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Put a Gobbling Wild Turkey Ringtone on Your Phone for Thanksgiving

Our free Wild Turkey ringtone is a great way to share your love of nature while celebrating the Thanksgiving season. And you can load lots of other great bird calls and wildlife sounds your phone as well—all free.

Listen to samples as you browse and learn intriguing facts about the species whose calls and songs are available for download. When you find one you can't resist, just click and follow the instructions.

Feel free to read our About Ringtones primer if you're new to this sort of thing.

IMPORTANT: Your cell phone and plan must allow you to receive data as well as voice calls. (Not sure you have a data plan? Get a ringtone—the worst that can happen is that nothing arrives at your phone—and you'll know whether you have a data plan.)

Wild Turkey (ringtone)
Wild Turkey
Meleagris gallopavo
Ben Franklin's choice for our national bird, it's distinctive gobble is hard to mistake, and a great ringtone.
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Bald Eagle (ringtone)
Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Just removed from the Endangered Species List, the Bald Eagle is making a remarkable comeback.
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Barn Owl (ringtone)
Barn Owl
Tyto alba
The Barn Owls haunting screech is the perfect sound for Halloween.
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Coyote (ringtone)
Canis latrans
You can hear the howl of a coyote seeking a mate just about anywhere in the U.S. now.
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Howler Monkey (ringtone)
Howler Monkey
Alouatta pigra
The Howler Monkey is certainly one of the loudest creatures in all the Americas.
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Elk (bugling) (ringtone)
Elk (bugling)
Cervus elaphus
Lady elk just can't resist the distinctive bugling call of the magnificent bull elk.
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Snowy Tree Cricket (ringtone)
Snowy Tree Cricket
Oecanthus fultoni
Male crickets make this call until their mate arrives—then things get interesting.
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Swainson's Thrush
Catharus ustulatus
The song of Swainson's Thrush looking for love is one of the first notes of spring.
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Canada Goose (ringtone)
Canada Goose
Branta canadensise
Canada Geese are among the most familiar of North America's waterfowl.
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