Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

"I am really impressed with faculty here, who are dedicated teachers and scholars. I like the atmosphere. I could not imagine a friendlier welcome." - Ewa Chrusciel, Assistant Professor, Humanities
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the colby-sawyer annual fund

What Matters Most to You?

Colby-Sawyer's Annual Fund provides operational support for the college's highest priorities―above all, our students and faculty. The annual contributions of each graduate, parent and friend go a long way toward ensuring high standards for every aspect of student life.

Unrestricted gifts provide the administration and trustees with flexibility as they work to balance the college's budget every year. Gifts directed toward a specific purpose are equally important. Many donors prefer to match their personal interests with the needs and priorities of the college. We invite you to direct your Annual Fund gift to the area you find most compelling.

To learn more about ways of giving and how best to make a distinct and positive difference here at Colby-Sawyer, please call the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving at 1-800-266-8253.


Discretionary revenue is the cornerstone of the Annual Fund. When you make an unrestricted gift you enable the college to deploy resources when and where they are most needed to directly support the best educational opportunities Colby-Sawyer can offer.

Teaching and Learning

Gifts designated for Teaching and Learning support academic initiatives and priorities and the pursuit of academic excellence across the curriculum. Gifts to this fund also benefit the library, the Academic Development Center and other campus services integral to academic achievement.


For decades, generous alumni have given young people in need of financial aid the powerful gift of a Colby-Sawyer education. Strong support for financial aid allows the college to continue to admit qualified students, regardless of their financial means.

Student Life—Beyond the Classroom

When you make a gift to the Student Life area, you give students a chance to be an editor, a student-athlete, a dancer, a community volunteer, a radio show host, a leader or to attend a cultural event or special performance on campus. This fund encompasses activities, teams and events that help to enrich the Colby-Sawyer experience.

Campus Maintenance and Beautification

Learning is fostered by an environment that is well-planned and cared for. This fund supports all aspects of the physical plant, including campus buildings, grounds and playing fields.

Faculty and Staff Enrichment

Faculty and staff members continually pursue research and learning opportunities in order to deepen their level of expertise and better serve our students. Gifts to this fund support their work, enhance employee compensation levels and provide opportunities for professional development, faculty sabbaticals and research initiatives.


Technology is central to our academic curriculum and for preparing students for successful careers and lives, as well as for campus operations. This fund provides for technology needs and fuels technological improvements and innovation across campus.

Presidential Initiatives

Excellence comes from visionary leadership and decision-making. To make timely decisions and respond to new opportunities, resources are needed. This fund supports current and emerging priorities as determined by the president of the college.

All Annual Fund gifts received between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009 are counted in this year's totals.

Your gift may qualify you for membership in one of Colby-Sawyer's Giving Societies. Alumni who give for five consecutive fiscal years are recognized by a star next to their names in the Annual Fund Class Roster section of the Annual Report of Gifts.

Please help us make Colby-Sawyer the best it can be by sending us your support. Please contact Chris Reed at chreed@colby-sawyer.edu or (603) 526-3797 if you have any questions or comments concerning your gift or the Annual Fund.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000