Extension, Land & Water

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·

Non-point source pollution concerns, land use issues, and the natural resources and agricultural consequences of land use change led to the 1999 creation of the Kellogg Biological Station’s (KBS) Land & Water Program.

Our efforts capitalize on KBS' unique resources and bring together a multidisciplinary team of agents and specialists closely collaborating to conduct integrated extension and research programs in forestry, water quality, sustainable agriculture and land use.

Information resources  
Your source for information, including bulletins and fact sheets on topics related to shoreline management, cover crops, gypsy moths, timber marketing, field crop ecology, water quality and more. 

Find your way to other MSU Extension pages, universities and related sites with information about agriculture, natural resources, water quality and land use.

KBS Extension Land & Water Program
3700 East Gull Lake Drive
Hickory Corners, MI 49060
phone: 269-671-2412 or 1-800-521-2619
fax: 269-671-4485

Contact Dale Mutch, mutch@msu.edu, with questions or comments about this web site.

Last updated: November 7, 2007

A Legacy of Conservation
A Commitment to Sustainability

© 2006 Michigan State University Board of Trustees.
MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution.