ASA4WDC and Member Club Events
Land Use, Legislation, Safety Information Our Member Clubs
Check below for important news about four wheeling, access to public lands, and pending legislation
Congress To Consider Omnibus Land Bill
Congress To Consider Omnibus Land Bill - 11/14/08
BRC National Legislative Action Alert Omnibus legislation would designate millions of acres of Wilderness in eight states, designate at least three wild and scenic rivers, designate four national trails, and allow well connected lobbyists to funnel millions into pet projects. UPDATE: The Interior Department's Inspector General investigating links between BLM and environmental lobbyists regarding the omnibus lands bill! Senator Reid is planning to push through a massive omnibus lands bill during the Lame Duck Session of Congress. For those of you who are new to BRC's Action Alert list, the omnibus land bill is "catch all" legislation consisting of more then 150 separate pieces of legislation!   more..
"Omnibus Billl"
AZ Game & Fish OHV Proposed Rulesmaking
AZ Game & Fish OHV Proposed Rulesmaking - 11/01/08
Arizona Game and Fish Department is asking for your comments on their OHV rules and regulations. This will eventually effect all of us not just those who have ATV;s, dirt bikes and UTV's.   more..
Arizona Representative Proposes More Wilderness
Arizona Representative Proposes More Wilderness - 09/12/08
Arizona Democratic Representative Raul Grijalva has introduced two bills that would create more wilderness along our border with Mexico. These are areas that we have used for years. For more information please click below.   more..
Nature Conservancy Proposing Change to AZ Legislat
Nature Conservancy Proposing Change to AZ Legislat - 07/12/08
Conserving Arizona's Water and Land, Initiative The Nature Conservancy along with Jim Pederson (Pederson - 2002 Investments LLC) and a few others are proposing a major change the constitution of the State of Arizona. This Initiative would require that 580,000 acres or just over 906 square miles of state land be removed from sale and development. This land would no longer be available for sale with the proceeds going to benefit public schools and other minor state beneficiaries. It would also eliminate the current requirement that all other state lands be held by the state or sold for the benefit of public education and would provide an avenue for the acquisition of state lands by local governments without public notification of the people of Arizona. What does that mean to you? It means that your land will now become conservation areas if this legislation passes. Following is the attachment of the legislation.   more..
ASA4WDC Jamboree
ASA4WDC Jamboree - 12/15/08
The 32nd ASA4WDC Jamboree will be held in April this year. Check out our website for more information.   more..
Arizona State Land Permit Increase
Arizona State Land Permit Increase - 07/26/08
Arizona State Land Department has increased thier fees from $15 to $50 for an individual and $20 to $75 for a family permit. This is not an increase because of the OHV bill. State Lands has also had thier budget cut. The Land Department was not exempt from budget cuts and our budget was reduced by $3,155,500, or about 14%.   more..
Member Clubs - Advertise Your Events
Member Clubs - Advertise Your Events - 03/18/08
Member clubs can post meetings and runs on the ASA4WDC calendar. If your club does not have a calendar password, contact the webmaster. In your event descriptions you can include links back to your club website for details, maps, or general information. Define a recurring event in one simple step to post your club meetings for the whole year! Contact the webmaster if you have questions.   more..
4 Wheelers Supply
Tread Lightly!
BlueRibbon Coalition
New Backroad Guides
2700 miles of 4x4 trails thruout AZ
Hundreds of color photos
Ghost towns, spectacular scenery
click here for more information
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United Four Wheel Drive Associations