Land Use Newsletters

      Summer 2004 Issue
  • Updates
    • Smart Growth Educational Materials
    • Community Development Society Annual Conference - July 18-21 Cleveland
  • Articles
    • Contrasting U.S. and European Approaches to Land Use
    • Land Use in Ohio Township Without Zoning: Survey Highlights
  • Resources of Interest
    • Ohio Township Land Use Management Study
    • OSU Extension Estate Planning Letter Study Course
    • Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law
  • Upcoming Events of Intereset
    • Urban Design Seminar - OSU (September 9-10, 2004)
    • The Economics of Growth and Sprawl in America's Countryside

      Spring 2004 Issue
  • Updates
    • Rural Zoning Map & Township Trustees Statewide Survey
    • Smart Growth Educational Materials
    • Community Development Society Annual Conference - July 18-21 CLEVELAND!
  • Articles
    • Linking Land Use and Lake Erie
  • Resources of Interest
    • Web-based Planning Resources - PLANetizen
    • Land Use Tools in Rural and Urban Municipalities
    • Fulton County Ohio Land Use Pilot Project
    • Measuring the Health Effects of Sprawl
  • Upcoming Events of Interest
    • American Planning Association Training Seminars through MORPC
    • New Generation Resource Policy For A Region In Transition: Land Use, Agriculture, Environment and Health in The Great Lakes Region - May 12 - 14
    • Hamilton County Land Use Planning Seminar - June 25

       Winter 2003 Issue
  • Updates
    • Agricultural Easements
    • Rural Zoning Map Update and Township Level Survey Project Highlighted in the Jan/Feb Ohio Township Magazine
    • Planning Education at a Distance Program Highlights
  • Articles
    • The Ten Principles of Smart Growth
    • Planning for Stream Corridors: Hard Working Members of Our Community
    • Is Zoning Good for Agriculture?
  • Resources of Interest
    • Land Use Impacts on Residential Property Values Study
    • Web-based Planning Resource
  • Upcoming Events of Interst
    • (January - June) American Planning Association Training Seminars through MORPC
    • (March 4 -5) E-government: Citizen Engagement in Planning Conference
    • (May 28) Monitoring Land Markets Seminar

Fall 2003 Issue
  • Updates
    • Rural Zoning Map & Township Trustees Statewide Survey Update
    • Wolpert Subcommittee and Smart Growth
    • New Planning Education at a Distance Courses Available
    • OPC Regional Conference Overview
  • Articles
    • Development Impact Fees Overview
    • Planning Commissions in Ohio Overview
  • Resources of Interest
    • Ohio Survey of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Issues
    • Existing Land Use Tools Series Compact Disc
  • Upcoming Events of Interest
    • Will Do It Tomorrow 
    • Creating a Safer Physical Environment through Design
    • Business Succession & Estate Planning Seminar
    • Building Connections: Conference on History, Preservation & Revitalization
    • Preserving Family Lands
    • Fourth Annual Farmland Preservation Summit
    • American Planning Association Training Seminars through MORPC

           Summer 2003 Issue
  • Ag Easement Purchase Program
  • Land Transition, Estate Planning, and Land Use
  • Comprehensive Land Use Planning
  • What is Comprehensive Land Use Planning?
  • Extension Land Use Team Sub-committee Studies Smart Growth
  • Rural Zoning Map Update and Township Level Survey
  • Planning Education Delivered at Your Fingertips
  • Upcoming Events of Interest


OSU Extension Land Use Team
700 Ackerman Road, Suite 235
Columbus, OH 43202

OSU Extension Non Discrimination Statement

Comment and suggestions to: Webmaster

Last Update: June 2004

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