
Our Services

We provide solutions for the creation and maintenance of an effective records management program. In addition agencies may request additional services based on their specific program needs. We offer clear and user-friendly services, which include:

  • Storage for textual, special media, non-classified records.
  • Retrieval of records to fulfill statutory requirements and conduct daily business.
  • Special projects to respond to sudden shifts in customer workload demands.
  • Expedited response to congressional inquiries, litigation, and urgent business needs.
  • Disposition services to destroy records that have reached their required retention period and to move permanent records into the holdings of the National Archives.

Send Us Your Records

Take the hassle out of preparing your records for shipment to the records center. The Rocky Mountain Region professionals will help you organize, document, and pack your shipment.

  • No job is too big or too small!
  • Free, no obligation, on-site cost estimates are available.

Our trained staff will provide the expertise, labor, and materials to get your shipment organized according to regulations, saving your agency time, space, and money.


FastPack is document preparation and packing service by the National Archives Federal Records Center.

FastPack service includes:

  • Preparation of all forms
  • Expert packing of boxes
  • Preparation of a boxed file inventory
  • Transportation to the Denver Federal Records Center

SmartScan Electronic Document Delivery

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272