Jackson Hole Weed Management Association



Noxious Weeds

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Website created by: Amy Jerup -
Teton County Weed & Pest District



Noxious Weeds

To view fact sheets on these noxious weeds, visit the Weed ID page of the Teton County Weed & Pest website.


Declared/Designated List 2008
WY Weed & Pest Control Act  Teton County Weed & Pest
Designated Weed List Declared List
1.  Field bindweed
1.  Field Scabious
2.  Canada thistle
2.  Hoary Alyssum
3.  Leafy spurge
3.  Black Henbane
4.  Perennial sowthistle
4.  Bull Thistle 
5.  Quackgrass
5.  Common Mullein  
6.  Hoary cress (white top)
6.  Hawkweed, Orange & Yellow
7.  Perennial pepperweed
7.  Squarrose Knapweed 
8.  Oxeye daisy
8. Myrtle Spurge 
9.  Skeletonleaf bursage
9. Common Teasel
10.  Russian knapweed
10. Absinth wormwood
11.  Yellow toadflax
11. Rush Skeletonweed 
12.  Dalmation toadflax
12.  Meadow Knapweed 
13.  Scotch thistle
13.  Cypress Spurge
14.  Musk thistle
14.  Sulfur Cinquefoil 
15.  Common burdock
15.  Yellow Starthistle
16.  Plumeless thistle
16. Scentless Chamomile 
17.  Dyers woad
18.  Houndstongue
19.  Spotted knapweed
20.  Diffuse knapweed
21.  Purple loosestrife
22.  Saltcedar
23. Common Tansy
24. Common St. Johnswort
25. Russian Olive