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Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook   2008
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This handbook is designed as a quick and ready reference of weed control practices used in various cropping systems or site/situations in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Because chemical regulation of plant growth is complex and requires considerable knowledge, a large portion of the handbook is devoted to registered uses of herbicides, crop desiccants, and some plant growth regulators. Most uses of chemical regulators are based on research results of the Agricultural Experiment Stations or the Oregon State University Extension Service and the neighboring states of Idaho and Washington where circumstances are similar. Otherwise, a few suggestions are included from research conducted in other states or from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Center at Beltsville, MD. In all cases, authors make every effort to list only registered herbicides and to ensure that the information conforms with product labels and company recommendations.

Intended Users The handbook was originally planned as a manual for county Extension agents. However, the handbook also may be useful to company field representatives, commercial spray applicators and consultants, herbicide dealers, teachers, and some producers. Persons needing similar information pertaining to a few crops, sites, or situations should request Extension bulletins, fact sheets, or chapters from this handbook from their local county Extension office. Costs for publication and copying should be expected.
Revision and Availability The handbook is revised and reissued annually.

This handbook is not intended as a complete guide to herbicide use.

Before using any chemical, read the label on the container. Before a chemical can be recommended for a specific use, it must be thoroughly tested. The recommendation on the manufacturer’s label, when followed, can prevent many problems arising from the wrong use of a chemical.

Information is supplied here with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied. Trade names (brand names) of some commercial pesticides are used in portions of this handbook to help identify the common name used by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA). Authors have assembled the most reliable information available to them at time of publication. Due to constantly changing laws and regulations, authors can assume no liability for the recommendations. Any use of a pesticide contrary to instructions on the printed label is not legal or recommended.
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