COP 9 Decisions

Bonn, 19 - 30 May 2008

Full-text version


List of COP 9 Decisions

Decision IX/1In-depth review of the programme of work on agricultural biodiversity
Decision IX/2Agricultural biodiversity: biofuels and biodiversity
Decision IX/3Global strategy for plant conservation
Decision IX/4In-depth review of ongoing work on alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species
Decision IX/5Forest biodiversity
Decision IX/6Incentive measures (Article 11)
Decision IX/7Ecosystem approach
Decision IX/8Review of implementation of goals 2 and 3 of the Strategic Plan
Decision IX/9Process for the revision of the Strategic Plan
Decision IX/10Preparation of the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook
Decision IX/11Review of implementation of Articles 20 and 21
Decision IX/12Access and benefit-sharing
Decision IX/13Article 8(j) and related provisions
Decision IX/14Technology transfer and cooperation
Decision IX/15Follow-up to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Decision IX/16Biodiversity and climate change
Decision IX/17Biodiversity of dry and sub-humid lands
Decision IX/18Protected areas
Decision IX/19Biological diversity of inland water ecosystems
Decision IX/20Marine and coastal biodiversity
Decision IX/21Island biodiversity
Decision IX/22 The Global Taxonomy Initiative: matters arising from decision VIII/3, including the development of outcome-oriented deliverables
Decision IX/23Liability and redress
Decision IX/24Gender Plan of Action
Decision IX/25South-South cooperation on biodiversity for development
Decision IX/26Promoting business engagement
Decision IX/27Cooperation among multilateral environmental agreements and other organizations
Decision IX/28Promoting engagement of cities and local authorities
Decision IX/29Operations of the Convention
Decision IX/30Scientific and technical cooperation and the clearing-house mechanism
Decision IX/31Financial resources and the financial mechanism and guidance to the financial mechanism
Decision IX/32Communication, education and public awareness (CEPA)
Decision IX/33International Year of Biodiversity
Decision IX/34Administration of the Convention and Budget for the programme of work for the biennium 2009-2010
Decision IX/35Date and venue of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Decision IX/36Tribute to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany