B&B INFDRMArioN IMAME MAN^13EMENT 300 Voodoo @stown UOULXV^no Ulaosca MAseLmono, M.%wy"vdo Z0772 I USA 11 CZCI) 24@l 10 reu:ional edical SPECIAL ISSUE programs FOR LIMITED DISTRIBUTION service ii evv s I-laforraat]-Oyl C?o la- 01 oclata A coininunication device (resigned to speeti tlif- t,xcliaii-,e of news, GUIDELINES for @ti-Prog-ram Services Project Grants itifoi-iliatioti an(i (lata on Regional @ledical Programs Service 114--,i4)tial I.Vlt@Alical Pro ains aiA(i related activities. September 8, 1970 - Vol. 4, No. 36S A copy of GUIDELINES For Multi-PrograTn Services Project Grants - Regional Medical Programs Service is attached. As noted in Section I ... "The addition of Section 910 to Public Law 90-574, the first extension of Public Law 89-239 which established.Regional Medical Programs, provided a new grant authority designed to promote interregional cooperation and facilitate the funding of services needed by, or of substantial use to, any two or more Regional Medical Programs." Since both the legislation for extension of Regional Medical Programs and the appropriations legislation for FY 1971 are still under consideration by the Co @ ess, it is not possible to know the extent to which it will be possible to allocate grant funds for Multi-Progrwn Services Project Grants; nor to specifically identify the "areas of national concerns, needs, and priorities" discussed under Purposes on page 2 in the Guidelines. Distribution: Coordinators of Regional Medical PrograTns Members of National Advisory Council and Review Committee on Regional Medical Programs Staff of Regional Medical Programs Service Regional He<h Directors of Department of Health, Education and Welfare Regional Offices U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Ptiblic Health Service 0 Health Services and Mental Health Administration 0 Rockville, Marvian(i 20852