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Invasive Plant Definitions, Identification,
and Biology

Definitions | I.D. and Biology | Images | Exported from U.S. | Aquatic weeds | Poisonous plants

Mara Johnson of CIPM and Elizabeth Crowe of MSU led a Greater Yellowstone Coalition field trip in June 2006 to discuss invasive plants in Yellowstone National Park. Grant Williams photo.

Weeds of California and Other Western States
by Dr. Joseph M. DiTomaso and Evelyn A. Healy
University of California Dept. of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2006
$100 plus tax and shipping; order from Cal-IPC

This 1900-page, 2-volume set is the most complete book on weed identification ever produced in the United States. Identification guide to 750 weed species with 3000 color photos. Detailed descriptions of morphology and biology. Includes a CD with all photos from the book, copyright-free for educational use.


Aliens Among Us. A discussion of commonly held assumptions about invasive species, from Conservation Magazine, April-June 2007.

FICMNEW Weed Fact Book. Comprehensive book covering many aspects of invasive plant problem in the US.

What Are Invasive Species? Resources, funding, online education, laws and regulations, and much more from the US Fish&Wildlife Service.

Invasive Species as defined by the Oregon Invasive Species Council:

An invasive species is a non-native species whose introduction does, or is likely to, cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. An invasive species can be a plant, animal, or any other biologically viable species that enters an ecosystem beyond its native range.

Invasive Species Definition Clarification and Guidance White Paper. Submitted by the Definitions Subcommittee of the Invasive Species Advisory Committee (ISAC). Discusses issue in terms of perception to cause harm, many types of impacts, biogeographical context, and more. Includes reference list.

What are Invasive Species? A 4-page pdf file from the Ecological Society of America

What is an Invasive Plant? from the United States National Arboretum

What is an Invasive Species? As defined by the National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC):

An 'invasive species' is defined as a species that is 1) non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and 2) whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. (Executive Order 13112). Invasive species can be plants, animals, and other organisms (e.g., microbes). Human actions are the primary means of invasive species introductions.

National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species Factsheet: America's Invasive Species Problem

Noxious Weeds and Non-Native Plants: What Are They? Why We Should Care—from the Colorado Weed Management Association, with links to plant ID and information.

What the heck is an invasive plant? A printable pdf brochure from Weeds Gone Wild, a web-based project of the Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group

Identification and Biology

Annotated Bibliographies on the Ecology and Management of Invasive Species. Useful list from GOERT, Garry Oak Ecosystems Recovery Team in British Columbia.

California Encycloweedia Notes on Identification, Biology, and Management of Plants Defined as Noxious Weeds by California Law. A fabulous resource, which includes:

The Centaurea Pages — A comprehensive site covering the genus Centaurea as a whole, including North American knapweeds, ornamental knapweeds, taxonomic data, and an image gallery of beautiful 19th Century botanical illustrations.

Codes for Weed Identification from WSSA (on left-hand menu, go to "weeds" and click on "Identification" for zipped pdf file). Includes Bayer code (5-letter) and U.S. code (4-letter). See also the Bayer codes page from North Carolina State U.

A Global Compendium of Weeds — a collaboration between AgWest and the USGS Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR). Site is designed so that users can search for a species to see if one of almost 300 references lists that species as having weedy tendencies.

Global Invasive Species Database covers all taxonomic groups from microorganisms to animals and plants; includes biology, ecology, native and alien range, references, contacts, links and images. Part of the Invasive Species Specialist Group, which produces the booklet "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species" in English and Spanish (free pdf download).

Informational Resources on Invasive Plants with a Focus on New England

The Institute for Biological Invasions at the University of Tennessee has an extensive bibliographic database on biological invasions consisting of books, journal articles, government reports, conference proceedings, and others.

Internet Resources on Weeds and Their Control — A gateway site from the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University

Invasive Plants Field and Reference Guide: An Ecological Perspective of Plant Invaders of Forests and Woodlands (pdf) US Forest Service publication NA-TP-05-04

Invasive Plants of Asian Origins Established in the United States and Their Natural Enemies, Volume 1. USDA Forest Service, September 2004, FHTET-2004-05.

Invasive Plants Established in the United States that are Found in Asia and Their Associated Natural Enemies, Volume 2. USDA Forest Service, December 2005, FHTET 2005-15.

Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest, P. D. Boersma, S. H. Reichard, A. N. Van Buren, eds.), University of Washington Press, 2006, paperback, $29.95. Describes 108 invasive species of fish, plants, invertebrates, mammals, and birds, with photos, maps, life history, impacts, control methods, and more.

Invasive Species Initiative—The Nature Conservancy's site providing resources to help conservationists deal with invasive species.

Invasive Species Specialist Group, produces the booklet "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Species" in English and Spanish (free pdf download); and Aliens Newsletter and Listserve.

List of Global and International Invasive Alien Species Online Information Systems Draft document prepared for the Experts Meeting Towards the Implementation of a Global Invasive Species Information Network, Baltimore, 6-8 April 2004. Lists 244 Internet-accessible databases and information systems worldwide, providing species, bibliographic, taxonomic, expertise, distributions, images and other info on invasive, exotic, alien, introduced, non-native species and all other species of world flora and fauna.

National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species fact sheet on Ten Invasive Species that the United States Exported (pdf)

The Natural Resource Projects Inventory A comprehensive, searchable database of thousands of conservation, mitigation and restoration projects being developed and implemented throughout California. A collaborative effort between the California Biodiversity Council and the UC-Davis Information Center for the Environment.

National Invasive Species Information Center (NISC): Gateway to invasive species information; covering Federal, State, local, and international sources.

(National Biological Information Infrastructure) NBII Invasive Species Information Node. Lists 399 plant species in North America, as well as non-plant invasive species worldwide.

Pest Tracker — pest information, state information, maps, publications. Pest Tracker is the public access web site of the National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS), and the agricultural pest tracking database of USDA-APHIS.

Plant Conservation Alliance, home of Weeds Gone Wild, with invasive plant lists, fact sheets, and more.

PLANTS Database (USDA) provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, automated tools, onward Web links, and references. Includes Federal and State noxious weed lists.

PMIS: Noxious and Nuisance Plant Management Information System — From the US Army Corps of Engineers. An information/expert system with information on management and control methods for over 100 terrestrial, aquatic, and wetland plant species.

PNW (Pacific NorthWest) Insect Handbook; PNW Weed Managment Handbook, and PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook, 2007 editions, available online at

Purge Spurge: Leafy Spurge Database available as PDF files online, or on CD from Team Leafy Spurge. Includes 800+ documents; an extended bibliography; a complete collection of Leafy Spurge Symposium abstracts and proceedings; and photos, maps, tables and more. Order free copies online, or by mail, phone, fax, or email from USDA-ARS NPARL, 1500 N. Central, Sidney, MT 59270, (406) 433-9427, Fax (406) 433-5038.—A catalog of government science and technology websites. Search "agriculture," environment," and "natural resources" for invasive plant resources.

Southwest Exotic Plant Information Clearinghouse (SWEPIC) A cooperative effort among the U.S. Geological Survey, the National Park Service and Northern Arizona University to organize comprehensive information on exotic plant species in the southwest on one web location.

University of California Pest Management and Identification databases maintained by the Statewide IPM Program. Includes weed photo gallery

VegSpec is a web-based decision support system that assists land managers in the planning and design of vegetative establishment practices. VegSpec utilizes soil, plant, and climate data to select plant species that are (1) site-specifically adapted, (2) suitable for the selected practice, and (3) appropriate for the purposes and objectives for which the planting is intended. A valuable tool for revegetation and other planting projects.

Weeds of California and Other Western States (Tomaso&Healy), 2 vol, 1900 pages. Most complete book on weed ID ever produced in the US; 750 species, 3000 color photos, detailed morphology and biology. Includes CD with all photos, copyright- free for educational use. $100 + tax and shipping.

Weeds of the West—A full-color, easy-to-use guide with over 900 color photographs showing the early growth stages, mature plants and features for positive identification of each weed discussed. Includes descriptions, habitats and characteristics of important weed species in the Western United States. Written by seven Extension Specialists and published by the Western Society of Weed Science. Widely available.

WeedRIC The Weed Research and Information Center from UC Cooperative Extension. A comprehensive site including weed identification, pest notes, weed control, and more.

Weeds Australia — Everything about weeds in Australia, either on this site or via links.

Weeds BC profiles 80 weeds that are currently present in the province or pose a threat to its economy and environment. You can search by keyword or flower color.

XID Services has released the 1,200 Weeds of the 48 States and Adjacent Canada DVD. This is the follow-up to the highly successful 1,000 Weeds of North America CD and is the most comprehensive weed identification database ever produced. It includes an interactive key with a graphical user interface, illustrated glossary, and county level distribution maps (courtesy of BONAP). Price is $49.95; order from

Invasive Plants Exported from U.S. and North America

List of Global and International Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Online Information Systems. From the National Biological Information Infrastructure of the USGS. Lists hundreds of Internet-accessible databases providing species, bibliographic, taxonomic, expertise, distributions, images and many other information types as they pertain to invasive, exotic, alien, introduced, non-native species and all other species of world flora and fauna. Some sites are not in English.

International Perspectives on Invasive Species from The Invasive Species Information Node

The introduced flora of Australia and its weed status, by R.P. Randall | CRC for Australian Weed Management. Dept of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. (528-page pdf file)

Ten Invasive Species that the United States Exported fact sheet (pdf file) From National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species One plant species is mentioned: The devil’s beggartick (Bidens frondosa), native from northern Canada to the southern United States, and now spread into Europe.

100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species, from Global Invasive Species Database

Invasive Alien Species and Biodiversity in India (pdf). From Current Science 88(4), Feb. 25, 2005 (in collaboration with the Indian Academy of Sciences).   Excerpt: "About 40% of the species in the Indian flora are alien, of which 25% are invasive . . . major adventive weeds include Asteraceae weeds such as Parthenium hysterophorus, Eupatorium adenophorum, Eupatorium odoratum, Mikania micrantha, Ageratum conyzoides, Galinsoga parviflora, etc."

Aquatic Weeds

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Species profiles, impacts, control, and more.

APIS: Aquatic Plant Information System — From the US Army Corps of Engineers. Search for management and control information for aquatic species.

Aquatic Plant Management Society produces the Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. Abstracts available via search.

Aquatic Plants and Lakes from Washington State Dept. of Ecology — identification, management, pesticides for aquatic weed control, aquatic weed grants, integrated management planning for aquatic weeds, and much more.

Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West—Complete reference manual for weed identification and biology. 550+ photos illustrate 170 species of submerged, floating leaf, and emergent aquatic weeds. Details of distribution, habitat, propagation, phenology, management considerations, and distinguishing characteristics. By Joseph M. DiTomaso and Evelyn A. Healy, 2003. University of California. 442 pages.

Aquatic Weed Management from North Carolina State University—Identification, factsheets, links, and more.

Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System from University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants—information on hundreds of aquatic plants. Biology, ecology, control, photographs, maps, and more. Searchable by common name, scientific name, plant type category.

Best Management Practices for Aquatic Plant Management from Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation

Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants at the University of Florida — A comprehensive site that includes APIRS, the Aquatic, Wetland and Invasive Plant Information Retrieval System, the world's largest aquatic and wetland plant research database. Biology, ecology, control, photographs, maps, and more. Searchable by common name, scientific name, plant type category.

The Center for Lakes and Reservoirs at Portland State University was established by the Oregon State legislature to address lake management and invasive aquatic species issues in Oregon.

Environmental Impacts of Marine Exotics from

Habitattitude: Adopt a conservation mentality. Protect our environment by not releasing unwanted fish and aquatic plants.

North Texas Water Garden Society Illegal and Invasive Plants — lots of info for Texas, and many excellent links to sites for identification, control, and general information.

Interactive Key to Wetland Monocots of the US. A draft interactive key and plant character data set for U.S. wetland monocots is available for testing on-line or by downloading the PLANTS Identification-Wetland Monocots application. Unlike a traditional plant identification key that provides you with only two choices at each step (a dichotomous key), this key lets you select multiple characters simultaneously (polyclave key). This makes more character data available in the key and minimizes the number of steps it takes to identify a plant.

Izaak Walton League of America—About Aquatic Invasives

Managing Aquatic Plants from University of Illinois Extension.

Non-Native Aquatic Plants — identification, management, photos, from Washington Dept. of Ecology.

RIDNIS Project (Reducing the Introduction and Distribution of Aquatic Non-native Invasive Species through outreach and education). Pertains mainly to San Francisco Bay, but includes some general info as well.

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers! From Protect your Waters. Detailed information on prevention, impacts, and more.

Watershed Academy EPA site. Invasive non-native species — Info on control, definitions, terrestrial plants with watershed effects, and much more.

CIPM's Weed Management Profiles includes aquatic plants.

A Western Look at Aquatic Nuisance Species (pdf) — The Nature Conservancy

Poisonous Plants

Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System — Search by botanical or common name, link to other poisonous plant sites

Cornell University Poisonous Plants Informational Database—plant images, pictures of affected animals, info on botany, chemistry, toxicology, diagnosis and prevention of poisoning. Search by botanical or common name, type of toxin, animals affected.

La Plata (Colorado) County Weed Office. Photos and brief summary for some native poisonous plants.

Plants Toxic to Animals Database (Veterinary Medicine Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Poisonous Plants. Alist of plants posonous to people from the Weed Science Society of America. .

Poisonous plants and other weed lists from North West Weeds County Council, Australia

Texas Toxic Plant Database. Pictures, descriptions, habitat, toxic agent, symptoms, management

USDA/ARS Poisonous Plant Research Laboratory. Plants poisonous to livestock in the western states (scroll down for list of plants). Plants listed by effect or toxic compound.

Giftpflanzen Compendium — site in German; includes chemical structures of toxins.

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Updated 9/18/08