National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Proteomics Initiative
N H L B I Logo

Updated November 21, 2001
This slide set represents a text only representation of the slides presented at the conference


1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22

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SLIDE 1: NHLBI Proteomic Initiative

NHLBI Proteomic Initiative

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SLIDE 2: Pre-Proposal Conference Purpose

* Describe goals and objectives of the program
* Provide instructions about the solicitation process and design
* Answer questions

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SLIDE 3: Agenda

Welcome - Dr. Lenfant
Goals and Objectives of the BAA - Dr. Old
Broad Agency Announcement - Mr. Best
Review Process - Dr. Beebe
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers - Dr. Old and Ms. Deshler
Open Discussion - Panel of Institute Staff
Closing - Dr. Lenfant

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SLIDE 4: Goal

To establish local, highly interactive, multi-disciplinary Centers to enhance and develop innovative proteomic technologies and apply them to relevant biological questions in a manner that will advance our knowledge of heart, lung, blood, and sleep health and disease.

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SLIDE 5: Objectives

* Develop new approaches for management of heart, lung, blood, and sleep disease through basic scientific discovery and the development of new means to influence protein states.
* Provide a sustained period of substantial, uninterrupted support to enhance and develop innovative proteomic technologies and apply them to critical biological questions.
* Provide flexibility to allow updating of approaches.
* Insure maximum benefit from this investment, the products (reagents, techniques, methods, documentation, information, etc.) of this effort will be made readily available to the scientific community.

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SLIDE 6: Key Requirements

* Innovative Technology and Biology
* Synergy
* Quality Control
* Dissemination Plans
* Milestones

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SLIDE 7: Organization and Administration

* Programmatic Meetings
       - Information sharing
* Progress Review Meetings
       - Monitor
* Administrative Center

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SLIDE 8: Schedule

* Release date – September 17, 2001
        (BAA HL-02-04)
* Pre-Proposal Conference - November 2, 2001
* Proposal Intent Letter – December 15, 2001
* Proposal Receipt Date – February 27, 2002

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SLIDE 9: NHLBI Proteomics Initiative Website

Summary of the Proteomics Initiative in the NIH Guide
Complete Text of the Proteomics Initiative
Pre-Proposal Conference Agenda - November 2, 2001
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Post Conference Questions and Answers

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SLIDE 10: Broad Agency Announcement (BAA):

Used when requirements for scientific study and experimentation are directed toward advancing the state-of-the-art, or increasing knowledge or understanding rather than focusing on a specific system or hardware solution

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SLIDE 11: Statement of Work

The Statement of Work (SOW) in the BAA doesn’t specify a specific approach or technique; varying technical/scientific approaches are anticipated.

The SOW will reflect the SOW proposed by the offeror, as amended during negotiations and agreed to by NHLBI.

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SLIDE 12: Selection of Proposals

Selection of proposals for award is based on
* Technical merit
       - as evaluated by peer review
       - meeting the aims of the BAA
* Importance to NHLBI
       - programmatic and technical balance
* Fund availability

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SLIDE 13: Technical Merit

1. Proposals will be evaluated by peer review using the criteria in the BAA.
2. NHLBI receives reviewers’ comments, selects offerors for negotiation, and discusses technical weaknesses with those offerors.
3. Offerors will have the opportunity to improve proposals through a Q&A process.
4. Discussions close with a request for a Final Proposal Revision (FPR).

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SLIDE 14: Importance to NHLBI

1. A lower scored proposal may be the only one offering a certain approach of interest to the NHLBI.
2. A proposal may be ranked 4th but may have the highest score in a particular disease area that we believe needs attention.
3. A proposal may have a piece that is of great interest to NHLBI.
4. NHLBI has the flexibility not to follow the rank order of the technical scores.

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SLIDE 15: Funds Availability

1. Examine cost realism and reasonableness.
2.  Negotiate cost to try to award as many proposals as possible.
 3. Buy a portion of a proposal.

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SLIDE 16: Award of Contract

Process results in award of a contract.  Work required by the contract will be that proposed by contractor, as modified by discussions and accepted by the Government.

Contract will recognize state-of-the-art nature of this work and the need to remain flexible in approach.  Process for communication and flexibility are built in through reporting, meetings, progress reviews, & nature of contract (BAA).

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SLIDE 17: Broad Agency Agreement

* Letter of Intent due December 15, 2001
* Proposals due February 27, 2002
* Review in June 2002

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SLIDE 18: Award of Contract

* Technical Evaluation Panel
* Meeting
* Documentation

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SLIDE 19: Technical Evaluation

* Peer Review Group
* Established scientists with relevant expertise

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SLIDE 20: Meeting

* Technical Evaluation
     - Innovation     30
     - Scientific & Technical Approach 30
     - Significance    20
     - Offeror’s Capabilities   20

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SLIDE 21: Documentation

* “Blue Sheet”
    - Resume
    - Unedited Critiques
           Each criteria

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SLIDE 22: NHLBI Proteomics Initiative Website

Summary of the Proteomics Initiative in the NIH Guide
Complete Text of the Proteomics Initiative
Pre-Proposal Conference Agenda - November 2, 2001
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Post Conference Questions and Answers

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