based pretreatments
 Silver maple (Acer saccharinum L.): tolerance to desiccation and crypreservation
 CT images of walnuts
 Temperate and Tropical Tree Seed Physiology and the Economy of Nature
 Relationship between cone weight and seeds traits as revealed by several years study on Cedrus atlantica individuals at Tala-guilef (Djurdjura, Algeria)
 Early Growth of Ramon (Brosimum alicastrum Sw.) and Relationships Between Seed Weight and Seedling Size
 Ohio State University Seed Vigor Imaging System
 Seed Research in the US – and Its Future
 Quercus sp. from acorn to acorns in four years or more
 Effect of Soaking, Moist Chilling, and Temperature on Germination of Striped Maple (Acer pensylvanicum) Seed
 Sucrose metabolism in developing northern red oak (Quercus rubra) acorns
 Testing of Endogenous Germination Periodicity in Picea glauca, Pinus contorta and Pinus banksiana Seeds

Photos from the 2003 Tree Seed Symposium

IUFRO Symposium 2003 Submitted Abstracts


More information about the International Union of Forestry Research Organizations

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 Last Modified: February 2005