Achene - small, dry, indehiscent, single-seeded fruit.

Adventitious - developing in an unusual position, such as roots originating along the stem.

Anthesis - time of flowering when flowers are fully expanded.

Axil - angle between the stem and any leaf that arises from it.

Bract - small (reduced) leaves.

Caespitose - growing in tufts or clumps.

Calyx, calyces (pl.) - first (outer) whorl of floral parts, i.e. the sepals.

Capitate - aggregated into a compact cluster.

Caudex - stem, referring here particularly to the basal portions at ground level.

Ciliate - fringed with long, simple hairs.

Clasping-auriculate - condition in which projections (auricles) from the base of leaves partially surround (clasp) the stem.

Corm - short, solid, thickended, vertical underground stem.

Corolla - second (inner) whorl of floral parts, i.e. the petals.

Cruciform - cross-shaped.

Decumbent - lying on the ground, but with the apex ascending, erect.

Disjunct - geographically separated from the main range of the taxon.

Edaphic - relating to conditions of the soil.

Entire - without indentations of any kind, often referring to the margin of a leaf or a petal.

Frond - the leaf of a fern.

Glabrous - without hairs.

Glandular - with secreting organs (glands), which can be stalked (on the summits of hairs) or sessile.

Hyaline - translucent, even transparent.

Hypogynous - with flower parts (sepals, petals, stamens) attached to the receptacle below the pistil.

Imbricate - overlapping like shingles on a roof.

Indusium, indusia (pl.) - elaboration of the fern frond surface that covers or contains the sori (sporangia).
Inflorescence - a flower cluster or the specific arrangement of the flowers.

Involucre, involucrum - one or more whorls of small leaves or bracts (phyllaries in the Compositae) close beneath a flower or flower cluster.

Lanceolate - lance-shaped longer than broad, wide at the base and tapering to a narrow apex.

Leaflet - leaf-like division of a single compound leaf.

Ligulate - tongue-shaped, referring here to the extended corolla of composite ray flowers.

Linear - long and narrow, the sides parallel or nearly so.

Linear-lanceolate - a form intermediate between linear and lanceolate.

Lunate - crescent shaped.

Obcordate - inversely heart-shaped; attached at the narrower end and notched at the apex.

Oblanceolate - the reverse of lanceolate; the structure is broadest at the apex and tapers to the base.

Obovate - the reverse of ovate; broader at the apex than at the base.

Ovate - oval, egg-shaped in outline. (Term used for plane surfaces.)

Ovoid - egg-shaped. (Term used for solid objects).

Pedicel - stalk of a single flower.

Peduncle - stalk of a cluster of flowers or of a single flower when it alone is the entire inflorescence.

Peltate - shield-shaped.

Petiolate - having a stalk (petiole), referring to the attachment of leaves.

Phyllary - bract in the involucre of the composite flower.

Pinna, pinnae (pl.) - used here for the primary division of a compound fern frond.

Pinnate - with leaflets or pinnae arranged on either side of a common axis.

Pinnately lobed - with lobes separated by deep indentations and having therefore the appearance of a pinnately compound leaf.

Pistil - structural unit of stigma, style, and ovary.

Prickle - small, sharp-pointed outgrowth of plant surface.

Pubescent - covered with short, soft hairs.

Pustulate - having raised areas like blisters.

Reniform - kidney shaped

Rhizome - underground stem.

Rosette - cluster of leaves from a crown or center.

Sessile - not stalked or petiolate.

Setose - covered with bristles.

Silique - dry, dehiscent fruit (pod) characteristic of the Brassicaceae (mustards).

Sorus, sori (pl.) - cluster of sporangia in ferns.

Sporangium, sporangia (pl.) - spore-bearing structure.

Stellate - star-shaped.

Stipe - referring here to the stalk of the fern frond.

Style - thin, often attenuated portion of the pistil occurring between the stigma and ovary, which in mustards remains as a short projection at the tip of the silique and is diagnostic in Draba.

Terete - cylindric, therefore round in cross-section, and often tapering at both ends.

Ternate - in threes; ternately divided in the division of a leaf, for example, means divided into three segments or more, but following a pattern of threes or multiples thereof.

Tomentum (n.), tomentose (adj.) - mat of soft, wool-like hairs.

Trichome - a hairlike outgrowth of the epidermis.

Tube - referring here to the corolla tube, the united portion of a corolla in which the petals are fused to one another.

Tuberculate - with wart-like thickenings or knobby projections.

Umbel (n.) umbellate (adj.) - flat-topped inflorescence in which pedicels and peduncles arise from a common point.

Villous - with long, soft, shaggy hairs, not matted.