Información en español
Invasive Plant Resources in Spanish

This is a very limited list of information available in Spanish. We hope to continually expand this list, and any additions would be welcome. Resources are listed in alphabetical order.

ARS en Español: Portada with links to 250 news stories in Spanish with search engine, Spanish-speaking ARS media contacts, information about subscribing to the Spanish-language news service by e-mail, and Ciencia Para NiƱos, a web site of more than 40 stories and features in Spanish, geared to children age 8 to 13.

The ANR online publication catalog from UC-Davis, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. provides nearly 100 publications in Spanish. Search under En Espanõl on the left-hand menu.

Cal-IPC, the California Invasive Plant Council, offers these brochures

Consejos/sugerencias rápidas sobre insectos dañinos en el hogar y en el jardín. Notas Breves en español. Quick Tips from UC Statewide IPM Program. for managing a broad range of home and landscape pests, concise and fact-packed, may be illustrated, and in a reader-friendly format.

El Servicio Nacional de Información de la Agricultura Sostenible de ATTRA. Covers topics in the area of sustainable and organic agriculture; includes Spanish publication list.

EPA en español. The U.S. EPA's Spanish language portal.

Información de Hortalizas en español, Vegetable Information from VRIC (Vegetable Research & Information Center, UC-Davis).

Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network Buscador de Especies. Search by scientific name.

List of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Online Information Systems. Lots of databases for many countries. Scroll down the page for links and languages.

Radcliffe's El Texto Mundial de MIP. Radcliffes IPM textbook in Spanish.

What is IPM? A school IPM project from UMass Extension. Avialable in nine languages; deals primarily with insect pests in schools and daycares.

Malezas invasoras de los condados de Marin y Sonoma.  Invasive Weeds of Marin and Sonoma Counties. Illustrated brochures from Marin Sonoma Weed Management Area. (May no longer be available.)

VRic at UC Davis. Vegetable information from the Vegetable Research and Information Center. Scroll down for Spanish.


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Updated 9/23/08

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