Guide to Federal Records

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Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: P

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P    Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

"P Papers" (National Security Council) 273.5.2
Pace Act (1944) 221.1
Pace, Frank, Jr. 335.2
Pacific and Northwest River Basins Commission 315.3.2
Pacific area SEE ALSO Pacific Islands; Pacific Ocean; Pacific
        theaters of operation (World War II)
    arms control conference 43.2.12
    Army postwar commands 338.8
    naval bases, forces 38.7.3, 313.6
Pacific Area office (Military Sea Transportation Service) 313.6.1
Pacific, Army Ground Forces 338.8
Pacific-Asia Region (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.10
Pacific Base Facilities Charts 38.7.4
Pacific Coast SEE ALSO Pacific Northwest region
    coastal defenses 392, 394.2.9
        engineering plans 77.2.5
    fisheries 22.3.1, 22.4.4
    longshoremen 280.4.1
    migration studies 83.6.3
    navy yard site selection 80.7.2
    port facilities 32.5.12
    power survey maps 77.10.55
    shipyard labor 32.4.10
    tidal research 23.5.1
Pacific Coast Area Office (Geological Survey) 57.10.3
Pacific Coast Artillery District 392.2.3
Pacific Coast, Board of Engineers for the 77.6.9
Pacific Coast Division (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.2
Pacific Coast Maritime Industry Board 178.10
Pacific Coast, Office of Military Roads 77.4.3
Pacific Coast offices (OSS) 226.17.2
Pacific Coast Oil Director (Fuel Administration) 67.5.1
Pacific Coast Pilot 23.4.4
Pacific Command 349.5
Pacific Department (Army) 393.4
Pacific, Department of the (Army) 393.4, 395.3.1
Pacific Development Co. 234.5.9
Pacific Division (Army) 393.2
Pacific Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.20, 77.9.21
Pacific, Division of the (Army) 108.2.4, 393.2
Pacific Far East, Subcommittee on the
    (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) 353.6
Pacific Fleet, U.S. 38.2.4, 313.3.2, 313.5.3
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 280.4.1
Pacific Islands SEE ALSO Pacific theater of operations (World War
        II); specific islands
    aerial photographs 37.3
    Albatross cruises (photographs) 22.3.3
    Atomic Energy Commission contractor facilities 326.5.1
    ethnographic reports 181.2.13
    geography research 59.3.10
        mosquito species distribution (maps) 52.6
        physician recruitment 126.6.2
        typhus control (photographs) 112.3.3
    hydrographic reports 181.2.13
    postwar occupation 165.15.1
    U.S. trust, territorial administration 43.11.26, 126.2,
        126.6.4, 284.1, 313.6.9
Pacific Islands and Puerto Rico, Committee on (Senate) 46.14
Pacific Marine Center 370.10
Pacific Missile Test Center 181.15.30
Pacific Naval Bases, Philippine Islands 71.2.3
Pacific Network Division (OWI) 208.4.4
Pacific Northwest Committee 83.6.1
Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning Act (1980) 305.1
Pacific Northwest Field Committee (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station 95.10.4
Pacific Northwest region SEE ALSO Pacific Coast
    Canada boundary 76.2.3
    lumber industry labor disputes 174.5.2
        agricultural planning 16.10.3
        drainage basins 90.12
        electric power plants, lines 77.10.46
        farm economy survey 83.4.4
        land use planning 83.6.1
        nautical charts 370.11
        timber holdings maps 122.4
        forests, Indian reservations 75.16.9
        War Assets Administration sales 270.3.8
Pacific Northwest Region (Forest Service) 95.9.5;
    (National Park Service) 79.6.5;
    (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.9;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.11, 114.10.12,
      114.11.5, 114.11.25
Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Development Commission 414.8
Pacific Northwest Regional Office (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2
Pacific Northwest Regional Office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.1
Pacific Ocean
    geologic surveys 57.4.8
    maps and charts
        air routes 237.3
        captured Japanese records 242.25
        Hydrographic Office 37.4.3
        naval operating forces 313.4.4
        strategic charts 24.9
        weather 27.5.3, 27.5.5, 27.5.8
        winds 27.7
    reefs (photographs) 37.3
    sealing 22.2
Pacific Ocean Area (Army Air Forces) 18.10
Pacific Ocean Area (Naval Forces) 181.15.21, 313.6
Pacific Ocean Area, Operations Research Group for the
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.9
Pacific Ocean Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.23
Pacific Railroad Act (1862) 193.2
Pacific Railroad, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Pacific Railroad, Committee on The (Senate) 46.9
Pacific railroads
    financing 50.3, 50.7, 53.4.2
    Interior Secretary 48.5.3
    route surveys 48.6, 57.2.1
        maps 94.13
Pacific Railroads, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.15
Pacific Railway Commission, U.S. 193.3
Pacific Railway Expedition and Survey 48.6
Pacific Regional Office (Weather Service) 370.3.4
Pacific Reserve Fleet 181.15.31
Pacific Section (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Pacific Southwest Federal Interagency Technical Committee 315.2.3
Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station 95.10.5
Pacific Southwest Region (Forest Service) 95.9.4;
    (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.8;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.10, 114.11.3, 114.11.13
Pacific Southwest Regional Office (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2
Pacific Subcommission (U.N. War Crimes Commission) 238.2
Pacific Supervisory Office (Weather Bureau) 27.6.3
Pacific Survey (Strategic Bombing Survey) 243.2, 243.4
Pacific Test Division (Holmes and Narver) 326.5.1
Pacific theaters of operations (World War II)
    aerial photographs 331.34
    Army organizations, commands 332.4, 338.5
        AGO "Operations Reports" 407.3
        Engineers activities 77.3.4, 77.10.20
        unit histories 319.20.3
    B-29 use 18.7.10
    Coast Guard activities (photographs) 26.5.2
    General Headquarters Southwest Pacific Area 331.34
    Headquarters Southeast Asia Command 331.35
    Japanese surrender 45.5.5
    maps and charts 313.5.3, 331.34
        airfields 127.9
        targets 18.10
    Marine Corps activities
        combat films 127.10
        photographs 127.12
        sound recordings 383.5
    Military Intelligence Research Service issuances 165.4.1
    oil operations (photographs) 253.3.4
    Patterson mission (photographs) 107.10.2
    President's inspection trip 43.3.8
    sound recordings 38.3.5
    strategic materials purchasing 234.5.6
    war memorial 117.2
Pacific Trust Territories 284.1
Pacific, U.S. Army 319.20.1, 319.20.3, 338.8
Pacific, U.S. Army Forces 338.5.10
Pacific Warfare Board 338.5.10
Pacification Attitude Analysis System 330.10
Pacification Study Group (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
pacifists 38.4.4
pack trains 120.9.4
Packaging and Materials Handling Division
     (Air Force Headquarters) 341.12.7
Packard Motor Co. 60.17.3
Packer, Arnold H. 174.3.4
Packers and Stockyards Administration 136.3.1
Packwood, Robert W. (Bob) 220.18.23
Pacy-sur-Armancon, France 120.8.2
Padova, Italy
    hospital 120.7.7
Padua, Italy
    AEF supply base 120.8.1
U.S.S. Paducah 37.4.1
Paducah, KY
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1, 393.12
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Paducah, KY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.17
Paducah, KY, term (Circuit Court) 21.19.4
Paducah, KY, term (District Court) 21.19.3
Paducah, KY, War Price and Rationing Board 188.13.6
Page, H.W. 253.6.4
Pageant of Peace 274.12
Paine, Thomas O. 255.3
    National Bureau of Standards reference samples 167.5.3
    Smaller War Plants Corporation project 240.3.1, 240.4.2
Painter Expedition to the China Coast 38.4.8
Painting and Sculpture, Section of (Treasury Department) 121.3
paintings SEE artworks
Paints and Wallpaper Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Paiute Indians
    Burns Colony 75.19.122
    judgment fund 75.16.9
    Powell Survey photographs 57.2.2
Pajaro River, CA 114.4.4
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
Pala Indian Agency 75.19.72
Pala Indians 75.19.60
Pala Subagency 75.19.60
Palatka, FL, U.S. Forces 393.5, 393.11.1
    library catalog 54.2
Paleontology and Stratigraphy Branch (Geological Survey) 57.4.1
Palermo, Italy, Naval Operating Base 181.6.7
    Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry 43.11.21
    naval intelligence reference file 38.4.13
    State Department files 59.5.2
    U.N. Affairs Office 59.3.8
    World War II cultural resource protection 239.4
Palestine, IL, land office 49.9.9
Paley, William S. 220.7.14
Palfrey, John G. 326.2.2
Palisades fire 49.13.7
Palisades Project 115.4.2
palm plants 350.3
Palm Springs Subagency 75.19.60
Palm Springs Task Force 48.12.2
Palma Soriano, Cuba 395.11.5
Palmer, AK 69.3.9, 126.5.1
Palmer, Lawrence J. 75.21.1
Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica 126.8, 330.6.6
Palmieri, Victor H. 220.11.1
Palmyra Island 313.4.4, 326.5.1
Palmyra, MO 393.4, 393.7
Palmyra Naval Air Station 313.6.6
Palo Alto, CA
    Army property 92.7.1
Pamlico (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Pamlico, NC
    customs collection 36.3.1
Pamlico, NC, District (District Court) 21.35.1
Pamlico, NC, District of the (Army) 393.5, 393.9
Pamlico, NC, Division (Confederate District Court) 21.35.6
Pamlico, NC, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Pan American Affairs and United States Naval Missions,
    Division of (Naval Operations) 38.3.3
Pan American Airlines Mail Service 28.4.6
Pan American Branch (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.1
Pan American Commercial Conference 43.2.27
Pan American Committee on Standardization 43.11.8
Pan American Exposition
    Agriculture Department exhibits 33.5
    Labor Statistics Bureau participation 257.2
    Navy Department exhibits 80.2.5
    State Department records 43.13.7
    Treasury Department exhibits 56.15.4
    War Department exhibits (photographs) 111.10
Pan-American-Grace Airways terminal 197.3.5
Pan-American Group (War Department General Staff) 165.9.2
Pan American Highway 229.5.1
Pan American Institute of Geography and History 57.9
The Pan American Magazine 43.13.7
Pan American Railway Association 489.9
Pan American Railway Congresses 489.9
Pan American Trade-Mark Conference 43.2.21
Pan American Union
    Inter-American Affairs Bureau files 43.2.46
Panaca, NV, Unit (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
"Panagra" terminal 197.3.5
    Armed Forces Day activities 349.7.1
    claims 76.4
    Costa Rica boundary arbitration 76.5
    maps and charts
        Army Engineers 77.3.5
        harbors 80.7.2
        interocean canal studies 220.14.6
        military survey 395.13.1
        transportation routes 151.11
    naval intelligence 45.5.1
    Panama Canal 185.1
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
        public health 90.15
        railroad survey 43.11.2
        riots 185.13
    Stimson visit 350.4
    U.S. citizens draft status 163.2.4
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission, commands 334.3, 395.13
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4
    U.S. treaty negotiation 43.2.29, 335.10
Panama Affairs, Military Assistant for (Army Secretary) 335.10
Panama Air Depot 18.9.3
Panama Battalion (Marine Corps) 127.7.3
Panama-California Exposition 48.4.10
Panama Canal
    accounts 39.2.3
    contracts 217.3.11
    defense proclamation 349.7.1
    Goethals memorial 148.5
    Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
    loan 53.4.2
    maps and charts 313.4.4
    motion pictures 59.7, 126.8
    photographs 66.4, 106.6
    treaty negotiations 43.2.29
Panama Canal (Spooner) Act (1902) 185.2, 185.3, 185.6
Panama Canal Act (1904) 185.6; (1912) 185.6; (1979) 185.1
Panama Canal Company 185.8, 185.13
    directors' files 335.10
Panama Canal Department (Army) 338.2.2, 395.13.1
Panama Canal Investigation Act (1945) 185.7
Panama Canal Railroad Company Act (1948) 185.2
Panama Canal, Records of the (RG 185)
    administrative history 185.1
    Canal Zone Government 185.8
    cartographic records 185.10
    First Isthmian Canal Commission 185.5
    French companies 185.3
    health conditions, Canal Zone 185.9
    motion pictures 185.11
    Nicaragua route commissions 185.4
    Panama Canal Company 185.8
    Panama Railroad Company 185.2
    records 185.7
    Second Isthmian Canal Commission 185.6
    sound recordings 185.12
    still pictures 185.13
Panama Canal Treaty (1977) 185.1
Panama Canal Zone
    Armed Forces Day activities 349.7.1
    census records 29.3.6
    fortifications engineering plans 77.2.5
    government 185.8
        Army Engineers 77.12.1
        forts 338.6.2
        National Land Defense Boards 165.18.3
        railroads 92.5.1
        coastal defense equipment 77.3.1
        naval facilities 80.11
        riots 185.13
        scenes 106.6
Panama Canal Zone Board of Registration 185.8
Panama Canal Zone Library and Museum 185.10
Panama Canal Zone Medical Association 185.9
Panama City, FL 85.3.1
Panama Congress 43.2.1
Panama District (Army Engineers) 77.10.43
Panama Harbor 349.7.2
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
    Agriculture Department exhibits 16.7.1, 54.7
    Interior Department exhibits 48.4.10
    Navy Department exhibits 80.2.5
    position applications 43.13.13
    Treasury Department exhibits 56.15.4
    War Department exhibits 107.13.6
        photographs 111.10
Panama Railroad Company 185.2, 185.13
Panay Scouts 395.14.5
Panel on the Impact of the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 128.4
panel trucks 29.4.3
Panther cruise 78.6
Panzer Army Africa 242.7.4
Paola, KS 393.4, 393.7
Papago Indian Agency 75.19.73
Papago Indians
    area office records 75.16.8
    land case 75.7.4
Papal States
    claims 76.4
    U.S. diplomatic posts 84.2
Papaw (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Paper Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.5
paper and paper industry
    inter-American newsprint shipments 229.5.1
    paper standards 128.4
    photographs 167.5.6
    plant investigation 83.2
    research 167.5.6
    World War II production 179.2.8
Paper and Paper Products Price Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.8.9
paper bags 167.5.1
Paper Evaluation Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.6
paper mills
    Indian contracts 75.16.6
    maps 95.12
    Treasury correspondence 53.2.1
paper money SEE currency
Paper Products Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Paper Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.6
Paper Section (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.3
Paperwork Management, Task Force on (2d Hoover Commission)
Parachute Army (Germany) 242.7.4
Parachute naval weapons project 181.15.27
Parachute School (Army) 338.2.3
parachutes (photographs) 72.5.4
"Parade of Postal Progress" (photographs) 28.14
    Grant Memorial dedication (photographs) 42.12
    Naval Academy (video recording) 405.7
    occupied Poland (photographs) 238.3.3
    Presidential inaugurals 42.3.3, 274.3-274.12
paraffin 188.8.8
    boundary arbitrations 76.5
    claims 76.4
    U.S. aid (motion picture) 286.2.2
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.14
paramilitary organizations
    occupied Germany 260.2.1
parasites 7.3.1
Parasitic Diseases Commission (Armed Forces Epidemiological
    Board) 334.11
paravanes 32.4.2
parcel post 28.4.5
    motion picture 28.2.2
Pardon Attorney, Records of the Office of the (RG 204)
    administrative history 204.1
    records 204.2
    Adjutant General's Office amnesty papers 94.2.5
    Civil War 59.5.2
    Pardon Attorney 204.2
    Presidential review 130.2.6
    Secret Service case files 87.2.2
    State Department records 59.4.5
parent education 69.3.5
Parfitt, Harold R. 185.8
parimutuel betting 220.15.21
Paris Bureau, New York Times (photographs) 306.11
Paris Conference of Reparations 43.4.4
Paris, District of (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.8.4, 120.10
Paris, France
    German party reports 242.12
    maps 111.8
    photographs 42.3.4
        V-E Day 112.3.3
    shipping 32.5.14
    U.S. offices, representatives
        AEF supply base 120.8.4
        American Battle Monuments Commission 117.3.1
        Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury 217.3.12
        commercial attache 151.3
        European Command Detachment A 349.6.2
        Grain Corporation, American Relief Adminstration 5.4.2
        intelligence officer 120.7.4
        military attache reports 38.4.6
        Naval Forces legal aide 125.3.9
        OSS base 226.18
        Public Information Committee 63.2.3
        War Trade Board 182.9.3
Paris, KY 393.4, 393.7
Paris Naval Board on Claims 125.3.10
Paris Peace Commission (1898) 43.11.5
Paris Peace Conference (1919)
    American Commission 256
    economic background data 51.4
    foreign ministers conference 43.6.7, 43.7.3
    records 43.5
Paris, Treaty of (1898) 186.1
Paris, TX, Division (District Court) 21.46.3
Paris Universal Exposition (1867) 43.12.2, 56.15.4;
    (1878) 43.12.4, 127.7.3;
    (1889) 33.5, 43.12.8, 95.7.1
Paris Universal Exposition (1900)
    Agriculture Department participation 33.5, 97.2
    photographs 54.7, 306.11
    records 43.12.10
Paris, U.S. Troops in 120.8.4
Park Commission Act (1924) 328.2; (1926 amendments) 328.2
Park Field, TN 18.9.1, 111.8
Park Police Division (Public Buildings and Grounds Office) 42.3.4
Parker, Chauncy G. 32.2.9
Parker, Glenn L. 57.6.1
Parker Irrigation Project 75.21.7
Parker, Ralph R. 443.7.2
Parkersburg, WV
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Parkersburg, WV, Division (Circuit Court) 21.51.2
Parkersburg, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
Parkersburg, WV, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.65
Parkhill, John H. 109.10.1
    federal land dedications 429.7
    National Capital Planning Commission (maps) 328.3
        Fine Arts Commission 66.4
        Indian Affairs 75.29
        Plant Industry Bureau 54.7
        Virgin Islands 55.4
        Washington, DC 42.3.4
    Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.3.4, 42.7
Parks, Floyd L. 331.11
Parks, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.14
parkways SEE highways and roads
    federal prisons 129.3
    military violations 389.2.5
    Pardon Attorney 204.2
    prisoners of war 249
        Army commands 393.4, 393.13.5
        Confederates 109.6
    procedures 60.17.8
    Secret Service case files 87.2.2
    war crimes convictions 331.39.3, 338.7.2
    War of 1812 prisoners 94.2.5
Parole Act (1910) 60.15.3, 129.3; (1930) 60.15.3, 129.3
Parole, Board of 60.15.3, 129.3, 129.5
Parole Camp, VA 393.4, 393.13.5
Paroled and Exchanged Prisoners, Camp Banks, VA 393.4, 393.9,
     393.13.5, 393.13.7
Paroles, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.13
Parramore (Beach), VA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Parris Island, SC 71.6
    photographs 127.12
Parrot 100-Pounder Guns, Board on 74.5
Parsons, Merton S. 354.2
Parsons, W. Frank 183.3
Participant Training, Office of (International Cooperation
    Administration) 469.7
Partners in Progress (motion picture) 269.13
U.S.S. Partridge 313.4.5
Partridge, Robert D. 221.2.2
Partridge, Ron 119.10
Partridge, William T. 328.2
Parts, Plastics, and Services Section
     (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Pasadena, CA, installation (Army Procurement Agency) 338.11.3
Pasadena, CA, Naval Ordnance Test Station 181.15.15
Pasadena, CA, office (Civilian Defense Office) 171.5.10
Pasay Garrison, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Pascagoula, MS
    Ingalls Shipbuilding 181.15.34
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
Pascagoula, MS, Coast Guard Station 26.6.6
Pascagoula, MS, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.31
Pasco, WA, Depot (Army Engineers) 77.16.2
Pasco, WA, General Depot (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Pass Cavallo, TX 393.4
Passamaquoddy Bay 76.2.1, 76.2.4
Passamaquoddy, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Development Project 57.6.2, 77.9.4,
Passenger Act (1819) 85.2
passenger lists
    Army transport ships
        Cuban Pacification 395.5.2
        Quartermaster General 92.5.3, 92.5.4, 92.6.2
    Civil Aeronautics Board records 197.5
    customs 36.2.5, 36.3.1, 36.3.2
    Immigration and Naturalization Service 85.3.1-85.3.4
Passenger Shipping Committee (State Department) 353.5.14
Passenger Transportation and Housing Division
    (Shipping Board) 32.4.4
Passive Air Defense and Civil Defense Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3
Passport Division (State Department) 59.3.2
Passport Office, Confederate 109.6
passports and visas
    Confederate Secretary of War 109.6
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.2
    diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
    Immigration and Naturalization Service 85.5.8
        Deportation Division lists 85.2.1
    passport applications 59.3.2
    seized passports 38.4.4
    vessel passports 26.3.6
    Virgin Islands 55.3.1
    visa name files 59.3.2
    World War I draft registrants 163.2.4
    World War II visas 331.17.2, 331.29.1
Pasvolsky, Leo 59.3.1
Patapsco River 77.10.4
Patchogue, NY 41.5
Patent Act (1790) 241.2; (1793) 241.2; (1836) 241.2; (1837) 241.2
Patent and Trademark Office, Records of the (RG 241)
    administrative history 241.1
    cartographic records 241.4
    Patent Office records
        "name and date" patents 241.2
        numbered patents 241.3
patent attorneys 48.4.3
Patent Branch (Army Air Forces) 18.7.7
Patent Branch (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.5
Patent Division (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.10
Patent Division (Scientific Research and Development) 227.4.3
Patent Interchange Agreement 43.11.17, 153.10.1
Patent Interchange Committee, Interdepartmental 153.9.5, 353.9
patent medicine
    advertising material 88.7
    customs lab tests 36.2.2
patent model exhibits 241.3
Patent Office (Radiation Laboratory) 227.10.1
Patent Office Building 42.2.5, 42.2.6
    architectural plans 42.3.4, 48.4.3
Patent Office Name Change Act (1975) 241.1
Patent Office, U.S.
    disclosure forms 227.4.3
    Interior Secretary 48.4.3
    patents 241.2, 241.3
Patent Section (Army Chemical Officer) 175.2;
    (Justice Department) 60.7;
    (War Department) 153.9.2
    agriculture case files 16.5.2
    appeals court docket cases 276.12
    applications, certificates, plans 241.2, 241.3
    Army Air Forces research 18.7.7
    Bell telephone case 60.3.2
    defense research 227.4.3, 227.10.2
    Electrodeposition Section cases 167.5.2
    federal policy survey 60.17.6
    Geological Survey records 57.8
    Government Procurement Commission 220.15.5
    infringement cases
        claims 123.2
        naval shipbuilding 19.8.5
        claims files 60.7
        war production 43.11.17
    Interior Secretary cases 48.4.3
    Judge Advocate General (Army) 153.9.1-153.9.7, 153.10.1-153.10.3
    Judge Advocate General (Navy) 125.2.4, 125.3.13, 125.3.20
    national defense interest 334.10
    naval ordnance 74.3.4
    naval stores research 97.3.6
    Navy Department 80.4.5
    navy yards 181.3.5
    ordnance 156.2.2, 156.5, 156.7.15
    postwar Japan 331.51.2, 331.51.3
    rubber research and development 234.7.1
    Virgin Islands 55.3.1
    war claims records 60.9.1
    World War I licenses 122.3
Patents and Inventions, Office of (Navy Department) 80.4.5
Patents and Miscellaneous Division (Interior Secretary) 48.4,
Patents Branch (Ordnance Chief) 153.9.4
Patents, Commissioner of 241.3
Patents, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.16
Patents, Committee on (Senate) 46.15
Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks, Subcommittee on
     (Senate) 46.15
Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights, Subcommittee on
     (Senate) 46.15
Paterson, NJ, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Paterson, William 360.4
Patoka (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Patrai District (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Patrick, Mason M. 18.8
Patriots Division (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.3
Patriots Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Patrol Design Branch (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.7
Patrol Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
"Patterns" (sound recordings) 220.23.7
Patterns in the Sky (motion picture) 237.3
Patterson, Edgar 75.3
Patterson Field, OH 18.9.1
Patterson, Robert P. 107.3.1, 107.10.2
Patton, George S., Jr.
    occupied Germany 260.3
    photographs 112.8
        interment 332.2.3
Patuxent, MD, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9, 393.12
Patuxent, MD, Naval Air Test Center 72.4.1
Paty, Raymond R. 142.3.2
Pau, France 120.8.1
Pauillac, France 120.8.1
Paul I (Czar) 261.2
Paul, M. Rea 240.4.2
Paulding, MS, land office 49.9.15
Pauley, Edwin W. 59.5.1
Paulkin, Tom 220.23.7
Paulsen, Carl G. 57.6.1
Paw Paw tunnel 79.12.2
Pawnee Boarding School 75.20.26
Pawnee Business Council 75.19.74
Pawnee County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Pawnee Indian Agency 75.19.74-75.19.78
Pawnee Indians
    allotments 75.7.2
    trust lands 75.7.3
Pawnee, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Pawnee-Ponca Hospital 75.21.10
Pay and Bounty Division (Second Auditor) 217.7.4
Pay Board 432.2.2-432.2.4, 432.3.1, 432.5.2, 432.10
Pay Bureau (Confederate Quartermaster) 109.7.3
Pay Department (War Department) 99.2.3
Pay Division (Confederate Treasury Department) 109.10.5
Pay Office (Paymaster General) 93.5.1
Paymaster (New York Navy Yard) 181.3.5
Paymaster General 53.2.2, 93.5.1, 360.2.4
Paymaster General, Records of the Office of the (RG 99)
    administrative history 99.1
    records 99.2
Paymaster, Ordnance, and Medical Division
    (Second Auditor) 217.7.3
paymasters 99.2.2, 99.2.3
Paymaster's Department (Marine Corps) 127.4
Paymasters Division (Fourth Auditor) 217.9.4
payments in lieu of taxes
    resettlement projects 96.2.6
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act (1909) 81.3
Payne, D.R. 76.3
Payne Field, MS 18.9.1
Peabody, Henry G. 79.17
Peace Conferences, First and Second 43.2.8
Peace Corps
    recruiting presentations (photographs) 362.4
Peace Corps Act (1961) 490.1
Peace Corps/Current 490.5
Peace Corps Partnership Program 490.5
Peace Corps, Records of the (RG 490)
    administrative history 490.1
    general records 490.2
    motion pictures 490.4
    still pictures 490.5
    support offices 490.3
"The Peacemakers" (radio program) 24.6.1
peach mosaic 7.3.3, 310.4.4
peacocks 17.2.2
Peale, Benjamin Franklin 104.2.1
pearl culture 22.1.9
Pearl Harbor Attack, Joint Committee on Investigation of the
    80.5.4, 128.3, 319.12.2
Pearl Harbor, HI
    Japanese attack
            Army 80.5.4, 128.3, 319.12.2
            Congressional committees 80.5.4, 128.3, 173.11, 319.12.2
            Navy Department 80.5.4, 128.3
        naval intelligence 38.4.8
        naval mess attendant heroism 80.3.1
        OSS re-creation (motion picture) 226.3.11
        War Department General Staff 165.9.1
    Naval Fuel Depot (photographs) 71.6
    naval installations (maps) 181.2.13
Pearl Harbor, HI, Captain of the Yard 313.4.5
Pearl Harbor, HI, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Pearl Harbor, HI, Naval Base 181.4.7
Pearl Harbor, HI, Naval Communications Station 181.10.3
Pearl Harbor, HI, Naval District 181.2.13
Pearl Harbor, HI, Naval Station 181.8.8
Pearl Harbor, HI, Navy Yard 181.3.7
Pearl Harbor, HI, office
    (Military Sea Transportation Service) 313.6.1
Pearl Harbor, HI, Submarine Base 313.6.8
Pearl Harbor Liaison Office (Navy Department) 80.5.4
Pearl Reef 37.3
Pearl River, MS
    customs collection 36.3.1
Pearl River, Receiver of the land office west of the 49.9.15
peat research 54.5.4
Pechanga Indian Agency 75.19.79
Pechman, Joseph A. 459.1
Peck, David W. 238.6
Peck, Gustav 209.2
Pecks Beach, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Pecora Committee 46.6
Pecos, District of the (Army) 393.5
Pecos River 114.7.1, 187.5.5
Pecos River Joint Investigation 187.5.7
Pecos, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Pecos, TX, Division (District Court) 21.46.8
pedophilia 60.17.10
Pedricktown, NJ 92.7.1
Pee Dee River 77.10.8, 114.7.1
Peek, George N. 20.1, 20.2.3
Pehle, John W. 56.2.3
Peiping Depot 338.4.6
Peiping Headquarters Group (Army) 338.4.6
Peiping War 38.4.8
Peixotto, Jessica 62.5.4
Peking (Peiping), China
    U.S. Legation Guards 395.10
    U.S. Marine Corps detachment 127.7.3
Peking Film Studio 263.6
Pekosnarm 261.4
pelagic seals 22.2
Pelham Bay, NY 71.6
Pelham, GA, public health hospital 90.3.1, 90.4.16
Pelican (ship) 22.3.4
Pelican, AK 49.13.1
Pell, Herbert C. 238.2
Pemberton, J.C. 109.13.2
Pembina (U.S. Gunboat) 313.9.3
Pembina Chippewa Half-Breed Scrip 75.7.2
Pembina, ND
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Pembina, ND, land office 49.9.20
Penabaz, Fernando 220.14.5
penal institutions SEE prisons
Pendant (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Pendergast, John J. 252.4.1
Pendills Creek National Fish Laboratory 22.15.3
Pendleton Act violations case 118.8
Pendleton, OR 49.9.22
Pendleton, OR, office (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.2
penguins 126.8
Penicillin Committee (Scientific Research and Development) 227.6
Peninsula, Confederate Army of the 109.9.2
Peninsula, Department of the (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Peninsula, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Peninsular Base Section (Mediterranean Theater) 338.3.2
penitentiaries SEE prisons
Penitentiary for the District of Columbia, U.S. 48.4.12
Pennell, Joseph 165.21
Penniman General Ordnance Depot, VA 156.11
Penniman Ordnance Camp, VA 156.14
U.S.S. Pennsylvania (photographs) 181.18
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    Army commands 393.11.2
    boundary dispute 360.3.4
    census records 29.8.2
    educational camps for women 119.5.5
    energy resources 187.5.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.4
        attorneys, U.S. 118.36
        district courts 21.40
    flood control 77.10.59
    food administration 4.3
    Great Lakes rivers, harbors 77.10.6
    Housing Corporation minutes 3.3.3
        military reservations 107.2.1
        waterways 77.10.44
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    mines 70.7
    national parks (motion pictures) 79.15
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
        American Guide 69.5.5
        National Guard 168.5
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
        parks 54.7
    postal service 28.4.3
     property survey maps 31.2.2
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.2
    Revolutionary War 93.4.1
        military service 93.5.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.19, 114.12.11,
    surplus property disposal 103.7.2
        direct taxes 58.2.1, 58.2.2
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.38
    territorial claims 360.2.6
     World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.3
        manpower 211.23.4
        price controls, rationing 188.12.2
     WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        photographs 69.10
    youth administrator 119.6.1
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 220.15.35
Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Act (1972) 220.15.35
Pennsylvania Board of Public Charities 85.5.3
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Eastern Shore of Maryland,
    District of (Army) 393.5
Pennsylvania, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Pennsylvania Direct Tax Commission 58.2.2
Pennsylvania, District of (Army) 393.5
Pennsylvania Institution for Feeble-Minded Children 48.4.6
Pennsylvania Railroad 133.2
Pennsylvania State Code Authority for the Trucking Industry 9.9
Pennsylvania State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.24
Pennsylvania State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.7
Pennsylvania State Office
    (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) 145.7.2
Pennsylvania, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.35.1
Pennsylvania, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of 118.35.2
Pennsylvania, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.35.3
Pennsylvania, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, U.S. Circuit Court for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of
Pennsylvania, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania, U.S. District Court for the Middle District of
Pennsylvania, U.S. District Court for the Western District of
Penobscot, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
U.S.S. Pensacola 313.9.3
Pensacola, Confederate Army of 109.9.2
Pensacola, FL
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
    customs collection 36.3.1
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Pensacola, FL, Air Station 71.2.5
Pensacola, FL, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Pensacola, FL, district office (Navigation Bureau) 24.2.4
Pensacola, FL, Division (Confederate District Court) 21.11.3
Pensacola, FL, Division (District Court) 21.11.1
Pensacola, FL, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Pensacola, FL, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Pensacola, FL, Naval Air Station 45.6
Pensacola, FL, Naval Air Training Command 181.13.2, 181.13.5
Pensacola, FL, Naval Hospital 52.6
Pensacola, FL, Navy Yard 45.6, 71.2.5, 181.3.8
Pensacola, FL, office (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.10
Pensacola, FL, public health hospital 90.4.27
"Pension" (video recording) 309.4
pension agents 217.8.7, 217.9.3
"Pension: An Old-Age Problem" (radio series) 220.18.11
Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, Assistant Secretary for 174.3.4
Pension Fund 39.2.2
Pension Funds, Subcommittee on Welfare and (Senate) 46.16
Pension Office Building
    architectural plans 42.3.4, 48.4.13, 217.3.11
    photographs 15.2.1
Pension Office, Supervising Engineer and Architect of the 48.4.13
Pension Policy, President's Commission on 220.18.11
"Pension: Solution or Crisis?" (video recording) 220.18.11
pensions and retirement plans SEE ALSO military pensions
    coal industry funds 245.6
    Indian agency records 75.19.27
    Labor-Management Policy Committee 220.10.1
    Labor-Management Services Administration 317.3.4
    railroads 184, 220.15.20, 220.19
    tax status 308.1
Pensions, Bureau of 15.2
Pensions, Commissioner of
    appeals 48.4.2
    Equipment and Recruiting Bureau (Navy) correspondence 24.5
    portraits 15.2.1
    records 15.2.1, 15.7.1
Pensions, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Pensions, Committee on (Senate) 46.11
Pentagon construction (motion picture) 121.7
peonage 60.3.2
People, Building Neighborhoods 220.18.2
The People Left Behind 220.14.16
"The People Speak About Pensions" (sound recordings) 220.18.11
Peoria, IL
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Peoria, IL, Coast Guard Depot 26.6.2
Peoria, IL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2,
     188.16.6, 188.16.7
Peoria, IL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.15.7
Peoria, IL, Division (District Court) 21.15.6
Peoria, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Peoria Indians
    census 75.19.88
    trust lands 75.7.3
Pepper, Claude 403.4
Percheron Society of America 16.5.1
Percy, Charles 432.10
Peress, Irving 335.3.2
performance contracting 381.3.2
Perigueux, France 120.8.1
Peripheral Reporting Unit (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.8
periscope photography 313.4.4
Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act 16.5.2
Perishable Foods Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Perito, Paul 429.6
Perkins Barracks, CT 393.13.8
Perkins, Frances 174.3.1, 174.4.4
Perkins, George W. 43.7.11
Perkins, Herbert F. 1.2
Perkins, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Perlman, Philip B. 220.7.19
Permanent Board (Coast Guard) 26.5.14
Permanent Commission (Navy) 45.7.4
Permanent Financial Committee
    (International Authority on the Ruhr) 43.10.6
Permanent Image Collection (Forest Service) 95.13
Permanent International Armistice Commission 120.14.6
Permanent Joint Board on Defense--U.S. and Canada 333.5
Permanent Managing Committee (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Permanent Military Deputies Group (CENTO) 333.8.3
Permanent Ordnance Board 74.5
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (Senate) 46.13, 335.3.3
Permanent Treaty (1903) 199.1
Permanent Work Group (SEATO) 333.7
Permit Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Perrine, FL, Coast Guard Radio Station 26.6.5
Perritt, Henry 432.5.1
Perry Harbor, AK 26.3.2
Perry, John R. 71.3.1
Perry, Matthew C. 11.4.1
Perry, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Perryton, TX, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.23
Pershing, John J.
    American Battle Monuments Commission 117.2, 117.3.2
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.1, 120.2.1, 120.13
    Mexican Punitive Expedition 153.2.8
    Military Board of Allied Supply 120.14.2
    Mines Bureau special projects 70.9
"Pershing Map" 407.10
Persian Gulf
    World War II shipping 248.3.3
Persian Gulf Command (Army) 332.5, 338.3.4
Persian Gulf Service Command 338.3.4
Persian Gulf War SEE Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield
Person, Harlow S. 221.2.2
Personal Justice Denied 220.18.25
Personnel Actions Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.14
personnel adjutants (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.1,
Personnel Advisory Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.3
Personnel and Administration Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.1
Personnel and Administration Division (U.N. Command) 333.6.3
Personnel and Administration, Executive for (War Department
    General Staff) 165.4.12
Personnel and Administration, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff
    for (Army Vietnam) 472.5.2
Personnel and Administrative Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5
Personnel and Business Administration, Office of
    (Agriculture Department) 16.8.6
Personnel and Civil Service, Task Force on
    (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7
Personnel and Management Office
    (Air Technical Intelligence Center) 341.11.4
Personnel and Training Branch (War Department Special Staff)
Personnel, Assistant Chief of Staff for (Naval Districts)
    181.2.1, 181.2.10, 181.2.12
Personnel Board (War Secretary) 107.12
Personnel Branch (SHAEF) 331.9.2
Personnel Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.4.12
Personnel Classification Division (Civil Service Commission)
Personnel, Department Committee on (Treasury) 56.15.3
Personnel, Deputy Chief of Air Staff for 341.9
Personnel, Director of (Army Service Forces) 160.4.4
Personnel, Director of (Post Office Department) 28.10
Personnel Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.2
Personnel Division
  (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1, 120.4.1, 120.7.6, 120.7.7;
  (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.1;
   (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.1;
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.2;
  (Far East Command) 349.3.2;
  (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2;
   (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.7;
  (Shipping Board) 32.2.1; (Soil Conservation Service) 114.2.2;
  (War Department General Staff) 165.3;
   (War Mobilization and Reconversion) 250.3.8
Personnel Division, Organization and
   (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.2
Personnel Management and Supervision, Division of
   (Commerce Department) 40.3.7
Personnel Management Assistance and Evaluation Division
   (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Personnel Management Branch (Army Staff) 319.16
Personnel Management Branch (Budget Bureau) 51.8.5
Personnel Management, Deputy Assistant Secretary
      of the Air Force for 340.5
Personnel Management Division
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.2.2
Personnel Management, Division of
    (Federal Security Agency) 235.2.3
Personnel Management, Division of (War Production Board) 179.2,6
Personnel Management, Office of
    Merit Systems Protection Board 479.4
Personnel Management, Records of the Office of (RG 478)
    administrative history 478.1
    Eastern Region 478.3
    headquarters records 478.2
    machine-readable records 478.5
    sound recordings 478.4
Personnel Management, Task Force on
    (1st Hoover Commission) 264.2.4
Personnel Office (Centers for Disease Control) 442.2.2;
    (National Youth Administration) 119.5.1;
    (Price Administration) 188.3.5, 188.3.15
Personnel, Office of (General Services Administration) 269.8
    (Personnel), Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1
    (1st Army) 338.9.1
Personnel, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-1
   (Army Staff) 319.8
Personnel, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
   (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Personnel, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
   (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.3
Personnel, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
     (Army Staff) 319.11
Personnel, Office of the Director of (Ordnance Department) 156.7.5
Personnel Officer (Boston Naval District) 181.2.1
Personnel Officer (Londonderry Naval Operating Base) 181.6.5
Personnel Planning, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.9
Personnel Policy Board
    (Defense Department) 330.5.8, 335.8, 340.9.4
Personnel Policy, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.6
Personnel Procurement and Training, Director of 341.9
Personnel Recruitment Committee
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.2
Personnel Requirements and Analysis Branch
   (Air Force Headquarters) 341.9
Personnel, Secretary's Committee on (State Department) 353.5.4
Personnel Section (6th Army) 338.9.6;
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.20.1;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.1;
    (Board of Investigation and Research--Transportation) 198.2;
    (Censorship Office) 216.2.2;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.2
Personnel Security Policy, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.7
Personnel Service (War Manpower Commission) 211.18.2
Personnel Services, Directorate of (Air Surgeon) 341.6
Personnel Standards in the States, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Personnel Study Team (Federal Assistance Review Task Force) 220.15.27
Perspective (motion picture) 146.6
Perth Amboy, NJ
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Perth Amboy, NJ, quarantine station 90.5.1
    border arbitrations 76.5
    claims 39.2.3, 76.4
    harbors 32.2.2
        American States conference 43.2.7
        farming 83.10
        railroad survey 43.11.2
        rubber production 234.5.9
    rubber production (maps) 234.5.9
    Spanish armistice 76.5
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4, 229.14
        naval attaches, missions 38.6.1
Peru, IA, land office 49.9.11
Peruvian indemnity records 53.4.2
Pescadores Islands 38.3.2
Pest Management and Toxic Substances, Office of 16.3.2
    Agriculture Solicitor's case files 16.5.2
    Forest Service advisory committee 95.9.4
    insecticide regulation 88.8
    Public Health Service programs 90.8
    wildlife research 22.8.2
pests and pest control
    Agriculture Department photographs 16.7.1
    distribution maps 7.6
    Extension Service corn borer project 33.4.2
    foreign agriculture reports 166.2
        Agricultural Research Service 310.3, 310.4.4, 310.5.1, 310.5.4
        Animal, Plant Health Inspection Service 463.2.1
        Entomology and Plant Quarantine 7
    weed survey 75.14.5
    wild predators, rodents 22.6.2, 22.8.3, 22.11.2, 22.19
        photographs 463.2.3
Petain, Henri Philippe 117.3.2, 262.4
Peteekeo, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Petersburg, AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Petersburg, AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
Petersburg, IN 29.8.3
Petersburg, VA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1, 393.12
    Civil War fortifications (photographs) 77.2.5
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Petersburg, VA, District of (Army) 393.6, 393.14
Petersburg, VA, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.9.2
Petersburg, VA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.46
Petersburg, VA, National Battlefield 79.10.1
Petersburg, VA, National Military Park Commission 79.10.1
Petersburg, VA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.5, 393.6, 393.14
Peterson and Enthoffer 42.3.5
Peterson, Charles E. 515.2.1
Peterson, Esther 220.10.4
Peterson, Howard C. 107.3.2, 107.4.1
Peterson, Jan 220.16.2
Peterson, Peter 220.15.29
Peterson Point, WA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Peterson, Rudolph A. 220.15.3
Petit Manon, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Petrified Forest National Park, AZ 79.7.9
petrified forests 106.6
petroleum SEE oil and oil industry
Petroleum Administration for War, Records of the (RG 253)
    administrative history 253.1
    cartographic records 253.9
    districts 253.7
    domestic operations divisions 253.6
    foreign operations divisions 253.5
    Petroleum Administrator's Office 253.2
    Petroleum Industry Committee, District 5 253.8
    staff divisions 253.3
    still pictures 253.10
    support divisions 253.4
Petroleum Administrative Board, Records of the (RG 232)
    administrative history 232.1
    Federal Oil Conservation Board 232.2
    National Recovery Administration 232.6
    Oil Enforcement Section (Interior) 232.3
    Petroleum Labor Policy Board 232.5
    records 232.4
Petroleum and Natural Gas Division (Bureau of Mines) 70.3.1,
Petroleum Board 253.2.5
Petroleum Code Survey Committee on Small Business Enterprise
   (Blazer Committee) 232.4
petroleum coke 188.8.8
Petroleum Committee for Liberated Areas
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Petroleum Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Petroleum Facilities Coordinating Committee 253.5.3, 353.5.7
Petroleum Facilities, Joint Security Survey Group for Vital 341.7
Petroleum in Japan (motion picture) 331.34
Petroleum Industry, Code of Fair Competition for the 232.1,
   232.5, 232.6
Petroleum Industry District Committees
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.2, 253.8
Petroleum Industry Joint District subcommittees (Petroleum
   Administration for War) 253.2.2
Petroleum Industry War Council 253.2.2, 253.2.5, 253.3.1
Petroleum Labor Policy Board 232.5
Petroleum Logistics Division (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.8.3
Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants Branch (SHAEF) 331.6.2
Petroleum Policy Committee, International 353.5.3
Petroleum Programs, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Petroleum Requirements Committee 253.2.5
Petroleum Research Center 70.12.6
Petroleum Reserves Corporation 48.8, 234.5.10
Petroleum Resources, Special Committee Investigating
   (Senate) 46.22.2
Petroleum Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3;
    (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4;
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.3.2
Petrolia, TX, helium plant 70.2.3, 70.12.2
Pettigrew Hospital, Raleigh, NC 109.8.4
Petworth Addition, DC 351.4
peyote 75.10.3
Phan Thiet, Vietnam, regional team
     (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2
pheasants 17.2.2
phenacetin 88.3
phenological research 95.7.1
"Philadelphia '76" project 452.4.8
Philadelphia Centennial Exposition SEE Centennial International Exposition
Philadelphia mutiny 360.2.4
Philadelphia, PA
    alien deportations 85.5.3
    Army commands 338.11.10, 393.4, 393.7, 393.12
    Army supply organizations 92.2.1, 92.15.2, 92.15.3
    baking industry investigation 60.6
    defense area maps 187.5.2
    defenses 23.2.2
    housing 3.4.8, 3.4.20, 196.2
        rent control 252.4.2
    military hospitals 393.4, 393.13.9
    Russian consulate 261.3
        customs collection 36.3.1
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrivals 36.3.2, 85.3.1
        shipbuilding, port facilities 32.5.12, 32.4.13
            maps 77.6.4
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
    Volunteer Refreshment Saloon (lithograph) 15.2.1
    World War II price controls 188.3.5
Philadelphia, PA, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Philadelphia, PA, Army Transportation Zone 336.3.2
Philadelphia, PA, Arsenal 45.8.1
Philadelphia, PA, branch office (Hydrographic Office) 37.3
Philadelphia, PA, Coast Defense District 313.9.1
Philadelphia, PA, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.44;
    (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7;
    (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.3
Philadelphia, PA, District of (Army) 393.5
Philadelphia, PA, District Office
    (Federal Board of Vocational Education) 15.5.2;
    (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.12.3, 188.12.6;
    (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Philadelphia, PA, Examining Board of Naval Engineers 19.4.2
Philadelphia, PA, Expeditionary Depot 92.5.3
Philadelphia, PA, field office (Capital Issues Committee) 158.3
Philadelphia, PA, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.3
Philadelphia, PA, Field Personnel Council (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2
Philadelphia, PA, Field Station (Food and Drug Administration) 88.8
Philadelphia, PA, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Philadelphia, PA, Inspection Office (Post Office Department) 28.8
Philadelphia, PA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.38
Philadelphia, PA, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Philadelphia, PA, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Philadelphia, PA, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.3
Philadelphia, PA, Military Storekeeper 92.15.3
Philadelphia, PA, Mint
    correspondence, reports 56.2.2, 104.3.6, 104.4, 104.7
    motion picture 104.8
    photographs 104.4.4, 121.8
Philadelphia, PA, Motor Transport Corps Overhaul Park
Philadelphia, PA, naval aircraft inspector 72.5.1
Philadelphia, PA, Naval Asylum (Home)
    history 71.2.5
    muster rolls 71.2.2
    records 24.8.1, 45.2.5, 181.15.36
    subsistence reports 71.2.3
    surgeon's letters 52.4.2
    Yards and Docks journals 71.2.5
Philadelphia, PA, Naval District 181.2.3
Philadelphia, PA, Naval Hospital 24.8.2, 52.4.2
Philadelphia, PA, Navy Yard
    records 45.6, 181.3.9
    Naval Aircraft Factory 72.4.1, 72.5.4, 313.4.3
    photographs 80.11, 106.6
    Yards and Docks journals 71.2.5
Philadelphia, PA, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Philadelphia, PA, Ordnance District 156.12
Philadelphia, PA, public health hospital 90.4.28, 90.5.1
Philadelphia, PA, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.2
Philadelphia, PA, regional office
   (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.4.8;
   (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.2, 146.5.2;
   (Employment and Training Administration) 369.3.2;
   (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.3;
   (Law Enforcement Assistance Administration) 423.3;
   (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.3;
   (War Assets Administration) 270.3.2
Philadelphia, PA, Sub-Office (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Philadelphia, PA, Supplies Depot (Marine Corps) 127.6.3
Philadelphia, PA, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Philadelphia Sesquicentennial Exposition 56.15.4
Philadelphia Transportation Co. 228.4.1
Philippi, WV, Division (Circuit Court) 21.51.2
Philippi, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
Philippine Affairs, Joint Preparatory Committee on 59.5.1
Philippine Archives Collection 407.8
Philippine Army Section (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.8
Philippine Branch Office (Alien Property Custodian) 131.2.3
Philippine Division (OWI) 208.6.2
Philippine Division (State Department) 59.3.6
Philippine Cavalry 395.14.5
Philippine Commission 350.3, 350.5
Philippine Commissioners 350.3
Philippine Exposition Board 350.3
Philippine Fishery Program 22.8.6
Philipppine Insurrection
    Army operations 395.3
        AGO records 94.2.4, 94.2.5
            compiled service records 94.12.2
             muster rolls 94.2.2
        volunteer units 395.16
    artworks 111.10
    maps 77.12.2
    photographs 94.16, 111.10, 165.21, 391.8
    War Department history 350.3
Philippine Islands
    aerial photographs 331.34, 331.39.2, 407.13
    Agricultural Geography 166.2
    Army Transport Service 92.6.2
    census records 29.5.4
    coast defenses
        engineering plans 77.2.5
        photographs 77.3.1
    coast survey 23.4.2
    coins 104.3.3, 104.5.11
    debt payments 50.1, 50.3, 53.4.2
    Filipino Americans 29.3.6
    geographic names 324.2
        Army commands 395.14.1
        Army Engineers 77.12.2, 77.12.3
        Coast and Geodetic Survey 23.6
        economic intelligence 169.8.2
        industrial plant sites 226.19
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2, 350.3
        military operations 94.14
        natural resources 95.12
        Philippine Cession 76.6
        Signal Corps 111.8
        Spanish charts 37.3
        U.S. military bases 11.4.1
    Marine Corps engagements 127.2.4
    military forces 330.2.4
    native prisoners 395.14.1
    naval reports 43.11.5
        agriculture 54.7
            sugar cane 54.3.20
        Army Engineers 77.2.5, 77.3.1
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.3
        OSS 226.22
        Smithsonian Institution 106.6
        U.S. military operations 111.10, 391.8, 395.14.1
        U.S. official visitors 306.11
        War Department General, Special Staffs 165.21
        weather stations 27.9
    postal service 28.4.5, 28.5.5
    Presidential investigation commission 59.5.1
    State Department committees 353.5.6
    U.S. military intelligence 319.12.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army commands 395.14
        Army posts
            architectural plans 92.16
            cemeteries 92.8.4
            maps 77.12.3
            photographs 92.17
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        land acquisition 92.7.2
        military aid units 334.5.11
        naval bases 71.2.3, 71.2.5, 80.2.1
        Quartermaster Corps construction 92.7.1
    U.S. territorial administration 126.2, 126.7, 350
        Interior Secretary 48.4.7
        legal cases 153.8
    World War II
        6th Army intelligence 338.9.6
        Adjutant General archives collection 407.8
        aerial photographs 313.6.9
        Army Far East Headquarters 332.4
        cultural resource protection 239.3, 239.4
        Japan surrender 218.4
        photographs 239.4, 268.3
        prisoners of war (motion pictures) 331.34
        war crimes trials 153.13.1, 331.39.5
Philippine Islands and Puerto Rico Tariff Fund 56.15.3
Philippine Islands, Governors General of the 350.3, 350.5
Philippine Islands, President of the Commonwealth of 350.3
Philippine Islands, U.S. High Commissioner to the 126.7, 350.5
Philippine Legislature 350.3
Philippine National Assembly 350.3
Philippine Property Act (1946) 131.3
Philippine Rehabilitation Act (1946) 268.1
Philippine Rehabilitation Program 90.6.5
Philippine Scout Battalions 391.6.1
Philippine Scout Companies 391.6.1
Philippine War Damage Commission, Records of the (RG 268)
    administrative history 268.1
    records 268.2
    still pictures 268.3
Philippines Command, Enemy Property Custodian 338.8
Philippines, Committee on the (Senate) 46.14
Philippines, Division of the (Army) 395.14
Philippines-Ryukyus Command 338.8
Phillips, B.H. 93.6
Phillips County, MT 96.4.10
Phillips, Franklyn 255.3
Phillips, Wallace B. 226.7
Phoenix, AZ, Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.8
Phoenix, AZ, Area Office (Indian Arts and Crafts Board) 435.3
Phoenix, AZ, District (Territorial Court) 21.4.1
Phoenix, AZ, District Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3;
    (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.1;
    (Price Administration) 188.18.3, 188.18.6, 188.18.7;
    (Public Roads) 30.5
Phoenix, AZ, Division (District Court) 21.4.2
Phoenix, AZ, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Phoenix, AZ, Field Office (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2
Phoenix, AZ, Indian School 75.19.26, 75.19.50, 75.20.27
Phoenix, AZ, land office 49.9.3
Phoenix, AZ, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Phoenix, AZ, office (Weather Bureau) 27.6.3
Phoenix, AZ, Regional Office (Grazing Service) 49.6.3
Phoenix, AZ, Tuberculosis Sanitarium 75.29
"Phoenix" Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
phony disease 7.3.3
Phony Peach and Peach Mosaic Program 310.4.4
phosgene 70.9, 171.4.6
phosphates 31.3, 70.11.3
Photo Archives Unit 239.4
photogrammetry 16.3.1, 77.12.3
    Adams mural for Interior Building 146.3.3
    Jackson interview 48.15
    national parks 79.6.3
Photographic Archives and Research, Division of
    (National Archives) 64.6
Photographic Branch (NASA) 255.4.1
Photographic Division (Signal Corps) 18.13
photographic film and paper 167.5.1
Photographic Officer (Operation Deep Freeze) 313.8.2
Photographic Products and Technical Services Division
     (Defense Intelligence Agency) 373.3
Photographic Section (Air Service) 18.5.5, 18.13
Photographic Sections (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6, 18.10
Photographic Technology Division (NASA) 255.4.7
    microfilm camera exhibit 64.6
    Signal Corps equipment, procedures 111.2.4, 111.10
    submarine periscope experiments 313.4.4
Photography Branch (Civil Aeronautics Administration) 237.3.3
Photography Division (OWI) 208.3.5
photosynthesis (motion picture) 434.5
phthalic anhydride 97.3.1
Phung Hoang Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Phung Hoang Management Information System 330.10
Physical Damage Division (Strategic Bombing Survey, Europe) 243.3.3
Physical Damage Division (Strategic Bombing Survey, Pacific) 243.4.4
Physical Education, Office of (Military Academy) 404.4.4
Physical Fitness, Committee on (Community War Services) 215.2.1, 215.2.8
Physical Fitness Section (Naval Personnel Bureau) 24.7
Physical Geography of the Texas Region 57.5
Physical Sciences Division (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Physical Security Branch (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.2
Physical Security Equipment Agency 340.9.6
Physical Survey Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.6
Physical Testing Laboratory (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.1
physicians SEE ALSO surgeons
    HEW interview series 235.3.4
    Indian Affairs
        agency records 75.19.11, 75.19.29, 75.19.30-75.19.32,
          75.19.60, 75.19.63, 75.19.122, 75.19.126
        Health Division 75.14.4
    Morell papers 242.14
    narcotics control 170.2
    Pacific island recruitment 126.6.2
    police calls for poor 351.5
    St. Elizabeths Hospital 418.2.2, 418.3.3
    World War I era 62.4.2, 62.11.1
physicists 434.4.2
    Weights and Measures papers 167.2.2
Physics and Engineering Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.3
Physics Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Physics Division (Fixed Nitrogen Lab) 54.5.2
Physics Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
physics education 12.5.8
Physics Research, Division of Soil Chemistry and
   (Chemistry and Soils Bureau) 54.5.3
Physiographic Studies Division (Section),
     Climatic and (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.5
Piankeshaw Indian trust lands 75.7.3
Picatinny, NJ, Arsenal 156.9.12
Pichace Wash, AZ 75.19.37
Pickering, Timothy 92.17, 93.1, 93.4.1, 93.5.1, 360.1
"Pickett Papers" 365.15
Pickwick Dam 142.5.4
Pickwick Landing Reservoir 142.5.4
Pictorial Branch (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.7.3
"Picture Stories" (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Pictures Division (OWI) 208.5
Pictures, Division of (War Department General Staff) 165.4.3
Piecznenik, Roberta 220.23.3
Piemonte administrative region (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.3
Pierce County, WA
    naturalizations 21.50.1
Pierce, E.L. 366.6
Pierce, John 93.5.1
Pierce, Newton B. 54.3.22
Pierre Indian Agency 75.19.80
Pierre Indian School 75.20.28
Pierre, SD, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2,
    188.16.6, 188.16.7
Pierre, SD, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Pierre, SD, Division (Circuit Court) 21.44.3
Pierre, SD, Division (District Court) 21.44.2
Pierre, SD, land office 49.9.23
piers (architectural plans) 77.2.3
Pieters, A.J. 54.3.13
Piez, Charles 32.4.1
Pig Point General Ordnance Depot, VA 156.11
Pigeon Point, CA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.9
Pigeon River 76.2.4, 76.2.6
Pigeon Service 111.2.4
Pigeon Service (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
pigeons 17.2.2
Pike Bay Experimental Forest 95.10.2
Pike Committee 233.22.2
Pike, Sumner T. 326.2.2
Pike's Consolidated Regiment, Maj. Zebulon M. 98.3.2
Pikes Peak, CO
    weather observations 27.4.3
Pikesville, KY, Division (District Court) 21.19.1
pilchard fishing 22.14.3
Pillow, Gideon J. 109.9.3, 109.13.2
pilot charts 37.4.2, 37.4.4
Pilot Charts, Division of (Hydrographic Office) 37.4.4
Pilot Knob, MO 393.4, 393.7
Pilot Knob, MO, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
Pilot Watershed Program (Soil Conservation Service) 114.10.2
Piloted Aircraft Division (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.7
pilotless aircraft 72.3.4
pilots SEE aviators and pilots
Pillsbury, A.E. 32.5.12
Pima Boarding School 75.19.81
Pima County, AZ 147.2.2
Pima Indian Agency 75.16.8, 75.19.81
Pima Indian fair 75.19.81
Pima Indian Hospital 75.19.81
Pima Indian School 75.16.8
Pinal County, AZ 83.6.5
Pinar del Rio, Cuba 395.5.3
Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Barracks 395.11.5
Pinar del Rio, Department of (Army) 395.11.2
Pinar del Rio-Vinales Road 395.5.2
Pinchot, Gifford 95.2.1, 95.11, 95.13
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth 98.2.1
Pinckney's Treaty 76.3
Pine Bluff, AR
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.9, 393.12
Pine Bluff, AR, Arsenal 175.2, 175.4.2, 338.11.10
Pine Bluff, AR, Coast Guard Depot 26.6.2
Pine Bluff, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.1
Pine Creek, MN 36.3.1
Pine Mountain Valley Rural Community, GA 69.3.9
Pine Point Day School 75.19.126
Pine Ridge Indian Agency
    Army commands 393.4
    records 75.19.82
Pine Ridge Reservation 75.19.82
Pine Ridge Village, SD 75.19.82
Pine River, MN 77.10.53
    blister rust control 95.6.4
    distribution graphs 95.7.2
pink bollworm 7.3.3, 310.5.1
Pink Bollworm and Thurberia Weevil Control Division 7.5.10
Pink Bollworm Field Service 7.3.3
Pinkerton, Allan 110.2
U.S.S. Pinta 313.9.3
Pioche, NV, land office 49.9.18
Pioneer Corps 94.12.3
Pioneer Infantry Regiments
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Pipe Lines, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.6
Pipeline Division (Defense Transportation Office) 219.4.4
Pipeline Engineering and Materials Section
  (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.4
Pipeline Operations Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.4
    Defense Transportation Office 219.4.4
    engineering plans 253.6.4
    Federal Coordinator of Transportation 133.3.2
    Fuel Administration 67.5.3, 67.5.6
    maps 150.4
        Appalachia 138.4
        Indian lands 75.19.71
        Justice Department 60.18
        Mines Bureau 70.3.1
        northeastern states 219.8
        Petroleum Administration for War 253.5.1, 253.6.2, 253.6.4
    operating schedules 253.3.4
    photographs 8.5
Piper, C.V. 54.3.13
Pipestone Alumni Association 75.20.29
Pipestone Indian School 75.20.14, 75.20.29
Pipestone National Monument 75.20.29
Pipestone Reservation 75.20.29
Piraeus, Greece 32.5.13
pirates 59.5.2
Pirotecnia Militar (Cuba) 395.11.3
Pitcairn Island 126.8
Pitcher, OK 70.5.2
Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (1937) 22.8.8
Pittman Silver Act (1918) 104.3.6
Pittsburgh County, OK 114.3.1
Pittsburgh, PA
    Army commands 338.11.8, 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.2
    customs collection 36.3.1
    harbor projects 77.10.45
    postal service inspection 28.3.4
    rent control 252.4.2
    steamboat inspection 41.3.7
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Pittsburgh, PA, Army railhead 336.3.2
Pittsburgh, PA, Branch Naval Intelligence Office 38.6.3
Pittsburgh, PA, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.45
Pittsburgh, PA, District (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
Pittsburgh, PA, District Office (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2
Pittsburgh, PA, District Office
    (Price Administration) 188.12.3, 188.12.6
Pittsburgh, PA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.40.6
Pittsburgh, PA, Division (District Court) 21.40.5
Pittsburgh, PA, Experiment Station (Mines Bureau) 70.12.4
Pittsburgh, PA, federal depository 39.5
Pittsburgh, PA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.38
Pittsburgh, PA, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.2
Pittsburgh, PA, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Pittsburgh, PA, office (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Pittsburgh, PA, Ordnance District 156.12
Pittsburgh, PA, Storage and Supply Depot (Quartermaster General)
Pittsburgh, PA, Supervising District (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.7
Pittsburgh, PA, zone office (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.1
Pittsfield, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Pius XII 59.5.2
Placement Branch (War Secretary) 107.9.3
Placement, Bureau of (War Manpower Commission) 211.19
Placement Division (War Manpower Commission) 211.23.11, 211.23.13
Placetas Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Placetas, Cuba 395.5.3
"Placing of Informants Aboard Ship" Department (Naval Operations) 38.6.2
Plains SEE Great Plains
Plains, Department of the (Army) 393.4
Plains, District of the (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Plains Indian Museum 435.2.1
Plains Indians
    intertribal sign language 106.4
Plains, North Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Plains Shelterbelt Rodent Control Project 22.6.2
Plains, South Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.5, 393.6
Plains, West Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Plan File Section (Housing Corporation) 3.3.13
Plan of Work, Committee on (Naval Observatory) 78.2
Plancor 1608 (defense plant) 270.2.1
Plancors (defense plants) 234.5.2, 234.5.7, 234.7.2
Planetree (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.11
planned communities 3.5, 195.5.9, 207.7.8
Planning Analysis Unit (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.9
Planning and Advisory Staff (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.1
Planning and Control Activity (Naval Personnel Bureau) 24.7
Planning and Control Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.14
Planning and Control Staff (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.5
Planning and Coordinating Committee (Petroleum Administrative Board) 232.4
Planning and Development Staff (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.2
Planning and Evaluation, Assistant Secretary for (HEW) 235.3.3
Planning and Institutional Affairs, Advisory Committee for 307.8.2
Planning and Procurement Control Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Planning and Production Control Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Planning and Production, Division of (Army Map Service) 77.12.3
Planning and Public Relations, Division of (CCC) 35.3.2
Planning and Research, Assistant Commissioner for
   (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.1, 58.6.2
Planning and Research Branch (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.3.4
Planning and Research, Branch of (Interior Secretary) 48.5.10
Planning and Research, Office of (Customs Service) 36.2.4
Planning and Research Section (OWI) 208.4.4
Planning and Scheduling Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Planning and Statistics Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.3
Planning and Statistics, Division of (Shipping Board) 32.2.2
Planning Assistance Division (HUD) 207.7.5
Planning Board (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.3.8;
    (National Security Council) 273.5;
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.13
Planning Branch (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.15;
    (War Assistant Secretary) 107.6;
   (War Department General Staff) 165.6.3
Planning Committee (Maritime Authority) 248.3.3;
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.13;
    (War Production Board) 179.2.2;
    (Water Resources Council) 315.3
Planning Division (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Planning Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.5.1
Planning, Evaluation, and Research, Office of (Peace Corps) 490.3.2
Planning Office (Naval Districts) 181.2.10, 181.2.12
Planning, Office of the Chief of (Historic American Buildings
     Survey) 515.4.2
Planning, Office of the Chief of (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Planning, Research, and Evaluation (Office of Economic
     Opportunity) 381.3.2
Planning Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6;
(Chief Signal Officer) 18.2.2; (Geological Survey) 57.6.2;
   (Price Administration) 188.9.7
Planning Section No. 1 (SHAEF) 331.3.7
Planning Section No. 2 (SHAEF) 331.3.7
Planning Staff (OSS) 226.2.2
Planning Systems Division (Office of Economic Opportunity)
Plans and Control Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Plans and Design, Branch of (National Park Service) 79.4.2,
    79.6.3, 515.2.2
Plans and Hospitalization, Directorate of (Air Force
     Headquarters) 341.6
Plans and Management, Directorate of (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Plans and Operations, Director of (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Plans and Operations Directorate (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.4, 397.2.5
Plans and Operations Division
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.4, 472.5.16, 472.5.18;
    (Caribbean Command) 349.7.2;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.21;
    (Military Academy) 404.9.5
Plans and Policies Division (Air Force HQ) 341.10.4
Plans and Policies, Division of (Marine Corps) 127.2.3
Plans and Policies Office (War Department General Staff) 165.6.4
Plans and Policy Branch (Army Staff) 319.15.2
Plans and Policy Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5
Plans and Policy Division (Far East Command) 349.3.2
Plans and Policy Office (Army Staff) 319.3.1
Plans and Program Management Section (Ordnance Department)
Plans and Programs Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.14
Plans and Programs Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.2;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.8, 472.3.12;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.17
Plans and Programs, Division of
   (Housing and Home Finance Agency) 207.6.4
Plans and Programs, Office of
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2
Plans and Services, Division of
    (Agricultural Engineering Bureau) 54.3.16
Plans and Special Projects Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.6
Plans and Systems, Director for (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4.4
Plans Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.1-331.25.3
Plans Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.17
Plans Coordination Division (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.8
Plans Development Division (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.5
Plans, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.10.2
Plans Division
    (Air Corps) 18.5.5;
    (Air Force HQ) 341.12.4;
    (Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) 374.3.9;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.5;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.3;
     (Naval Operations) 38.7.4
Plans Office (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Plans, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.7
Plans, Policy, and Programs Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5
Plans, Policy, and Programs Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Plans, Programs, and Budget Branch (Army Staff) 319.15.2
Plans, Programs, and Special Actions Directorate
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.1
Plans, Requirements, and Force Structure Division
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Plans Section (SHAEF) 331.3.6
Plans Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.18.3
Plant, Albin J. 48.8
Plant and Operations, Office of (Agriculture Department) 16.8.5
plant breeding
    Plant Industry Bureau 54.3.7, 54.3.15, 54.3.17
Plant Disease Control Division 7.5.11
plant diseases
    Agricultural Research Service 310.3, 310.4.4, 310.5.7
    Chemistry and Soils reports 97.3.3
    forests 54.3.14
        Forest Service programs 95.6.4, 95.7.4, 95.11.10
    fruits, vegetables 54.3.15, 54.3.22
    pathology bibliography 54.2
    photographs 54.7
    research 54.2
    quarantine 7.3, 166.2
    sugar cane 54.3.20
plant exploration
    Agricultural Research Service 310.3
    Alaska 26.3.2
    machinery use 54.3.12
    projects 54.3.17
    Roerich grass expedition 54.2
    Swingle letters 54.3.6
Plant Exploration and Introduction, Division of
    (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.17
Plant Industry, Bureau of
    general records 33.2, 54.2
    operating units 54.3
    personnel photographs 54.7
    seed investigation 136.3.2
    Trail smelter fumes investigation 97.3.7
Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering,
      Records of the Bureau of (RG 54)
    administrative history 54.1
    Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering Bureau 54.3
    cartographic records 54.6
    Chemistry and Soils Bureau 54.4, 54.5
    general records 54.2
    operating units 54.3, 54.5
    Plant Industry Bureau 54.2, 54.3
    still pictures 54.7
Plant Introduction Gardens 54.3.17
Plant Liquidation Division Review Committee
   (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.8
Plant Management, Branch of (Indian Affairs) 75.14.25
plant nutrition research 54.3.21
Plant Operations Division (Rubber Reserve) 234.5.8
plant pathologists 54.3.14, 54.3.20, 54.3.22
plant pathology SEE plant diseases
Plant Pest Control Branch (Agricultural Research Service) 310.4.4
plant physiology 54.3.15
Plant Protection Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.6.3
Plant Protection Section (War Department General Staff) 165.4.2
Plant Quarantine Act (1912) 7.1, 7.3
Plant Quarantine and Control Administration 7.3.1
Plant Quarantine, Bureau of 7.3
Plant Quarantine Division 7.5.6
Plant Quarantine Inspector 310.4.4
Plant Science Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.5.4
plant taxonomy 54.3.6
    hillculture research 114.4.8
    photographs 16.7.1
        culture studies 54.3.7
        grazing effects 463.2.3
        types 54.7
        Wheeler Survey 77.5.2
    vegetation surveys 79.6.3
        maps 16.7.1, 77.8.1, 83.4.5, 95.10.5, 114.4.5,
           114.4.8, 164.4
Plants and Munitions, Advisory Commission on 61.2.3
Plaquemine, LA 393.4, 393.7
    cartographic use 37.4.3
Plastics and Resins Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Plastics, and Services Section, Parts,
     (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Plateau Station, Antarctica 307.5.2
    mint files 104.3.5
Platinum Section (War Industries Board) 191.5
"Platoon Plan" for public schools 12.2.2
Plats of Georgetown 42.3.5
Platt National Park 79.9.2
Platte Bridge, NE 393.7
Platte County, NE 114.10.9
Platte, Department of the (Army) 393.2, 393.4, 393.5
Platte River 77.9.16, 187.5.6
Platte River Basin and Valley 8.5, 187.5.7
Platterhof, Obersalzberg 260.4.9
Plattsburg Barracks, NY 112.5.7
playwrights 69.5.4
Pleasant Valley, MD 393.8, 393.13.7
Pleasant Valley, MD, Remount Camp 393.4, 393.13.6
Pleiku, Vietnam, regional team (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2
Pleven, Rene 43.10.16
Plover Bay 75.27
The Plow that Broke the Plains (motion picture) 96.2.9
Plum Island, MA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Plumas National Forest, CA 95.11.9
Plumas, Subdistrict of the (Army) 393.6
Plumbers Task Force (Watergate investigations) 460.6
Plumbing Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
U.S.S. Plymouth 405.3.2
Plymouth, MA
    customs collection 36.3.1
Plymouth, NC
    Army commands 393.7, 393.14
    customs collection 36.3.1
PN-9 72.2.2
pneumatic guns 156.7.15
Pneumatic Tube Postal Systems, Commission to Investigate 28.6.4
Pneumatic Tube Service (Post Office Department) 28.6.4
Pocomoke River 77.10.4
Pocatello, ID
    range survey map 114.10.12
Pocatello, ID, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.6
Pocatello, ID, Division (Circuit Court) 21.14.3
Pocatello, ID, Division (District Court) 21.14.2
Pocatello, ID, Supply Depot 22.6.2
pocket vetoes 11.3, 130.2.2
Poe Lock 77.10.13
    NRA public relations 9.5.5
    patriotic education 62.5.3
"Pohl Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Point Adams, OR, Military Reservation 77.10.46
Point Alerton, MA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Point Arena (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Arguello (Coast Guard cutter) 181.3.9
Point Baker (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Point Barrow (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Point Barrow, AK
    genealogical record 298.3
    International Polar Expedition 27.4.6
    motion picture 75.27
    naval petroleum reserve cleanup (photographs) 434.3.3
Point Bennett (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Point Blunt, CA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.9
Point Bonita (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Point Bonita, CA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Point Brower (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Camden (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Charles (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Point Conception, CA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.8
Point Countess (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Point Divide (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Doran (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Point Estero (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Point Evans (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point IV Management, Working Group on 353.5.7
Point Four Program 70.4.3, 353.3, 469.4
Point Francis (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Glass (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Point Hannon (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Point Harris (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Point Herron (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Heyer (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Point Highland (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Hobart (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Hueneme, CA 181.15.3
Point Huron (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Point Isabella, KY 393.4, 393.7
Point Jackson (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Point Judith (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Judith, RI
    balloon operations (photographs) 111.10
Point Judith, RI, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Point Judith, RI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Point Ledge (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Point Lobos (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Point Loma, CA, quarantine station 90.5.3
Point Lookout (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Point Lookout, MD
    Army commands 393.7
    lithographic view 92.17
Point Lookout, MD, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Point Lookout, MD, military prison 249.6
Point Martin (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Point Mugu, CA 72.5.5, 181.15.30
Point Nowell (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Point of Rocks, VA 393.9, 393.11.1
Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Point Pleasant, WV 393.4, 393.7
Point Reyes, CA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.9
Point Richmond (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Point Roberts (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Point Spencer (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Point Steele (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Stuart (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Point Swift (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.5
Point Turner (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Point Wells (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Point Winslow (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Pointe Betsie, MI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
The Pointer 404.4.5
Pointer View (Military Academy newspaper) 404.12.3
poison gas
    civilian defense training films 171.4.8
Poison Prevention Packaging Act (1970) 424.1
Pola Area Allied Military Government 331.31.1
Polacca Wash, AZ 114.4.5
    captured records 242.20
    cemeteries in Italy 117.2
    photographs 165.21
    publications 306.5.3
    Relief Expedition 5.4.3, 120.12
    Russian forces, 1915 (maps) 38.4.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        naval intelligence 38.4.9
        official visitors (photographs) 306.11
    World War II
        occupation 238.3.3
        German propaganda films 28.2.2
        photographs 77.22, 229.7.3, 238.3.3, 242.28
        plundered art 260.4.9
Poland, William B. 133.4
Polar and Arctic Research Branch (Army Staff) 319.17.3
polar areas
    bibliography 59.3.10
Polar Information Service 307.5.2
Polar Meteorology Group 370.4
Polar Operations, Assistant for (Weather Bureau) 370.3.1
Polar Operations Project 27.5.14
Polar Programs, Division of (National Science Foundation) 307.5
Polar Programs, Office of (National Science Foundation) 307.5.2
Polar Research, Committee on (National Academy of Sciences)
Polar Star (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Polaris expedition 78.3.2, 78.6
Poli, Adon 83.6.5
police and law enforcement agencies SEE ALSO Indian police;
        military police
    Agency for International Development training 286.3.4
    American Samoa 284.4
    Arkansas sheriff 75.15.12
    campus unrest commission 220.15.17
    civil disorders commisssion 220.11.4
    Coast Guard 26.5.12
    crime commission task force 220.14.8
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.3
    discrimination case files 453.2.1
    District of Columbia 351.5
    gambling attitudes survey 220.15.21
    Justice Department functions 60.1
    Military Government of Cuba 140.3.6
    model precinct project 381.3.3
    national commission 10
    Nazi Germany 242.4.8
        SS records 242.3.1, 242.3.2
    New York Navy Yard 181.3.5
    Philippine constabulary stations (maps) 350.2
    postal inspections 28.8
    Presidential inaugural activities 274.9
    Provost Marshal General 389
    Puerto Rico (photographs) 350.2
    Revenue Cutter Service 26.3.2
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.10
Police, Chief of (Haiti) 127.7.1
Police, Chief of (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.5
Policia Nacional Dominicana 38.3.2
Policies and Plans, Office of
    (International Women's Year Commission) 220.16.3
Policy Analysis and Records Branch (Civilian Personnel Branch)
Policy Analysis Branch (Price Administration) 188.3.15
Policy Analysis Division
    (Community Services Administration) 381.5.3
Policy and Control Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.19.2
Policy and Government Branch (War Department Special Staff)
Policy and International Affairs, Assistant Secretary of Transportation for 398.3
Policy and Management Group (Supreme Commander Allied Powers)
Policy and Personnel Division (Public Housing Administration)
Policy and Program Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers)
Policy and Programming Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Policy and Programs Division (Army Staff) 319.4.5
Policy Board (Physical Security Equipment Agency) 330.5.7
Policy Board (Retraining and Reemployment Administration) 244.2
Policy Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Policy Committee for French Empire Economic Affairs 353.5.7
Policy Committee on Arms and Armaments 353.8
Policy Committee on Immigration and Naturalization 353.11.7
Policy Committee on Research Fellowships (National Institutes of Health) 443.3.1
Policy Committee on Rubber 250.3.11
Policy Coordination Bureau (National Production Authority) 277.3.3
Policy Coordination, Office of 208.4.1
Policy Council (Housing Expediter) 252.3.1
Policy Council (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.1
Policy Development and Research, Assistant Secretary for (HUD) 207.7.4
Policy Division (Air Force HQ) 341.10.2, 341.12.4
Policy Division (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Policy Enforcement Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5
Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Assistant Secretary for (Labor Department) 174.3.4
Policy, Evaluation, and Research, Office of (Labor Department) 369.4
Policy Liaison Staff (State Department) 353.5.8
Policy Planning Division (International Commerce Bureau) 489.6.3
Policy, Planning, and Evaluation, Office of (Community Services
    Administration) 381.5.3
Policy Planning Staff (State Department) 59.3.1
Policy, Regulations, and Procedures Branch (War Secretary) 107.8.3
Policy Section (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.4
Policy Service Committee (State Department) 353.5.4
Political Activities, Lobbying, and Campaign Contributions,
    Special Committee to Investigate (Senate) 46.22.2
Political Affairs, Deputy Under Secretary of State for 43.12.16
Political Affairs Division
   (Berlin Element, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.4;
   (Land Commissioner for Bavaria, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.2;
   (Land Commissioner for Bremen, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.1
Political Affairs, Office of (NATO, USRO mission) 469.6
Political and Territorial Commissions (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.5
Political Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.9
political broadcasting surveys 173.10.3
political campaign financing 128.4
political cartoons 64.7, 64.8
Political Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Political-Military Affairs, Special Advisor for (Army Staff) 319.2.2
Political Ministries Division (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.6
political patronage 56.3.3
political prisoners
    Civil War 109.14.2, 249.1
    Pardon Attorney 204.2
political refugees 85.2.1
Political Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
political violence 220.13.1, 220.13.2
Polk County, TX (map) 75.16.3
Polk, James K.
    mineral lands 49.5
Polk, Leonidas 109.9.3, 109.13.2
Pollak, Walter H. 10.2
pollution SEE ALSO air pollution; oil pollution; water pollution
    alkali waste 96.4.9
    Environmental Quality Committee 429.3
    nuclear sites 326.4.3, 326.5.1
Pollution Control Study and Report Group 90.8.4
pollution research 70.12.6
polygamy 60.3.2
polygraph equipment 340.9.6
Polymer Development Branch 234.6.1
Polymer Development Committee (Rubber Reserve) 234.5.8
Pomerene, Atlee 60.17.5
Pomological Collections, Office of (Plant Industry Bureau)
Pomology, Division of (Plant Industry Bureau) 54.3.15
Ponca Farm Agent 75.19.74
Ponca Indians 75.19.128
Ponca Subagency 75.19.77
Ponce de Leon Inlet, FL, Coast Guard Station 26.6.5
Ponce de Leon, Juan 186.1
Ponce, PR
    harbor studies 77.10.48
Ponce, PR, Ordnance Depot 156.11
Pond, Charles F. 37.3
Pontchartrain (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.8
Pontius, Harry E. 240.5
pontoon bridges (engineering plans) 77.2.5
pontoon gear (engineering plans) 71.3.2
Pontotoc, MS, land office 49.9.15
pony claims 75.19.11
Poole Engineering and Machine Co. 156.13
Pooling Section (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.4.2
Pope Field, OK 18.9.1
Pope, James P. 142.3.2
Pope, John Russell 42.12
Pope's Folly Island 76.2.4
"Pope's Stone" 42.13.1
Poplar (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Poplar Bluff, MO 29.8.3
poppy plant culture 170.3
Popular Culture, Ministry of (Italy) 242.17.1
population SEE ALSO population maps
    census records 29.2.1, 29.5.2, 29.5.3
        decennial schedules 29.8.1
        reference card files 29.3.6
        Vermont schedules 21.48.1
    Constitutional Convention 360.4
    Continental, Confederation Congress statistics 360.2.6
    Indians 75.14.8
    World War I peace negotiation 256.2
Population and Housing Division (Census Bureau) 29.5.2
Population Growth and the American Future, Commission on 220.15.10
population maps
    Agricultural Economics studies 83.4.4, 83.6.1, 83.6.5
    Agriculture Secretary 16.10.3
    Census Bureau 29.3.6, 29.9
    CIA 263.5
    farm statistics 145.8
    Federal Housing Administration 31.3
    Forest Service 95.5.3, 95.12
    National Resources Planning Board 187.3.1, 187.5.1-187.5.11
    OSS 226.6.4, 226.19
    State Department 59.3.10
    TVA 142.10.1
    urban distribution, 1950 310.2.1
"Population: What We Do Now Counts" (sound recording) 220.15.10
Porcelain Breakfast Furniture Assembling Industry, Code Authority
     for (National Recovery Administration) 9.9
porcupines 22.6.2, 22.19
Pornography, Attorney General's Commission on 60.17.10
Pornography, Commission on Obscenity and 220.12
Port Agencies (Army Transportation Corps) 336.3.2
Port Althorp, AK 181.11.21
Port and Harbor Facilities Commission 32.2.8
Port Aransas-Corpus Christi Waterway 77.10.18
Port Arthur, TX
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
    newspaper 127.7.1
Port Conditions Committee 169.3.5
Port Director (San Francisco Naval District) 181.2.11
Port Director (Seattle Naval District) 181.2.12
Port District (European Command) 349.6.3
Port du Mort, WI 26.2.2
Port Eads, LA 77.10.35
Port Everglades, FL 85.3.1
Port, Frontier, and Travel Security Section (SHAEF) 331.3.4
Port Hudson, LA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1, 393.12
Port Hudson, LA, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Port Hudson, LA, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Port Hueneme, CA
    shipping articles 26.6.8
Port Hueneme, CA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.8
Port Huron, MI
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Port Huron, MI, Board of Civil Service Examiners 146.5.5
Port Isabel, TX 36.3.1
Port Jefferson, NY 41.5
Port Lavaca, TX 41.5
Port Lyautey, Morocco, Advanced Amphibious Training Base 181.5.5
Port Lyautey, Morocco, Naval Activities 181.15.7
Port Newark, NJ 92.3.5
Port of Debarkation (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
Port of Fernandina, East Florida 98.2.4
"Port Royal Correspondence" 366.6
Port Royal, SC
    property survey maps 58.4.8
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Port Royal, SC, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.12
Port Royal, SC, Marine Officer's School 127.6.3
Port Royal, SC, Naval Disciplinary Barracks 125.3.6
Port Royal, SC, Naval Station 181.8.9
Port Safety Stations (Coast Guard) 26.6.8
Port Said, Egypt 32.5.13
Port San Luis, CA 26.6.8
Port Security and Law Enforcement Division (Coast Guard) 26.5.12
Port Security Division (Coast Guard) 26.5.12
Port Security, Subcommittee Investigating Waterfront Racketeering
    and (Senate) 46.9
Port Security Units (Coast Guard) 26.6.8
Port St. Joe, FL, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.5
Port Townsend, WA
    Chinese immigration 85.5.14
    customs collection 36.3.1
Port Townsend, WA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.10
Portage, AK 49.13.1
Portage, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Porter, Charles 79.17
Porter, Herbert L. 460.5.2
Porter, Paul A. 259.2
Porter, Robert P. 29.2.3
Porterfield Scrip Act (1860) 49.3.2
Portland, ME
    construction quartermasters 92.7.1
    customs collection 36.3.1
    harbor posts (architectural plans) 77.10.5
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    rent control 252.4.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Portland, ME, Army Port Agency 336.3.2
Portland, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Portland, ME, Division (District Court) 21.21.1
Portland, ME, internal revenue collection district 58.5.19
Portland, ME, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.5
Portland, ME, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Portland, OR
    civil service examiners 146.5.10
    customs collection 36.3.1
    fir production 32.4.9
    immigration 85.5.14
    power lines 187.5.9
    rent control 252.4.8
    Russian consulate 261.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Portland, OR, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.8
Portland, OR, Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9
Portland, OR, Area Office (Indian Arts and Crafts Board) 435.3
Portland, OR, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Portland, OR, Coast Guard Station 26.6.10
Portland, OR, Customs District 26.6.10
Portland, OR, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.46
Portland, OR, district (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.14
Portland, OR, District Office (Plant Protection Section) 165.4.2;
    (Price Administration) 188.18.3, 188.18.6, 188.18.7;
    (Shipping Board) 32.5.12
Portland, OR, division (Army Engineers) 77.9.19
Portland, OR, field office (Indian Health Service) 513.3;
    (National Park Service) 79.5, 79.6.5;
    (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.10
Portland, OR, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Portland, OR, internal revenue collection district 58.5.37
Portland, OR, land office 49.9.22
Portland, OR, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Portland, OR, Naval Berthing Facility 181.15.35
Portland, OR, office (Federal Farm Board) 103.3.1;
    (Geological Survey) 57.10.3;
    (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.2;
    (Resettlement Administration) 16.5.5
Portland, OR, regional office (Agriculture Department) 16.5.3;
    (Farm Security Administration) 96.4.11;
    (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.15.6;
    (Forest Service) 95.2.1;
    (Interior Solicitor) 48.12.2;
    (Public Roads) 30.5
Portland, OR, representative (Naval Training Command) 181.2.12
Porto Rico SEE Puerto Rico
    Agriculture officials 16.7.1
    black Americans 208.3.5
    foreign natural scientists 7.4
    General Land Office 49.17
    Latin American leaders 229.7.3
    Lincoln by Healy 42.7
    notable Americans 318.3
    Pensions Commissioners 15.2.1
    Washington 37.3
"Portrex" joint tactical exercise 341.4
Ports and Bases Germany, U.S. (Naval Forces) 313.5.6
Ports and Frontiers Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
ports and harbors SEE ALSO harbor defenses; harbor facilities
    alien registration of seamen 85.2.5
    Army Engineers records
        districts 77.10.4, 77.10.6, 77.10.8, 77.10.9, 77.10.14,
            77.10.18, 77.10.21, 77.10.22, 77.10.25, 77.10.30,
            77.10.36-77.10.38, 77.10.42, 77.10.44, 77.10.46-77.10.48,
            77.10.53, 77.10.57, 77.10.66, 77.10.67
        harbor improvement boats, equipment
            engineering plans 77.10.37, 77.10.48
            photographs 77.2.3
        headquarters correspondence 77.2.1, 77.2.2
        maps and charts 77.2.3, 77.5.1, 77.9.12, 77.10.4, 77.10.10,
          77.10.37, 77.10.49, 77.10.53, 77.10.55, 77.10.56,
        photographs 77.2.3, 77.10.55
        topographical engineers 77.4.3
    Army ports of embarkation 92.15.4, 336.2.1, 336.3.1
        engineering plans 92.7.1
    customs collection 36.2.4, 36.3
    free port study 81.5
    Italy (aerial photographs) 38.4.16
    maps and charts
        Adjutant General's Office 94.14
        naval anchorage information 80.7.2, 313.3.1
        naval intelligence 38.4.3
        New York, New Jersey 26.6.3
        Panama 185.4
        Philippine Islands 350.2, 350.3, 395.14.1
        Puerto Rico 313.3.1, 350.2
        Sardinia 169.8.2
        Senate records 46.23
        U.S. foreign trade 178.11
        World War I Europe 38.10
    naval personnel morale 24.6.6
    passenger arrival lists 36.2.5, 36.3.2, 85.3.1-85.3.4
    Peru 32.2.2
        House records 233.33
        National Park Service 79.17
        Navy Department 80.11
        Public Health Service 90.15
    plant quarantine inspectors 7.3.2
    postwar Japan 331.48
    security commission 220.9.6
    World War II
        Coast Guard security division 26.5.12
        Pacific areas (aerial photographs) 331.34
U.S.S. Portsmouth 24.3.3
Portsmouth Harbor, NH, Coast Guard Station 26.6.1
Portsmouth, NH
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Portsmouth, NH, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Portsmouth, NH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Portsmouth, NH, Naval Base 181.4.8
Portsmouth, NH, Naval Hospital 52.4.2
Portsmouth, NH, Naval Prison 181.15.32
Portsmouth, NH, Navy Yard 45.6, 71.2.5, 181.3.10
Portsmouth, NH, public health hospital 90.4.29
Portsmouth, NJ 41.5
Portsmouth, VA
    customs collection (Norfolk) 36.3.1
Portsmouth, VA, Coast Guard Base 26.6.4
Portsmouth, VA, Coast Guard District 26.6.4
Portsmouth, VA, Defenses of Norfolk and 393.4, 393.13.7
Portsmouth, VA, Marine Barracks 127.6.2
Portsmouth, VA, Naval Hospital 52.7
Portsmouth, VA, U.S. Forces, Norfolk and 393.9, 393.11.1
    Bulama arbitration 76.5
    claims 76.4
    reciprocity treaties advisory committee 353.11.3
    U.S. offices, representatives
         diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.4.9
        naval intelligence 38.4.11
Portugal Division (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
Portuguese-language captured records 242.22
Position and Pay Management Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Positive Intelligence Section
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Posner, Bernard 220.7.7
Post Capture Offenses Division 153.13.2
Post Exchange Council (Military Academy) 407.4.3
post exchanges 334.18
Post Fund (Military Academy) 404.9.1
Post Office Act (1789) 28.2, 28.3;
    (1792) 28.2;
    (1810) 28.3, 28.4;
    (1872) 28.2, 28.2.2, 28.2.3, 28.2.5
Post Office and Civil Service, Committee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.18
Post Office and Civil Service, Committee on (Senate) 46.17
Post Office and Civil Service, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.13
Post Office and Post Roads, Committee on
   (House of Representatives) 233.18
Post Office and Post Roads, Committee on (Senate) 46.17
Post Office Clerical Service, Division of
    (Post Office Department) 28.3.3
post office committees
    (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.8
Post Office Department
    Treasury correspondence 56.2.1
Post Office Department (Continental Congress) 28.2.2
Post Office Department, Assistant Attorney General for the 28.10, 206.3
Post Office Department Building (photographs) 28.14
Post Office Department, Committee on Expenditures in the (House of Representatives) 233.13
Post Office Department, Confederate 109.11, 365.2.6, 365.5.1
Post Office Department Library 28.10
Post Office Department, Records of the (RG 28)
    Accounts Bureau 28.7
    administrative history 28.1
    cartographic records 28.11
    Chief Inspector's Bureau 28.8
    First Assistant Postmaster General's Bureau 28.3
    Fourth Assistant Postmaster General's Bureau 28.6
    Library Collection of Post Office Department Records 28.10
    motion pictures 28.12
    Postmaster General 28.2
    regional post offices 28.9
    Second Assistant Postmaster General's Bureau 28.4
    sound recordings 28.13
    still pictures 28.14
    Third Assistant Postmaster General's Bureau 28.5
Post Office Leases, Select Committee on (Senate) 46.22.2
"Post Office March" (sound recording) 28.13
Post Office Quarters, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.6.5
Post Office Service, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.3.6
post offices
    accounts 28.5.2
    architectural plans 121.6
    Confederate records 109.11
    dedications 28.6.5
    descriptions 56.8
    highway post offices 28.4.2
    Indian superintendency 75.15.12
    motion pictures 28.2.2
    opening, closing 28.3.2
    operations 28.3.3
    photographs 28.14
    route maps 28.6.2
    site locations 28.3.2, 28.6.2
post roads (maps) 28.10
Post Roads and Post Offices, Surveyor of (British) 28.2.2
Post, Wiley 18.13, 197.2.1
postage stamps
    engraving and printing 318.1, 318.2.1, 318.3
    historical file 28.5.5
    motion picture 28.2.2
    national parks centennial 79.13.6
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.11
Postal Affairs Section (Naval Communications) 38.3.1
Postal and Courier Operations Group (Air Force HQ) 341.4
Postal Card Agency, U.S. 28.5.5, 28.10
postal conventions 28.4.5
Postal Division (Censorship Office) 216.2.3;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.2
postal employees
    classification 28.3.6
    mail carriers 28.3.4, 28.4.4
        surety bonds 28.2.5
    photographs 28.14
    rural mail carriers 28.6.7
Postal Employees' Cooperative Store Association 28.2.4
postal envelopes 28.5.5, 28.10
postal equipment 28.6.6
    photographs 28.14
postal exhibitions 28.10
Postal Express Service
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.6, 120.4.1
Postal Inspector Division (Army Vietnam) 472.6.7
Postal Operations, Subcommittee Investigating (Senate) 46.17
Postal Organization, President's Commission on 220.14.18
Postal Reorganization Act (1970) 28.1, 28.13; (1976 amendments) 220.17.14
Postal Savings System 28.5.3, 50.8
    motion pictures 28.2.2
Postal Section (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4
postal service
    Air Corps mail operations 18.5.7
    Army service 407.6.1
        Vietnam War 472.6.7
    censorship 38.4.4, 165.4.3, 182.8.1
        training 334.13
    Confederate contracts 109.11
    contract claims, investigations 205.3.9
    intercepted Confederate letters 107.2.12
    international agreements, conventions 11.4.2
    letter carrier claims cases 205.3.1
    mail tampering investigations 214.3.3
    Maritime Commission mail reports 178.9
    ocean mail contracts 32.2.9, 151.10.3, 205.3.9
    photographs 28.14
    pneumatic tubes 28.6.4
    post office contracts 60.5.3
    Post Office Department 28
    Presidential commission 220.14.18
    regulations enforcement 206.4
    route maps 28.6.2, 28.10
    training recordings 179.7
Postal Service, Commission on 220.17.14
Postal Service, Joint Committee on 128.3
Postal Service, U.S. 220.17.14
Postmaster Appointments, Subcommittee Investigating
     (Senate) 46.17
Postmaster General
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.8
    motion picture 28.2.2
    photographs 28.14
    records 28.2, 28.10
    speeches (sound recordings) 28.13
Postmaster General, Deputy Assistant for the Bureau of
    Transportation (and International Services) 28.4.1
Postmaster General, First Assistant 28.3, 28.10
Postmaster General, Fourth Assistant 28.6
Postmaster General, Second Assistant 28.4, 28.10
Postmaster General, Third Assistant 28.5
postmasters and postal officials
    appointments 28.3.2
    Confederate records 109.11
    default suits 206.4
    reimbursement claims 28.2.5
    returns 28.3.2
Postmasters, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.3.2
Poston, Charles D. 56.3.1, 75.15.1
Poston, Ersa 220.15.27
Posts, Department of (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.5
Posts, Director of (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.4
postsecondaary career schools 220.15.30
Posture Clinic and Exercises (motion picture) 102.3
Post-War Agenda Section
     (National Resources Planning Board) 187.3.3
Postwar Economic Policy and Planning, Select Committee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Postwar Military Policy, Select Committee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Post-War Problems, Subcommittee on
    (Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee) 43.11.19
    exploration 70.9
    fertilizer research 54.5.1
    German cartel shipping facilities (maps) 131.5
    land classification 57.7.4
Potato Rot Nematode Survey 310.4.4
Potawatomi Indian Training School 75.19.47
Potawatomi Indians
    allotments 75.7.2
     census 75.19.98
    health survey 75.14.4
    lands 75.7.3
    tribal, individual payments 75.12.3
Potomac and Shenandoah Navigation Lottery 79.12.1
Potomac, Army of the 393.4, 393.8
Potomac, Coast Defenses of the 392.3
Potomac Company 79.12.1
Potomac, Confederate Army of the 109.9.2
Potomac, Defenses North of the 393.9, 393.13.7
Potomac, Defenses South of the 393.4, 393.9, 393.12, 393.13.7
Potomac, Department of (Army) 393.4, 393.8
Potomac, Division of the (Army) 393.2
Potomac River
    bridges 42.3.2, 56.15.3, 79.6.6
    Civil War fortifications (photographs) 77.2.5
    floods (aerial photographs) 328.3
    Great Falls
        fishways 22.3.4
        power project 57.6.2
    islands 79.6.6
    maps and charts
        Army Engineers 77.10.64
        docks, wharves 351.4
        eastern branch 74.6
        flood control 114.10.1, 114.10.2
        water levels 77.10.64
Potomac River Naval Command 181.2.16, 334.13
Potsdam Conference
    occupied Germany 260.2
    radio report 56.19
    records 43.4.3
Potsdam Declaration 238.7
Pottawatomie, MI 26.2.2
Potter, Charles L. 77.10.48
Potter, John A. 208.6.4
pottery 106.6
Pottsville, PA, Office
     (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Poultney, VT, CCC camps 114.8.1
    agricultural estimates 83.4.1
    animal husbandry 17.3.4
        photographs 17.2.2
    egg grading regulation 462.3
    marketing 136.11.6
        photographs 136.2.1, 145.2, 145.4
    World War II distribution 136.8.4
Poultry and Eggs Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Poultry, Eggs, and Dairy Products Price Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Poultry Experiment Station, U.S. 17.3.4
Pound, Ezra 262.4
poverty SEE ALSO antipoverty programs
    census maps 29.3.6
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    federal emergency relief 69.3.3
    Office of Economic Opportunity studies 381.3.2, 381.3.4, 381.3.8
    physician calls by police 351.5
    Presidential commissions 220.14.16, 220.14.24
Poverty Amid Plenty--The American Paradox 220.14.24
"POW 201 File" 331.39.2
    naval gun exercises 74.3.2
Powder and Explosives Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.10
Powder, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Powder River Expedition 391.3.2, 393.4, 393.10
Powders and High Explosives, Board on 156.4
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr. 233.22.2
Powell Irrigation Survey 57.6.12
Powell, John Wesley 57.2.2, 79.17, 106.3
Powell, Joseph 80.3.2
Powell Survey 57.2.2
Powellsville, MD, Civilian Public Service camp 114.8.2
power SEE electric power
Power and Light Section (Fuel Administration) 67.3.5
Power and the Land (motion picture) 16.7.2
Power Coordination and Planning Branch
     (Defense Electric Power Administration) 327.3.1
Power District No. 12 77.10.55
Power Division (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.6
Power Division Requirements Committee (War Production Board) 253.4.3
Power for Continent Seven (motion picture) 307.5.2
Power, Office of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.12
Power Plant Division (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.2
power plants
    photographs 142.5
    TVA engineering plans 142.10.1
    water quality reports 57.6.8
Power Requirements Branch (Defense Electric Power Administration) 327.3.1
Power Resources, Division of (Geological Survey) 57.6.9
Power Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3;
    (Shipping Board) 32.4.3;
    (War Industries Board) 61.2.3, 77.2.9
power site reserves 49.2.2
Power Supply Division (Defense Electric Power Administration)
Powers, Philip 220.7.1
Practical Military Engineering Department (Military Academy)
Prado, Manuel 229.14
Prague, Czechoslovakia
    German party reports 242.12
    Soviet Purchasing Commission 242.18.2
Prairie County, AR 103.6.3
prairie dogs 22.19
Prairie du Chien Factory 75.3
Prairie Island community 75.20.29
Prairie States Forestry ("Shelterbelt") Project 95.1, 95.4.3,
Pratt and Whitney 313.4.3
Pratt Committee 160.3.3
Pratt County, KS, maps 49.9.12
Pratt, Curtis G. 160.3.3
Pratt, Joseph H. 57.5
Pratt Institute 18.9.2
Pray, Publius R. 75.6
U.S.S. Preble 127.7.3
Preble, George Henry 45.4.1
Precious Metals Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
precipitation SEE ALSO rainfall; snow
    Army Engineers reports 77.10.55
    maps 114.4.5, 115.2
    Soil Conservation Service data 114.4.5
Preclusive Operations Division (Commercial Company) 234.5.6
Predator and Rodent Control Division (Branch) 22.6.2, 22.8.3
Preemption Acts (1830, 1841) 49.3.4
Preemption Division (General Land Office) 49.3.8
prefabricated housing 207.6.1, 207.6.2, 207.7.7, 252.3.1
Prefabricated Housing Loan Program 207.8.2
Prefabricated Structures Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
    neurological disease study 443.8
    prenatal care (filmstrip) 102.4
Pregnancy and Infancy Branch (National Institutes of Health) 443.10
Pre-Inaugural Committees 274.6-274.8
Preliminary International Conference on Electrical Communications 43.2.11
"Preliminary Profile of the 1965 Poor" 381.3.4
Prenzlow, Elmer 423.4
Preparation, Distribution, Sale, Payment, Retirement, Surrender,
    Cancellation, and Destruction of Government Bonds and Other
    Securities, Select Committee to Investigate the (House of
    Representatives) 233.22.2
Preparatory Commission (International Refugee Organization)      165.11.4
Preparatory Commission (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.1
Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee (Senate) 46.5, 340.7
Presbyterian Church 210.5
Prescott, AZ, District (Territorial Court) 21.4.1
Prescott, AZ, Division (District Court) 21.4.2
Prescott, AZ, internal revenue collection district 58.5.2
Prescott, AZ, land office 49.9.3
Prescott, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6
Presentation Branch (OSS) 226.3.2
Preservation of the Fisheries in Waters Contiguous to Canada and
    the United States, Joint Commission Relative to 22.3.4
The President Accounts (motion picture) 39.9
President, Confederate 109.3, 109.4
S.S. President Harding 32.7
S.S. President Hoover 32.5.14
S.S. President Roosevelt 32.5.14, 32.7
President for Science and Technology, Special Assistant to the 359.2
President of the Senate 11.3
Presidential Advisory Committee on Water Resources Policy 48.8
Presidential Appeal Board (Selective Service) 147.2.2
Presidential Campaign Activities, Select Committee on (Senate)
    46.22.2, 233.16, 460.10.3
Presidential china 42.3.3
Presidential Clemency Board 429.10
Presidential Commission on Catastrophic Nuclear Accidents 220.19
Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces 220.20
Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic 220.19
Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident 220.19
Presidential Commission on World Hunger 220.18.12
Presidential Commission to Investigate the Philippine Islands 59.5.1
Presidential commissions
    administration files 130.3.5
    temporary committees, boards 220
Presidential elections
    1944 military balloting 107.2.9
    1960 campaign scrapbook 274.6
    1972, Watergate investigations 460
    electoral records 11.7
Presidential homes 121.4.2
Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies Act (1956) 274.1, 274.5-274.13
Presidential Inaugural Committees, Records of (RG 274)
    1933, 1937, 1941, and 1945 Inaugural Committees 274.2
    1949 Inaugural Committee 274.3
    1953 Inaugural Committee 274.4
    1957 Inaugural Committee 274.5
    1961 Inaugural Committee 274.6
    1965 Inaugural Committee 274.7
    1969 Inaugural Committee 274.8
    1973 Inaugural Committee 274.9
    1977 Inaugural Committee 274.10
    1981 Inaugural Committee 274.11
    1985 Inaugural Committee 274.12
    1989 Inaugural Committee 274.13
    administrative history 274.1
    cartographic records 274.14
    motion pictures 274.15
    sound recordings 274.17
    still pictures 274.18
    video recordings 274.16
Presidential inaugurations
    Eisenhower Library exhibit posters 64.7
    Hoover committee 42.8
    motion pictures 24.10, 128.5
        Kennedy, 1961 330.16
        Roosevelt, 1941 119.5.2
        Signal Corps 111.9
    parade route maps 42.3.3
    photographs 1969, 1973 306.11
    Public Buildings and Public Parks Office 42.7
    White House staff records 130.2.1
    Wilson, 1913 42.6.2
Presidential Libraries, Office of (National Archives) 64.7
Presidential messages to Congress
    House 233.2
    Senate 46
    White House Office 130.2.2
Presidential nominations and appointments
    District of Columbia 60.16.3
    federal judges 60.4.3, 60.16.1, 60.16.2
    Interior Department division 48.5.1
    Justice Department personnel 60.16.1, 60.16.2
    Presidential documents 11.6
    Senate records 46.2
        committees 46.3, 46.5, 46.6, 46.9, 46.11, 46.12, 46.14,
          46.17, 46.18, 46.21
    State Department records 59.4.2
    Supreme Court 60.4.3, 60.16.2
    Treasury 56.3.3, 56.3.4
    White House Office 130.2.5
Presidential Office Space, President's Advisory Commission on 220.9.8
Presidential Prize for Innovation Staff 359.3
Presidential proclamations 11.6, 319.3.4
Presidential Railroad Commission 220.9.15
Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act (1974) 220.17.5, 460.2
Presidential Science and Technology Advisory Organization Act (1976) 307.2
Presidential seal 130.2.6
Presidential Study Commission on International Radio
    Broadcasting 220.15.32
Presidential Task Force on International Development 220.15.3
Presidential travel accounts 130.3.3
Presidential Vote for Puerto Rico, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on the 220.15.11
President's Advisory Commission on Presidential Office Space 220.9.8
President's Advisory Commission on Supersonic Transport 220.14.4
President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training 220.7.3
President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization 220.9.1
President's Advisory Committee on Housing Policies and Programs 207.6.10
President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy 220.10.1
President's Advisory Committee on Management Improvement 220.7.11
President's Advisory Committee on Refugees 220.17.10
President's Advisory Committee on the Merchant Marine 220.7.4
President's Advisory Council on Management Improvement 220.15.7
President's Agricultural Conference 16.12
President's Air Policy Commission 220.7.6
President's Aircraft Policy Commission 72.3.3
President's Airport Commission 220.7.18
President's Amnesty Board (Selective Service) 147.2.2
President's Biomedical Research Panel 220.15.40
President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management 220.19
President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties
President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights Year
    1968 148.14
President's Commission for the Study and Review of Conditions in
    the Republic of Haiti 220.4.1
President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in
    Medicine and Biological and Behavioral Research 220.18.19
President's Commission on Americans Outdoors 220.19
President's Commission on an All-Volunteer Armed Force 220.15.2
President's Commission on Aviation Security and Terrorism 220.20
President's Commission on Campus Unrest 220.15.17
President's Commission on Drunk Driving 220.19
President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency (Taft Commission)
    Coast and Geodetic Survey 23.2.2
    commerce bureaus 40.2
    Justice Department appointments 60.16.1
    records 51.2
    Treasury Department records 56.15.2
President's Commission on Federal Ethics Law 220.20
President's Commission on Federal Statistics 220.15.19
President's Commission on Financial Structure and Regulation 220.15.14
President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke 220.14.3
President's Commission on Housing 220.19
President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization 220.7.19
President's Commission on Income Maintenance Programs 220.14.24
President's Commission on Internal Security and Individual Rights 220.7.15
President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of
     Justice 220.14.8
President's Commission on Mental Health 220.18.1
President's Commission on Migratory Labor 220.7.13
President's Commission on Military Compensation 220.18.3
President's Commission on Oil Reserves 57.3.2
President's Commission on Olympic Sports 220.17.12
President's Commission on Organized Crime 220.19
President's Commission on Pension Policy 220.18.11
President's Commission on Postal Organization 220.14.18
President's Commission on Privatization 220.19
President's Commission on Registration and Voting
    Participation 220.10.9
President's Commission on School Finance 220.15.9
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island 220.18.16
President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy,
        Records of the (RG 272)
    administrative history 272.1
    cartographic records 272.3
    motion pictures 272.4
    records 272.2
    sound recordings 272.5
    still pictures 272.6
President's Commission on the Coal Industry 220.18.15
President's Commission on the Federal Appointment Process 220.20
President's Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation 220.7.16
President's Commission on the Status of Women 220.10.4
President's Committee for Hungarian Refugee Relief 220.9.9
President's Committee for Traffic Safety 220.9.3
President's Committee for Traffic Safety Advisory Council 220.9.3
President's Committee on Civil Rights 220.7.2
President's Committee on Civil Service Improvement 220.5.4
President's Committee on Consumer Interests 220.10.7
President's Committee on Deferment of Federal Employees 211.7.2
President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped 220.7.7
President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity 220.10.2
President's Committee on Equal Opportunity in Housing 220.10.8
President's Committee on Equal Opportunity in the Armed Forces 220.10.6
President's Committee on Equality of Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed Services 220.7.8
President's Committee on Foreign Aid 220.7.5
President's Committee on Fund Raising 146.3.1
President's Committee on Government Employment Policy 220.9.5
President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime 220.10.3
President's Committee on Migratory Labor 220.9.4
President's Committee on Portal to Portal Travel Time 220.5.10
President's Committee on Public Higher Education in
    the District of Columbia 220.10.10
President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in
    the Armed Forces 220.7.9
President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers 307.8
President's Committee on Urban Housing 220.14.19
President's Committee on Wildlife Restoration 22.5
President's Committee to Study the U.S. Military
    Assistance Program 220.9.13
President's Conference on Administrative Procedures 269.9
President's Conference on Home Building and Home Ownership 167.7
President's Conference on Industrial Safety 174.7
President's Council on Pennsylvania Avenue 220.15.35
President's Council on Youth Opportunity 220.14.12
President's Departmental Reorganization Program 51.9.3
President's Economic Stabilization Program 174.3.7
President's Emergency Committee for Employment 73.2, 73.5
President's Fair Employment Practice Committee 80.3.1
President's Fuel Distribution Committee 89.2
President's Liaison Committee 169.2
President's Management Improvement Council 220.18.18
President's Materials Policy Commission 48.7, 220.7.14, 304.2.6
President's Mediation Commission 174.2, 174.5.2
President's National Committee for the Golden Anniversary White
     House Conference on Children and Youth 220.22.1
President's Organization on Unemployment Relief, Records of the
         (RG 73)
    administrative history 73.1
    committees 73.4
    field representatives 73.5
    operating units 73.3
    records 73.2
President's Panel on Federal Compensation 220.17.11
President's Panel on Nonpublic Education 220.15.9
President's Program on Youth Employment 146.3.5
President's Reemployment Agreement Policy Board 9.8.1
President's Research Committee on Social Trends 73.2.1
President's Review Committee on Federal Employee-Management
    Relations 220.14.21
President's Science Advisory Committee 220.9.10
President's Scientific Research Board 220.7.1
President's Soviet Protocol Committee 220.5.8
President's Special Committee on Farm Tenancy 83.4.5
President's Special Committee to Study the Rubber Situation 220.5.7
President's Task Force on Communications Policy 220.14.20
President's Task Force on International Education 220.14.9
President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives 220.19
President's Task Force on the War Against Poverty 381.2
President's Task Force on Victims of Crime 220.19
Presidents, U.S. SEE ALSO specific presidents
    budget review 51.8.4
    Calley court-martial review 153.2.3
    correspondence and reports
        Army Chief of Staff 165.2
        Export-Import Bank 275.2
        federal employee deferments 211.7.2
        Federal Works Agency 162.2.1
        Indian Claims Commission 279.2
        Interstate Commerce Commission 134.3
        Justice Department 60.2.1, 60.3.2
        naval personnel 24.2.1
        Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.2
        Reconstruction Finance Corporation 234.2.1
        Smaller War Plants Corporation 240.3.4
        State Department 59.2.3
        Treasury 56.2.1, 56.2.2, 206.2
    Council of Economic Advisers 459
    engrossed laws 11.3
    Executive orders, proclamations 11.6
    foreign trade adviser 20
    labor mediation boards 280.4.2
    military aides 42.3.3
    national security intelligence 226.2.1
    "Official Diary" 42.3.3
    pardon applications 59.4.5, 204.2
    petitions 59.5.2
        Indian Affairs 75.29
        National Archives 64.6
        Navy Department 80.11
        State Department 59.3.9
    portraits 127.12, 318.3
    posters 64.8
    Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.2.1, 42.3.3
    railroad labor disputes 13.7.2
    salary and expenses 130.3.3
    Secret Service security details 87.3
    Selective Service appeals 147.2.2, 147.2.4
    sound recordings
        HUD programs 207.7.2
        OWI 208.3.4
    White House Office 130
    World War I draft appeals 163.2.5
President's War Relief Control Board 220.5.6
President's Water Resources Policy Commission 220.7.12
Presidio of Monterey, CA 165.11.5, 394.4
Presidio of San Francisco, CA 338.2.2, 393.7, 394.4
    Crissy Field records 18.9.1
    photographs 77.10.55
Presque Isle, MI 26.2.2
Presque Isle, PA 36.3.1
    postwar Japan 331.45.2
    World War II activities 331.21.2
    WPA projects 69.4.3
Press and Campaigns Division (Price Administration) 188.7.4
Press and Publications Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers)
Press and Publications, Department of
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.7
Press and Publications Service (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Press Branch (Army Staff) 319.4.3
press censorship
    War Department General Staff 165.4.3
    World War II 216.2.3, 331.9.3
Press Censorship Branch (SHAEF) 331.4.4, 331.9.3
Press Division (Censorship Office) 216.2.3
Press Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Press Intelligence, Division of (Government Reports) 44.3.5
Press, Publications, and Broadcast Division
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.47
Press Unit (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.8
Pre-Termination Agreement Clearance Committee
    (Contract Settlement Office) 246.4
Pretoria, South Africa, base (OSS) 226.18
Pretrial Committee 116.2
Prevention of Childhood Accidents (video recordings) 220.23.7
Preventive Health Amendments (1992) 442.1
preventive medicine
    Public Health Service programs 90.2
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.5
Preventive Medicine Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.18
Preventive Medicine, Division of (Medicine and Surgery Bureau) 52.3.1
Preveza field office (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Prewitt, Roy A. 122.3
Pribilof Islands
    administration 22.8.1, 22.13.1, 22.16
    compensation plans 22.16
    fisheries 22.3.3
    Russian-American Company exploration 261.2
    sealing 22.2, 22.4.1, 22.8.1, 22.13.1
    World War II civilian relocation 220.18.25
Price Adjustment Board (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.7, 234.7.2
Price Adjustment Board (War Department) 107.12
Price Administration and Consumer Supply, Office of
     (Emergency Management Office) 188.2
Price Administration, Office of
    bituminous coal 222.3, 222.4
    housing, rent control 252.3.1, 252.4.8
    still pictures 69.10
    territorial civilian food reserve 126.3.2
Price Administration, Records of the Office of (RG 188)
    Accounting Department 188.5
    administrative history 188.1
    Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense 188.2
    Enforcement Department 188.6
    executive and administrative records 188.3
    Information Department 188.7
    Liquidation Division, Commerce Department 188.10
    motion pictures 188.20
    Price Administration and Civilian Supply Office 188.2
    Price Board Management Office 188.4
    Price Department 188.8
    Rationing Department 188.9
    Region I (Boston) 188.11
    Region II (New York) 188.12
    Region III (Cleveland) 188.13
    Region IV (Atlanta) 188.14
    Region V (Dallas) 188.15
    Region VI (Chicago) 188.16
    Region VII (Denver) 188.17
    Region VIII (San Francisco) 188.18
    sound recordings 188.21
    still pictures 188.22
    Territorial Region 188.19
Price and Distribution Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Price Board Management Office
   (Price Administration) 188.3.5, 188.4
    field offices 188.11.2, 188.12.2, 188.13.2, 188.14.2,
        188.15.2, 188.16.2, 188.17.2, 188.18.2, 188.19.2
"Price Ceiling and the Retailer" (lantern slides) 188.7.4
Price Commission 432.2.4, 432.2.5, 432.2.9, 432.4.1, 432.5.2,
   432.6, 432.10
Price Control Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.3
Price Control Division (Price Administration) 188.8.4
Price Control Extension Act (1946) 251.1
Price Control Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
price controls
    Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics 51.4
    Defense Mobilization Office 304.4
    economic stabilization programs 296, 432
    food in District of Columbia 60.11.2
    fuel 67.3.3
    postwar Japan 331.46.3
    Price Decontrol Board 251
    Price Stabilization Office 295
    racketeering 145.3
    wartime stabilization 250.4
    World War I agreements 61.3.2
    World War II 188
Price Decontrol Board
    minutes 188.3.4
Price Decontrol Board, Records of the (RG 251)
    administrative history 251.1
    records 251.2
Price Department (Price Administration) 188.8, 188.11.6,
    188.12.6, 188.13.5, 188.14.6, 188.15.6,
    188.16.6, 188.17.6, 188.18.6, 188.19.6
Price, Deputy Administrator for (Price Administration) 188.8.1
Price Executive (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Price-Fixing Committee (War Industries Board) 61.3.2
Price Legal Division (Price Administration) 188.8.2
The Price of Victory (motion picture) 179.6
Price, Office of (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.2
Price, Office of (Production and Marketing Administration) 145.4
Price Operations, Office of (Price Stabilization) 295.2.2
Price River, UT
    resettlement projects 96.4.9
Price Stabilization Division (Price Administration) 188.2
Price Stabilization, Office of (1971-74) 432.4, 432.4.2
Price Stabilization, Records of the Office of (RG 295)
    administrative history 295.1
    field offices 295.3
    headquarters 295.2
    sound recordings 295.4
Price, Sterling 109.9.3
Price Support, Deputy Administrator for
    (Commodity Stablization Service) 145.5.2
Price, UT 96.4.9
Price, UT, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.24
Price, Xenophon H. 117.4.1
    coal 150.2.5, 150.4, 222.2.2, 222.3, 222.5, 223.2
    clothing 176.4.2
    Home Economics study 176.4.1
    Indian arts and crafts 435.2.1
    oil 67.5.4, 67.5.8
Prices and Licenses, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.8
Pricing Policy Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.6
Priest River Experimental Forest, ID 95.10.8
Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Metals Section
    (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Primary Forest Products Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Primary Products Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Prime Meridian 43.2.4
PRIME-POTUS messages 165.4.1
Primrose (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4
Prince Albert Radar Lab, Canada 130.6
Prince, Frederick H. 133.4
Prince Georges County, MD (map) 28.10
Prince of Wales 418.4.2
Prince Plan 133.4, 234.2.5
Prince Rupert, BC, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Prince Street Jail, Alexandria, VA 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.11
Princess Coal Sales 70.11.3
Princeton University 18.9.2
"Printed Books Relating to the Revolutionary War" 93.2.1
    Air Force committee 340.9.12
    Engraving and Printing 318
    equipment, facilities survey 489.4.1
    Government Printing Office 149
Printing and Fine Papers Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Printing and Publishing Division (National Production Authority) 277.2.5
Printing and Publishing Industries Division
    (Business and Defense Services Administration) 489.4.1
Printing, Bureau of (Manila) 350.5
Printing, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Printing, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Printing, Joint Committee on 128.4
Printing, Office of the Director of (war crimes trials) 260.5.2
Printing, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Prinz Friedrich (German ship) 181.3.6
Prinz Sigismund (German merchant ship) 24.2.2
Prinz Waldemar (German merchant ship) 24.2.2
Priorities and Allocations Act (1941) 188.9
Priorities and Allocations Advisory Committee 169.3.5
Priorities and Controls, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Priorities and Directives Division (National Production Authority) 277.3.3
Priorities Division (Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board) 225.3
Priorities Division (War Industries Board) 61.3.5
Priorities Policy Committee (Civilian Production Administration) 179.2.2
Priorities Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3
prison industries 129.4, 209.2
Prison Industries Reorganization Administration, Records of the (RG 209)
    administrative history 209.1
    records 209.2
prison labor
    DC Penitentiary 48.4.12
    Nazi economic enterprises 242.3.2
    NRA records 9.4.9
    Prison Industries Reorganization Administration 209
    prisoners of war 38.7.3, 40.5, 120.7.4, 389.4.2
prison libraries 129.2.1
Prisoner of War and Displaced Persons Branch
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5
Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee Information Center,
   U.S. Army 338.11.7, 389.4.8
Prisoner-of-War Claims Commission (Allied Force HQ) 331.23.2
Prisoner of War Division (Adjutant General's Office) 249.3;
     (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1, 120.7.4;
     (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.20;
     (Provost Marshal General) 389.4
Prisoner of War Executive Branch (SHAEF) 331.3.2
Prisoner of War Information Bureau (Provost Marshal General) 389.4.6
Prisoner of War Labor Companies
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.4
Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Affairs, U.S. Army Office of
Prisoner-of-War Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.15
Prisoner of War Subcommittee (Permanent International Armistice Commission) 120.14.6
    clemency orders 153.2.2
    Coast Guard 26.5.4
    Confederates 109.13.3, 109.14.2
    fingerprint characteristices 65.3
    Japan 331.36
    Justice Department records 60.5.3
    Military Government of Veracruz 141.4, 141.5
    Nazi Germany 242.4.8
    notorious offenders 129.2.2
    Prisons Bureau 129.2.1, 129.2.2
    Provost Marshal General 389.2.5, 389.7, 389.8
    release procedures 60.17.8
    Soldiers' Home inmates 231.2.2
    Sugamo prison journals 338.9.8
    U.S. Marines in Nicaragua 127.7.2
    war criminals 338.7.2
Prisoners, Confederate Agent for the Exchange of 109.6
Prisoners' Department 360.2.4
Prisoners, Deputy Commissary of 93.3
prisoners of war
    Adjutant General's statistics 407.2.4
    Army information units 120.4.1, 338.11.7, 389.4.6-389.4.9
    Desert Shield/Desert Storm interviews
    (sound recordings) 342.14
    Indians 94.2.5
    Vietnam War 319.11, 472.5.8
prisoners of war (Civil War)
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.5
    Commissary General of Prisoners 249
    Confederate records 109.6, 109.14.1-109.14.3
    Quartermaster General 92.10.2
    Naval Records Collection 45.2.4
    parole camps 393.4, 393.13.5, 249.2.2, 249.5
    Treasury records 217.7.3, 365.15
prisoners of war (Korean War)
    Army commands 338.8
    daily statistical summaries 333.6.1
    repatriations 15.11, 333.6.4
    war crimes 153.13.2
prisoners of war (War of 1812)
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.5
    Naval Records Collection 45.8.5, 94.2.5
    Treasury accounts 217.6.3
prisoners of war (World War I)
    Adjutant General's case files 407.4.4
    AEF escort companies 120.7.8
    AEF-held prisoners 120.4.1
    German-held prisoners 120.4.1
    Russian repatriation 120.14.6
prisoners of war (World War II)
    Army commands
        3d Service Command records 338.2.2
        15th Army reports 338.9.11
        interviews (sound recordings) 338.14
        statements 331.39.2
        motion pictures 18.11
        photographs 319.12.3, 331.4.4
        supervision 389.4.6, 389.4.9
    employment, labor 389.4.2
        Germans picking peaches (photographs) 16.7.1
        Germany 242.4.3, 242.4.5
        industry, agriculture 40.5
        naval base maintenance 38.7.3
        placement 211.19.1
    escape, recovery
        China Theater 338.4.3
        Italian civilian aid claims 331.23.2
        methods 319.12.3
        Rome Movement 331.23.1
    family messages (sound recordings) 38.4.15
    Formosa (photographs) 319.12.3
    German POW newspapers 208.5.1
        Air Force interrogations 341.11.1
        Allied Force HQ case files 331.17.2
        Army interrogations 165.4.7, 319.12.3, 338.7.1
        naval interrogations 38.4.9
    Italian Army prisoners 331.23.1
    Philippines 407.8
        motion pictures 331.34
    Provost Marshal General 389.2.2, 389.4.1-389.4.9
    repatriation 165.2
    school training 389.4.4
    surrendered Germans in Italy 331.19.2
    war crimes investigations
        Judge Advocate General (Army) 153.13.1
        murder incident (sound recordings) 338.7.2
        Supreme Commander Allied Powers 331.39.2, 331.39.6, 331.40
Prisoners of War and Displaced Persons Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Prisoners of War, Bureau of (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.4
Prisoners of War Committee (State Department) 353.5.13
prisons SEE ALSO prisoners
    American Samoa 284.3.1, 284.4
    building plans 48.13
    census lists 29.2.3
    crime commission corrections task force 220.14.8
    District of Columbia 42.14
    drug treatment facilities 511.2.2, 511.2.3
    foreign institutions 153.17
    Indian agencies 75.19.80
    Interior Secretary 48.4.1
        maps 48.13
    Justice Department records 60.5.3
    minority employment 453.2.1
    Naval Disciplinary Barracks 125.3.6, 125.3.7
    Nazi Germany 242.4.8
        Nuremberg trials 238.3.1, 238.3.4
        U.S. penitentiaries 60.5.3
        Virgin Islands 55.4
    Prisons Bureau 129
Prisons Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.6
Prisons, Records of the Bureau of (RG 129)
    administrative history 129.1
    Alcatraz Federal Prison 129.6
    cartographic records 129.7
    Federal Prison Industries, Inc. 129.4
    general records 129.2
    McNeill Island Penitentiary 129.5
    motion pictures 129.8
    sound recordings 129.9
    still pictures 129.10
    Superintendent of Prisons/President, Parole Boards 129.3
Prisons, Superintendent of 129.3
    automated information systems 220.17.7
    biological research and health care 220.18.19
    Federal Statistics Commission 220.15.19
Privacy Act (1974) 220.17.7, 429.8
    Watergate investigations 460.10.1
Privacy, Domestic Council Committee on the Right to 429.8
Privacy Protection Study Commission 220.17.7
Private Enterprise Task Force (Civil Disorders Commission) 220.11.5
Private Land Claims, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
Private Land Claims, Committee on (Senate) 46.8
Private Land Claims Division (General Land Office) 49.3.4
Private Land Claims, U.S. Court of 49.7.2, 49.7.8, 60.16.2
Private Philanthropy and Public Needs, Commission on 56.2.3
Private Property Claims, Bureau of
    (Philippine War Damage Commission) 268.2.4
private schools 12.2.2, 220.15.9
Private Sector Initiatives, President's Task Force on 220.19
Private Sector Survey on Cost Control in the Federal Government 220.19
Privateer Pension Fund 39.2.2
privateers and prize ships
    Confederate privateers 45.8.6
    French spoliation claims 123.6
    logbooks 36.3.1, 45.8.4
    Naval Records Collection 45.2.4
    Pennsylvania court records 21.40.1
    pension claims 15.7.5
    Revolutionary War cases 93.2.2, 267.2, 360.2.2, 360.3.3
    State Department records 59.5.2
    Treasury accounts 217.9.5
Privatization, President's Commission on 220.19
Privileges and Elections, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Privileges and Elections, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.19
prize fighting 21.50.4
prize ships SEE privateers and prize ships
Probate Division (Indian Affairs) 75.14.1, 75.19.74
probate records
    DC courts 21.10.4
    Indian Territory court records 21.38.1
    Indians 75.14.1, 75.16.2, 75.16.9, 75.16.11, 75.19.26,
      75.19.50, 75.19.74, 75.19.100, 75.19.106, 75.19.107,
      75.19.115, 75.19.128
probation 26.5.4, 60.17.8
Probation, Parole, and Crime Prevention, Technical Committee on
Procedures, Commission on (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.4
Procedures Division (OWI) 208.2.5
Process Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3
Processed Foods Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.5
Processed Fruit and Vegetable Section (Price Administration)
Processing Equipment Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Processing Tax Board of Review (Treasury) 308.4
Proclaimed List, Interdepartmental Committee on the 353.4
Proclaimed List of Certain Blocked Nationals 216.2.2, 229.5.1,
    265.2, 353.4
Proctor, John R. 146.3.1
Proctor, Robert 107.4.1
Procurement Activities Working Group (Army) 330.4.4
Procurement and Assignment Service (War Manpower Commission)
Procurement and Claims Branch (Judge Advocate General, Army)
Procurement and Material, Office of (Navy Department) 80.5.7
Procurement and Price Support Branch ([Food] Distribution Office)
Procurement and Public Buildings, Subcommittee on (House of
     Representatives) 233.13
Procurement Assignment Board (War Secretary) 107.6.3
Procurement, Associate Counsel for 340.3.1
Procurement Branch (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.6
Procurement Branch (Surplus Marketing Administration) 124.4.3
Procurement Committee, U.S. 160.4.1
Procurement Control and Materials Distribution Division (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.6
Procurement, Director of 137.4.1
Procurement Division
    (Army Staff) 319.10.4;
    (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.5;
    (NASA) 255.4.7; (Ordnance Department) 156.6.10;
    (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6;
    (Smaller War Plants Corporation) 240.4.2;
    (Treasury) 121.2.1-121.2.3, 137.4, 137.5
Procurement, Division of
    (Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation) 124.2.7
Procurement Group (War Department General Staff) 165.6.7
Procurement Irregularities in the Western Area Command,
   Judge Advocate General's Task Force to Study 153.14
Procurement Law Division (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.11
Procurement of Equipment and Missile Appropriations Division
    (Army Staff) 319.15.2
Procurement Officer's Office (Army Vietnam) 472.5.14
Procurement Planning Board (Air Corps) 18.5.3
Procurement Planning Branch (War Department General Staff)
Procurement Policy Branch (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Procurement Policy Council 330.13.2
Procurement Policy Division (Air Force HQ) 341.12.8
Procurement Policy Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.6
Procurement Policy, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office)
Procurement Processing Branch (Ordnance--Detroit) 156.7.20
Procurement Review Board 80.7.3, 250.2
Procurement Section (Air Service) 18.5.3
Procurement, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.5
Procurement, Task Force on (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.7
Produce Loan Bureau
    (Confederate Treasury Department) 365.2.9, 365.6.2
Produce More--Protect More Campaign 114.2.2
Producers' Equipment Division
    (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.1
Producing and Fabricating Section
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.6
Product Defect Correction Division
    (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.2
product liability
    Agent Orange 341.5.2
Product Safety Advisory Council 424.2.1
Product Safety, National Commission on 220.14.23
Production and Industrial Equipment Division
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Production and Management Assistance Office
    (Small Business Administration) 309.4
Production and Marketing Administration
    (Agriculture Department) 136.10, 145.2, 145.4, 145.5.2
Production and Purchases Division (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Production and Requirements, Vice Chairman for
     (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Production and Transportation Section
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.2
Production, Assistant Administrator for
    (Economic Cooperation Administration) 469.2.1
Production, Assistant Administrator for
    (Mutual Security Agency) 469.3.1
Production, Assistant Director for
     (Defense Mobilization Office) 304.4
Production, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.3.3, 67.3.4, 67.5.8
Production Committee (Fuel Administration) 67.3.4
Production Committee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.5, 253.8
Production, Conservation, and Information Division
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.6
Production Controls Coordinating Committee
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Production Coordinating Officer
    (Civilian Conservation Corps-Indian Division) 75.19.45
Production Credit Division (Farm Credit Administration) 103.6.5
Production, Department of (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Production Division (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.4;
    (Aircraft Production Bureau) 18.4.2;
    (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1;
    (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2;
     (Maritime Commission) 178.8;
     (Ordnance Bureau) 74.4;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.6.12, 156.6.16;
    (OWI) 208.3.8, 208.6.4;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1, 253.7.1-253.7.5;
     (Production Management Office) 179.2.7
Production Engineering Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Production Executive Committee 179.2.2, 211.8.1
Production Management, Office of (Emergency Management Office)
     Aircraft Branch, Production Division 179.2.7
    Council 179.2.2
    Labor Supply Committee 211.22.3
Production Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Production, Office of (Civilian Production Administration) 252.2;
    (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.3;
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.8.4;
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Production Operations Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
Production Planning, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Production Plant Construction Division
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.1
Production Research and Development, Office of
    (War Production Board) 179.2.6
Production Resources Branch (Farm Economics) 354.3
Production Resources Office (National Security Resources Board)
Production Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.1
Production Service Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Production Service Division (Smaller War Plants Corporation)
Production Services Division (Army Military History Center) 319.20.7
Production, Stabilization, and War Liquidation, Deputy Director for
   (War Stabilization and Reconversion) 250.3.6
Production Urgency Committees (War Production Board) 224.2
productivity 220.15.29
Productivity and Technical Assistance Division
    (Mutual Security Agency) 469.3.1
Productivity and Technical Assistance Division
   (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Products, Office of (Forest Service) 95.7.3
Proe, John D. 472.4.8
Professional Administrative Service (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Professional and Service Projects, Division of (WPA) 69.4.5
Professional and Technical Training Division
   (War Manpower Commission) 211.22.2
Professional Committee on CCC Training 12.5.1
Professional Conduct Branch (Army Staff) 319.11
Professional Nurse Traineeship Program 90.9.4
Professional Services Department (Price Administration) 188.3.15
Professional Services, Deputy Administrator for (Price Administration) 188.8.11
Professional Services Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.21
    Food Administration 4.3
    rents 3.4.4
    Sugar Equalization Board 6.1
Program Adjustment Division (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2
Program Adjustments Committee
    (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Program Adviser (National Archives) 64.2.3
Program Advisory Committee (Army Staff) 319.25.4
Program Analysis and Development, Division of
    (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.7
Program Analysis and Evaluation, Assistant Secretary of Defense for 330.10
Program Analysis and Review, Division of 211.23.13
Program Analysis, Division of
    (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.2.2
Program Analysis, Office of (Interior Secretary) 48.3.6
Program and Projects Review Board (FWA) 162.2.5
Program and Requirements, Office of (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Program and Statistics Department
    (Aircraft Production Bureau) 18.4.1
Program Appraisal Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.8
Program Appraisal Branch (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.3.3
Program, Assistant Administrator for
    (Economic Cooperation Administration) 469.2.1
Program, Assistant Administrator for (Mutual Security Agency) 469.3.1
Program, Budget, and Fiscal Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.14
Program Bureau (OWI) 208.6.2
Program Bureau (War Production Board) 179.2.7
Program Coordination Division (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.4
Program Coordination Division (National Production Authority) 277.3.3
Program Coordination, Office of (OWI) 208.3.2
Program Coordination Staff (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Program Development and Evaluation, Office of
     (National Bureau of Standards) 167.3.2
Program Development, Assistant Executive Director for (War Manpower Commission) 211.13
Program Development Office
    (Community Services Administration) 381.5.2
Program Division (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.2;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.1;
    (Public Housing Administration) 196.5.7;
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2;
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.16
Program Evaluation and Methodology Division (General Accounting Office) 411.5
A Program for National Security 220.7.3
Program for the Collection of Prior Service Records (Railroad Retirement Board) 184.3.4
Program Information and Report Staff (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Program Liaison Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.9
Program Management Division (HUD) 207.7.5
Program Officer (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4
Program Operations Branch (Community War Services) 215.2.7
Program Planning and Evaluation, Office of (Education Office) 12.2.9
Program Planning and Review Committee (Labor Department) 174.4.8
Program Planning Branch (Division) (Price Administration) 188.7.2, 188.9.7
Program Planning Office (Naval Operations) 38.9
Program Planning Office (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Program Policy and Evaluation Division (National Archives) 64.3
Program Policy, Office of (Housing and Home Finance Agency) 207.6.3
Program Policy, Office of (HUD) 207.7.5
Program Regulation Division (HUD) 207.7.5
Program Research, Division of (Social Security Administration) 47.4.1
Program Review and Analysis Division (Army Staff) 319.7.5
Program Service Division (OWI) 208.6.4
Program Staff (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6;
    (Institute of Inter-American Affairs) 469.5;
    (Interior Secretary) 48.7;
    (Production and Marketing Administration) 145.5.2
Program Status Committee (Air Force HQ) 341.10.3
Program Surveys, Division of (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.8
Programming and Control, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.6.3
Programming, Assistant for (Air Force HQ) 341.10.6
Programming, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Programming Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.3
Programs and Analysis Division (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Programs and Budget Division (Army Staff) 319.17.5
Programs and Priorities
    (Intelligence Advisory Committee) 353.5.11
Programs and Projects Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.48
Programs and Reports Staff
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Programs and Statistics Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.3
Programs, Assistant Administrator for
    (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
Programs, Associate Directorate for
     (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5
Programs Branch (Army Staff) 319.4.5, 319.17.5;
    (Army Support Services) 410.2.2;
    (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.4;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.17;
    (War Department General Staff) 165.6.4
Programs Division (Air Force HQ) 341.12.7
Programs Evaluation, Office of (Budget Bureau) 51.8.8
Programs, Fiscal, and Management Office
    (Army Support Services) 410.2
Programs Group (Air Force HQ) 341.12.8
Programs, Office of (Voice of America) 306.4.1
Programs Staff (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.1
Programs, States, and Communities Division
    (American Revolution Bicentennial Administration) 452.3.7
Progress and Statistical Reporting, Office of the Director of
    (Army Staff) 319.7.5
Progress Division (Contract Settlement Office) 246.3.1
Progress Division (Yards and Docks Bureau) 71.3.4
Progress Evaluation, Office of
    (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.1
Progress Records and Cost Analyses Section
    (National Park Service) 79.4.5
Progress Reports and Statistics Division
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4.3
Progressive Military Map of the United States 77.12.2
    claims 76.4
    Coast Guard 26.5.2
    commission 10
    Internal Revenue Service 58.1, 58.3.2, 58.3.4
    ship seizure cases 60.15.4
Prohibition, Bureau of 60.15.4, 170.2
Prohibition, Committee on 10.2
Prohibition Reorganization Act (1930) 60.15.4, 65.2
Prohibition Unit (Internal Revenue) 58.3.2
"Project 65A2" 352.2
Project 80 335.2
Project AFTA-1 337.5.5
Project AMMO 319.4.2
Project Application Section (National Park Service) 79.4.5
Project Application Section (WPA) 69.4.4
"Project B" (Alabama sinking) 18.5.4
Project Blue Book 341.15
Project Cadillac 227.10.1
Project Civic 452.3.7
Project Committee (Radiation Laboratory) 227.10.1
Project Control Division (WPA) 69.4.9
Project Control Section
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.4.1
"Project Cristianitos" 269.11.4
Project Crossroads 342.12
Project Eclipse 260.2.1
Project Evergreen Area 227.3.1
Project Eversharp 165.2
Project for Technical Cooperation with the Bureau of Indian
    Affairs (Soil Conservation Service) 114.9.1
Project Gemini 255.4.7, 255.9, 255.13
Project Grudge 341.15
Project in Research in Universities 12.5.3
Project Induction 165.3.1
Project: Lummi Farm the Sea (motion picture) 378.4
Project Management Division (Farmers Home Administration) 96.2.6
Project Mercury 255.4.7, 255.9, 255.13
Project Planning and Control Section
    (National Youth Administration) 119.4.4
Project Plans Division (Soil Conservation Service) 114.3.1,
     114.5.4, 114.10.6
Project Redhead 341.12.4
Project Review and Control Sections
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.2
Project Rising Star 349.8
Project Sign 341.15
Project Sphinx 337.5.8, 337.7.3
Project Tektite 255.12
Project Training (National Park Service) 79.4.5
Project Trinity 77.11.1
Project Vanguard 255.6
Project WAC 165.3.1
Project Wringer 341.11.1
"Project X-201" 175.2
Projects Branch (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.4.1
Projects Committee (OSS) 226.6.6
Projects Control Division (PWA) 135.3
Projects Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Promote Investment in America's Infrastructure, Commission to 220.20
proof coins 104.3.4
    Brussels World's Fair 43.12.16
    Nazi ministry 242.4.4
    Public Information Committee 63
    Soviet Union 242.18.3
    State Department (motion pictures) 59.7
    War Department General, Special Staffs 165.4.4, 165.15.1
    World War I 59.3.2
        posters 120.16
    World War II
        Allied leaflets 331.4.5
            Fascist speeches (sound recordings) 242.27
            foreign translations 262.2
            Naval Intelligence (sound recordings) 38.4.15
            War Information Office (sound recordings) 208.3.5
        German photographs 242.28
        motion pictures 28.2.2, 208.5.5, 208.6.5
        OSS materials 226.12, 226.17.5
        war crimes evidence 238.4.3
Propaganda Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.4.4
Propaganda Section (German Armed Forces High Command) 242.6
Propaganda, Subcommittee on Publicity and
    (House of Representatives) 233.13
Propagation (radio waves), Committee on
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
propellers 72.4.3
Properties and Installations, Assistant Secretary of Defense for 330.9
Property Acquisition Division (Interior Secretary) 48.3.3
Property and Equipment Section (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.4
Property and Services, Division of (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.8
Property and Supply Management Branch (Budget Bureau) 51.8.5
Property Control and External Assets Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.9
Property Control Branch (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2
Property Control Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5
Property Control Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Property Control Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
property damage claims
    American Samoa 284.3.2
    Court of Claims 123.2, 123.3
    prisoners of war 249.2.3
    World War II
        Philippines 126.7.1, 126.7.2, 268
        War Damage Corporation 234.5.5
Property Disposal Branch (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.6
property disposition SEE surplus property disposal
Property Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.1;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.9, 260.7.1-260.7.3;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.5
Property Liquidation Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Property Management and Disposal Service 291.2, 291.3
Property Management Division (Home Owners' Loan Corp.) 3.6.3
Property Returns, Division of (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.2
Property Review Board (Executive Office of the President) 429.11
Property Service Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.1
property taxes
    farm taxation maps 16.7.1
    Provisional Government of Cuba 199.2
    resettlement projects 96.2.6
Proposed New Building for the War Department, Board on the 156.4.1
propulsion research 156.7.15
Prosecution Branch (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.6
Prosecution Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.39.5
prosthetic devices 15.8
    Mann Act violations 60.3.4
    military control, Washington, DC 334.13
"Prostitution and the War" (filmstrip) 215.5, 215.6
Protecting the People (motion picture) 129.8
Protection Branch (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.6, 171.5.4
Protection Division (Public Buildings and Public Parks of the
National Capital) 42.7
Protection of Cultural Treasures in War Areas,
    Committee on the 239.1
Protection of Services Division (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.7
Protective Services Branch (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.7
Protective Services Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.16
protests SEE demonstrations and protests
Protocol, Chief of (State Department) 59.3.11
Providence Hospital, Washington DC 42.2.5
Providence, LA 393.7
Providence, RI
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
    weather map 27.6.1
Providence, RI, Customs District 26.6.1
Providence, RI, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.47
Providence, RI, District Office (Price Administration) 188.11.3, 188.11.6, 188.11.7
Providence, RI, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Providence, RI, Division Office (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Providence, RI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.39
Providence, RI, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Providence, RI, public health hospital 90.4.30
Providence Steam Engine Co. 156.13
Provident Association of Clerks 107.2.11
Provincetown, MA
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    Pilgrim Memorial 77.10.5
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Provincial Commissioner, Office of the (Allied Force HQ) 331.31.2
Provincial Company (New York Artillery) 391.8
Proving Ground and Laboratory Section
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Proving Ground Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.18
Provinse, John H. 75.5.2
Provisional Administration for Jewish Property, Belgrade 242.5.4
Provisional Administrative Detachment (4th Army) 338.9.4
Provisional Battalion (Artillery) 391.2.2
Provisional Battalion (Washington Coast Artillery) 392.2.2
Provisional Brigade (Philippine Insurrection) 395.3.2
Provisional Congress, Confederate States 109.3, 109.4
Provisional Court, U.S. (Louisiana) 21.20.6
Provisional Court, U.S. (Puerto Rico) 21.41.1
Provisional Division (Spanish-American War) 395.2.2
Provisional Entertainment Detachment (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.4
Provisional General Staff (War Department) 165.2
Provisional Government of Cuba 350.2
Provisional Government of Cuba, Records of the (RG 199)
    administrative history 199.1
    records 199.2
Provisional Infantry Company 120.4.5
Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization 107.5
Provisional Ordnance Battalions 120.7.6, 156.10.2
Provisional Ordnance Depot Companies 391.6.2
Provisional Regiments (Army Air Forces) 18.4.3
Provost Court No. 4 (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.4
Provost Division (Provost Marshal General) 389.6
Provost Fund 94.2.7
Provost Marshal (2d Army Corps) 395.2.1;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.1, 120.11.4;
    (Army of Cuban Pacification) 395.5.2;
    (Department of the Missouri) 153.2.5
Provost Marshal, Assistant (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.8.4
Provost Marshal, Confederate 109.6
Provost Marshal field organization (Civil War) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9, 393.12
Provost Marshal General
    Civil War 109.14.4, 110.2
    Spanish-American War 395.2.1
    World War I draft 163.2
Provost Marshal General (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.1
Provost Marshal General, 1941- ,
      Records of the Office of the (RG 389)
    administrative history 389.1
    Correction Division 389.8
    general records 389.2
    Internal Security Division 389.7
    Military Government Division 389.3
    Military Police Division 389.5
    Prisoner-of-War Division 389.4
    Provost Division 389.6
Provost Marshal General's Bureau (Civil War), Records of the (RG 110)
    administrative history 110.1
    central office branches 110.3
    Enrollment Division, AGO 110.2
    general records 110.2
    Mustering and Disbursing Office 110.5
    state, district offices 110.4
Provost Marshal, Office of the (Army Vietnam) 472.5.15;
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.20
Provost Marshal Section (China-Burma-India Theaters) 338.4.3, 338.4.4;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.8;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.6
Provost Marshal schools 389.2.1, 389.5
provost marshals
    federal parole camps 249.5.4
proximity fuses 227.3.2, 227.11
Proxmire, William 432.10
Pruitt-Igoe housing project 196.5.10
    foreign relations 242.4.1
    military records 242.10
    U.S. treaty 360.3.1
Psychiatry Section (National Institute of Mental Health) 511.2.1
Psycho-Acoustic Laboratory (Harvard) 227.10.2
Psychological Operations Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
psychological warfare
    Army Staff 319.19
    brainwashing 112.7
    China Theater 338.4.3
    intelligence reports 59.5.2
    Italy 331.32.3
    SOS activities 226.2.2, 226.4.2
    Vietnam War 472.7.6
    War Department General Staff 165.4.4
Psychological Warfare Branch (Allied Force HQ) 59.5.2, 331.21.2
Psychological Warfare Branch (SW Pacific GHQ) 331.34
Psychological Warfare Division (SHAEF) 331.4.5
Psychological Warfare Group 331.12
"Psychological Warfare in the Mediterranean Theater" (report) 331.21.2
Psychology Branch (St. Elizabeths Hospital) 418.4.3
Psychology Division (OSS) 226.6.5
Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary for (HEW) 235.3.4
Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary of State for 43.12.16, 59.3.9
Public Affairs, Assistant to the Commissioner for
    (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.3
Public Affairs Branch (Coast Guard) 26.5.2
Public Affairs, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.9
Public Affairs, Chief of (Army Secretary) 335.3.4
Public Affairs Department (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.9
Public Affairs Division (Army Staff) 319.5.2;
    (Berlin Element, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.4;
    (Four Party Commission) 472.11.1;
    (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.3;
    (Land Commissioner for Bavaria, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.3.2;
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8
Public Affairs Office (Military Academy) 404.12.3;
    (NASA) 255.4.3, 255.4.7;
    (Pacific Missile Test Center) 181.15.30
Public Affairs, Office of (Civil Service Commission) 146.6;
    (Community Services Administration) 381.5.6;
    (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.9;
    (Energy Department) 434.3.1;
    (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.6;
    (HUD) 207.7.2;
    (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 370.5.2;
    (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.3.3, 381.4.2;
    (Social Security Administration) 47.4.2;
    (State Department) 59.3.9
Public Affairs Section (Watergate investigations) 460.10.2
Public Affairs Unit (Civil Rights Commission) 453.2.2
Public Agencies Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.9
Public Agency (Public Facility) Loans 207.6.10
Public and International Affairs, Office of (Coast Guard) 26.5.2
Public Animals, Advisory Committee on Purchase of 62.10.3
Public Awareness, Office of (EPA) 412.7
public broadcasting
    Telecommunications Office 429.4
Public Broadcasting System 220.16.2, 429.4
public buildings SEE ALSO federal buildings; specific buildings
    CWA Wisconsin projects 69.2.1
        Engraving and Printing 318.3
        National Archives 64.6
        Public Works Administration 135.8
        Virgin Islands 55.4
        WPA 69.10
    Treasury superintendence
        accounts 39.2.1, 121.2.3
        artwork 121.2.4
        construction 56.3.6, 121.2.1
        descriptions 56.8
        maintenance personnel 56.3.6
    TVA projects (plans) 142.10.1
    Washington, DC 42, 351.4
Public Buildings Act (1908) 42.4
Public Buildings Administration
    Fine Arts Section 121.3
    FWA records 162.2.2, 162.2.4
        photographs 162.7
Public Buildings and Grounds, Committee on (House of
     Representatives) 233.19
Public Buildings and Grounds, Committee on (Senate) 3.3.1, 46.18
Public Buildings and Grounds, Office of (Army Engineers) 42.3,
     42.14, 77.22, 79.3.3
Public Buildings and Grounds, Subcommittee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.19
Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital,
     Office of
    National Park Service headquarters 79.3.3
    Sesquicentennial Exposition exhibits 43.13.14
Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital,
         Records of the Office of (RG 42)
    administrative history 42.1
    cartographic records 42.14
    Commission to Investigate the Title of the U.S. to Lands in
        the District of Columbia 42.4
    Hoover Inauguration Committee 42.8
    Motor Transport Coordinator 42.10
    predecessors 42.2
    Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.3
    Public Buildings Commission 42.11
    records 42.7
    Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Commission 42.9
    Rock Creek Park Commission, Board of Control 42.5
    State, War and Navy Building Superintendent 42.6
    statue and memorial commissions 42.12
    still pictures 42.15
    Washington Monument records 42.13
Public Buildings Commission 42.11
Public Buildings, Commissioner of 42.2.5
Public Buildings, Committee on Expenditures on the
   (House of Representatives) 233.13
Public Buildings Division (General Services Administration) 269.4
Public Buildings in Progress, Board of Commissioners Appointed to
    Supervise the Erection of 42.2.6
Public Buildings in Washington, Commissioners Appointed to
    Supervise the Repair or Rebuilding of 42.2.4
Public Buildings Service
    Housing Corporation liquidation 3.6.1
    White House renovation 79.6.6
Public Buildings Service, Records of the (RG 121)
    administrative history 121.1
    cartographic records 121.6
    collaborating boards and committees 121.5
    Fine Arts Section, Public Buildings Administration 121.3
    motion pictures 121.7
    records 121.4
    still pictures 121.8
    Treasury Department predecessors 121.2
Public Buildings, Subcommittee on Procurement and
   (House of Representatives) 233.13
Public Construction, Division of 167.7
Public Contracts Division (Labor Department) 155.3
Public Counsel Division (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.8
Public Counsel Section (Civilian Defense Office) 171.5.2
public debt SEE federal debt
Public Debt Division (First Auditor) 217.6.4
Public Debt Division (First Comptroller) 217.3.6
Public Debt, Records of the Bureau of the (RG 53)
    administrative history 53.1
    Loans and Currency Division 53.5
    Management Analysis Division 53.7
    motion pictures 53.8
    Register of the Treasury 53.4
    Savings Division, Public Debt Service 53.6
    Second Bank of the United States 53.3
    state loan offices 53.3
    still pictures 53.9
    Treasury Department general records 53.2
    War Loan Organization 53.6
Public Debt Service 53.6
Public Documents Commission 220.17.5
Public Domain Commission 95.5.1
Public Domain Report 95.5.3
Public Education, Assistant Manager for
    (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.2
Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, Reich Ministry for 242.4.4
Public Expenditures, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.13
Public Finance Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Public Finance Section (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.5
public health
    Canal Zone 185.9
    Caribbean conference 126.6.1
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    Federal Works Administration 162.2.5
    National Board of Health 90.11
    Naval Operations Chief 38.3.2
    Public Health Service 90.2, 90.3.1, 90.8
Public Health and Marine Hospital Service Act (1902) 443.2; (1912) 90.1
Public Health and National Quarantine, Committee on (Senate)
Public Health and Public Welfare Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5
Public Health and Safety Education, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Public Health and Safety Task Force
    (Three Mile Island Commission) 220.18.16
Public Health and Welfare Division
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.4
Public Health and Welfare Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.50
Public Health Division (HEW) 235.4;
    (Institute of Inter-American Affairs) 469.5;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5
Public Health Institute on Venereal Disease Control 90.3.5
public health laws 220.7.16
Public Health Nursing, Division of 90.8.3
Public Health Nursing, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Public Health Service
    hospital reports 512.2
    Indian Affairs
        correspondence 75.16.1
        photographs 75.29
    National Institutes of Health 443.2
    personnel 56.3.5
    photographs 47.3.2
    publications 514.2
    water pollution control 412.2.1
Public Health Service, 1912-1968, Records of the (RG 90)
    administrative history 90.1
    Air Pollution, Division of 90.10
    cartographic records 90.12
    community health divisions 90.9
    environmental health divisions 90.10
    general records 90.2
    hospitals and field medical installations 90.4
    Medical Services, Bureau of 90.7
    motion pictures 90.13
    National Board of Health 90.11
    operating units 90.3
    predecessors 90.2
    quarantine stations 90.5
    sound recordings 90.14
    State Services, Bureau of 90.8-90.10
    still pictures 90.15
    Surgeon General 90.6
Public Health Service Act (1943) 90.3, 90.3.1, 90.3.3-90.3.5,
    90.6-90.8, 442.2, 443.2, 511.2, 512.2
Public Health Service Act (1944) 443.4, 443.7, 443.9
Public Health Service Commissioned Corps 90.2.2, 90.6.3
Public Health Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Public Health Service Manual, Laws, and Regulations 514.2
Public Higher Education in the District of Columbia 220.10.10
public housing
    still pictures 69.10
    Washington, DC 453.2.1
Public Housing Administration, Records of the (RG 196)
    administrative history 196.1
    cartographic records 196.7
    Federal Public Housing Authority 196.4
    Housing Division, Federal Emergency Administration of Public
       Works 196.2
    records 196.5
    regional offices 196.6
    sound recordings 196.8
    still pictures 196.9
    U.S. Housing Authority 196.3
Public Housing Commissioner 196.5
Public Housing Division (Public Works Administration) 196.2
Public Housing, National Commission on Severely Stressed 220.20
Public Information, Committee on
    Councils for National Defense correspondence 62.3.2
    War Department General Staff 165.4.5
    White House Office records 130.2.6
"Public Information Digest" (Marine Corps) 127.2.2
Public Information Director
   (Three Mile Island Commission) 220.18.16
Public Information, Director of (Census Bureau) 29.7
Public Information Division (Army Staff) 319.4.3;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.14;
    (Customs Service) 36.2.3;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.18;
    (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.3.3, 202.4.3, 202.5.1, 202.5.11;
    (War Department Special Staff) 165.15
Public Information Office (1st Army) 338.9.1;
    (Army) 338.11.4;
    (Far East Command) 349.3.2;
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.2;
    (Hispanic opportunities committee) 220.15.6;
    (Hungarian Refugee Relief Committee) 220.9.9;
    (International Women's Year Commission) 220.16.4;
    (Maritime Commission) 178.2.5;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.2, 260.7.4;
    (St. Elizabeths Hospital) 418.4.1;
    (Strategic Air Command) 342.6.2;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.5;
    (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.7;
    (White House Conference "To Fulfill These Rights") 220.26
Public Information, Office of
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.7.2;
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.2;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.14.19;
    (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.3.2;
    (Mines) 70.2.4;
    (National Production Authority) 277.2.1
Public Information Officer (Boston Naval District) 181.2.1
Public Information, Records of the Committee on (RG 63)
    administrative history 63.1
    records 63.2
    still pictures 63.3
Public Inquiries, Division of (OWI) 44.5.3
public land law 49.3.12, 49.3.16
Public Land Law Review Commission
    wildlife refuges 22.11.4
Public Land Law Review Commission, Records of the (RG 409)
    administrative history 409.1
    general records 409.2
    reports and studies 409.3
    still pictures 409.4
public land order case files 51.8.1
public lands
    accounts 39.2.1
    administration 409.3
    California land claims 60.2.2
    Columbia River Indians 75.19.129
    conservation committee 220.4.2
    Continental, Confederation Congresses 360.2.3, 360.2.6
    District of Columbia 351.4
    Executive orders, proclamations 49.3.5
    Forest Service subject file 95.3.3
    Interior Department
        divisions 48.5.3, 48.5.9
        legal officers 48.3.2, 48.3.3
    Land Management Bureau 49
    maps 49.16
        Hawaii 126.2
        management agencies 95.5.3
        Naval Records Collection 45.9
    reclamation project funding 115.2
    timber trespass 49.9.5
    topographical surveys 57.10.2
    Treasury accounts 217.3.8, 217.8.7
    Treasury correspondence 56.2.1
Public Lands, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.15
Public Lands, Committee on (Senate) 46.14
Public Lands Division (General Land Office) 49.3.3
Public Lands, Division of (First Comptroller) 217.3.8
Public Lands, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.15
Public Lands, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.14
"Public Law 75 Files" (Army Staff) 319.10.3
Public Liaison Division (1985 Inaugural Committee) 274.12
Public Liaison Division (1989 Inaugural Committee) 274.13
Public Moneys, Division of 56.2.1, 56.7
Public Opinion and Sociological Research Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.5
public opinion surveys
    USIA 306.5.2
    World War II 44.4.4, 44.5.5, 83.4.8
Public Participation, Office of
    (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.1
Public Printer 57.2.1, 149.2
Public Programs, Office of (National Archives) 64.8
Public Relations and Publicity, Office of the Director of (1957
    Inaugural Committee) 274.5
Public Relations Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Public Relations Bureau 9.5.5
Public Relations, Bureau of (War Secretary) 107.10
Public Relations Committee (Central Housing Committee) 207.3
Public Relations Committee (U.N. War Crimes Commission) 238.2
public relations consultants
    National Security Resources Board 304.2.1
Public Relations, Directorate of (Air Force Secretary) 340.3.2
Public Relations Division
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.5;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.4, 253.7.5;
    (SHAEF) 331.4.4
Public Relations, Division of (Marine Corps) 127.2.2
Public Relations Group (Executive Headquarters [China]) 338.4.5
Public Relations Office (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Public Relations Office (President's foreign trade adviser) 20.2.3
Public Relations, Office of (Boston Navy Yard) 181.3.1
Public Relations, Office of (Navy Department) 80.5.5
Public Relations Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (Free Territory of Trieste);
    (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4; 331.33.4;
    (SHAEF) 331.8.2
Public Relations Staff (UNESCO) 59.3.8
Public Road Inquiries, Office of 30.2
Public Roads Administration 30.4, 69.10, 162.2.4
Public Roads and Rural Engineering, Office of 30.3
Public Roads, Bureau of
    Agriculture legal records 16.5.1
    Alaska property transfer 40.3.2
"public roads correspondents" (volunteers) 30.3
Public Roads, Office of 30.3
Public Roads, Records of the Bureau of (RG 30)
    administrative history 30.1
    cartographic records 30.7
    field offices 30.5
    Highway Traffic Advisory Committee 30.6
    Public Roads Administration 30.4
    Public Roads and Rural Engineering Office 30.3
    Road Inquiry Office 30.2
    still pictures 30.8
Public Safety, Associate Director for
    (Civil Disorders Commission) 220.11.2
Public Safety Department (Military Government of Veracruz) 141.5
Public Safety Department (Ryukyu Islands Administration)
Public Safety, Department of (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.3
Public Safety Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
Public Safety Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2, 331.31.2;
    (Berlin Element, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.4;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.5, 260.7.4, 260.7.5;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.3
Public Safety, Office of (Agency for International Development) 286.3
Public Safety Section (Allied Commission for Austria)
Public Schools, Commissioner of (Military Government of Cuba)
Public Transportation in the District of Columbia, Subcommittee
    to Investigate (Senate) 46.10
Public Understanding of Science Program 307.4.2
public utilities
    Electric Home and Farm Authority 234.6.2
    FTC maps 122.4
    National Resources Planning Board 187.4
    pension, welfare benefit plans 317.3.4
    rate controls 188.3.12, 188.5.3
    War Production Board 179.2.3
    war reconversion 250.3.9
    World War II bombing damage photographs 243.3.3
Public Utilities Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.11
Public Utilities Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.10
public utilities holding companies 138.2.1
Public Utilities, Ministry of (Poland) 242.20
Public Utilities Section (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.3
Public Welfare Advisory Council (DC Government) 351.6
Public Welfare, Aide for (Virgin Islands) 55.3.3
Public Welfare, Board of (DC Government) 351.6
Public Welfare Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5
Public Work Reserve Project 69.5.10
Public Works Administration
    Army Engineers projects 77.9.12
    bird, game reservation projects 22.8.5
    FWA project files 162.2.3
    Housing Division 196.2
    Indian projects 75.14.11
    national parks projects 79.6.3, 79.10.3
    Pacific Northwest regional planning 187.5.9
    photographs 55.4, 69.10, 71.6, 196.9
    publicity 44.3.4
    rural electrification 221.2.1
    Virgin Islands 55.3.2
    water resources projects 57.6.2
Public Works Administration, Records of the (RG 135)
    Accounting Division 135.6
    administrative history 135.1
    Architectural Survey, Committee on 135.8
    cartographic records 135.10
    Engineering Division 135.4
    Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works 135.2
    field records 135.9
    general records 135.2
    Investigation, Division of 135.5
    other divisions 135.7
    Projects Control Division 135.3
    still pictures 135.11
Public Works and Economic Development Act (1965) 40.7.4, 378.1,
    414.8; (1976 amendments) 220.27
Public Works and Resources, Subcommittee on (House of
    Representatives) 233.13
Public Works and Utilities, Department of
     (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Public Works and Utilities Division
     (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.5
Public Works and Utilities Subcommission (Allied Force HQ)
    331.30.2, 331.31.2
Public Works, Board of (DC Government) 351.4
Public Works Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.8.2
Public Works, Chicago, Office of the Superintendent of 77.10.9
Public Works, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.19
Public Works, Committee on (Senate) 46.18
Public Works Department (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.11
Public Works Improvements, National Council on 220.19
Public Works of Art Project 121.2.4
    photographs 121.3
Public Works Office (Boston Naval District) 181.2.1;
    (Kodiak Naval District) 181.2.15;
    (naval stations) 181.8.14, 181.11.1, 181.11.3, 181.11.4;
    (New York Naval District) 181.2.2;
    (Pearl Harbor Naval District) 181.2.13;
    (San Francisco Naval District) 181.2.11
public works projects
    Alaska, Virgin Islands 126.2
    Army Engineers 77.2.1, 77.2.9
        photographs 77.2.3
        Puerto Rico 77.9.2
    community facilities 207.8.1
    DC claims cases 123.3
    defense projects 162.4
    Economic Development Administration 378.3.1
    FWA projects 162.2.3
    Geological Survey cooperation 57.7.3
    Indian Affairs offices 75.16.5, 75.16.11, 75.19.60
    military reports 330.4.3, 330.6.4
    national forests 95.9.5
    National Resources Planning Board 187.1, 187.2, 187.4, 187.7
    naval bases 181.6.2
    Naval Operations 38.2.2
    naval yards and docks 71.2.3, 71.6
    Philippine Islands 350.3
    PWA projects 135
    rural areas 83.6.5
    unemployment relief 73.3.1, 73.3.5
    WPA, predecessors 69.2, 69.3.4, 69.10
Public Works Section
    (President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.3.1
Publication and Printing, Committee on (Naval Observatory) 78.2
Publication Control Branch
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Publication Office (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.2
Publications and Audiovisual Acquisitions Management Staff
    (Education Department) 441.3
Publications and Audiovisual Advisory Council
    (Education Department) 441.3
Publications and Information, Office of (Business and Defense
     Services Administration) 489.4.2
Publications Board (Commerce Department) 40.3.3
Publications Branch (Geological Survey) 57.8
Publications Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.3
Publications, Bureau of (OWI) 44.5.6
Publications, Committee on
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.2.2
Publications, Department of Press and
   (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.7
Publications Division (Census Bureau) 29.3.4;
    (Ships Bureau) 19.8.4;
    (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.2, 260.5.1
Publications Group (Forest Service) 95.10.3
Publications of the U.S. Government (RG 287)
    administrative history 287.1
    publications 287.2
Publications Office (Small Business Office) 240.5
Publications, Office of (Forest Service) 95.3.3
Publications, Office of (Radiation Laboratory) 227.10.1
Publications Section (Army Staff) 319.4.3
Publications Section (Interior Secretary) 48.5.7
Publications Service Division (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.4
Publications Unit (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.3.3
Publicity and Advertising Section
    (Naval Personnel Bureau) 24.7
Publicity and Propaganda, Subcommittee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.13
Publicity and Psychological Warfare Section (SHAEF) 331.9.3
Publicity Division (1953 Inaugural Committee) 274.4
Publicity Office (1949 Inaugural Committee) 274.3
Publicity Section
    (President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.3.6
Publishing Committee (Indian Commissioners) 75.22
Publishing Division (Air Force HQ) 341.4
publishing industry
     Nazi Germany 242.4.4
Pueblo and Jicarilla Indian Agency 75.19.83
Pueblo, CO
    flood forecast map 77.10.2
    rent control 252.4.5
Pueblo, CO, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.4
Pueblo, CO, District (Territorial Court) 21.7.1
Pueblo, CO, District Office (Price Administration) 188.17.7
Pueblo, CO, Division (District Court) 21.7.2
Pueblo, CO, land office 49.9.6
Pueblo Day Schools 75.19.84, 75.20.30, 75.20.31
Pueblo Indian Agency 75.19.83, 75.19.84
Pueblo Indians
    drawings 106.6
    land dispute 60.17.7
    land grants 49.7.8
    photographs 75.29
    schools 75.19.117
Pueblo Lands Board 60.17.7, 75.19.69, 75.22
pueblos (photographs) 391.8
Pueblos Agency 75.16.2
Puerto Principe, Cuba 140.4, 395.11.5
Puerto Principe, Department of (Army) 395.11.2
Puerto Rican/Antilles Department (Army) 338.2.2
Puerto Rican Custom Service 56.15.3
Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission 33.4.4, 126.4.2
Puerto Rican Hurricane Relief Loan Section 126.4.2
Puerto Rican-Nicaraguan Aerial Survey Detachment 72.3.4
Puerto Rican Provisional Regiment of Infantry 395.15.2
Puerto Rican Regiment, U.S. Volunteers 94.2.4, 94.12.2
"The Puerto Rican Story" (sound recordings) 306.9
Puerto Rican Transport, Division of
    (Defense Transportation Office) 219.5.1
Puerto Ricans
    Civil Rights Commission research 453.3
Puerto Rico
        rehabilitation 16.3.2
        vegetable breeding research 54.3.17
    appeals court records 276.2
    Army Engineers projects 77.9.2
    Army Field Headquarters 108.3
    census records 29.3.6, 29.5.4
        agricultural schedules 29.8.3
    coins 104.3.3
    customs collection 36.3.1
        accounts 217.6.2
    debt payments 50.1, 50.3, 53.4.2
    economic reconstruction 323
    federal courts 21.41
    food administration 4.3
    housing projects 196.5.1
    lighthouses 26.2.5
    maps and charts
        Army commands 395.15.1
        harbors 80.7.2
        military operations 94.14
        natural resources 95.12
        topography 57.5
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1
    military post cemeteries 92.8.4
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.11
        coastal defense equipment 77.3.1
        Economic Development Administration projects 378.7
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
        military installations 77.10.48
        National Guard 168.5
        Soil Conservation Service 114.4.1, 114.16
        Territories Office 126.11
    postal service 28.4.5, 28.5.5
    Price Administration 188.19.2-188.19.7
    PWA projects 162.2.3
    Quartermaster Corps construction 92.7.1
    rent control 252.4.4
    Spanish governors 186
    Special Commissioner 56.25.3
    U.S. Army commands 395.15
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
    U.S. naval stations 80.2.1
    U.S. territorial administration
        Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2, 350.4
        Interior Secretary 48.4.7
        legal cases 153.8
        State Department papers 59.4.3
        Territories Office 126.2, 126.4
    voting rights 220.15.11
    war bond drives 56.13.1
    WPA, emergency relief projects 69.3.1, 69.4.3, 69.6.1
        photographs 69.5.5
Puerto Rico, Ad Hoc Advisory Group on 220.15.37
Puerto Rico, Committee on Pacific Islands and (Senate) 46.14
Puerto Rico, Committee on Revision of the Organic Act of
     (Interior Secretary) 48.15
Puerto Rico, Department of (Army) 395.15.1
Puerto Rico District (Army Engineers) 77.10.48
Puerto Rico, District of (Army) 395.15.1
Puerto Rico Experiment Station 54.3.17
Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act 126.2
Puerto Rico, Governors General of 350.5
Puerto Rico Industry Committee (Wage and Hour Division)
    155.2.3, 155.3.1
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration 126.11
Puerto Rico Reconstruction Admininstration, Records of the (RG 323)
    administrative history 323.1
    Puerto Rico office 323.3
    Washington, DC, office 323.2
Puerto Rico, Special Disbursing Office of 126.4.1
Puerto Rico, Territorial Office for (National Recovery Administration) 9.6.10
Puerto Rico, U.S. District Court for 21.41.2
Puerto Rico, U.S. Forces in (Spanish-American War) 395.2.2
Puerto Rico, U.S. Provisional Court for 21.41.1
Puerto Rico, U.S.-Puerto Rico Commission on the Status of
Puget Sound District (Army) 393.5
Puget Sound District Indian Agency 75.19.85
Puget Sound, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Puget Sound Region Planning Project 187.5.9
Puget Sound, WA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    harbor defenses 392.3, 394.2.9
    housing plans 3.4.8
    maps and charts 77.10.57
Puget Sound, WA, Naval Base 181.4.9
Puget Sound, WA, Naval Disciplinary Barracks 125.3.7
Puget Sound, WA, Naval Station 181.8.10
Puget Sound, WA, Navy Yard 45.4.7, 181.3.11
Puget Sound, WA, spruce production district 18.4.3
Puget's Sound Agricultural Company 76.4
Pugh, W.P. 49.3.12
Pulaski Statue Commission 42.12
Pulaski, TN, U.S. Forces 393.4, 393.11.1
Pullman, George M. 13.2
Pullman Strike (1894) 13.2
pulp mills 95.12
Pulp, Paper, and Timber Section
     (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2
"Pumpkin Papers" 60.3.5
pumps (engineering plans) 77.10.49
Punitive Expedition to Mexico SEE Mexican Punitive Expedition
Punta del Este, Uruguay
    OAS conference (photographs) 306.11
Purchase and Contract Branch (War Secretary) 107.3.3
Purchase Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Purchase, Sales, and Traffic, Division of
    (Agriculture Department) 16.8.4
Purchase Section (War Department Claims Board) 191.4.3
Purchase Section Council 156.6.9
Purchase, Storage, and Traffic Division
    (War Department General Staff) 165.6.2
Purchases and Distribution, Division of
    (Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation) 124.2.3
Purchases and Supplies Department (Shipping Board) 32.5.7
Purchases and Supplies, Director of
    (War Department General Staff) 165.6.2
Purchases Division (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Purchases, Division of (Railroad Administration) 14.9
Purchasing Agent, Office of the (Post Office Department) 28.2.6
Purchasing Agents, U.S.
    (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.11
Purchasing Commission for Russian Relief 5.2.2
Purchasing, Contracting, and Disbursing Section
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Purchasing Division (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Purchasing Office (Interior Secretary) 48.3.4
Purchasing Policy Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.6
Purdue University 7.7
Purdy, E.C. 16.7.1
Pure Food and Drug Act 206.4
"Purge Files" (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.42
Puritan gun carriage 74.3.1
Pursers Department (Shipping Board) 32.5.2
Pursuit Groups (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.1
Pursuit Groups (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Pursuit Squadrons (Army Air Forces) 18.9.6
Purveyor (Public Health Service) 90.3.3
Purveyor of Public Supplies, Office of the 92.2.1
Pushmataha County, OK 114.3.1
Putnam, Roger L.295.4, 296.2
Putnam study (1970 census) 381.3.4
Puuene, HI, Naval Air Station 313.6.6
Puyallup Indian Agency 75.19.86
Puyallup Indian Reservation 75.7.3
Puyallup Indians 75.7.5
Puyallup Land Commission 75.19.86
Pyramid Lake Indian Subagency 75.19.6, 75.19.87
Pywell, William R. 106.6

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