Nevada Natural Heritage Program
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
901 South Stewart Street, Suite 5002 • Carson City, Nevada 89701-5245
tel: (775) 684-2900 • fax: (775) 684-2909


Some older editions are also maintained on-line for archival purposes and for comparison with current information. Contact our Data Manager for the most current printed copy of any list, or for the current status of any species. Lists not shown as links are available only in printed form; otherwise, click for the current on-line version. Column and symbol definitions are linked to the headings of each data column. Searchable North American species lists and range-wide data for most North American taxa are now available on-line from the NatureServe Explorer web site.

NOTICE: our placement of any species on any of the following lists is for informational and advisory purposes ONLY, and does not constitute a regulatory action by the Nevada Natural Heritage Program.  Lists with dates in this color are old and should be used with caution; contact our staff for updates.

SUMMARY NEVADA STATUS LISTS: basic information on the species in various status categories statewide, including other state and federal agency status and ranks. Includes federally listed species.
SUMMARY FEDERAL STATUS LISTS: basic information on Nevada species listed as threatened or endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act.
DETAILED NEVADA RARE SPECIES INFORMATION AND LISTS: statewide information on ranks, status, number of occurrences, known range size, abundance, and area, times of year observed, habitats, life-forms, life histories, reproductive seasons, elevation range, historic county and state distribution, land management, known trends, and the most recent and average years last observed, for both at-risk and watch-list taxa, including federally listed species.
COUNTY and STATE-SHARED RARE SPECIES LISTS: Separate lists of the at-risk and watch list species found in each Nevada county (plants and animals), and of the plants and lichens only that are shared with each bordering state, including the various agency status and ranks, geographic range, and sand and wetland habitat indicators. Includes federally listed species.
PLANT COMMUNITY LISTS: detailed information on plant communities known from Nevada, including those in the International Vegetation Classification (IVC), some not yet in the classification, and those of special interest or concern in Nevada.
SPECIAL CATEGORY LISTS: Nevada species in various special groups.
VERTEBRATE TAXONOMIC CHECKLISTS: Nevada native vertebrates in various taxonomic groups

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