Foreclosure Property Search

This online search program will help you find foreclosed property information in Larimer County only.  Data is updated nightly. The Larimer County public Trustee makes no representation or warranties about the accuracy or adequacy of these reports. You should conduct your own due diligence.

Larimer Foreclosure Property Search

Search Criteria
Foreclosure Number:  
Current Owner's Name:  
Original Owner's Name:
Zip Code:    
Subdivision Name:  
Status: The search by “Status” option is currently under construction and not available at this time.
NED Date Range: -  
Sold Date Range: -

You can search by:
  • Foreclosure Number
    If you know the Foreclosure ID number, enter it here and only see the details for that id (for example, 2008-0001 for 08 files and 07-0001 for 07 files). If you want to see all listings for 2008, enter "2008".

  • Street Name
    Enter just the street name, no number, no geographical references, and see listings on that street.

  • Current Owners Name
    The current owners name starts with your entry. If you enter "David", you will see listings for the name "David" as well as "Davidson".

  • Subdivision Name
    Enter the subdivision for all listing in that area. If you only know part of the subdivision name, enter what you know and see listing for all subdivisions that contain that word. "Cherry" will show "Cherry Creek Acres", "Cherrywood", "Cherry Grov
    e East", and more.
  • Zip Code
    Enter the zip code.

  • Original Owners Name
    The original owners' name starts with your entry.

  • Status
    The current status of the listing.

  • NED Recorded Date Range
    Enter the begin date and / or end date for the NED Recorded Date.

  • Sold Date Range
    Enter the begin date and / or end date for the Sold Date.