
Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: N

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

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Nachtrieb, R.F. 240.3.6
Nader, Ralph 411.2.4, 432.10
Nagasaki, Japan, nuclear bomb damage
    motion pictures 18.11, 342.12
    photographs 77.11.1, 243.4.4
    reports 77.11.1
Nagoya-Chugoku-Kure, Japan, regional office (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.6
Nagoya, Japan, regional office
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.6
Nancy, France 120.8.3
Nanking, China (maps) 38.4.16
Nanking Headquarters Command 334.5.3
Nanking Liaison Group 334.5.3
Nantasket Beach, MA 77.10.5
Nanterre, France 120.5.1
Nantes, France 120.3.4, 120.8.1
Nantucket Island (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Nantucket, MA, Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.1
Nantucket, MA, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Napa City, CA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.4
naphthas 188.8.8
Napindan (gunboat) 395.14.5
Naples, Italy
    Allied command post 331.29.2
    claims 39.2.3
Napoleonville, LA 393.7
Narcotic Control Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.50.2
Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act (1922) 170.5
Narcotic Farms Act (1929) 511.2, 511.2.2, 511.2.3
narcotics agents 170.2, 170.3
Narcotics, Bureau of 170.3
Narragansett Bay, Coast Defenses of 77.10.47, 392.3
Narragansatt, RI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
NARS Newsletter 64.2.4
Narwa-Grasse-Kleffel Detachment (German Army) 242.7.3
NASA SEE National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Aeronautics and Space Reports (motion pictures) 255.9
NASA Aeronautics and Space Reports (sound recordings) 255.11
Nash, Roy 75.19.95
Nashua Manufacturing Co. 202.6.7
Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad, Defenses of the 393.4, 393.13.7
Nashville, TN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12, 393.25
    Confederate arsenal 109.7.5
     customs collection 36.3.1
Nashville, TN, Convalescent Barracks 393.13.2
Nashville, TN, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.33
Nashville, TN, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.2
Nashville, TN, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.8
Nashville, TN, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.1, 188.14.3, 188.14.6, 188.14.7
Nashville, TN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.45.4
Nashville, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.3
Nashville, TN, Division Office (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Nashville, TN, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Nashville, TN, field office (Military Railroads) 92.6.1
Nashville, TN, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.4
Nashville, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Nashville, TN, land office 49.9.1
Nashville, TN, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Nashville, TN, Ordnance Depot 156.11
Nason, W.C. 83.4.4
Nassau 365.15
Nast, Thomas 64.8
U.S.S. Natchez 313.4.5
Natchez, MS
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
Natchez, MS, district (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.3
Natchez, MS, District of (Army) 393.5
Natchez, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.3
Natchez Trace National Parkway 79.11.3
Natchitoches, LA
    Army commands 393.7
Natchitoches, LA, War Price and Rationing Board 188.15.7
Natchitoches-Sulphur Fork Factory 75.3
Nathan, Robert R. 250.3.5
Natick, MA, Laboratory 338.11.6
National Academy of Sciences
    polar research 307.5.2
    urban policy symposium 220.18.20
    Weather Bureau correspondence 27.5.1
National Adjustment Commission 32.12.10
National Advisory Allergy and Infectious Disease Council 443.7.1
National Advisory Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases Council 443.9
National Advisory Cancer Council 443.4
National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders 220.11
National Advisory Commission on Consumer Finance 220.15.4
National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals 423.4
National Advisory Commission on Economic Opportunity 220.14.5
National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber 220.14.10
National Advisory Commission on Health Facilities 220.14.22
National Advisory Commission on Libraries 220.14.15
National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty 220.14.16
National Advisory Commission on Selective Service 220.14.14
National Advisory Committee (National Youth Administration) 119.2
National Advisory Committee (White House Conference on Families) 220.29
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
    annual report 60.17.3
    fuses (motion picture) 60.17.3
    records 255.2, 255.4, 255.5, 255.13
    Weather Bureau 27.5.1
National Advisory Committee on Educational Camps for Unemployed Young Women 119.5.5
National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health 100.3.2
National Advisory Committee to the Sesquicentennial Association 43.13.14
National Advisory Community Health Committee 90.9.2
National Advisory Council (Small Business Administration) 309.6.2
National Advisory Council on Adult Education 220.15.12
National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 511.3.1
National Advisory Council on Continuing Education 220.14.11
National Advisory Council on Drug Abuse 429.6
National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies 56.12.1
National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems 56.12.1
National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs 220.17.1
national advisory councils (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.1
National Advisory Dental Research Council 443.6
National Advisory Health Council 443.3.1
National Advisory Health Manpower Council 512.3.3
National Advisory Health Research Facilities Council 443.3.2
National Advisory Heart Council 443.5
National Advisory Mental Health Council 511.2.4
National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council 443.8
National Advisory Panel on Insurance in Riot-Affected Areas 220.11.5
National Advisory Research Resources Council (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.3
National Aeronautics and Space Act (1958) 220.9.11, 255.1, 255.2
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    photographs 306.5.3, 306.11
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Records of the (RG 255)
    administrative history 255.1
    cartographic records 255.8
    field installations 255.4
    machine-readable records 255.12
    motion pictures 255.9
    National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 255.2
    Project Vanguard 255.6
    records 255.3
    sound recordings 255.11
    space vehicle accidents 255.7
    still pictures 255.13
    video recordings 255.10
    Western Operations Office 255.5
National Aeronautics and Space Council 220.9.11
A National Agenda for the Eighties 220.18.20
National Agricultural Advisory Commission 354.5
National Agricultural Conference 83.4.10
National Agricultural Credit Corporations 101.2
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Records of the (RG 355)
    administrative history 355.1
    machine-readable records 355.3
    Statistical Reporting Service 355.2
National Air Transport, Inc. 28.4.6
National Airframe Panel (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.6.4
National Airmail Week 28.4.6
National Alcohol Fuels Commission 220.18.14
National Alien Enemy Relief Committee 59.5.1
National Alliance of Development Organizations 378.6
National and International Programs, Assistant Director for
    (National Science Foundation) 307.5.2
National Archaeological Museum, Warsaw 242.20
National Archives
Russian-American documentary publications 353.10
National Archives 76-hour Vigil for the Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence 64.8
National Archives 87-hour Vigil for the Constitution Bicentennial 64.8
National Archives Advisory Council 64.6, 64.12, 64.14, 64.16
National Archives and Records Administration Act (1984) 64.1, 64.2, 269.2
National Archives and Records Administration, Records of the (RG 64)
    administrative activities 64.3
    administrative history 64.1
    Archivist's Office 64.2
    cartographic records 64.13
    committees, task forces, and associations 64.12
    Federal Records Centers Office 64.4
    Federal Register Office 64.5
    motion pictures 64.14
    National Archives Office 64.6
    National Historical Publications and Records Commission 64.11
    Presidential Libraries Office 64.7
    Public Programs Office 64.8
    Records Administration Office 64.9
    Regional Archives System 64.10
    sound recordings 64.16
    still pictures 64.17
    video recordings 64.15
National Archives and Records Service 64.2.4
National Archives Association 64.12
National Archives at College Park 64.15
National Archives Building (photographs) 64.6
National Archives Building, Advisory Committee for/on the 59.5.1, 121.5.2
National Archives Collection of Foreign Records Seized (RG 242)
    administrative history 242.1
    cartographic records 242.25
    German records
        Air Force 242.9
        Armed Forces High Command 242.6
        Army 242.7
        Berlin Document Center filmed records 242.15
        cultural and research organizations 242.13
        ministries 242.4
        miscellaneous records 242.16
        National Socialist German Labor Party general records 242.2
        Navy 242.8
        other government agencies 242.5
        other military records 242.10
        political, trade, and professional organizations 242.12
        private German, Austrian, Dutch enterprises 242.11
        private individuals 242.14
        SS organizations 242.3
    Grenadan records 242.24
    Hungarian records 242.19
    Italian records 242.17
    Japanese records 242.21
    motion pictures 242.26
    North Korean records 242.23
    other countries, World War II 242.22
    Polish records 242.20
    Russian records 242.18
    sound recordings 242.27
    still pictures 242.28
National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records (RG 238)
    administrative history 238.1
    Advisory Board on Clemency for War Criminals,
       U.S. High Commissioner for Germany 238.6
    Chief of Counsel for War Crimes 238.4
    International Military Tribunal for the Far East 238.7
    motion pictures 238.8
    Secretariat for U.S. Military Tribunals 238.5
    sound recordings 238.9
    still pictures 238.10
    U.S. Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality 238.3
    U.S. Commissioner, U.N. War Crimes Commission 238.2
National Archives Conference on the Use of Audiovisual Archives
    as Original Source Material (video recording) 64.15
National Archives conferences 64.16
National Archives, Office of the (National Archives) 64.6
National Archives Preservation Advisory Committee 64.16
National Army 120.9.3
National Art Week 69.5.2, 121.3
National Arts and Cultural Developments Act (1964) 288.2
National Assessment of Desegregation 453.3
National Assessment of Education Progress 12.2.10, 419.2
National Association of Broadcasters 173.5
National Atlas of the United States 27.7, 29.2.6, 57.3.1
National Bank Note Company 318.2.2
National Banking Act (1862) 318.2
national banks
    currency issue ledgers 101.3
    Engraving and Printing lists 318.2.3
    examiners' reports 101.4
    FDIC lists 34.2.3
    federal deposits 39.5, 39.6
    insolvency 101.5
    liquidation 101.2
    note circulation 50.5
    Treasurer's records 50.2, 50.4
National Banks, Division of (Treasurer) 50.5
National Bicentennial Conference 452.3.1, 452.3.5
National Bicentennial Media Recognition Program 452.3.5
National Bipartisan Commission on Central America 220.19
National Bituminous Coal Commission, 1935-1936, Records of the (RG 150)
    administrative history 150.1
    Bituminous Coal Labor Board 150.3
    cartographic records 150.4
    records 150.2
National Bituminous Coal Commissions 150, 222.2, 222.3, 223.2
National Bituminous Coal Conservation Act (1935) 150.3
National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice 335.11
National Board of Elections (Nicaragua) 43.11.12
National Board of Fire Underwriters 32.4.3
National Board of Health 90.11, 199.2
National Board on Swine Production Policy 83.4.1
National Boston Montana Mines Co. 266.2
National Broadcasting Company
    Antarctic research 307.5.2
    civil disorders news coverage 220.11.1
    Haig confirmation hearings (video recording) 64.15
    International Women's Year 220.16.2
    Kennedy assassination 272.2.2, 272.2.5
    Memorial Day program, 1945 24.6.1
    State Department recordings 59.8
    White House Conference on Children and Youth 220.23.7
    White House program 69.9
    World War II broadcast monitoring 216.2.3
National Bureau of Criminal Identification 65.4
National Bureau of Economic Research 220.18.27
National Bureau of Standards
    architectural plans 48.13
    general records 167.3
    housing research 207.6.2, 207.7.7
    nitrate film tests 64.6, 64.14
National Bureau of Standards Interagency Reports 167.3.4
National Bureau of Standards Reports 167.3.4
National Business Activities Division (Commerce Department) 40.3.4
National Cancer Institute 443.4
National Cancer Institute Act (1937) 443.4
National Capital Housing Authority, Records of the (RG 302)
    administrative history 302.1
    records 302.2
    still pictures 302.3
National Capital Park and Planning Commission 79.3.1
National Capital Parks 79.6.6
National Capital Planning Act (1952) 328.1
National Capital Planning Commission, Records of the (RG 328)
    administrative history 328.1
    cartographic records 328.3
    general records 328.2
    motion pictures 328.4
    sound recordings 328.5
    still pictures 328.6
National Capital Region (National Park Service) 79.6.6
National Capital Regional Planning Council 328.2
National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission 148.10
national cemeteries SEE ALSO Arlington National Cemetery;
military cemeteries
    National Park Service 79.2.2, 79.4.6, 79.6.6, 79.10.1-79.10.4
    Quartermaster General 92.8.1-92.8.5
        photographs 92.8.2
National Center for Education Statistics 12.2.10
National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life 220.15.29
National Child Labor Committee 102.4
National Climatic Center 370.8.2
National Coal Commission 150.2.5
National Commission for the Review of Antitrust Laws and
     Procedures 220.18.7
National Commission for the Review of Federal and State Laws Relating
    to Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance 220.15.39
National Commission for UNESCO, U.S. 59.4.5
National Commission on Agricultural Trade and Export Policy
National Commission on Air Quality 220.18.5
National Commission on Children 220.19
National Commission on Electronic Fund Transfers 220.17.4
National Commission on Employment and Unemployment Statistics 220.18.4
National Commission on Fire Prevention and Control 220.15.25
National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement,
       Records of the (RG 10)
    administrative history 10.1
    records 10.2
National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse 220.15.24
National Commission on Materials Policy 220.15.23
National Commission on Migrant Education 220.19
National Commission on Neighborhoods 220.18.2
National Commission on Product Safety 220.14.23
National Commission on Productivity (Management and
    Budget Office) 51.9.3
National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality 220.15.29
National Commission on Reform of Federal Criminal Laws 220.14.17
National Commission on Responsibilities for Financing
     Postsecondary Education 220.20
National Commission on Severely Stressed Public Housing 220.20
National Commission on Social Security 220.18.8
National Commission on Social Security Reform 220.19
National Commission on Space 220.19
National Commission on State Workmen's Compensation Laws 220.15.26
National Commission on Student Financial Assistance 220.18.26
National Commission on Supplies and Shortages 220.17.2
National Commission on Urban Problems 207.7.11
National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence 220.13
National Commission on the Financing of Postsecondary
    Education 220.15.30
National Commission on the International Year of the Child 220.18.10
National Commission on the Observance of International Women's Year 220.16
National Commission on Water Quality 220.15.33
National Committee against Repressive Legislation 65.2.2
National Committee for Children and Youth, Inc. 220.22.1
National Committee for Mental Hygiene 418.3.3
National Committee for the International Geophysical Year 307.5.1
National Committee for Wood Utilization 151.10.1
National Conference of State Boards of Health 90.11
National Conference on Community Responsibility to Our Peacetime
     Servicemen and Women 220.7.9
National Conference on Economic Security 47.2
National Conference on Equal Job Opportunity 220.8
National Conference on Mental Health Statistics 511.2.1
National Conference on Outdoor Recreation 220.3
National Conference on Water 315.3
National Conferences of Petroleum Regulating Authorities 253.2.5
National Congress of Neighborhood Women 220.16.2
National Conservation Commission 48.8, 95.2.3
National Conservation Congress 95.2.3
National Conservation Exposition 95.2.3
National Council of State Committees for Children and Youth 220.22.2
National Council on Aging 369.2.1
National Council on Education Research 441.5
National Council on Indian Opportunity 220.14.25
National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development,
        Records of the (RG 303)
    administrative history 303.1
    records 303.2
National Council on Public Works Improvements 220.19
National Council on the Arts 288.2.1
National Counter Intelligence Corps Association Policy Committee 319.27
National Currency Act (1863) 87.2
National Currency Association 53.2.4, 53.2.6, 53.5
National Currency Bureau 318.2
national debt 56.1
national defense SEE military affairs
National Defense Act (1916) 18.2, 54.5.2, 168.3, 168.4; (1920)
    18.5, 92.1, 107.3, 107.4, 107.6, 165.6, 177.3, 203.1,
    247.1, 247.2 ; (1933) 168.4
National Defense Advisory Commission SEE Advisory Commission to
    the Council of National Defense
National Defense Conference 62.6
National Defense, Department of 165.2
National Defense Education Program 12.5.13
national defense employment training 228.4.3
National Defense Housing (Lanham) Act (1940) 12.5.9, 69.4.4,
    162.4, 196.1, 196.3, 196.4, 207.6.5
National Defense Mediation Board 202.2
National Defense Migration, Select Committee to Investigate
    (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
National Defense Power Committee 48.8, 107.6.5
National Defense Power Staff 138.2.1
National Defense Program, Special Committee to Investigate the
    (Senate) 46.22.2, 250.3.11
National Defense Projects (WPA) 69.4.3
National Defense Research Committee 153.10.1, 227
National Defense Series (radio broadcasts) 44.4.1
National Defense Test Day 394.2.7
National Dental Health Assembly Conference 90.9.3
National Dental Research Act (1948) 443.6
National Distribution and Marketing Committees
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.5
National Drainage Basin Report 187.5.3
National Drought Relief Committee 16.12
National Economic Commission 220.19
National Ecuadorian Exposition 33.5
National Educational Television 29.4.3
National Educational Television and Radio Center 12.8
National Emergencies and Delegated Emergency Powers, Special
    Committee on (Senate) 46.22.2
National Emergency Alarm Repeater System 397.2.8
National Emergency Council 16.12, 44.3
National Emergency Council, Office of the Economic Adviser to the 51.7
National Endowment for the Arts 288.2.1
National Endowment for the Arts, Independent Commission on the 220.20
National Endowment for the Humanities 288.2.2
National Enforcement Commission
   (Wage, Salary Stabilization Boards) 293.4
National Engineers Register 307.3
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 370.8
National Export Expansion Council 40.3.4, 489.10
"National Farm and Home Hour" (radio program) 16.7.3
National Farm Fertilizer News 188.3.6
National Farm Loan Associations 103.6.3
National Film Studio of North Korea 263.6
National Food Consumption Survey 462.2.2
National Forest Reservation Commission 95.2.3
national forests
    aerial photographs 95.12
    Agriculture Department legal files 16.5.2
    annual statistical reports 95.5.6
    Ballinger-Pinchot controversy 95.2.1
    California rehabilitation 49.13.3
    fire protection 95.4.2
    forest exchange surveys 49.3.6, 49.8.3
    Forest Service functions 95.4, 95.9, 95.11
    grazing 95.4.3, 95.7.1
    highways and roads 30.6, 30.7
    historical files 95.9.2
    homestead grants 49.3.6, 49.8.3, 49.13.3, 95.4.7, 95.9.4
        maps 49.8.5
        surveys 49.7.2, 49.7.9
    Interior Secretary 48.4.1
    land acqusition 16.5.2, 75.19.54, 95.5, 95.9.4
        public lands withdrawal, restoration 49.3.5
    Land Management Bureu administration 49.14.2, 49.14.3, 49.14.6
    land office correspondence 49.9.6
        Alaska 126.2
        boundaries 95.12
        CCC activities 95.9.7
        Forest Service 95.4.1, 95.5.3, 95.9.4, 95.10.5
        General Land Office/BLM 49.16
        insect control surveys 95.7.2
        land classification 95.4.7
        National Park Service 79.14
        public domain committee 220.4.2
        public lands surveys 49.3.6, 49.7.2, 49.7.9
        rangeland 95.4.3
        rights of way 95.12
        roads 95.4.1, 95.4.5
        topography 57.5
        tree species distribution 95.7.1
    non-Forest Service use 95.11.2, 95.11.5, 95.11.9-95.11.17
    photographs 95.13, 142.10.2
    public lands reserves 49.3.16, 49.3.17
        rights of way 49.3.7
        surveys 49.7.4
    recreation sites 95.4.7
    rodent control 22.6.2
    supervisors records 95.2.4
    timber sales 49.3.15, 49.14.6, 95.4.5, 95.11.14
    timber trespass 49.3.15
    watershed management 95.4.4, 95.5.4
    wildlife management 95.4.6
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act (1965) 155.1, 155.3, 288.1
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, Records of the (RG 288)
    administrative history 288.1
    motion pictures 288.3
    records 288.2
    sound recordings 288.4
National Gallery of Art 260.4.9, 274.7
National Geographic Society
    balloon flight photographs 167.11
    Greenland ice cap literature survey 342.7
National Geologic Mapping Act (1992) 57.1, 70.1
National Guard
    AEF divisions 190.9.3
    AGO records 407.4.1
    air services 18.5.1
    Army continental commands 394.2.1, 394.2.3
    Army Ground Forces 337.5.4
    Army Staff 319.16
    civil disorders control 220.11.4
    officers 407.5.1
        medical, dental officers 112.2.3
    photographs 145.2
    quarterly reports 168.3.2
    Senate committees 46.5
National Guard Bureau (War Department) 168.4
National Guard Bureau, Records of the (RG 168)
    administrative history 168.1
    Militia (Affairs) Division 168.3
    militia records 168.2
    records 168.4
    still pictures 168.5
National Health Conference 220.5.1
National Health Insurance/Employer Survey Data 510.2
National Health Survey 443.2
National Heart Act (1948) 443.1, 443.5
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 443.5
National Herbarium 54.3.6, 136.3.2
National Highway Safety Act (1966) 398.2, 416.2
National Highway Safety Advisory Committee 416.3
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Records of the (RG 416)
    administrative history 416.1
    advisory bodies 416.3
    motion pictures 416.4
    records 416.2
National Historic Preservation Act (1966) 79.4.7, 515.2, 515.3
National Historical Publications and Records Commission 64.11
National Historical Publications Commission 64.14, 64.16
National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers 15.3, 159.3, 159.4
National Homes Service 15.3
National Housing Act (1934) 207.2; (1938) 294.2; (1939) 31.1
National Housing Agency 196.5.2, 207.5, 207.7.1, 252.3.1
National Hydraulic Laboratory 114.4.3
National Industrial Commissions 130.2.6
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) 9.1, 9.2, 16.5.1, 20.1,
    25.2, 51.7, 55.3.2, 69.2, 77.10.21, 96.2.4, 114.2, 114.3,
    124.2, 135.2, 187.3, 196.2, 232.1, 234.6.2
National Industrial Recovery Board 9.2.1
National Industrial Reserve 340.9.3
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 443.7
National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism,
   and Digestive Diseases 443.9
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 443.10
National Institute of Dental Research 443.6
National Institute of Education, Records of the (RG 419)
    administrative history 419.1
    machine-readable records 419.3
    records 419.2
National Institute of Health 443.2
National Institute of Mental Health 511.2
National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders
    and Stroke 443.8
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness 443.8
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 443.8
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Records of the (RG 167)
    administrative history 167.1
    cartographic records 167.9
    Central Radio Propagation Laboratory 167.6
    divisions and sections 167.5
    institutes 167.4
    motion pictures 167.10
    National Bureau of Standards 167.3
    National Screw Thread Commission 167.8
    President's Conference on Home Building 167.7
    Standard Weights and Measures, Office of 167.2
    still pictures 167.11
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 511.3
National Institute on Drug Abuse 511.4
National Institutes of Health, Records of the (RG 443)
    administrative history 443.1
    machine-readable records 443.11
    National Cancer Institute 443.4
    National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 443.5
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 443.7
    National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases 443.9
    National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 443.10
    National Institute of Dental Research 443.6
    National Institute of Health 443.2
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 443.8
    records 443.3
    still pictures 443.12
national intelligence estimates 38.4.7
National Intelligence Survey Coordinating Committee 353.7.1
National Intelligence Survey Permanent Committee 353.7.2
National Inventors Council 165.13
National Irrigation Association 115.6.1
National Labor Board 25.2, 25.4
National Labor Relations Act (1935) 25.1, 25.5.4, 25.6, 25.6.1
National Labor Relations Board, Records of the (RG 25)
    administrative history 25.1
    first Board 25.3, 25.4
    headquarters records, National Labor Board 25.2
    motion pictures 25.7
    regional records 25.4
    second Board 25.5
    Smith Committee investigation 25.6
National Labor Relations Board, Select Committee to Investigate
   the (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
National Land Defense Board 94.2.7, 165.18.3
National Land Use Planning Committee 83.4.5
"National Leader Project File"
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
National League for Good Roads 30.2.2
National Leprosarium 90.7.1
National Library of Medicine Act (1956) 334.17
National Loan Act (1861) 53.5
National Manpower Advisory Committee 174.5.3
National Manpower Priorities Committee 211.8.1
National Mapping Plan 57.8
National Mapping Program 57.1
National Marine Fisheries Service 370.7
National Mediation Board, Records of the (RG 13)
    administrative history 13.1
    Arbitration Board, Interstate Commerce Controversies 13.3
    Mediation and Conciliation Board 13.4
    Mediation Board 13.6
    National Railroad Adjustment Board 13.8
    National Railway Labor Panel 13.9
    Railroad Labor Board 13.5
    Railroad Lighter Captains Commission 13.11
    Railroad Marine Workers Commission 13.10
    records 13.7
    Strike Commission 13.2
National Medical Audiovisual Center 442.2.1
National Medical Care Survey 510.2
National Medical Council for National Defense 62.4.1
National Mental Health Act (1946) 511.2, 511.2.4
National Midcentury Conference Committee 220.1
National Military Establishment
    armed forces unification 341.2
    intelligence activities 457.2
National Military Home Commission 15.2.1
national military parks 77.10.35, 79.2.2, 79.10, 79.14
National Minerals Advisory Council 48.9
National Missions, Board of (Presbyterian) 210.5
National Monthly Weather Bulletin 27.5.3
national monuments 79.8
National Morale, Committee for 80.2.1
National Motor Vehicle Safety Advisory Council 416.3
National Museum of History and Technology 274.8
National Museum of Natural History 274.9
National Negro Health Week 90.14
National Ocean Service 370.9
National Ocean Survey 370.11
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Records of the (RG 370)
    administrative history 370.1
    cartographic records 370.11
    Environmental Science Services Administration
        general records 370.2
        Institute for Environmental Research 370.4
        Weather Bureau 370.3
    general records 370.5
    machine-readable records 370.15
    motion pictures 370.12
    National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 370.8
    National Ocean Service 370.9
    National Weather Service 370.6
    Northwest Regional Office, National Marine Fisheries Service 370.7
    Pacific Marine Center 370.10
    sound recordings 370.14
    still pictures 370.16
    video recordings 370.13
National Oceans Policy, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
National Office of Vital Statistics 90.6.4
National Oil Policy Committee 253.3.5
National Operational Meteorological Satellite System 370.8.1
National Organizations and Advisory Affairs, Office of
   (White House Conference on Children and Youth) 220.23.1, 220.23.5
National Organizations Branch (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.7.3
National Park Service
    CCC camps (photographs) 35.3.2
    Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American
        Engineering Record Division 515
National Park Service, Records of the (RG 79)
    administrative history 79.1
    anniversary commissions 79.13
    cartographic records 79.14
    field headquarters 79.5
    headquarters records 79.3
    motion pictures 79.15
    national military battlefields, parks, and cemeteries 79.10
    national monuments 79.8
    national parks 79.7
    national recreation areas 79.9
    operating units 79.4
    other NPS-administered areas 79.11
    Potomac Company and C & O Canal 79.12
    predecessors 79.2
    regional offices 79.6
    still pictures 79.17
    sound recordings 79.16
national parks
    Civil War military park commissions 92.10.3-92.10.6
    land acquisition 95.5.3
        public lands withdrawal, restoration 49.3.5
        Army Engineers 77.10.38
        Forest Service 95.5.3, 95.12
        General Land Office/BLM 49.16
        Geological Survey 57.5
        Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service 368.5
        Presidential proclamations 11.6
        public lands surveys 49.3.6
    motion pictures 48.14, 70.2.2
    National Park Service 79
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        Interior Secretary 48.16
        reclamation projects 115.2
        TVA 142.10.2
    surveys 49.3.6
National Parks, Buildings, and Reservations, Office of 79.2.2
National Parks Centennial Commission 79.13.6
National Parole Conference 129.9
National Penitentiaries, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.15
"National Personnel Authority File"
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.42
National Petroleum Council 434.3.6
National Petroleum Reserve, AK 57.4.1
National Plan for American Forestry 95.7.1
National Planning Association 220.15.20
National Planning Board 187.3.2, 187.5.9
National Police Force (Southeast Asia) 330.10
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 412.5.1
National Postal and Travelers Censorship Organization 334.21
National Power Policy Committee 48.8
National Production Authority
    Business and Defense Services Administration 489.4.3
    Defense Production Administration 304.3.1, 304.3.2
National Production Authority, Records of the (RG 277)
    administrative history 277.1
    bureaus 277.3
    general records 277.2
    motion pictures 277.4
    still pictures 277.5
National Productivity and Quality of Working Life Act (1975) 220.15.29
National Public Advisory Committee on Regional and
    Economic Development 378.7
National Railroad Adjustment Board 13.8
National Railway Labor Panel 13.9
National Reclamation Association 115.6.2
National Recovery Administration
    agricultural codes 145.3
    labor relations boards 25.3
    Labor Statistics, Bureau of 257.3
    NRA Organization Studies Section 9.5.7
    Petroleum Administrative Board 232.6
    rubber products regulation 151.5
    survey studies 44.3.1
National Recovery Administration, Records of the (RG 9)
    administrative history 9.1
    boards and committees 9.8
    cartographic records 9.10
    code authorities 9.9
    Compliance Division 9.3
    general records 9.2
    Industrial Economics Division (Commerce) 9.7
    industry divisions 9.4
    motion pictures 9.11
    other divisions 9.5
    regional and territorial offices 9.6
National Recovery Review Board 9.8.4
national recreation areas 79.4.5, 79.6.1, 79.9, 79.14, 79.17
National Reemployment Service 69.3.8, 183.3
National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel 307.3
National Research Council 22.3.4, 52.3, 80.4, 88.7
National Research Forum on Family Issues 220.29
National Research Project 69.5.9
National Research Project on Reemployment Opportunities and
    Changes in Industrial Techniques 83.3.4
National Resources and Power, Subcommittee on 233.13
National Resources Committee 49.16
"National Resources Conferences" 334.15.2, 334.15.3
National Resources Planning Board
    Forest Service range report 95.4.3, 95.5.3
    Land Management Bureau projects 49.14.2
    water resources 22.7, 57.6.5
National Resources Planning Board, Records of the (RG 187)
    administrative history 187.1
    Budget Bureau 187.6
    cartographic records 187.7
    central office 187.3
    divisions 187.4
    Federal Employment Stabilization Board (Office) 187.2
    regional offices 187.5
National Retail Drug Code Authority
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
national roads
    Army Engineers records 77.6.1
        maps 77.2.3
    Senate committee (maps) 46.23
National Roster of Scientific and Specialized Personnel 187.4, 211.19.1
National Safety Council 171.4.8
National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act (1976) 359.4
National Science and Technology Week 434.3.1
National Science Foundation
    rubber research and development 234.7.1
National Science Foundation Act (1950) 307.1, 307.2
National Science Foundation, Records of the (RG 307)
    administrative history 307.1
    Biological, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Assistant Director for 307.6
    cartographic records 307.10
    committees, commissions, and boards 307.8
    general records 307.2
    Government and Public Programs 307.4
    machine-readable records 307.11
    motion pictures 307.12
    Polar Programs Division 307.5
    Project Mohole 307.9
    Science Resources Studies Division 307.3
    Scientific, Technological, and International Affairs Office 307.7
    sound recordings 307.14
    still pictures 307.15
    video recordings 307.13
National Screw Thread Commission 167.8
National Security Act (1947) 18.1, 18.5, 19.1, 38.1,
    45.2, 52.1, 71.1, 77.1, 80.1, 92.1, 107.1,
    107.3, 107.5, 111.1, 112.1, 127.1, 153.1,
    159.1, 165.1, 165.2, 168.1, 168.4, 175.1,
    203.1, 218.1, 218.2, 225.3, 231.1, 247.1, 263.1,
    263.2, 273.1, 304.2, 311.2, 319.2, 330.1, 330.11,
    330.12.2, 330.13, 334.6, 334.18, 335.1, 335.4, 335.5,
    335.11.2, 335.11.5, 335.11.11, 336.1, 337.1, 340.1,
    340.4, 340.5, 340.6, 340.9.3, 341.1, 389.1, 396.2,
    404.1, 407.1, 428.1, 456.1, 456.2, 457.2
National Security Act Amendments (1949) 19.1, 38.1, 45.2, 52.1,
    71.1, 111.1, 127.1, 203.1, 273.2, 319.2, 330.1, 330.3,
    330.4, 336.1, 337.4, 341.1, 389.1, 428.1, 456.2, 457.2
National Security Agency/Central Security Service, Records of the (RG 457)
    administrative history 457.1
    predecessors 457.2
    records 457.3
National Security Council
    Army Secretary 335.2
    Budget Working Group 353.5.12
    CIA functions 263.1
    international economic policy 429.5
National Security Council, Records of the (RG 273)
    administrative history 273.1
    Executive Secretary 273.3
    general records 273.2
    Operations Coordinating Branch 273.6
    Planning Board 273.5
    Secretariat 273.4
National Security Organization, Task Force on (1st Hoover
    Commission) 264.2.4
National Security Resources Board 304.2, 353.5.12
National Security Training Commission 330.5.5
National Service Bureau 69.5.4
National Service Life Insurance Act (1940) 15.6.5, 190.1
National Severe Storms Project Office 27.6.2
National Shipping Authority 357.2.1
National Socialist German Labor Party 242.2, 242.15
    motion pictures 242.26
    photographs 242.28
National Steel Labor Relations Board 9.8.9
National Stockpile and Naval Petroleum, Subcommittee on
    (Senate) 46.5
National Stockpile, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.5
National Study Commission on Records and Documents of
    Federal Officials 220.17.5
National Survey of the Education of Teachers 12.2.5
National Survey of Vocational Education and
    Guidance of Negroes 12.5.2
National Technical Institute for the Deaf 12.8
National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
      Records of the (RG 417)
    administrative history 417.1
    general records 417.2
    Interdepartment Radio Advisory Committee 417.3
    video recordings 417.4
National Telephone Commission (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.6.5
National Tourism Resources Review Commission 220.15.22
National Trails System Act 368.5
National Training School for Boys 129.3
National Transportation Policy Study Commission 220.17.13
National Trucking Commission 280.4.3
national urban cultural parks 414.3
National Voluntary Mortgage Credit Extension Committee 207.6.9
National Wage Stabilization Board 202.4-202.6, 236.1
National War College 334.16
National War Labor Board (World War I)
    Woman-in-Industry Service hearings 86.2
National War Labor Board (World War I), Records of the (RG 2)
    administrative history 2.1
    administrative records 2.2
    case records 2.3
National War Labor Board (World War II)
    Economic Stabilization Office case files 250.4.3
    shipbuilding 254.2
    Wage Adjustment Board 236.1
National War Labor Board (World War II), Records of the (RG 202)
    administrative history 202.1
    National Defense Mediation Board 202.2
    National Wage Stabilization Board 202.4
    National War Labor Board 202.3
    regional boards 202.5
    special industry committees, commissions, and panels 202.6
National War Savings Committee 53.6
National Wartime Information Security Organization 334.21
National Water Commission 220.14.26
National Water Commission Act (1968) 220.14.26
National Water Resources, Select Committee on (Senate) 46.22.2
National Weather Records Center 370.8.1
National Weather Service 370.6
National Wetlands Inventory 22.18
National Women's Committee for Civil Rights 86.3
National Women's Conference 220.16.2, 220.16.3
National Youth Administration
    CCC records 35.2, 35.3.2
    Indian projects 75.19.17, 75.19.27, 75.20.28
    National Park Service (photographs) 79.6.3
    WPA 69.4.3, 69.4.7, 69.4.8
National Youth Administration, Records of the (RG 119)
    administrative history 119.1
    Administrator's Office 119.3
    cartographic records 119.7
    divisions 119.4
    motion pictures 119.8
    National Advisory Committee 119.2
    other offices 119.5
    regional offices 119.6
    sound recordings 119.9
    still pictures 119.10
National Zoo 114.5.3
Nationalization and Coordinating Committee 353.5.7
Native Affairs, Secretary of (American Samoa) 284.3.2
Native Americans SEE Indians
Native Hawaiians Study Commission 220.18.28
Native Hawaiians Study Commission Act 220.18.28
natives SEE ethnic groups; specific locations
NATO SEE North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NATO and European Regional Organizations, U.S. Mission to 334.7
natural disasters SEE ALSO disaster relief
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        Army Engineers 77.10.67
        Weather Bureau 27.9
Natural Disasters, Studies of (HUD) 207.7.5
natural gas
    automobile fuel 269.13
    conservation proposals 57.7.2
    consumption 67.5.7, 70.3.1
        Federal Power Commission maps 138.2
    extraction research 70.10.2
    gas fields (maps)
        Army Engineers 77.9.4, 77.10.15
        Geological Survey 57.4.1
        Land Management Bureau 49.16
    Indian leases 75.16.3, 75.16.4, 75.16.7, 75.17.2, 75.19.26,
      75.19.74-75.19.77, 75.19.98
        agency leases 75.19.10
    pipeline (maps)
        Appalachia 138.4
        Indian lands 75.19.71
        Mines Bureau 70.3.1
        Petroleum Administration for War 253.6.2
    production 70.3.1
        maps 75.19.71, 150.4
        naval reserves 434.3.3
        Ponca lands pollution (maps) 75.19.77
    public lands
        leases 49.13.3, 57.10.2
        surveys 49.8.3
    resources (maps)
        Federal Housing Administration 31.3
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
Natural Gas, Advisory Committee on 67.5.1
Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline Committee 253.8
Natural Gas and Natural Gasoline Division
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.2, 253.7.1-253.7.5
Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act (1968) 467.2
Natural Gas Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.2
natural gasoline 188.8.8
Natural Gasoline Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.2
Natural Resource Economics Division 354.4
natural resources
    Asian occupied areas 319.5.2, 331.41.1, 407.3
        maps 331.36
    Indian programs 75.16.2, 75.16.8
        consular trade reports 59.3.7
        OSS 226.6.4
    motion pictures 70.2.2
Natural Resources and Economic Development, Office of
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.11
Natural Resources Division
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.9;
    (National Archives) 64.6;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Natural Resources, Division of (Indian Affairs) 75.14.17
Natural Resources, Energy, and Science Management Division
     (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.15
Natural Resources Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.6
Natural Resources, Office of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.9
Natural Resources Section
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.49
    national parks 79.6.3
    Wheeler Survey 77.5.2
    American Samoa 284.3.1
    Confederate courts 21.2.9
    district courts 21
    ethnic Germans in Nazi Germany 242.3.1
    fraud 85.2.1
    Immigration and Naturalization Service 85.2.1, 85.3.4, 85.5.1-85.5.13, 85.9
Naturalization Act (1906) 85.2
U.S.S. Naubuc 19.3.4
Naugatuck (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.7
Nauru Island 218.4
U.S.S. Nauset 19.3.4
Nauta, Marrit J. 220.23.5
Nautical Almanac Office 37.2, 78.4
U.S.S. Navaho 313.4.5
Navajo Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.11
Navajo, AZ, Area Field Office (Indian Affairs) 75.17.3
Navajo Extension Agency 75.17.3
Navajo Helium Plant 70.12.2
Navajo Indian Agency
    records 75.19.62
    school employees 75.17.3
Navajo Indian Irrigation Project 115.4.2
Navajo Indian Reservation
    aerial photographs 75.26
    maps 48.4.1
    survey 75.7.2
Navajo Indians
    agency records 75.19.23
    Carson School program 75.20.4
    International Women's Year Commission 220.16.2
    photographs 75.29
        census enumeration 29.3.6
Navajo Indians, Special Commissioner to the 75.25
Naval Academy Division (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.5
Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference 405.3.3
Naval Academy Hospital 405.5.1
Naval Academy Officers' Club 405.2.5
Naval Academy, Records of the United States (RG 405)
    academic divisions 405.4
    administrative history 405.1
    boards 405.6
    Commandant of Midshipmen 405.3
    machine-readable records 405.9
    sound recordings 405.8
    still pictures 405.10
    subordinate offices 405.5
    Superintendent's Office 405.2
    video recordings 405.7
Naval Academy, U.S.
    applicants 24.2.4
    architectural plans 48.4.6
    Army commands 393.7
    Naval Records Collection 45.6
    Navy Secretary 80.3.1
    personnel files 24.6.5
    Superintendent's correspondence 24.5, 24.6.5
Naval Activities, U.S. 181.2.2, 181.15.7
Naval Advanced Amphibious Base Portland, Weymouth, Dorset 313.5.6
Naval Advisory Board 80.7.3
Naval Aeronautical Expedition 24.12
Naval Aeronautics, Office of (Navy Department) 72.2.2
naval affairs
    Confederate accounts 365.2.4
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.5, 360.3.3
    Philippine Islands 43.11.5
Naval Affairs, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.5
Naval Affairs, Committee on (Senate) 46.5
Naval Air Advanced Training Command 181.13.1, 181.13.3
Naval Air Basic Training Command 181.13.2
Naval Air Facility Weeksville 313.5.2
Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet 313.5.2
Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Naval Air Missile Test Center, U.S. 72.5.5
Naval Air Rework Facility 181.14.3
Naval Air Station Ireland 313.3.1
naval air stations
    Aeronautics Bureau 72.2.2, 72.5.2, 72.5.3
    construction 71.2.4, 71.3.1
    maps 37.4.6
    naval operating forces 313.3.1, 313.4.3, 313.6.6
    Pearl Harbor Naval District 181.2.13
    photographs 71.6, 72.2.2, 80.11
    records 72.5.3, 181.11, 181.12, 181.14
Naval Air Technical Training Center 181.14.1
Naval Air Technical Training Command 181.13.4
Naval Air Test Center 72.4.1
Naval Air Training Command 181.13
Naval Air Transport Service 38.8
Naval Air Transport Service Ferry Wing 313.5.2
Naval Air Transport Service Pacific 313.5.3
naval aircraft
    acceptance trials 38.7.2
    Aeronautics Bureau 72.3.4
    contracts 38.8
    deployment 38.7.3
    drawings, engineering plans 72.6, 313.4.3
    experimental engines 72.3.4, 72.4.3
    flight logs 72.3.4
    inspectors 72.5.1
    motion pictures 72.7, 428.2.2
    naval operating forces 313.3.1, 313.4.3, 313.4.4
    photographs 24.12, 38.4.16, 72.2.2, 72.4.1, 72.5.4, 80.11,
    production 72.2.2, 72.4
    transport glider 80.3.4
Naval Aircraft Factory 72.4.1, 72.5.4, 313.4.3
Naval Ammunition Depots 181.15.8, 181.15.9
Naval Analyses, Center for 38.9
naval apprentices 24.3.3, 24.5, 71.2.2
naval architecture 41.6.2
Naval Arctic Expedition 72.3.1
Naval Arctic Research Laboratory 298.1, 298.3
Naval Astronomical Expedition to the Southern Hemisphere, U.S. 78.3.1
Naval Asylum SEE Philadelphia, PA, Naval Asylum (Home)
Naval Attache for Air, London 313.5.8
naval attaches
    German (photographs) 63.3
    intercepted Japanese messages 457.2
    Naval Intelligence Office 38.4.1-38.4.13, 45.5.1
    records 38.6.1
naval auxiliary ships 32.1, 38.4.16
naval aviation SEE ALSO naval aircraft
    advisory boards 72.4.9
    Aeronautics Bureau 72
    air navigational facilities 237.3
    motion pictures 428.2.2
    Naval Personnel Bureau 24.2.1
    Navy Secretary 80.3.1
    ordnance 74.6
    photographs 181.18
Naval Aviation Forces, Foreign Service, U.S. 313.3.1
naval bases
    advance bases 38.2.2, 38.7.3, 71.3.3, 143.2.1, 313.6.3
    Hawaii (maps) 338.8
    intelligence reports 38.4.3
    maintenance 38.7.3
    naval operating forces 313.6.2
    Philippines (plans) 11.4.1
    photographs 74.7, 80.11
        Boston district 181.2.1
    records 181.4
    "Subject" Files (maps) 45.9
Naval Berthing Facility, U.S. 181.15.35
naval bounty claims 123.4, 205.3.3
naval claims 125.3.8-125.3.17
Naval Command (OSS) 226.3.9
naval communications
    naval bases 181.6.2
    radio 19.4.1, 19.4.2, 19.5, 19.8.3, 19.12
    World War II censorship 216.2.3
Naval Communications, Division of (Naval Operations) 38.3.1
naval constructors 45.3, 45.8.1, 45.8.4
Naval Consulting Board 80.4.1, 80.4.6
Naval Contract and Plant Division (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.15
naval courts of inquiry 125.2.2, 125.3.4, 405.6.4
Naval Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Naval Disciplinary Barracks 125.3.6, 125.3.7
Naval District Affairs Division (Naval Operations) 38.3.4
Naval District of Washington 181.2.16
naval districts
    maps and charts 24.9, 37.4.3
    records 181.2
Naval Districts and Shore Establishments, Records of (RG 181)
    administrative history 181.1
    Advanced Amphibious Training Bases 181.5
    cartographic records 181.16
    motion pictures 181.17
    naval air facilities 181.12
    naval air stations 181.11
    Naval Air Training Command 181.13
    naval bases 181.4
    naval communications stations 181.10
    naval districts 181.2
    naval operating bases 181.6
    naval stations 181.8
    naval training stations 181.9
    navy yards 181.3
    other bases 181.7
    other naval air installations 181.14
    other naval shore establishments 181.15
    still pictures 181.18
Naval Districts Division (Naval Operations) 38.7.3
Naval Division (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2
Naval Drydocks, U.S., Terminal Island 181.6.8
Naval Electronic Systems Command, Records of the (RG 345)
    administrative history 345.1
    motion pictures 345.3
    records 345.2
Naval Electronics Laboratory 181.15.10
Naval Engineering Experiment Station 181.15.11
Naval Engineers, Examining Boards of 19.4.2
Naval Examining Board 45.2.4, 45.7.3
Naval Expeditionary Force 333.4
Naval Forces, Asiatic Station 313.2.1
Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean 313.5.2
Naval Forces Europe, U.S. 38.2.4, 38.10, 313.3.3, 313.5.6
Naval Forces Far East 313.5.3
Naval Forces Germany 313.5.6
Naval Forces in France, U.S. 45.5.4
Naval Forces Japan 313.5.3
Naval Forces Kyushu 313.5.3
Naval Forces Marianas 313.5.3
Naval Forces Mediterranean 313.5.2
Naval Forces Northwest African Waters, U.S. 38.2.4,
    313.5.2, 331.27
Naval Forces on North Atlantic Station 313.2.4
Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, U.S. 19.3.1, 45.5.3,
    45.5.4, 72.2.2, 125.3.9, 313.3.1
Naval Forces Philippines 313.5.3
Naval Forces Ryukyu Islands 313.5.3
Naval Forces Western Pacific 313.5.3
Naval Frontier Base, U.S. 181.2.3
Naval Fuel Oil Board 80.7.3
Naval Government Unit (American Samoa) 313.6.5
Naval Group China, U.S. 38.2.4, 38.4.15
Naval Gun Factory 74.6, 181.15.12
Naval Historical Center 38.2.4
Naval Home, U.S. SEE Philadelphia, PA, Naval Asylum (Home)
Naval Hospital Corps Schools 52.7
naval hospitals
    Interior Secretary's correspondence 48.4.2
    Medicine and Surgery Bureau 52.2.2, 52.4.2
        building plans 52.6
        photographs 52.7
    Naval Academy 405.5.1
    patient relocation 334.20
naval intelligence
    aviation 72.2.2
    Naval Operations 38.4.1-38.4.16, 38.6.1-38.6.3
    operating forces 313.2.5, 313.3.1, 313.4.5
    World War II 331.3.1, 457.2
        ship design 19.8.5
Naval Intelligence, Office of
    Naval Records Collection 45.5.1
    records 38.4
    World War I shipping damage 15.4.5
    World War II shipping reports 248.3.2
Naval Intelligence Offices, Branch 38.6.3
Naval Judge Advocate General 125.2.1
Naval Liaison Officer (Sun Ship Building and Drydock Co.) 181.2.3
Naval Lodge 641, Knights of Honor 181.3.14
Naval Medical Department 52.5
Naval Medical School 52.4.1
Naval Membership of the American Delegation to the International
    Conference on Safety of Life at Sea 125.3.18
Naval Midshipmen's School (Northwestern) 24.8.6
naval militia 24.2.5, 24.6.2
Naval Militia Affairs, Division of (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.2
naval missions 38.3.3, 38.6.1
Naval Missions, Division of Pan American Affairs and United States 38.3.3
Naval Monument Association, U.S. 405.2.5
Naval Observatory, Commission to Ascertain the Cost of Removing the 45.7.7
Naval Observatory, Records of the U.S. (RG 78)
    administrative history 78.1
    astronomical and other expeditions 78.3
     motion pictures 78.5
    Nautical Almanac Office 78.4
    records 78.2
    still pictures 78.6
Naval Observatory, U.S.
    weather reports 27.5.7
Naval Ocean Systems Center 181.15.13
Naval Oceanographic Office, U.S. 37.3
Naval Officer Procurement, Director of (Boston Naval District) 181.2.1
Naval Oil Reserve 1 80.5.1
Naval Oil Reserve 2 80.5.1
Naval Oil Reserve Investigation 60.17.5
naval operating bases 181.6, 313.6.4
Naval Operating Forces, Records of (RG 313)
    administrative history 313.1
    cartographic records 313.10
    fleets (organization of 1906) 313.3
    motion pictures 313.11
    naval sea frontiers 313.7
    Naval Support Force, Antarctica 313.8
    other records 313.9
    Pacific Ocean area activities 313.6
    sound recordings 313.12
    squadrons 313.2
    still pictures 313.13
    U.S. Fleet 313.4
    World War II and later 313.5
Naval Operations, Chief of
    aviation 72.2.2
    correspondence 428.2.1
    Naval Records Collection 45.5
    Pearl Harbor investigation 80.5.4
Naval Operations, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 38)
    administrative history 38.1
    cartographic records 38.10
    Chief's Office 38.2
    Deputy Chief, Administration 38.3
    Deputy Chief, Air 38.8
    Deputy Chief, Logistics 38.7
    Deputy Chief, Operations, field records 38.6
    machine-readable records 38.13
    motion pictures 38.11
    Naval Intelligence Office 38.4
    Operational Readiness Division 38.5
    Operations Evaluation Group 38.9
    sound recordings 38.12
    still pictures 38.14
Naval Operations Staff (Germany) 242.8.2
Naval Ordnance Station 181.15.14
Naval Ordnance Test Station 181.15.15
Naval Overseas Transportation Service 313.3.1
naval personnel
    Confederates 109.14.1
    intelligence operations 38.4.5
    medical officers 52.2.2
    medical records 94.12.3
    Naval Personnel Bureau 24
    Naval Records Collection 45.2.3, 45.7.6, 45.8.4
    Navy Secretary 80.2.3
    pensions 15.2.3, 15.7.3, 15.7.5, 48.4.2, 105.3.1
    photographs 38.8, 80.11
        Seabees 71.6
    recruiting 24.3.2, 24.7, 146.5.9
        posters 24.12, 45.11
    service records 24.3, 24.5, 125.3.6
    training 24.6.7
    Treasury records 53.2.6, 217.9.5
    women 24.7
Naval Personnel, Records of the Bureau of (RG 24)
    administrative history 24.1
    cartographic records 24.9
    Detail Office 24.4
    Equipment and Recruiting Bureau 24.5
    field establishments 24.8
    general records 24.2
    motion pictures 24.10
    Navigation Bureau 24.6
    officers, enlisted men, and apprentices 24.3
    operating units 24.7
    sound recordings 24.11
    still pictures 24.12
Naval Petroleum and Oil-Shale Reserves, Director of 80.5.1
Naval Petroleum and Oil-Shale Reserves, Office of
   (Energy Department) 434.3.3
naval petroleum reserves
    California maps 49.3.6
    leases 80.5.1
    oil, gas production reports 434.3.3
    photographs 80.11, 434.3.3
    Supplies and Accounts Bureau 143.2.2
    White House Office 130.2.4
    World War II production 253.10
Naval Petroleum, Subcommittee on National Stockpile and (Senate) 46.5
Naval Photographic Center 428.2.2
Naval Photographic Service 38.8
Naval Powder Factory 80.11
Naval Radio Service 38.3.1
Naval Records and Library, Office of
    records (Naval Operations Chief) 38.3.5
Naval Records, Board for Correction of 80.3.3
Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library (RG 45)
    acquired records and papers 45.8
    administrative history 45.1
    "area" and "subject" files 45.9
    boards and commissions 45.7
    cartographic records 45.10
    Chief of Naval Operations 45.5
    naval shore establishments 45.6
    Navy Commissioners, Board of 45.3
    Navy Department bureaus 45.4
    Secretary of the Navy 45.2
    still pictures 45.11
naval rendezvous 24.3.2
Naval Research Laboratory
    architectural plans 80.4.1
    nuclear research 227.3.1
    records 19.8.6
    Vanguard Project 255.6
Naval Research Personnel Board 24.7
Naval Research, Records of the Office of (RG 298)
    administrative history 298.1
    Naval Arctic Research Laboratory 298.3
    Research and Development, Coordinator of 298.2
Naval Reserve
    Atlantic Fleet 181.15.1
        inspection reports 24.6.3
    naval districts 181.2.1, 181.2.2, 181.2.10
    Pacific Fleet 181.15.31
    Squantum Aviation Base 181.14.5
    training 24.6.6, 405.2.4
Naval Reserve and Training, Assistant Chief of Staff for
     (Naval Districts) 181.2.7, 181.2.10, 181.2.12
Naval Reserve Division (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.3
Naval Reserve Divisions 181.15.17
Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (Yale) 24.8.7
Naval Reserve Supply Corps 143.2.1
Naval Reserve Training Command 181.15.18
naval ship construction
    armor plate costs 37.3
    camouflage 38.4.16
    engineering plans
        armored steam corvette 71.2.4
        Grice collection 45.8.4
        Ordnance Bureau 74.6
    navy yards 181.3
        engineering plans 181.3.1, 181.3.3, 181.3.6
        photographs 181.3.5, 181.3.9, 181.3.10
    Philadelphia Naval District 181.2.3
    Ships Bureau 19
    War Secretary correspondence 45.8.1
Naval Ship Research and Development Center 181.15.19
naval ships SEE ALSO naval ship construction; naval weapons
    battle damage reports 181.3.3
    chartered vessels 143.2.1
    flag standards 37.4.3
    German postcards 165.21
    legal matters 125.2.3
    Marine Corps detachments 127.7.3
    medical records 52.2.2, 52.4.3
    motion pictures 24.10, 428.2.2
    movement reports 45.4.6, 45.5.2
    naval base correspondence 181.4.8
    naval districts 181.2.1, 181.2.3, 181.2.5, 181.2.13
    naval operating forces 313
    Naval Operations 38.2.3, 38.3.5
        inspections 38.5, 38.7.2
        intelligence 38.4.2, 38.4.11, 38.4.16
    Naval Records Collection 45.4.3
    Navy boards 80.7.3
    Navy Secretary 80.3.1
        Aeronautics Bureau 72.2.2
        naval districts and shore establishments 181.18
        Naval Personnel Bureau 24.12
        Navy Department 80.11
        Ordnance Bureau 74.7
        Ships Bureau 19.3.1, 19.8.4, 19.12
        Yards and Docks Bureau 71.6
    radar defenses 227.10.1
    silhouette charts 38.4.16
    Treasury records 53.2.6, 217.9.5
    Vietnam War 38.9
naval shore establishments and stations
    accidents 80.2.3
    communications 45.5.3
    hydrographic correspondence 37.3
    logs 24.2.2
    maps and charts 37.4.3, 45.9
    medical journals 52.2.2
    naval operating forces 313.6.5
    Naval Operations Chief 38.2.3, 38.3.1, 38.3.5
    Navy boards 80.7.3
    Navy Secretary 80.2.1
    ordnance 74.3.3
    personnel 24.2.1, 24.2.3, 24.5, 24.6.4
    records 181.8, 181.15
    Treasury accounts 217.9.5
Naval Shore Patrol, U.S. 181.15.37, 181.15.38
Naval Site Boards 71.4
Naval Storekeeper (Boston Navy Yard) 181.3.1
naval stores
    inventories 45.2.2, 45.3
    research 95.7.4, 97.3.6
Naval Stores Laboratory 310.5.6
Naval Stores Research Division (Chemistry and Soils) 97.3.6
Naval Supply Center (Long Beach) 181.15.20
Naval Supply Center (Oakland) 181.15.21
Naval Supply Depot (Long Beach) 181.4.3
Naval Supply Depot (Oakland) 38.4.16
Naval Support Force, Antarctica, U.S. 313.8
Naval Technical Mission to Europe 38.4.15
Naval Technical Mission to Japan 38.4.15
Naval Temperance Union 181.3.14
naval timber
    expeditions 45.3
    preservation research 45.4.1
    reserves 71.2.5
        plats 49.3.6
Naval Torpedo Boards 74.5
Naval Torpedo Boats, Board on 74.5
naval training
    aviation 181.13, 181.14.1, 181.14.2
        photographs 181.18
    photographs 38.7.3, 72.2.2
    stations 38.4.16, 181.9
Naval Training Station on the Great Lakes, Board on 80.7.3
Naval Transportation Service 38.2.2, 38.7.1
Naval War Board 80.7.3
Naval War Claims Board 80.7.3, 125.3.17
naval weapons
    Army correspondence 156.2.1
    frigates, warships 45.8.1
    gunnery exercises 74.3.2, 313.4.2-313.4.4, 313.5.2
        photographs 181.18
        target maps 313.5.3
    limitations conferences 43.2.16, 43.2.22, 43.2.28
    missiles 72.3.4, 72.4.1, 72.4.2
        motion pictures 72.7
    Ordnance Bureau 74
        explosion damage 71.6
        Naval Operations 38.4.16, 38.5
        Navy Department 80.11
        Ordnance Bureau 74.7
    research 330.11.3
    shore establishments 181.15.8-181.15.16, 181.15.26-181.15.29
    tests 45.7.1
    World War II development 248.2
Naval Weapons Plant 181.2.16
Naval Weather Service Division (Naval Operations) 38.10
    Army Engineers projects 77.7.1, 77.8.1
        district records 77.10.4, 77.10.6, 77.10.8, 77.10.9,
         77.10.11, 77.10.13, 77.10.18, 77.10.21-77.10.23,
         77.10.28, 77.10.33, 77.10.35, 77.10.38, 77.10.46,
         77.10.51, 77.10.53, 77.10.56, 77.10.57, 77.10.62,
        division records 77.9.8, 77.9.13, 77.9.14, 77.9.18
        photographs 77.10.9, 77.10.13, 77.10.67
    aviation charts 313.4.5
    Coast Guard activities 26.5.13, 26.6.1
        photographs 26.5.2
    Columbia River (motion picture) 115.8
    German high-frequency research 242.5.5
    international conference 43.2.50
    maps of navigable areas 22.3.4, 142.14
    military aviation facilities 237.3
    Missouri River 220.7.17
    Navigation Bureau 41.4
    safety conference 19.9
    sailing directions 37.4.1
    Tennessee Basin rivers 142.11
    Treasury accounts 217.2.1
    War Secretary consultants 107.2.7
Navigation and Maintenance Branch (Army Engineers) 77.10.44
Navigation, Bureau of (Navy Department)
    annual reports 24.2.5
    attached units 24.2.4
    hydrographic records 37.2, 37.3
    issuances 405.2.2
    naval intelligence 45.5.1
    Naval Records Collection 45.4.6
Navigation, Bureau of (Treasury Department) 41.4
Navigation, Commissioner of 41.4.1
Navigation Committee (Hydrographic Office) 37.3
Navigation Officer (San Francisco Navy Yard) 181.3.3
navigation projects SEE water projects
navigation schools 41.7
Navigational Development and Regional Studies,
    Division of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.10
navigational instruments 37.4.1, 78.1
    photographs 37.3
Navy, 1798-1947, General Records of the Department of the (RG 80)
    administrative history 80.1
    cartographic records 80.9
    Central Office staff organizations 80.5
    Compensation Board 80.6
    field activities 80.8
    miscellaneous committees, commissions, and boards 80.7
    motion pictures 80.10
    Research and Inventions Office 80.4
    Secretary's office 80.2
    Secretary's office units 80.3
    still pictures 80.11
Navy, 1947- , General Records of the Department of the (RG 428)
    administrative history 428.1
    motion pictures 428.3
    records 428.2
    still pictures 428.4
Navy agents 37.2, 71.2.3
Navy Alaskan Coal Commission 80.2.1, 80.8.3
Navy Alaskan Coal Investigation Expedition 70.9
Navy Armament, Board on 74.5
Navy Band, U.S. (sound recordings) 28.13
Navy, Board to Prepare a Code of Regulations for the Government of the 45.7.2
Navy Civilian Advisory Committee 80.3.3
Navy Commissioners, Board of 45.3, 181.3.5
Navy, Committee on the Standardization of Terminology for Activities of the 38.3.4
Navy, Confederate SEE Confederate Navy
Navy Court of Inquiry into Pearl Harbor Attack 80.5.4, 128.3
Navy Department Agent 130.2.1
Navy Department Building 42.6.2
Navy Department, Committee on Expenditures in the (House of Representatives) 233.13
Navy Department, Confederate SEE Confederate Navy Department
Navy Department, U.S.
    accounts 39.2.1
    coal mines operation 245.6
    communications 45.5.3
    employees list 130.2.5
general records 80, 428
    intelligence 38.4.5, 226.2.1
    Naval Academy Superintendent 405.2.1
    Naval Records Collection 45.4
    navy yards 181.3.5, 181.3.6, 181.3.9
    ordnance correspondence 156.2.2
    patent claims 60.9.1
    pension records 15.7.5
        officials 19.8.4, 19.12
        personnel 38.4.16
        petroleum reserve cleanup 434.3.3
    Sesquicentennial Exposition exhibits 43.13.14
    Treasury correspondence 53.4.1, 56.2.1
Navy Division (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.7;
    (MEDT Cambodia) 472.10.2;
    (Second Comptroller) 217.4.6;
(SHAEF) 331.6.2
Navy Expedition to North Greenland, U.S. 345.2
Navy Experiment Station, U.S. 72.4.1
Navy File Manual, Board to Compile the 80.7.3
Navy Fleet Problems I-XXII 38.5
Navy Group (American Mission for Aid to Greece) 334.4.5
Navy Group (American Mission for Aid to Turkey) 334.4.11
Navy High Command (Japan) 242.21
Navy Manpower Survey board 80.7.3
Navy Memorial 220.15.35
Navy Nitrate Plant 74.6
Navy Nurse Corps 52.4.1, 52.7
Navy Pay and Pension Division (Fourth Auditor) 217.9.3
Navy paymasters 45.8.2, 217.9.4, 219.9.5
Navy Pension Fund 39.2.2
Navy Pension Fund, Commissioners of the 15.7.1
Navy Postgraduate School, U.S. 405.10
Navy Pre-Flight School 181.14.2
Navy Radiological Defense Laboratory 181.15.16
Navy Regulations, Board on Revision of 125.3.3
Navy Review Fleet 313.9.2
Navy, Secretary of the correspondence
    Equipment and Recruiting Bureau 24.5
    hydrographic records 37.2
    Naval Intelligence Office 45.5.1
    naval personnel 24.2.1
    Naval Records Collection 45.2
    navy yards 181.3.5, 181.3.6, 181.3.9
    office records 80.2, 80.3, 428.2.2
    photographs 80.11
Navy Section (Air Force Mission to Uruguay) 334.5.13;
    (American Military Assistance Staff, Yugoslavia) 334.5.14;
    (Joint Military Advisory Group, Thailand) 334.5.12;
     (Joint U.S. Military Aid Group, Greece) 334.4.5;
     (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Denmark) 334.4.3;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, France) 334.4.4;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Iran) 334.5.6;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Italy) 334.4.6;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Japan) 334.5.7;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Netherlands) 334.4.7;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Norway) 334.4.8;
    (Military Assistance Advisory Group, Portugal) 334.4.9
Navy Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Navy, U.S.
    equal employment opportunity 220.7.8
    intelligence activities 457.2
    interservice agencies 334
    Northeast Command 349.8
    Operation Greenhouse 374.5.2
    Vietnam War military construction 472.3.11
    Vietnam War operations (photographs) 428.2.2
    weather charts 27.5.8
    World War I materiel requirements 61.3.8
Navy Yard Bridge 42.3.4
Navy Yard on the Pacific Coast North of the 42d Parallel,
     Commission to Select a Site for 80.7.2
Navy Yard Organization, Board on 80.7.3
Navy Yard Plans, Board of 71.4
Navy Yard Site Commission 80.7.2
navy yards
    accidents 80.2.3
    Confederate payrolls 365.2.4
    construction 71
        plans 38.10
    Equipment and Recruiting Bureau correspondence 24.5
    hydrographic records 37.2, 37.3
    Naval Records Collection 45.3, 45.6
    Navy Secretary 80.3.1
    officers' lists 24.6.4
    ordnance 74.3.3
        Bureau of Ships 19.3.1
        Bureau of Yards and Docks 71.6
        Navy Department 80.11
        New York 181.3.5
        Pearl Harbor 181.3.7
        Philadelphia 181.3.9
        WPA 69.10
    records 181.3
Navy Yards and Naval Stations, Commission on 80.2.1, 80.7.2
Nawiliwili, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Nazi Concentration Camps (motion picture) 238.3.4
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression 238.3.3
Nazi officials
    captured German records 242.1-242.16
    denazification 260.3.4, 260.5.1, 260.7.4
    diaries, papers 242.15, 242.16
    financiers 260.4.10
    motion pictures 242.26
    photographs 131.3.2, 242.28
    speeches (sound recordings) 131.3.2, 242.27
    war crimes 238.3.3, 238.4.3
The Nazi Plan (motion picture) 238.3.4
Nazi Propaganda and Certain Other Propaganda Activities,
    Select Committee on Un-American Activities Authorized
    to Investigate (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Nazionalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 242.2
NC-2 (photographs) 24.12
NC-4 (photographs) 181.18
Neah Bay Subagency 75.19.107
Neal, William J. 221.2.2
Near and Middle East, Subcommittee for
   (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) 353.6
Near East
    food relief mission 5.4.3
    German intelligence activities 263.2.1
    OWI information files 208.4.2
Near East and Africa Development Service 469.4
Near East and South Asia Branch
   (Agency for International Development) 286.3.2
Near East, Bureau for Africa and the
   (Agency for International Development) 286.5.4
Near East-Far East-West African Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
Near Eastern Affairs, Office of (State Department) 59.3.5
Near Eastern and African Staff
    (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.5
Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.5
"NEAR" System 397.2.8
    appeals court records 276.9
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    bank examiner's reports 101.4
    census schedules 29.8.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.9
        attorneys, U.S. 118.26
        district courts 21.29
    food administration 4.3
    Indian lands 75.7.3
        coal distribution 222.9
        drainage basins 114.10.7
        Indian reserves 49.3.6
        property surveys 31.2.2
        reservoir sites 77.10.41
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1
    Missouri River water quality 412.5.4
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.6
        American Guide 69.5.5
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.17
        special agents 49.3.17
        survey 57.10.2
    resettlement projects 96.4.10
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.9.2, 114.11.12, 114.12.7, 114.14.7
        projects 114.10.7
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.27
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.8
        manpower 211.23.9
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station 54.3.14
Nebraska City, NE, District (Territorial Court) 21.29.1
Nebraska City, NE, internal revenue collection district 58.5.27
Nebraska City, NE, land office 49.9.17
Nebraska, District of (Army) 393.5
Nebraska, East Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Nebraska State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.17
Nebraska, U.S. Attorney for 118.26
Nebraska, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.29.3
Nebraska, U.S. District Court for 21.29.2
Nebraska, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.29.1
Nebraska, West Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Necedeh National Wildlife Refuge, WI 22.14.2
Neches River 412.5.3, 414.5
Neff, Harold Hopkins 107.3.2
Negative Intelligence Department
    (American Commission to Negotiate Peace) 120.3.2
Negro Affairs, Office of (National Youth Administration) 119.5.4
Negro Economics, Division of (Labor Department) 174.4.3
Negro Education, Specialist in (Education Office) 12.2.3
Negro Farmer (motion picture) 16.7.2
"The Negro in the Military Service of the United States" 94.7
Negro Island, ME 26.2.2
Negro Press Section (OWI) 208.3.5
Negro River 77.5.3
Negro Section (Veterans Bureau) 15.5.1
"Negro Spindle" file (Navy Department) 80.3.2
Negroes SEE blacks
Negros, Philippine Islands 395.14.1
Nehalem Indians 75.16.9
"Neighborhood Call" (sound recording) 188.7.4
Neighborhood Youth Corps program 381.3.8
Neighborhoods, National Commission on 220.18.2
Neill, Charles P. 13.3
Nelson, David 47.4.2
Nelson, Donald M. 179.4, 179.7, 220.5.12
Nelson, Otto L., Jr. 165.2, 220.15.13
Nemaha Half-Breed Reserve 75.7.2
Nemours, Algeria, Advanced Amphibious Training Base 181.5.4
Nenana, AK 49.13.1
Nenannezed Boarding School 75.20.23
Neodesha, KS, land office 49.9.12
Neopit Day School 75.19.58
Neopolitan indemnity 39.2.3
Neosho, MO, National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
Neosho River Basin 77.10.61
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
U.S.S. Neptune 27.4.5
Neptune, M.K. 253.6.1
Nestigen, Ivan A. 235.3.1
    businesses 242.11
        oil companies 242.5.3
    Canada-U.S. boundary arbitration 76.2.1
    claims 76.4, 153.2.8
    Dutch-language captured records 242.22
    French debt 360.3.2
    State Department committees 353.5.6
    tariff practices 151.9.3
    U.S. military cemeteries 332.2.3
    U.S. national debt 360.2.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.4.7
        OSS base 226.18
        prefederal period 360.2.2
    World War I trade 182.9.5, 182.14
    World War II
        Allied Censorship Group 331.3.4
        civilian aid to Allies 332.2.2
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        German propaganda films 28.2.2
        lend-lease liquidation 169.6.6
        maps 332.2.3
        photographs 242.28
        postwar civil affairs 331.15.2
        postwar frontiers (maps) 43.6.7
        prisoners of war (photographs) 319.12.3
        SHAEF mission 331.7
Netherlands Claims Commission 153.2.8
Netherlands East Indies
    cultural resource protection 239.3
    economic intelligence maps 169.8.2
    German oil concessions 242.5.3
Netherlands-Indonesia Division (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Netherlands Overseas Trust Co. 182.9.5
Netherlands Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3
Netherlands West Indies
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Nett Lake Indian Reservation 75.19.63
Nett Lake Reservation 75.19.17
Network Study Committee (Federal Communications Committee) 173.5
Networks for Knowledge, Task Force on 235.3.1
Neuberger, Maurine B. 220.10.11
Neufchateau, France 120.8.3
Neuilly, France 120.8.4
neurological diseases
    perinatal research 443.8
Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council, National Advisory 443.8
Neuropsychiatric Replacement Unit No. 1 (Plattsburg Barracks) 112.5.7
neuropsychology course 418.4.3
neurosurgery 319.20.6
Neustadt, Richard E. 326.2.3
Neutral Countries Division (Foreign Economic Administration)
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (Korean armistice)
    319.9.2, 333.6.3
    violations 65.2.2
    World War II inter-American conference 43.2.37
Neutrality Act (1939) 220.5.6
neutrality laws 41.4.1, 60.3.2
Neuwied, Germany 120.9.1
U.S.S. Nevada 313.4.2
    agricultural census schedules 29.8.2
    civilian defense 171.5.9
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.10
        district courts 21.30.1
    food administration 4.3
    gambling attitudes survey 220.15.21
        Agricultural Economics 83.4.5, 83.6.2
        boundary surveys 49.7.9, 49.12
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.5
        grazing lands 220.4.2
        mineral lands 49.3.14, 49.13.7
        national forest homesteads 49.7.9
        property surveys 31.2.2
        township surveys 49.7.9, 49.13.7
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1
    minerals exhibit 43.12.2
    national forests 95.9.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.7
        American Guide 69.5.5
        survey expeditions 77.5.2, 77.5.3, 79.17
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        land entry index 49.4
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.7, 49.14.5
        land offices 49.9.18
        range and economic study 49.6.3
    rent control 252.4.8
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.13
    state courts 21.30.2
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.28
    water facility planning 83.6.1
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.12
        manpower 211.23.13
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Nevada District No. 2 (Grazing Service) 49.6.3
Nevada, District of (Army) 393.2, 393.5
Nevada Indian Agency
    area office records 75.16.8
    records 75.19.64
Nevada Land and Survey Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.12
Nevada Operations Office (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.4
Nevada Operations Office (Energy Research and Development Administration) 430.2.2
Nevada, Special Indian Agency of 75.19.105
Nevada State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.18
Nevada State Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.7
Nevada Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.8
Nevada, Surveyor General of (General Land Office) 49.7.9
Nevada, U.S. District Court for 21.30.1
Nevers, France 120.8.2, 120.8.3
New Albany, IN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
New Albany, IN, Division (District Court) 21.16.3
New Albany, IN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.14
New Bedford, MA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    steamboat inspection 41.3.2
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
New Bedford, MA, Coast Defenses of 392.3
New Bedford, MA, Customs District 26.2.6
New Bedford, MA, district Writers' Project 69.5.5
New Bedford, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
New Bedford, MA, quarantine station 90.5.1
New Bern, NC
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.12, 393.14
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
New Bern, NC, Defenses of 393.4, 393.13.7
New Bern, NC, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.9
New Bern, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.1, 21.35.2
New Bern, NC, internal revenue collection district 58.5.33
New Bern, NC, seat (Confederate District Court) 21.35.6
New Bern, NC, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
New Brunswick, Canada
    Maine boundary 76.2.1
    maps 77.9.4
New Brunswick, NJ
    civil disorders (sound recordings) 220.11.1
    Housing Corporation properties 3.6.3
New Brunswick, NJ, offices (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.14, 114.12.8
New Caledonia
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
New Canal, LA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.6
New Castle, DE
    vessel documentation files 41.5
New Castle, DE, Army Air Force Base 77.10.44
New Community Development Corporation 207.7.8
New Creek, WV 393.4, 393.7
New Cumberland, PA, Army Reserve Depot 92.7.1, 92.15.4
New Cumberland, PA, General Depot (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
New Deal
    Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American
      Engineering Record Division 515.1
    Indian programs (photographs) 75.19.60
    Johnson Library exhibit posters 64.7
    project land acquisition 60.12.2
New Deal agencies 9.1, 20.1, 25.1, 35.1, 69.1, 150.1, 162.1,
    187.1, 232.1
New Delhi, India, base (OSS) 226.6.6, 226.8
New Dimensions of Civil Emergency Preparedness 396.2
New Divisions Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.6
New Drug Regulations, Review Panel on 235.3.5
New Dungeness, WA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.10
New Echota, Treaty of (1836) 123.8
New England SEE Northeast region
New England, Department of (Army) 393.4
New England District (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
New England Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.4
New England Field Office (Geological Survey) 57.10.1
New England-New York Interagency Committee 48.12.3, 57.4.1,
    57.10.1, 90.8.4, 315.2.3
New England Power Association 202.5.1
New England Region (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.1
New England Regional Economic Development Commission 414.8
New England Regional Planning Commission 187.5.1
New England Research Council on Marketing and Food Supply 354.3
New England River Basins Commission 414.4
New England Transportation, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
New Facilities Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3
New Gatun Locks 185.7
New Georgia 127.9
New Guinea
    aerial photographs 331.34
New Hampshire
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.2
        attorneys, U.S. 118.27
        district courts 21.31
    food administration 4.3
        property surveys 31.2.2
        reservoirs 77.10.47
        watersheds 57.6.3
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1
        American Guide 69.5.5
        housing developments 207.14
        rural communities 83.10
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.1
    Revolutionary War 93.6
        military service 95.5.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.29
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.1
        manpower 211.23.2
        price controls, rationing 188.11.1, 188.11.2
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        hurricane, flood damage 69.10
New Hampshire, and Vermont, District of Massachusetts, (Army)
    393.4, 393.5
New Hampshire Grants 360.2.6
New Hampshire State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.19
New Hampshire State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.1
New Hampshire, U.S. Attorney for 118.27
New Hampshire, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.31.2
New Hampshire, U.S. District Court for 21.31.1
New Haven, CT
    campus unrest 220.15.17
    civil disorders (sound recordings) 220.11.1
    customs collection 36.3.1
    naturalizations 21.8.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
New Haven, CT, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.34
New Haven, CT, District Office (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2
New Haven, CT, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War)
New Haven, CT, public health hospital 90.4.24
New Haven, CT, regional office (Farm Security Administration)
New Hope Reservoir, NC 77.10.66
"New Horizons in Science" (sound recordings) 306.9
New Iberia, LA 393.4, 393.7
New Ireland 127.9
New Jersey
    building plans 48.13
    census records 29.3.6, 29.8.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.4
        attorneys, U.S. 118.28
        district courts 21.32
    food administration 4.3
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
    HUD community development programs 207.7.5
        CCC camp site plans 77.3.5
        coastal areas 26.6.3
        land use 114.6
        Post Office Department Library 28.10
        property surveys 31.2.2
        waterways 77.10.44
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
        American Guide 69.2.2
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    postal service 28.4.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.2
    river, harbor projects 77.10.37
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.14, 114.12.8, 114.14.8
    soil survey 54.5.4
    surplus property disposal 103.7.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.30
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.3
        manpower 211.23.4
        price controls, rationing 188.12.2
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        Federal Art Project 69.5.2
New Jersey, 1st regiment 217.7.7
New Jersey, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
New Jersey, Gary, Seattle, and Denver Cross-Site Analysis File 235.3.3
New Jersey State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.6
New Jersey, U.S. Attorney for 118.28
New Jersey, U.S. Circuit Court 21.32.2
New Jersey, U.S. District Court 21.32.1
New Jewel Movement 242.24
New-Kanawha River 57.6.6
New Life (Indochina refugee newsletter) 220.17.9
New London, CT
    customs collection 26.2.6, 26.3.6, 26.6.3, 36.3.1
New London, CT, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
New London, CT, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.34
New London, CT, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
New London, CT, Naval Base 181.4.4
New London, CT, Naval District 38.6.2
New London, CT, Naval Submarine Base 181.7.4
New London Experiment Station 71.2.5
New London, MN, National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
New London Submarine Base 71.2.5
New London, WI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.49
New Madrid, MO
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
New Madrid, MO, CCC camp 114.8.1
U.S.S. New Mexico 313.4.2
New Mexico
    Agricultural Economics representatives 83.5
    archeological sites (motion picture) 106.4
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    CCC camps 114.8.1
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.11
        attorneys, U.S. 118.29
        district courts 21.33
    food administration 4.3
    forest, range fire reports 49.15.2
    Indian affairs 75.14.2
        cattle program 75.19.73
        housing 207.15
        biological life zones 22.5
        goat ranges 95.4.3
        grazing districts 49.6.1
        mineral lands 48.5.3
        mining claims, patents 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        national forests 95.5.3
        private land claims 49.3.4, 49.7.8
        property surveys 31.2.2
        public lands 49.3.6, 220.4.2
        railroad land grants 49.3.10
        township surveys 49.7.8
    military draft records 163.2.6
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.7
        American Guide 69.2.2
        highway construction 30.5
        rural communities 83.10
        survey expeditions 77.5.2, 79.17
    potash exploration 70.9
    public lands
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.8
        land offices 49.9.19
        private claims 49.3.4
        surveys 49.7.8, 49.8.4, 57.10.2
    public works 207.8.1
    Pueblo lands dispute 60.17.5
    rent control 252.4.5
    resettlement projects 96.4.10
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.15, 114.14.9
    surplus property disposal 103.7.1, 270.3.7
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.31
    territorial administration 48.4.7, 126.2
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.10
        manpower 211.23.11
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.5.5
New Mexico, Central District of (Army) 393.5
New Mexico, Department of (Army) 393.4
New Mexico, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
New Mexico Division (Military Telegraph Lines) 111.5.1
New Mexico, Eastern District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
New Mexico National Cemetery 92.8.3
New Mexico, Southern District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
New Mexico State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.20
New Mexico State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2;
    (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.8;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.1
New Mexico Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.9
New Mexico, Surveyor General of (General Land Office) 49.7.8
New Mexico, U.S. Attorney for 118.29
New Mexico, U.S. District Court for 21.33.2
New Mexico, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.33.1
New Missiles Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam 233.25.2
New Olympia, WA, land office 49.9.25
New Orleans, Battle of
    Chalmette military park 77.10.35
    sesquicentennial 79.13.3
New Orleans, LA
    Army commands 98.2.5, 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
    Confederate Assistant Treasurer 365.5.1
    military prisons 393.13.11
    photographs 233.22.2
    rent control 252.4.5
        customs collection 36.3.1, 109.10.11
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrivals 36.3.2, 85.3.1, 85.3.2
        steamboat inspection 41.3.10
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
    Spanish-American War troops 395.2.2
    veterans' hospital construction 77.10.35
New Orleans, LA, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
New Orleans, LA, Army Transportation School 336.2.2
New Orleans, LA, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
New Orleans, LA, branch office (Hydrographic Office) 37.3
New Orleans, LA, Camp of Distribution (Army) 393.4
New Orleans, LA, Coast Defenses of 392.3
New Orleans, LA, Coast Guard Air Station 26.6.6
New Orleans, LA, Confederate Arsenal 109.7.5
New Orleans, LA, customhouse 56.3.4
New Orleans, LA, Daily True Delta 365.5.3
New Orleans, LA, Defenses of 393.4, 393.12, 393.13.7
New Orleans, LA, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.35;
    (Coast Guard) 26.6.6;
    (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7;
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.13;
    (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2, 26.4.3;
    (Mississippi River Commission) 77.7.1
New Orleans, LA, District Office (Farm Credit Administration) 103.7.4;
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.4;
    (Price Administration) 188.15.1-188.15.3, 188.15.6, 188.15.7;
    (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
New Orleans, LA, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.16;
    (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.17.2;
    (Circuit Court) 21.20.2;
    (District Court) 21.20.1
New Orleans, LA, field office
    (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.3, 219.6.4
New Orleans, LA, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.6
New Orleans, LA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.18
New Orleans, LA, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
New Orleans, LA, Military Prison 393.4, 393.13.11
New Orleans, LA, Mint and Assay Office 104.5.7
New Orleans, LA, Mint, Superintendent of the
   (Confederate Treasury) 365.5.2
New Orleans, LA, Naval District 181.2.7
New Orleans, LA, Naval Station 45.6, 181.8.7
New Orleans, LA, office (Geological Survey) 57.10.2;
    (Shipping Board Recruiting Service) 41.7;
    (War Relocation Authority) 210.3.3
New Orleans, LA, public health hospital 90.4.25
New Orleans, LA, Purchasing Agent
    (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.11.1
New Orleans, LA, Recruiting Depot (Army) 393.4, 393.13.8
New Orleans, LA, Regional Office (Fair Employment Practice
    Committee) 228.5.13
New Orleans, LA, Supervising District
   (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.10
New Orleans, LA, Surveyor of 109.10.11
New Orleans, LA, Vessel Documentation Branch (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
New Orleans, LA, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
New Orleans World Exposition 489.8
New River
    navigation improvements 77.10.4
New River-Pocahontas Coal Field, WV 133.2
New Smyrna Beach, FL, Coast Guard Station 26.6.5
New South Wales
    centennial exhibition 43.12.7
New Spain
    U.S. boundary 98.2
A New Voice for Mr. X (motion picture) 179.6
New Weapons Research and Developments Section
    (Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet) 38.2.4
"New World of Atomic Energy" (sound recordings) 306.9
U.S.S. New York 313.4.2
New York
    American Protective League field offices 65.5
    census data 29.8.3
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.3
        attorneys, U.S. 118.30
        district courts 21.34, 60.6
        marshals, U.S. 118.47.8
        nonfederal admiralty courts 21.34.1
    fisheries 22.4.4
    flood control 77.10.59
    food administration 4.3
    Housing Corporation minutes 3.3.3
        CCC camp site plans 77.3.5
        coastal areas 26.6.3
        electric power 77.9.9
        property surveys 31.2.2
        river basins 77.9.4
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
    New Hampshire Grants claims 360.2.6
        American Guide 69.5.5
        geological formations 57.2.2
        housing projects 302.3
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
        parks 54.7
    postal service 28.4.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.2
    river, harbor projects 77.10.7
        Great Lakes 77.10.6, 77.10.42
        harbor defenses 394.2.2, 392.2.6, 392.3
        survey 23.2.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    savings bond drives 56.13.2
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.16, 114.12.9, 114.13.5
    soil survey 54.5.4
    surplus property disposal 103.7.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.32
    wartime community services 215.3.1
    western lands cession 360.3.4
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War I businesses 182.8.2
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.2
        manpower 211.23.3
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        Federal Art Project 69.5.2
New York Air Brake Co. 156.16
New York Artillery 391.8
New York Bay 77.6.3
New York Cable Censor Office 38.6.3
New York Coffee Office 103.4.1
New York, Commander of the Defense of the City and Harbor of 98.2.2
New York Federal Reserve Bank 82.4
New York Harbor Line Board 77.6.3
New York Harbor Wage Adjustment Board 32.2.11
New York Indian Agency 75.19.65
New York Indians
    Kansas claims 75.12.2
New York Insane Asylum 60.5.3
New York-New England District (Geological Survey) 57.10.1
"New York, New York" (radio show) 306.4.1
New York, NY
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.2
    cotton prices 366.11.2
    food administration 4.3
    German attache 65.2.2
    harbor fortifications 77.10.37
    immigration 56.9
        alien deportations 85.5.3
    maps and charts
        defense areas 187.5.2
        harbor area 77.10.10, 77.10.37
            military facilities 313.4.5
            sugar refineries 60.18
        railroad terminal 313.4.5
        War Secretary correspondence 107.2.1
    photographs 66.4, 69.10, 181.18, 233.33
    rent control 252.4.2
    Revolutionary War 93.1
        British evacuation 360.2.4
        military service 93.5.1
    Russian consulate 261.3
        customs collection 36.3.1
        Customs Service investigations 36.2.2, 56.3.4
        docks drawing 37.4.1
        harbor labor mediation 13.10, 13.11
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrivals 36.3.2, 85.3.1
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
    war memorials 117.3.3
    WPA projects 69.4.3, 69.5.2, 69.5.3, 69.10
New York, NY, Army Medical Examining Board 112.4
New York, NY, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
New York, NY, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
New York, NY, Assay Office 104.5.8
New York, NY, Assistant Treasurer at 39.2.2
New York, NY, Board of Civil Service Examiners 146.5.1
New York, NY, Branch Naval Intelligence Office 38.6.3
New York, NY, Branch Office (Alien Property Custodian) 131.2.3;
    (Housing Corporation) 3.7.1; (Hydrographic Office) 37.3;
    (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.10
New York, NY, Chemical Procurement District 175.4.6
New York, NY, Customs Examining Board 146.5.1
New York, NY, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.3, 77.10.8,
77.10.37, 77.10.39;
    (Coast Guard) 26.6.3;
    (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7;
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.2;
    (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.1
New York, NY, District Office
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
     (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.4;
     (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.12.2, 188.12.3, 188.12.6;
     (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
New York, NY, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.1, 77.9.2, 77.9.5
New York, NY, Examining Board of Naval Engineers, 19.4.2
New York, NY, Explosives Plant 156.6.2
New York, NY, Federal Reserve Bank 101.5.2
New York, NY, field office (American Protective League) 65.5;
    (Capital Issues Committee) 158.3;
    (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.1, 219.6.3, 219.6.4;
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3;
    (Occupied Areas Office) 319.5.2;
    (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.2
New York, NY, General Superintendent (Army Transport Service) 92.6.2
New York, NY, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
New York, NY, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
New York, NY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.32
New York, NY, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
New York, NY, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
New York, NY, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.3
New York, NY, Naval District 38.6.2, 181.2.2
New York, NY, Navy Yard
    caisson plans 71.2.4
    Engineering Bureau facilities 19.4.1
    Naval Records Collection 45.6
    photographs 19.12, 71.6
    records 181.3.5
    Steam Engineering examining board 125.3.2
    Yards and Docks journals 71.2.5
New York, NY, office (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3;
    (OSS) 226.17.1;
    (OWI) 208.3.6, 208.3.9, 208.4.3, 208.4.4, 208.5, 208.6.4;
    (Public Information Committee) 63.2.3;
     (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6;
     (War Relocation Authority) 210.3.3
New York, NY, Operations Office (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.5
New York, NY, Ordnance Agency 156.14
New York, NY, Ordnance District 156.12
New York, NY, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.1
New York, NY, Purchasing Agency (Quartermaster General) 92.15.1
New York, NY, region (Federal Regional Council) 414.6
New York, NY, Regional Board (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.5.2
New York, NY, regional office
     (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.4.7;
    (Civil Service Commission) 146.5.1;
    (Commodity Exchange Authority) 180.3.2;
    (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.12;
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.2;
    (War Assets Administration) 270.3.1
New York, NY, Subtreasury (photographs) 121.8
New York, NY, superviser (Treasury relief art project) 121.2.4
New York, NY, Supervising District (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.2
New York office (War Risk Litigation Bureau) 190.3
New York Review Board (OWI) 208.5.1
New York State Barge Canal 77.10.6
New York State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.5
New York State Prison 60.5.3
New York State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home 15.3
New York Times
    Paris Bureau photographs 306.11
New York Times Overseas Weekly 229.7.3
New York, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.30.2
New York, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of 118.30.1, 206.2
New York, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.30.3
New York, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of 21.34.5
New York, U.S. Circuit Court for the Northern District of 21.34.3
New York, U.S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of 21.34.7
New York, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.34.9
New York, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.34.4
New York, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of 21.34.2
New York, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of 21.34.6
New York, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.34.8
New York, U.S. Marshals for the Southern District of 118.47.8
New York, Vice Admiralty Court of the Province of 21.34.1
New York World's Fair (1939) 44.5.1, 119.5.2, 121.3
New York World's Fair (1964-65) 43.13.17
New York World's Fair Commission 148.7
New York Zone Supply Office (Quartermaster General) 92.3.5
New Zealand
    American Bicentennial celebration 452.3.8
    photographs 350.2
    U.S. Antarctic research 307.5.2
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
New Zealand Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.3
Newagen, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Newark Bay 77.6.3
Newark, DE, Ammunition Storage Yard 77.10.44
Newark, NJ
    civil disorders 220.11.3, 220.11.4
        sound recordings 220.11.1
    customs collection 36.3.1
    port terminal construction 92.7.1
Newark, NJ, district office (Price Administration) 188.12.3, 188.12.6
Newark, NJ, internal revenue collection district 58.5.30
Newark, NJ, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Newark, NJ, Quartermaster Terminal 92.15.4
Newberry, SC 393.7, 393.14
Newburg, OR 310.5.9
Newburgh, NY
    Washington headquarters monument 42.3.4
Newburyport, MA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    harbor chart 77.10.5
Newburyport, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
Newcastle, WY, land office 49.9.27
Newchang claims 76.6
Newcomb, Robinson 459.1
Newell, Homer 255.3
    maps 76.6
    U.S. Army base commands 338.2.2
Newfoundland Section, Canada and (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.3
Newkirk, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Newkom, E.E. 142.3.1
Newlands Act (1902) 57.3, 115.2
Newlands Act (1913) 13.3, 13.4
Newlands (Truckee-Carson) Reclamation Project 49.9.18
Newman, James R. 250.3.5
Newnan, GA, Division (District Court) 21.12.1
Newport Barracks, NC 393.4, 393.7
Newport, KY 393.4, 393.7
Newport, KY, Barracks 77.9.12, 393.7
Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. 125.3.16, 156.13, 313.4.3
Newport News, VA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.1
    customs collection (Yorktown) 36.3.1
    project area plan 3.4.7
    shipways 71.6
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Newport News, VA, Army Port of Embarkation 92.15.4
Newport News, VA, Division (District Court) 21.49.1
Newport, OR 36.3.1
Newport, RI
    construction quartermasters 92.7.1
    customs collection 36.3.1
Newport, RI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Newport, RI, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Newport, RI, Customs District 26.2.6, 26.3.6, 26.6.1
Newport, RI, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.36
Newport, RI, Naval Base 181.4.5
Newport, RI, Naval Training Station 38.4.16, 181.9.2
Newport, RI, Navy Shore Patrol Headquarters 181.15.38
Newport, RI, Torpedo Station 45.6
News and Current Affairs Division (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.4.2
News and Features Bureau (OWI) 208.5.2
News and Intelligence Division (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.3.5
News Branch (War Department Special Staff) 165.15.3
News Bureau (OWI) 208.3.5
News Department (Women's Defense Work) 62.5.2
News Division (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.7.3;
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.16;
    (War Secretary) 107.10.2
News Editing Division (OWI) 208.3.5
News from the Archives 64.2.4
news media
    civil disorders coverage 220.11.1, 220.11.3, 220.11.4
    Public Information Committee 63.1
    U.N. conference 43.2.43
    World War II information 44.5.7
News Notes (Women's Defense Work) 62.5.2
News of the Day (newsreels) 208.6.5
News, Office of (State Department) 59.3.9
News Operations Division (OWI) 208.3.10
News Releases (Defense Department motion pictures) 342.12
News Writing Division (OWI) 208.3.5
Newsmap 160.5
Newspaper and Periodical Mail, Division of (Post Office
     Department) 28.5.6
newspaper guilds 202.6.1
newspaper indexing project 69.5.11
    German prisoners of war 208.5.1
    Japanese-American 210.2
    "left-wing" labor papers 174.2
    radical publications 28.8
    wage disputes 202.5.6, 202.6.1
newsprint shipping 229.5.1
Nez Perce Census 75.19.88
Nez Perce National Forest, ID 95.11.8
U.S.S. Niagara 313.9.3
Niagara Falls
    Canada-U.S. commissions 57.6.2, 76.2.4
    hydroelectric power 77.2.9
    photographs 76.2.6, 77.5.1, 77.9.9
    survey notebooks 77.10.6
Niagara Falls Power Administration 77.9.9
Niagara, NY
    customs collection 36.3.1
    employment, housing 187.5.2
Niagara, NY, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Niagara, NY, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Niagara River 43.17, 77.5.1, 77.9.9
    boundary arbitrations 76.5
    canal, highway survey 77.5.3
    claims 76.4
    Costa Rican rebels 349.7.1
    interocean canal commissions 59.5.1, 185.4 185.5.2
        maps 77.6.6, 185.4
        public health 90.15
        railroad survey 43.11.2
    U.S. Marine Corps activities 127.2.3, 127.6.3, 127.7.2
        photographs 127.9
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
        Electoral Mission 43.11.12
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
    Nicaragua Canal Board 185.4
Nicaragua Canal Commission 80.3.1, 185.4, 185.5.2
Nicaraguan Expeditionary Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.6
Nicaro project 291.4
Nichols and Co. v. United States 462.3
Nichols, Ann 490.5
Nichols, Charles H. 418.2.1, 418.3.1
Nichols, Kenneth D. 77.11, 326.2.3
Nichols, Larry 490.5
Nicholson, John (financier) 42.2.1
Nicholson, John (shipping consultant) 32.2.3, 32.2.5
    Nicaro project film 291.4
    trade mission 40.7.4
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Nightingale, J.W. 60.5.3
Nike missiles 156.7.14
Niles Tool Works 156.13
Nimbus Project 370.8.1
Nimitz, Chester W. 220.7.15
Nine Power Conference (1954) 43.2.49, 43.10.15
Ninilchik, AK 49.13.1
Ninth SEE ALSO 9th
Ninth Army 338.9.9
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 276.10
Ninth Circuit, U.S. Circuit Court for the 21.6.5
Ninth Coast Artillery District 338.9.4
Ninth International Conference of American States 43.2.7
Ninth Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
Ninth Special Agency (Treasury Department) 366.10
Nippon Trading Co. 131.3.3
nisei SEE Japanese-Americans
Nitrate Division (Ordnance Department) 54.5.2, 156.6.2
nitrate film 64.6, 64.14
nitrate plants
    Ordnance Department photographs 156.16
    TVA photographs 142.18
Nitrate Plants, U.S. 156.6.2
Nitrate Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.12
Nitre and Mining Bureau, Confederate 109.7.5
Nitro, WV, Explosives Plant 156.6.2
    photographs 156.6.8
Nix film (of Kennedy assassination) 272.4
Nix, Orville O. 272.4
Nixon, Pat 429.3
Nixon, Richard M.
        temporary organizations 220.15, 220.23, 220.24
        White House personnel records 130.3.4
    antipoverty programs 381.3.3
    Council on Economic Policy 429.5
    economic stabilization program 396.2
    Frost interviews (video recordings) 64.15
    impeachment 130.3.1, 233.16
        inaugural committees 274.8, 274.9
        motion pictures 128.5
        photographs 306.11
    joint Congressional committees 128.4
    national parks centennial 79.13.6
        Environmental Protection Administration 412.8
        Environmental Quality Committee 429.3
        Far East trip 59.3.9
        foreign travel 306.11
        Management and Budget Office 51.14
    privacy rights committee 429.8
    residence 121.4.2, 269.11.4
    resignation, pardon 460.2
    sound recordings
        foreign policy statement 130.6
        Postal Reform Bill signing 28.13
    staff expenses 269.11.4
    Watergate investigations 460
Nixon v. Sampson 460.3.1, 460.5.2
Noball installation 243.8
nobility titles 11.2
Noble, Edward J. 40.2
Noble, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Nobleboro, ME 41.5
Nofziger, Franklyn C. (Lyn) 449.8
Nogales, AZ
    customs collection 36.3.1
Nogales, AZ, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Nogales, AZ, office (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.11
Nogales, AZ, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Noisy-le-Sec, France 120.3.4
Nolan, Dennis E. 394.2.2
Noland, William 42.2.3
Nolen, John, Jr. 328.2
Nolin Reservoir, KY 77.10.26
Nome Agency 75.19.66
Nome, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    lifesaving station logbooks 26.4.2
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Nome, AK, office (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.3
Nome, AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.3
Nome, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
nominations SEE Presidential nominations and appointments
nominations and appointments, Confederate 109.4
Nomini Creek, VA 77.10.64
Non-Appropriated Funds Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.2
Non-Commissioned Officer Staff (Military Academy) 404.17
Non-Ferrous Metals Advisory Panel (Materials Policy Commission)
Nonferrous Metals Commission (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.6.6
Nonferrous Metals Section, Primary and Secondary (Price
   Administration) 188.8.9
Non-Metallic Minerals Division (National Security
    Resources Board) 304.2.3
Nonmetals Division (Mines Bureau) 70.3.2
Nonpublic Education and the Public Good 220.15.9
Non-Residential Construction Branch (Housing Expediter) 252.3.2
Non-Self-Governing Territories, Subcommittee on
   (State Department) 353.5.2
Non-Syndicated Reports 167.3.4
Norcross, Cleveland 227.4.1
Norden bombsight 80.3.4
Norfolk and Portsmouth, VA, Defenses of 393.4, 393.13.7
Norfolk and Portsmouth, VA, U.S. Forces 393.9, 393.11.1
Norfolk Dam, AR 387.1
Norfolk, NE, Division (Circuit Court) 21.29.3
Norfolk, NE, Division (District Court) 21.29.2
Norfolk, VA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.9, 393.11.1, 393.11.2, 393.12, 393.13.7, 393.14
    Civil War trade 366.8
    customs collection 36.3.1
    ferries 3.4.7, 3.7.1
    housing 3.4.20
    rent control 252.4.2
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Norfolk, VA, Army Supply Base 77.15.2
Norfolk, VA, Coast Guard Repair Base 26.6.4
Norfolk, VA, Defenses of 393.4
Norfolk, VA, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.38
Norfolk, VA, District (Lifesaving Service) 26.4.2
Norfolk, VA, district office (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.4;
    (Price Administration) 188.14.2;
    (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Norfolk, VA, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.3;
    (Circuit Court) 21.49.2, 21.49.3;
    (District Court) 21.49.1, 21.49.3
Norfolk, VA, Fleet Air Commander 313.5.2
Norfolk, VA, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Norfolk, VA, Medical Supply Office 112.5.7
Norfolk, VA, Military Prison 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.11
Norfolk, VA, Naval Air Station 181.11.17
Norfolk, VA, Naval Base 181.4.6, 313.4.5
Norfolk, VA, Naval District 181.2.4
Norfolk, VA, Naval Hospital 52.6, 52.7
Norfolk, VA, Naval Hospital Corps School 52.7
Norfolk, VA, Navy Yard 45.6, 71.2.5, 181.3.6
Norfolk, VA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Norfolk, VA, Supervising District (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.3
Noriel, Mariano 350.3
Norman Dam 76.2.8
Norman, David 60.8
Norman, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Norman Wells area 77.10.15
Normandy, France
    aerial photographs 331.2.3
    maps 332.2.3
    medical treatment of casualties (photographs) 52.7
Normoyle Motor Transport Depot, TX 92.15.4
Norris Dam 142.18
Norris, George (photographs) 221.6
Norris Reservoir 142.5.4
Norris, TN 142.10.2, 142.11
Norstad, Lauris 341.2
North Adams, MA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
North Africa
    land use, flood control (photographs) 114.4.1
    maps 242.25
    military activities (photographs) 407.13
    typhus control 112.3.3
    U.S. military missions 160.4.1
    World War II
        Army commands 338.3.4
        cultural resource protection 239.4
        economic intelligence 169.8.2
        German targets (aerial photographs) 242.9.4
        maps 165.4.1, 331.16.3
        photographs 242.28, 337.12
        radio broadcast translations 262.3.1
        OSS research 226.6.1, 226.3.11
North African Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
North African Service Command (Army) 338.3.4
North Alabama, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
North Alaska, District of (Army) 393.5
North America
    Indian languages (maps) 106.3
    OWI information files 208.4.2
    radio broadcasting conference 43.2.34
    weather maps 38.10, 370.3.2
    World War II Army commands 338.2
North American Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.9
North American Regional Broadcast Agreement 173.8
North American Theater Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.7
North and West Coast Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.1
North Atlantic Council 43.7.14, 43.10.10, 43.10.14, 43.10.15
North Atlantic Defense Committee 353.11.5
North Atlantic Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.5
North Atlantic Fisheries Arbitration 76.6
North Atlantic Ocean
    weather data 27.5.5
        maps 27.4.3, 27.5.12, 27.7
North Atlantic Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.4, 313.9.2
North Atlantic Treaty (1949) 43.7.9, 334.4
North Atlantic Treaty Affairs, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.6.4
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
    citizens commission 59.5.1
    economic intelligence 334.7
    military assistance program 330.6.2
        advisory groups 334.4
    motion pictures 286.2.2
    organizational committees 353.11.5
    postwar conferences 43.7.11, 43.10.13
    standard agreements 333.8.1
    U.S. mission 469.6, 469.7
North Beach, NY, Airport 237.3
U.S.S. North Carolina 181.3.5
North Carolina
    agricultural loans 154.3
    American Protective League field offices 65.5
    Army Engineers projects 77.10.64
    CCC camps 114.8.1
    census records 29.8.2
    coast survey 23.2.1
    Confederate organizations
        army units 109.9.4
        courts 21.35.6
        miscellaneous records 109.13.1
        Treasury field offices 365.10.3
    discrimination case files 453.2.1
    extension service reports 33.6
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.5
        attorneys, U.S. 118.31
        district courts 21.35
    food administration 4.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    Indian health survey 75.14.4
    lifesaving station logbooks 26.4.2
        Army Engineers 77.10.4
        farm drainage 8.3.2
        property surveys 31.2.2
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2, 394.2.4
    mineral production 70.11.3
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
        aerial photographs 95.10.6
        American Guide 69.2.2
        geological formations 57.2.2
    property survey maps 31.2.2
    rent control 252.4.4
    Revolutionary War records 93.2.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.4.4, 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.17, 114.12.10
    soil studies 54.5.4
        direct taxes 58.4.7, 217.10.3
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.33
    wage and hour standards enforcement 155.2.1, 155.3.1, 155.4.4
    western lands cession 360.3.4
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.4
        manpower 211.23.5
        rent control 188.3.5
North Carolina and Southern Virginia, Department of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
North Carolina, Army of 393.5, 393.8
North Carolina, Confederate States District Court for 21.35.6
North Carolina, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4, 393.8, 393.9
North Carolina, Department of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
North Carolina, Department of Virginia and (Army) 109.14.4, 393.4, 393.8, 393.9
North Carolina Direct Tax Commission 58.4.7
North Carolina, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.8, 393.9
North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration 69.3.1
North Carolina, Military Command of 393.15
North Carolina State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.11
North Carolina State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2
North Carolina, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.31
North Carolina, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of 21.35.2
North Carolina, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.35.5
North Carolina, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.35.1
North Carolina, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of 21.35.3
North Carolina, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.35.4
North Carolina, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
North Central Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.10
North Central Experiment Station (Bureau of Mines) 70.12.3
North Central Forest Experiment Station 95.10.2
North Central Kentucky, District of (Army) 393.5
North Central Regional Office (Agricultural Economics) 83.7.2
north-central states
        Indian reservation 49.3.10
        population changes 83.4.4
        topography 57.5
    unemployment relief 73.2.2
North Dakota
    agricultural loans 154.3.7
    employment planning 369.3.6
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.9
        attorneys, U.S. 118.32
        district courts 21.36
    fish stocking (motion picture) 22.19
    food administration 4.3
        Canada boundary 76.2.2
        climate 83.4.10
        Fish and Wildlife Service 22.15.5
        flood control 77.10.53
        forest regions 95.10.6
        property surveys 31.2.2
        Red River drainage 114.4.6
        soil regions, crop yield 83.4.3
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.6
        American Guide 69.2.2
        federal buildings 121.4.3
        Indian lands 75.8
        soil conservation 114.10.9
    price controls 295.3
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.20
        special agents 49.3.17
        survey 57.10.2
    rent control 252.4.6
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.18, 114.13.6, 114.14.10
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.34
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.8
        manpower 211.23.9
    WPA, emergency relief projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        rural rehabilitation 69.3.9
North Dakota Agricultural College 407.11
North Dakota Reporting Station 136.10.6
North Dakota State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.21
North Dakota, U.S. Attorney for 118.32
North Dakota, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.36.3
North Dakota, U.S. District Court for 21.36.2
North Dakota, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.36.1
North District (European Command) 349.6.3
North, Division of the (Army) 98.2.3
North End of Folly Island, SC 393.9, 393.11.1
North Fork, Canadian River 393.7
North German Confederation 242.4.1
North German Lloyd 131.3.2, 242.11
North Group (German Army) 242.7.2
North Haven, ME 41.5
North Kansas, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
North Korea
    captured records 242.23
    Korean conflict (motion pictures) 242.26
    maps 338.9.8
North Manitou Island, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
North Missouri, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
North Missouri Railroad, District of the 393.4, 393.5
North Pacific Coast Artillery District 392.2.2
North Pacific Coast [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
North Pacific Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.19
North Pacific Exploring Expedition 45.4.2
North Pacific Ocean
    maps and charts 313.4.4
    sealing 22.2
    weather data 27.5.3, 27.5.5
North Pacific Planning Project 43.11.16
North Pacific Sub-Area--Military Sea Transportation Service 181.15.5
North Pacific Surveying Expedition, U.S. 36.4
North Philippines, Department of (Army) 395.14.2
North Platte, NE, District Office (Price Administration)
    188.16.2, 188.16.3, 188.16.6, 188.16.7
North Platte, NE, Division (Circuit Court) 21.29.3
North Platte, NE, Division (District Court) 21.29.2
North Platte, NE, land office 49.9.17
North Point, WI 26.2.2
North Sea
    mine locations (maps and charts) 74.6, 313.3.1
North, Simon Newton Dexter 29.3.1
U.S.M.V. North Star 75.21.11
North Texas, District of (Army) 393.5
North Tonawanda, NY 36.3.1
North Vernon, IN 29.8.3
North Vietnam
    Vietnam War 38.9
        captured documents 472.3.4
North West Army 393.4, 393.8
North Yakima, WA, land office 49.9.25
Northeast Area Joint Committee (Munitions Board) 334.14
Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission 22.9.2
northeast boundary commissions 76.2.1, 76.2.4
Northeast Chemical Depot, NY 175.4.4
Northeast Command, U.S. 349.8
Northeast Corridor Intercity Travel Study 398.3
Northeast District (Army Engineers) 77.10.39
Northeast District (European Command) 349.6.3
Northeast Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.1
Northeast Drainage Basins Office 90.8.4
Northeast Farm Management Research Committee 354.3
Northeast Field Staff (Interior Secretary) 48.12.3
Northeast Missouri, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northeast Postwar Planning Committee 83.7.3
Northeast Production Adjustments Advisory Group 354.3
Northeast region SEE ALSO headings beginning with New England
    coast survey 23.5.1
    fisheries 22.14.1
    hurricanes 77.9.4
        agriculture planning 16.10.3
        Army commands 338.2.2
        Coast Guard beach patrol 26.5.14
        drainage problem areas 114.5.3, 114.10.1
        forests 95.2.3
        military posts, harbor defenses 77.10.5
        oil pipelines 219.8
        railroads 14.10, 219.8
        river basins 77.9.4
        topography 57.5
    naval shore facilities (photographs) 181.2.1
    power survey 57.6.4
        coal requirements 245.3.5
    Vienna Exposition exhibits 43.12.3
    weather data 27.6.1
Northeast Region (National Park Service) 79.6.4
Northeast Regional Committee on Production Goals 83.7.3
Northeast Regional Office (Federal Water Pollution Control Administration) 381.3
Northeast Superpower Committee 138.4
Northeastern Arkansas, District of (Army) 393.9
Northeastern Department (Army) 393.4, 394.2.1
Northeastern Louisiana, District of (Army) 393.5
Northeastern Region (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.1,
    114.11.9, 114.11.14, 114.11.16, 114.11.19, 114.12.1,
    114.12.3, 114.12.8, 114.12.9, 114.12.11, 114.12.13,
    114.14.4, 114.14.8, 114.14.11, 114.14.14
Northeastern Regional Office (Agricultural Economics) 83.7.3
Northeastern Resources Committee 114.7.2
Northeastern Timber Salvage Administration 95.12.3
Northeastern Virginia, Department of (Army) 393.4
Northeastern Virginia, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northern Alabama, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.12
Northern Alabama, U.S. Forces 393.2, 393.11.1
Northern and Western New York, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northern Arizona, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Northern Army (War of 1812) 98.2.2
Northern California-Nevada Section Office
   (Civilian Defense Office) 171.5.9
Northern California Sector (4th Army) 338.9.4
Northern Cheyenne Agency 75.19.67
Northern Cheyenne Stock Association 75.19.67
Northern Department (Army) 98.2.1, 393.4
Northern District (10th Army Corps) 393.9
Northern District (Army Department of the South) 393.4, 393.5
Northern Division (Army) 393.2
Northern Division (Military Telegraph Lines) 111.5.3
Northern European Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.5
Northern Georgia, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northern Great Plains region
    agriculture planning maps 16.10.3
    land use maps 114.3.1
Northern Great Plains Region (Soil Conservation Service)
    114.11.11, 114.11.12, 114.11.18, 114.11.21, 114.11.26,
    114.12.6, 114.12.15, 114.14.3, 114.14.6, 114.14.7,
    114.14.10, 114.14.12, 114.14.16
Northern Great Plains Regional Office (Agricultural Economics) 83.7.4
Northern Group of Armies (SHAEF) 331.10
Northern Hemisphere
    weather maps 27.5.8, 370.3.2
Northern Ireland
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts, 84.3, 84.4
    U.S. military cemeteries (photographs) 332.2.3
Northern Luzon, Department of (Army) 395.14.2
Northern Mariana Islands
    appeals court records 276.10
    International Women's Year workshops 220.16.2
    U.S. relationship 220.18.21
Northern Mariana Islands Commission on Federal Law 220.18.21
Northern Navajo Indian Agency 75.19.62, 75.19.68
Northern New York, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northern Pacific Forces (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
Northern Pacific Railroad
    land grants 75.19.67, 95.5.2
        maps 95.12
    survey photographs 106.6
Northern Pueblos Indian Agency 75.16.2, 75.19.69, 75.19.117
Northern Region (Forest Service) 95.9.1
Northern Regional Research Laboratory (Agricultural Research Service) 310.5.2
Northern Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 95.10.8
Northern Sakhalin Island (map) 59.6
Northern Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.10
Northern Textile Commission (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.6.7
Northern Virginia, Confederate Army of 109.9.2
Northern Virginia, Department of (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Northland (Coast Guard cutter) 26.5.7
Northport, WA 76.4, 97.3.7
Northrop Corp. 313.4.3
Northville, MI, fish hatchery 22.14.1
Northwest Appalachian Erosion Experiment Station 114.4.1
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Conference 43.2.44
northwest boundary commissions 76.2.3, 76.2.4
Northwest, Department of the (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Northwest Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.8
Northwest Electricity Conservation Program 327.2
Northwest [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
Northwest Missouri, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Northwest Region (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.4
Northwest Region (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.9
Northwest Regional Office (National Marine Fisheries Service) 370.7
Northwest Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
Northwest Solid Fuels Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.6
Northwest Territory
    Surveyor General 49.3.6, 49.7.14
Northwest Territory Celebration Commission 148.4
Northwestern Division (Military Telegraph Lines) 111.5.2
Northwestern Europe Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3
Northwestern Sea Frontier 181.2.12, 313.7
northwestern states SEE ALSO Pacific Northwest region
    Indian reservations (maps) 49.3.10
    Water Resources Program 114.2.1
Northwestern University 24.8.6
Northwind (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4, 26.6.10
Norton Air Force Base, CA 341.7
Norton Sound 261.2
    claims 76.4
    coastal charts 37.4.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.4.8
        OSS base 226.8
    World War II
        cultural resource protection 239.3
        German occupation 242.7.9
        photographs 242.28
        postwar civil affairs 331.15.2
        SHAEF organizations 331.7, 331.12
Norway Division (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Norway Unit (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3
Norwegian-language captured records 242.22
Norwich, CT, internal revenue collection district 58.5.6
nose whistlers 307.5.2
"Not for Glory" (radio program) 171.4.8
Not Sick Enough (motion picture) 363.4
notaries public 60.16.3, 185.8
Note, Coupon, Currency, and Files Division (Treasury Register)
Note Division (Treasury Department) 53.4.1
Notes From the Foreign News Bureau 62.5.2
Notices to Mariners 26.2.2
Notter, Harley 59.3.8
Nottingham, MD 41.5
Nottoway, District of (Army) 393.5
Nourse, Edwin G. 459.1
Nourse, Joseph 39.2.3
Nova Scotia
    fisheries 22.14.1
    maps 76.6, 77.9.4
        coastal survey 76.2.1
Nova Scotian refugees 49.3.2
Noyer, France 120.8.2
Noyes, Leigh 38.3.1
Noyo River 77.10.55
NRA SEE National Recovery Administration
Nuckols, S.B. 54.2
nuclear accidents
    medical resources mobilization (motion picture) 235.6
    military forces use 397.2.4
Nuclear Accidents, Presidential Commission on Catastrophic 220.19
Nuclear and Special Components Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Nuclear Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
nuclear chemists 326.5.7
Nuclear Cratering Group 77.17
nuclear energy
    Air Force documents access 341.10.6
    Air Force materiel program 341.12.2, 341.12.5
    Atomic Energy Commission 326
    canal excavation 185.8
    Energy Research and Development Administration contractors 430.2.1-430.2.3
    Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 434.4.2
    materials safety (motion pictures) 434.5
    peaceful uses
        joint Congressional committees 128.4
        motion pictures 434.5
    photographs 77.11.1, 306.11, 434.3.1
Nuclear Energy and Effects Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.2
Nuclear Engine Rocket Vehicle Application Project 255.4.6
nuclear power plants
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission 431
    Three Mile Island accident commission 220.18.16
nuclear-powered aircraft 326.4.2, 326.5.5
Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes, Subcommittee on Energy (Senate) 46.13
nuclear reactors
    Antarctic site 307.5.2
    Atomic Energy Commission development 326.3.1, 326.4.2, 326.4.3, 326.4.6
    construction, Argonne Lab 434.4.1
Nuclear Regulation, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.18
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Records of the (RG 431)
    administrative history 431.1
    machine-readable records 431.4
    Region II administrator 431.3
    state programs 431.2
Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee 220.18.22
nuclear scientists 18.10, 326.5.7
nuclear waste disposal 326.4.3
nuclear weapons and warfare SEE ALSO Hiroshima, Japan, bombing
    arms control 383.2
    atomic bomb research, development 227.3.1
        German progress reports 165.4.8
            motion picture 319.12.1
        Manhattan Project 77.11, 326.2.1
        McDonald Ranch House restoration 434.3.5
    civil defense 397.2.2, 397.2.5-397.2.8
        motion pictures 304.7, 311.2
    delivery systems 374.2.14
    effects research 374.3.4
    Far East Command 349.3.4
    military intelligence records 373.2
    Ordnance Department 156.7.14
    weapons development 330.2.2, 374
        Soviet Union 330.2.1
Nuclear Weapons Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.2
Nuclear Weapons School
    motion pictures 374.6
nuclear weapons tests
    Armed Forces Special Weapons Project 374.3.1, 374.3.11,
      374.3.14, 374.5.1-374.5.4
    army personnel review 335.13
    motion pictures 342.12, 374.6, 434.5
        first test 77.11.1
        sea tests 19.8.1
    photographs 374.5.3
        Civil and Defense Mobilization Office 304.6.2
        Energy Department 434.3.1
        Navy Department 80.11
        Nevada aerial photographs 326.5.1
    test security 374.3.14
Nueces River 114.7.1
Nueva Caceres, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Nuevitas, Cuba 395.11.5
Nukalo, AK, land office 49.9.2
NUL-RIP company 179.2.8
Nunivak (revenue cutter) 26.3.2, 26.5.2
Nuremberg, Germany (photographs) 238.3.1
Nuremberg, Germany, office (Axis Criminality Prosecution) 238.3.1
Nuremberg, Germany, office (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.7
Nuremberg Military Post 238.4.7
Nuremberg trials 238.3-238.6, 242.11, 260.5.1-260.5.3
Nurse Training Act (1964) 90.9.4
    forests 95.2.4
        photographs 75.9
    Soil Conservation Service 114.5.2
Nursery Crop Research Laboratory 310.5.7
Nursery Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.5.2, 114.10.6
nursery schools 69.3.5, 69.10
nurses and nursing
    Army life survey 330.5.3
    Army personnel records 94.12.4
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.3
        photographs 112.8
    Indian Affairs
        agency records 75.19.81, 75.19.107
            student training 75.19.92, 75.19.113
        field activities 75.21.14
        Health Division 75.14.4
    Navy service 52.2.2, 52.4.1
        uniforms (photographs) 52.7
    Public Health Service
        consultants 90.9.4
        facilities 90.4.40, 90.8.3
        motion pictures 90.13
        training 90.6.2, 90.7.2
    Vietnam War (photographs) 428.2.2
    World War I training 62.4.2
    World War II
        Cadet Corps tribute 215.5
        civilian defense 171.4.6
        recruitment 211.20, 215.2.8
        Red Cross home course 211.22.4
Nursing, Committee on (Council for National Defense) 62.4.2
nursing consultants 90.9.4
Nursing Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Nursing, Division of 90.6.2, 90.9.4
nursing homes
    Indian patients 75.16.8
Nursing Resources, Division of 90.7.2
Nursing, Technical Committee on Public Health 220.5.1
"Nutriculture Gardening" 92.4.6
    agricultural marketing agencies 136.10.1
    Caribbean conference 126.6.1
    child development study 443.10
    disease prevention center 442.2.4
    hunger commission 220.18.12
    Japanese diet levels 331.36
    national dietary study 176.2
        agriculture agencies 145.2, 145.4
        Civilian Defense Office 171.4.8
        Home Economics 176.5
        Public Health Service 90.15
    World Wars I, II programs 176.5
Nutrition and Consumer Use Research Division (Agricultural Research Service) 310.4.3
Nutrition and Food Conservation Branch (Food Distribution
    Administration) 136.7.6
Nutrition and Human Needs, Select Committee on (Senate) 46.22.2
Nutrition Committee, Tripartite 260.3.5
Nutrition Division (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.7
Nutrition Programs Branch (Distribution Office) 136.8.6
nuts 29.8.3
    photographs 54.7
"Nuts to Adolph" (radio program) 16.7.3
Nuyaka School and Orphanage 75.19.26

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