Action Center

Nuclear Weapons: A Serious Threat Requiring Serious U.S. Leadership...Now

Nuclear weapons are a grave and growing danger to humanity. An increasing number of experts agree that bold, urgent steps are needed to curtail and control the spread of nuclear weapons and the material and technology to make them.

The only country that can lead this effort is the United States.

If the United States doesn't take the lead, more nations—and eventually terrorists—will acquire nuclear weapons, with potentially catastrophic consequences. Join with the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons Free World, and citizens across the country—to urge the president-elect to fulfill his campaign commitment to make the world safer by reducing the threat of nuclear weapons.

Click here for more information on this issue.


  • Barack Obama


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We Need Urgent Action and Leadership on Nuclear Weapons

Dear [Decision Maker],

We call upon the next president of the United States to make a world free of nuclear weapons an urgent priority and to assure U.S. leadership to realize this goal.

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