Contact Us

All phone numbers have a 970 area code. General county number: 498-7000

General Questions
Questions Regarding the Courts
Location of Facilities

Department Contact Phone
Assessor (Elected) Steve Miller 498-7050
Clerk & Recorder (Elected) Scott Doyle 498-7860
Commissioner District I (Elected) Kathay Rennels 498-7001
Commissioner District II (Elected) Steve Johnson 498-7002
Commissioner District III (Elected) Tom Donnelly 498-7003
E-mail ALL Commissioners  
Community Corrections Joe Ferrando 498-7530
Cooperative Extension Laurel Kubin 498-6000
Coroner (Elected) Patrick Allen, MD 498-4517
County Manager Frank Lancaster 498-7010
District Attorney (Elected) Larry Abrahamson 498-7200
Elections Cynthia Coleman 498-7820
Emergency Management Erik Nilsson 498-5310
Engineering Mark Peterson 498-5700
Facilities Michael Kirk 498-5911
Financial Services Carol Block 498-5930
Fleet Services Kim Nohava 498-5690
Health & Environment (Health Department) Adrienne LeBailly, MD, MPH 498-6700
Health and Human Services Kathy Snell 498-6870
Human Resources Lorenda Volker 498-5973
Human Services Ginny Riley 498-6300
Information Management S. Andrew Paratore 498-5005
Motor Vehicles Pam Nielsen 498-7878
Natural Resources Gary K. Buffington 679-4570
Planning & Building Services Larry Timm 498-7683
Public Trustee Deborah A. Morgan 498-7453
Public Works Mark Engemoen 498-5740
Purchasing Kathryn Rowe 498-5955
The Ranch/Fairgrounds Bob Herrfeldt 498-5720
Risk Management Jeff Green 498-5962
Road & Bridge Dale Miller 498-5650
Sheriff (Elected) Jim Alderden 498-5100
Solid Waste Stephen Gillette 498-5760
Surveyor (Elected) Vacant 498-7319
Treasurer (Elected) Myrna Rodenberger 498-7020
Veterans Service Debbie Pierson 498-7390
Workforce Center Joni Friedman 498-6600

General Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522