What You Can Do

Our policy success depends a great deal on the involvement of you and thousands of other committed citizen activists.  And we hope to work with you directly to engage in advocacy activities that will educate policy makers and the public and build support for sensible global security policies.

Join the UCS Action Network
Receive timely action alerts and updates and take quick action to voice your opinion to policy makers on the range of UCS issues that you care about. Check out our campaign highlights for winter 2009 to see what our activists have been doing recently and what they've helped us accomplish.

Contact us by phone or email
Policy makers tell us that they pay much more attention to constituents who take the time to communicate in personal ways. Moreover, we know one well-written letter to a newspaper can have a huge impact in raising an issue or voicing a particular policy recommendation.  A well-timed call to a congressional staff member from a constituent has been known to convince a legislator to vote a certain way or has been very helpful in gathering critical information.

And that's where we come in.  Contact Sean Meyer, National Field Organizer for the Global Security Program at 617-301-8065 or by email (smeyer[at] ucsusa.org) and discuss just how you can make a huge difference.  We will talk about your interests and what kinds of lobbying activities make the most sense for you – making phone calls, writing letters, or organizing in the community.


Sign up for SecurityNet
Our country faces serious policy challenges on a range of international security issues- including nuclear weapons, space-based and anti-satellite weapons, missile defense and nuclear terrorism. As a scientist, your opinions and perspectives matter to policy makers and the public.  SecurityNet is an email network  providing you with the facts and analysis that you need to be well informed and engaged on these issues.

Hundreds of scientists and engineers from all 50 states, working in academia, industry and government, have joined SecurityNet.  As a participant, you will receive timely and concise updates and analysis prepared by our Global Security Program staff and recommendations on how you can most effectively contribute to the policy debate.

Sign the Scientists Statement on Nuclear Weapons
Join 23 Nobel Laureates and some 90 National Academy members who have signed a UCS-sponsored statement calling on the next president to take a series of bold steps on U.S. nuclear policy.


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