D E P A R T M E N T 0 F H E A L T 11, E D U C A T I 0 N A N D W E L F A R E Health Services and Mental Health Administration Division of Regional Medical Programs National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs Minutes of Meeting November 25-26, 1968 National Institutes cf Health Conference Room 4 -Building 31 R!LlllElIT OF FIEAl@Til EDUCA-TIOII, AND WELFARE DEPA p Public lllealth Service Nationalkdvisory Council on Regional Medical Programs Minutes of Fourteenth Meeting November 25-26, 1968 The National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs convened for fourteenth meeting at 8.35 ,i.m., llond@zy, November 25,.1968, in Conference Room 4, Building 31, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Stanley W. Olson, Director, Division of Regional Medical Programs, presided for the Acting Administrator) HSMRA$, who was unable to be present for all of the meeting. The Council members present were: Dr. Ed-,iin L. Crosby (11/25 only) Dr, George E. Moore (11/25 only) Dr. Michael E. Denakey (11/25 only) Dr, Edmund D. Pellegrino Dr. Bruce W. Everist Dr. Alfred M. Popma Dr. John R. Hogness Dr, Mack 1, Shanholtz Dr. James T. Howell Mr. Curtis Treen Dr* Clark It. Millikan Public Health Service members attending some of the sessions included: Dr. Wilfred D. David, National Center for Chronic Disease Control Mr. Roy L. Davis, Jr., National Center for Chronic Disease Control Dr. Sam M. Fox, National Center for Chronic Disease Control Dr. George Goodman, National Center for Chronic Disease Control Dr. David S. Hathaway, National Center for Chronic Disease Control Mr. A.A. Hudgins, Office of Program Planning And Evaluation, HSMHA Mr. Irving J. Lewis, Actin Administrator, HStiBA 9 Mr. John Pendleton, National Center for Chronic Disease Control Dr. W.H. Ross, National Center for Chronic Disease Control 1/ Proceedings of meetings are restricted unless cleare4 by the Office of the Administrator, HSMHA. Thp- restriction relates to all material submitted for discussion at the meetings, the supplemental material, and all other official documents, inc JU,,l 4 J..Ig the agenda. For the record, it is noted that members absent themselves from the meeting when the Council is discussing applications: (a) from their respective institutions, or (b) in which a conflict of interest might occur. This procedure does not, of course, apply to on bloc actions--only when the application is under individual discussion. Others Attending: Dr. Lionel Bernstein, Veteraps Administration Dr. J.H.U. Bro-,@iti, iNIGiMS Mr. N.C. Bowerstock, A-rtt,@%r D. Little, Inc. air. J.J. Dunlop, Arthur D. Little, Inc. Dr. Homer Woger6orn, Arthur D. Little, Inc. Dr. Ian Mitchell, NCI Dr. N.C. 1-7ebb, Jr., Arthur D. Little, Inc. DUIP Staff Attending: Mr. Nicholas C@-varocchl, Financial Management Officer Dr. Donald Cha0wick, r-eputy Director, r-RIIP Mr. Cleveland Chamloliss, Assistantts@,ociate Director for Operations Mr. Edward Friedlander, Assistant to the Director for Communications and Public Information Eva Handal, Committee Management Dfficer Mrs Mr. Charles Hilsenroth, Executive officer, DRMP Mr. Gregory Chief, Grants Management Branch Dr. Richard l@lanegol6, Associate Direct-.or for Proaram Development qnO Research Mr. Roland Peterson, Acting Associate Director for Planning and EvaiiiAtion Mrs. Martha Phillips, Chief, Grants -reviex@y Branch Dr. Alexander Schmidt, Chief, Continuing EOucation and Training Branch Dr. Margaret Sloan, Associate Director for Organizational Liaison Dr. Richard Stephenson, Associate Director for Operations Mr. Robert Th.orner, Acting Assistant to.the Director for Health Data Miss Rhoda Abrams, Planning and Evaluation Branch Mr. James Beattie, Grants Management Branch Mrs. Marilyn Buell, Grants Revie@,7 Branch Miss Cecelia Conrath, Continuing Eeucation and Training Branch Mr. Arthur Curry, Grants Management Branch Miss Judith Fleisher, Communications and Public Information O.ffice Mrs. Sheila Gould, Committee IlanagemeTit Office v@r. George Hin'@,le, Grants Management Branch Miss Dona Houseal, Grants RevieTy Branch Dr. Bryant Jones, Operations Officer Mr. Robert Jones, Grants Review Branch Dr. Anthony Koinaroff, Operations Officer Mrs. Dale Kohn, Co=unj-c,-ations ane Public Information Office Mr. Ted 1.1loontz, Planning and Evaluation Branch Mrs. Lorraine l@yttle, Grants Reviex-7 Branch Mr. Glenn Lapison, Opera@ions Officer Mr. Robert Lawton, Consultant to DIU-IP Dr. Hubert i4ath@,ison, Continuinc, Education and Training Branch Mr. Rodney !!ierlter, Operations Officer Mrs. Patty 14c@onalcl, Grants Revier,,7 Branch Mr. William YicKenna, Fi--iancial Management Branch Miss Majorie Morrill, Continuing Education and Training Branch Miss Elsa @Nelson, Continuing Education a-ad Training Branch Miss Leah Resnick, Planning and Evaluation Branch Mr. Abraham Ringel, Continuing 'j,'(Iucatioi and Training Branch Mr. Richard Russell, Grants Review Branch Mrs. Jessie Salazar, Grants Review Branch Dr. Jack Schneider, Continuing Education and Training Branch Mr. Harold Seltzer, Communications and Public Information Office Mrs. Judy Silsbee, Grants Review Branch Mr. James Suter, Continuing Education and Training Branch Mr. Lee Teets, Grants Management Branch t--,p TiirLier, Continuing Education and Training Branch Mr. Frank Van Hea, Cotitii-iiiing Education and Training Branch Miss Davm Zoerner Office for operations 1. @kL TO.ORDER,.AP, QP,",NING REIA&RKS Doctor Olson called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m. 11. ANNOMICEMFNTS Doctor Olson made general announcements about the Service Desk and luncheon arrangements. Also, he called attention to the statements on, "Co@iflict of Interest, 11 and "Confidentiality of @feetings." Appreciation was extended to the retiring Council members, Drs. Howell and Moore, for their many contributions to our program. Mrs. Florence ITyckoff, ,7ho will become a Council member effective December 1, was welcomed to the meeting as an observer. (Dr. Michael Jo Brennan who will become a Council member effective December 1, also joined the meeting on November 26 for a short time.) III. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE MEETING DATES The Council approved the following dates for meetings in 1969: February 20-21, 1969 (Thursday-Friday) May 26-27, 1969 (Monday-Tuesday ) August 25-26 1969 (Monday-Tuesday ) I December 15-16, 1969 (Monday-Tuesday ) IV, CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 1968 MEETING The Council unanimously recommended approval of the Minutes of the August 26-27, 1968,, meeting as written. Doctor Olson discussed the following new provisions of P.L. 90-574 which extends P.L. 89-239: Section 105--Increase in the number of'Advisory Council members; Section 107--(a) Addition of practicing dentists; and (b) Grants to be used to meet the cost of participation iii Regional Medical Programs by anIFederal hospital; Section 910--Project grants for Multi.program Services. Doctor Schmidt presented the Division's position on the,implementdtion of Section 910. He presented a draft that might be used to amend the Guidelines which was approved by the Council with one change (see second paragraph with underline) as follm7s: Proiect Grants for am Services Section 910 of the Act authorizes that funds appropriated under this title shall also be available for grants to any public or nonprofit agency or institution for services needed by$, or which will be of substantial use to, any two or more regional medical programs. Grant applications submitted under this section may be received from any regional medical program or eligible institution or agency. If the application is for activities to be carried out in specific regions, the approval of Regional Advisory Groups of all regions covered by the proposed activity is required by the Division* If the application is from an institution or agency seeking to provide services which mav be utili d by two or more 76gional medical prop,-,cams, without a ioiial focus, Regional Advisory Grou2 approval is n application must include evidence doc the activity by two or more regions, or show how the proposed service may be of use to two or more regional medical programs. If a Regional !!Iedical Program proposes to carry out such activity, the application must be approved by its Regional Advisory Group. VI, PROGRES5 IN IIT',EGPATII\'C@ D'-@IP AND THE IIATIONAL CENTER FOR CHRONIC DISEASE liNTO._ "REGICIIAL !,.@,DICAL PRCGPAM SERVICES" A Task Porce has been working on the integration of the Division of Regional I,,--dical Programs and the National Center for Chronic Disease. Keith the amalgamation of these two offices, it is now called, "Regional liedical Program Services." Doctor Chadwick made a report on, "The Progress of the Task Force.1' Vill DIRECTED EFPCITS IN RE@J-CNAL 14EDICAL PROGRAI-IS Year 19'/O for I;iodel borlioods derives from the strategy adopted to relate 'Viodel Cities Pi-ograms not only to the funds directly available from the Dei-)--)i-tment of Housing and Urban Development but to -5- identifiable funds from other Feder@@il progrn,,-,is-aswell. The strategy adopted for PD@TP has been to local generation of projects which strengthen cooperative ar.-ang@ri-ants. He recognize the Departn@ent's wish to identify funds for Neighboi:liooe, Mode), Cities,, but believe the request to earmark the requested ei@ount oj' @5--million from Regional Medical Progrtm,-n@Ls incomputable with the basic method of making grant awards in this program. Clinical Field Tr!.-,Is Doctor Chadwick reported the Division has a small internal task force at work to determine how this i.ctivity can be carried out within the framework of Regional Iledical Programs. A specific recommendation on this activity may be available at the time of the February Council meeting. VIII. SUPPORT OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES A series of training grants originally awarded through the National Center for Chronic Disease Control have been supported under Section 314(e), and are ncni managed through the Community Pealth Services. Considerable pressure has been exerted to free-up @unds in 314.(e) to meet the Secretary's co7anitrrent for the support of rodent control and of model city neighborhoods. Preliminary indications were made to grantees that these pro(-,riTis would be phased-out, although the communication was made verbally and not in writing. The action has evoked strong reaction from the National Advisory Cancer Council, the Executive Committee of the American College of Surgeons, an ram a nudoer of individuals concerned with the training of cytology technicians, radiation technicians, and other specialized personnel in cancer activities. This matter has been resolved at the level o the Administrator3, RSefflA. by accepting a 20% reduction in funds for training grants and project grants for FY 19690 This will affect only those grants still to be awarded. IX. BUDGETAPY STATUS A status report of grant funds for Fiscal Year 1969 was given as f ollmis: -- Total funds available, FY 1969 $92,364,603 Awarded, as of November 19, 1968 .263.668 Balance Available $84,100,935 f'@ntinuation requirements for remainder of year 48,2747.000 Xvailable for new activities 435,353,935 m ? At,, T A discussion was held of charts giving information on the following categories: b. Thos c from which an application for an operational grant has been receives; c.- Those which have planning grant awards but have not yet submitted an operational grant application. XI. COQSIDEP.PTIC)N Ol,' C--?J.,-N'T APPLICATIONS 3 C03 PM 00019-OIS2, California L,_gioneal. l@ledical Program The Council recommended a site visit to review, investigate, and recommend on both projects, with resubinission to Council. Council was in agreement that the proposal was confusing and neeeed clarification before action could be taken, especially with regard to projects 22 and 23. The amount requested for a three year period beginning November 1, 1968, through Ottober -@l, 1971, is $630,445, plus appropriatelindirect costr" Mrs. Wyckoff ibsented herself. G02 PM OIJ040-@.IS2 Co orae-o-W omin, Re?ional Medical Pro r@m The Council recommended approval in the revised amount requested of $25,331, plus appropriate in6irect costs. This supplemental request r,7as considered in conjunction with the Region's initial operational grant application. As noted in the report of the September 26-27, 1968, site visit, the original supplemental of $121,860,requested was revised downward, and a new budget submitted. Council considered the findings of the Reviev, Committee and concurred with the recommendation of approval 4.n the revisec3 amount. The amount requested for a one year period beginning July 1,@1968, through June 30, 10@69, is $231,527, plus appropriate indirect costs4 3 G03 P,14 tilb@ . e io@l 14eclical roaram The Council recommended deferral, with referral to the subcommittee of the Review Coramittee for clarification of details of the project, and assurance from, the Re-ion that the program can be accomplished. Council called for more eetails concerning the plans for education of allied health personnel, as well as other approaches to the education of practicing physicians, area coordinators, etc. The amount requested for a three year period beginning July 1, 1968, through June 30, 1971, is $731,959, plus appropriate indirect costs. -7- 3 C03 Pil 00037-92,S2 Iji-qco-,Isin I Program The Council recommended conditional approval of the applications as submitted,to reflect.the follo@,7ing actions: (a) Approval. of projects @r5, #8, Ykil, l@12, and #13 at the decreased level of $332,391 in direct costs for the first year with recommended future support as requested except for project #5; (b) Deferral of projects 1,@6, #7, l@9, and #10 until the Ja,auary-February 10,69 review cycle; and (c) Recommended future support of component #1 (core planning and administration) during the next two years as requested. The amount requested for a five year period beginning September 1, 1968, through August 31, 1973, is $4,1-,88,182 (02SI), plus appropriate indirect costs. The amount requested for a three year period beginning November 1, 1968, through October 31, 1971, in application 37-02S2, is $1,207,109, plus appropriate indirect costs* 3 G02 RM 00061-02S2, Illinois Regional l@ledica ram The Council recommended approval in the time and amount requested of $396,721 for seven months beginning December 1, 1968, through Jun6 30, 1969. The amount requested in the revision was slightly less than the original supplemental request. Council felt that the Illinois Regional medical Program needs the additional core staff and. better liaison with the medical centers than these funds would permit. 2 G02 RM 00013-03, Western New York State Regional Medic Program The Council concurred with the Review CoiTmittee and recommended approval in the time and amount requested of $921,006 for three years, plus appropriate indirect costs. Doctor l@@loore absented himself. 3 G03 -RiA 00013-OIS1, lileste@-n New York Regional Medical Program The Counc4-.l recommended conditional approval of the application as submitted to reflect the following actions: (a) Approval of projects #3 and #4 at the decreased level of requested; (b) Provision of up to $50,000 each for projects #7 and #8 for one year of planning, the actual amounts to be negotiated by the Division; and (c) Disapproval of projects Yi5 and @i6. The amount requested for a three year period beginning September 1, 1968, through August 31, 1971, is $4,788,020, plus appropriate indirect costs. Doctor Moore absented himself. 3 G03 Ul 00038. I Medical Pr am The Council recommended conditional approval of the application as submitted to reflect the following actions: (a) Approval of supplemental core funds and projects #20, -f2l, and #22 combined, #24, and #26 at the decreased level of $225,716 in direct costs for the first year, with recommended future support as requested except for projects #21 and #22; (b) Deferral of project #25; and (c) Disapproval of project #23. The amount requested for a three year period is $1,214,635, plus appropriate indirect costs. Doctor Hogness absented himself. 1 G03 R!4 00049-01. Vil onal Medic o ram The Council recommended conditional approval subject to communication to the region, of the following actions: (a) Approval of Project #12 (Core Activities); (b) Action (a) above does not constitute approval of an operational grant, but such approval represents continuing support of the planning activities; and (c) Return for revision by the Region and sponsors of all other individual projects, to comply with the recommendation of the site visit team. The amount requested for a two year period beginning January 1, 19690 through December 31, 1971, is $4,239,531, plus appropriate indirect Doctor Shaiiholtz abse-ki,@'ed c-t,-msei4L. 3 C02 RI-if 00035-03, South Carol.ina Ref,,I.on,?,l 1,@Jedical rogram The Council concurred in the findings of the Review Coiinittee in making the recommendation of conditional. approval in the decreased amount of $125,000 in direct costs for one year, plus appropriate indirect costs. ary 1, 1969, The amount requested for a one year period beginning Janu -----,----through December II, 1969, is $183,408, plus appropriate indirect costs* 3 G03 Pll 0003Z:.-OlR2AlSl. New Mexico Re!.zional Medical Pro--ram The Council recommended approval in the amount requested of $33,927, contingent upon: (1) clarification of income and fee schedule and (2) development of an over-all operational plan for the entire region, encompassing all existing projects, and a description of ways in which new projects will interrelate with existing ones. The amount requested for a three year period beginning March 1, 1968, through February 28, 1971, is $69,440, plus appropriate indirect costs. 1 G03 IIM 00062-01, New Jerse-v Regional Iiec3ical Program The Council recommended approval for three years funding at a reduced level and with conditions. The level recommended for the first year was $668,073. Council concurred in the Review Committeels recommendation that the Region be advised about the need for integrating the three coronary care training projects and the advisability of appointing a single director for the activity. The amount requested for a three year period beginning December'l, 1968, through November 30, 1971, is $2,231,651.,,plus appropriate indirect costs. 1 G02 R14 00066, 'i%lassau-Stffolk Regional Medical Program Council recommends approval in the time and amount 'requested with clarification by staff of certain items in the budget. The reviewers favored the identification of the two counties as a T@l.egion and their separation from the l@etropolitan New York Region. They,also were favorably impressed with the content of the application. The amount requested for a two year period is $553,280, plus appropriate indirect costs. r@am 1- R 3 003 rcduc d level for three yearsp The Council reco-,miended approval at a c with a first year level of apprnzimately $313,351; clarification of certain items including procedures for utilizing income produced by several projects, and restriction on funds requested for satellite facilities in the radioisotope enticer program. The amount reclue-@sted for a three year period is $953,277., plus appropriate indirect costs. 3. G03 P,14 00002-02q2 The Council recommended deferral with a site vi.sLt q"A in the Januqry-February 1969 review cycle. The Council agreed with tho'conclusion of the Review Committee that the over-all application lacked adequate information regarding -the regionalization process in Kansas. While a number of the individual components were considered worthy of support by the Committee, concern was expressed as the insufficient evidence of regional planning, the absence of defined relationships between planning and the proposed projects, and inadequate information on how the decision-making process functions including the setting of priorities. The amount requested for a four year period is $3,117,217, plus appropriate indirect costs. I GO @l 00001-01. Ha@7ai ogram The Council recommended conditional approval of the application as submitted to reflect the following actions: (a) Approval of the $2'V,749 in audio-visual equipment And. restoration of this amount to the core program (project 1) which is already awarded, and recommended future support of the core pro-,ram as requested over the next two years; (b) Approval in whole or in part of eight of the project Components (2,3,4,7,8,9,10, and 11) in the reduced amount of $846,815 in direct costs for the first year and future support as indicated in the site visit report; and (c) Return for revision by the Region and sponsors of projects 5 and 6. The amount requested for a four year period is $4,610,553p p us appropriate indirect costs. The Council recommended conditional approval of the application as submitted to reflect the following --ctions: l.. No funds be allocated for Project 1, T=oram of Con Education for Oualifii@.d Pllvsj.cal Therapists; 2. Project 2, Expansion and C@Lisolidation of Coron Care Tral,ti@rtg f@r the Northern Portion of the Tri-State Rp-gion to Provide State--,iide S(--Y.,vi-ce, be funded provided the Project be idvised to establish evaluation procedures and provision of some broader experience; 3. Project 3, Establishment of a C2m ebensive I@t@@q@y@rsit @.Y Mardiovascu artment of Ilealth and lar Program iti_the T)ep Hospitals of th it of Bostc ed provided that., (a) at the end of the first si@ months, the project be required to submit a progress report which would clearly define functions of the Community Cardiac Care Continuity Coordinator, the Acute Cardiac Care .Training Coordinator, the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiology Coordinator, and the Community Cardio- vascular Health Facilities Consultant, as well as a curriculum vitae for each of these individuals; (b) tne project be informed thatthe subsequent years' level of funding will be significantly influenced by the first six months progress report; ancl. (c) the project be advised that the progress report Submitted as part of the second year continuation application should include at least preliminary plans for activities which will be conducted outside the hospital. The amount requested for a three year period beginning January 1, 969. through December 31, 1971, is $1,393,453, plus appropriate indirect costs. 5 G03 RiA 00018-02, Tennessee Mid-South R The Council recommended conditional approval as indicated by the following actions: (a) Approval of renewed core support at $805,.077 the first year; $81,,5,000 the second year; and '?826,500 the third year; (b) Disapproval of the supplemental operational support ($95i931); and (c) A The amount requested for a three year period beginning February 1, 1969, throuoh January 31, 1972 is 65,66..O,521, plus appropriate indirect costs. -12- 3 C03 RI-i 00012-21 s 2 o r r-, o,@i i@ ,,a 1, ProRram The Council recoDiinended approval for three years in the amounts requested of $129,9'03, first year; $11-/@',665t second year; and @116tO29, third year, plus appropriate indirect costs. The following projects were recommended as requested in the above amounts: #8. Educational Opportunities for the ore on Regional Physicians in and Therapy of Cancer #9, Central Oregon Heart, Ca c@-r,_ and Stroke Pilot Project; #10, Coronary Care Teaching Aids; #11, Cul,ding Patients with Ap2,iasia; #12, Southern Oregon Diabetic Instruction and Evaluation. 1 G03 Riii 0004'u'-Ol. Ohio Valley Ref-,ional @ledical Pro.R.ram The Council recommended conditional approval as indicated on the following actions: #1 Core Staff be approved provided the RIIP University Coordinators be supported for only 50% time; #2 Community Hospital Staff Deve@Tp.-@nt be approved, provided the Region give written clarification of the function of the CONPRED Directors and their relations to the Director of Continuing Education at each University, as well as the Core Staff University R14P Coordinators; .4@2 @@gional Medical Television be approved for one year only; #4 - Library Extension Services be approved in the time and amount requested; #5 Likii .,:v@r-sitv Continuin.@, Educmtinn Resources be approved; #6 Drug info-r@@n§@rvi@l,,a returned f esttidy. The amount requested for a tlixee yaar period is $4,062$327# plus appropriate indirect costsi 1 G03 RM 00003-012 Northern New England Regional 14edical Program The further just:@Liy buuge4-iA@ requirements; (2) revise the application by consolidating budget requests for evaluating personnel under the Core Program O@upport; and (3) consider changing the name of the Region -13- was reconnended. The amount requested for o, five year period beginning January 1, 1969, through December 31, 1974, is $7,0'47,325, plus appropriate indirect costs. 3 G03 P14 00005-OIS3. North Carolina ReRional Medical. Prop.,r,-Lm The Council recommended approval of Project 12--Regional Coronary Care Unit for Physician and Nurse Education--for one year in the amount requested of $106,645. No indirect costs were requested. 3 C03 IUl The Council recommended approval of Project 17--Regional Center for Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasma--i,7ith advice to the Region that the pro'ect should be encouraged to broaden the scope of the program 3 to include other diagnostic procedures involving radio-iuanune assays, especially those related to pediatric tumors. The amount requested for a three year period beginning September 1, 1968, through June 30, 1971, is $131,20'4, plus appropriate indirect costs. 3 G02 rll 0001@3-03SI Tn4_ -@nql !,led-.t.cal ram The Council recommended approval in the amount and for the time requested of $242,,160 for one year only, plus appropriate @direct cost. 3 G03 RH 00051-OISI. l@temphis ReRional Medic o ram The Council recommended return for revision of all three coiul3onents-- #11 - Regional I,,Iedical Technology School-, 12 - Radiblogica D @st Equipment at Crittenden Hospital; and #13 - Demonstration Program in Preventive Owervice. The amount requested for a five year period is $1,776,918, plus appropriate indirect costs. 3 G03 RM 00054-0191, Maine P,@Rional Medical ram The Council recommended approval for three years for Projects 5 and 6 in the amounts requested of $203,040, first year; $289,30'4,, second year; $354,301, third year, with appropriate indirect costs. I G03 Rli 00043-01,_Indiara ReZional. @ledical,@rn.5,ram,_ The.Council recommended approval with the condition that the budget reouest be reduced.. Tl- re(,@.. I 7q, !,l year, Council agreed with the Committee that this is a viable region which ea able of movin into the o rational phase. -14- The amount requested for three year period is $3,992,41'0, with indirect costs to be determined at i later date. 1 C03 Rli 0000@U-01, Connecticut Rep,@i.onal Medical Program The Council recommended approval in a reduced amount for three years, with specific conditions and exclu(Ii-i.)g any funds for High Energy Radiation Activities. The recoliended level of direct costs for the first year is, $1,633,97"j; for the second year, $2,372,333; and the third year, $2,510,235, The amount requested for i4 rive year period beginning July 1, 1968, through June 30, 1973, is $21,237,593, plus appropriate indirect costs. -1. @G03 RI@l- 000tiQ@.01, Co -kl f' Aegipil;ll Medical Proizram The Council recommended conditional approval for a three year program period to reflect the following actions: (1) Approval in whole or in part of seven of the project components (1,2,3,4,6,7, and 8) in the reduced amount of $393,972 in direct costs for the first year; and (2) Project 5 not b,;Ifunded, and additional planning be supported through the Core Staff (Project 1). The amount requested for a five year period is $6,100,322, plus appropriate indirect costs, 1 G03 PiA 00052-01, Arkansas ReRional I-ledical Program Th@ Council recommended approval for $807,4'u7 each year for three years. No funds of Regional Medical Programs may be used to support the proposed dietitic internship within project 11, or the diagnotic X-ray equipment for cardiac catherization within project 2. The amount requested for,,,;- five year period is $4,869,560, plus appropriate indirect coss. 3 (;03 RI,,I 00027-Oisi Iowa ReRional Medical Ir ram The Council recommended approval in the amount of $316,068. Components of this grant are: Project 10 reduced to $185,000 each year for three years; project 11 funded in the amount requested for one year only ($5'0',196); project 12 fun4ed in the amounts requested for three years ($42,870 for the first of three years); and an additional. $30,000 awarded to support the salary and c.@lier costs of a Director of Demogtaphy and Epidemiology on the core staff. Pius appropriate indirect costs. G03PM, 000,1.5-,02S2, Tnternountain RcRional Me di-a I. Propram The Council recommended deferral for revision to sharroll Cho focus of the Project, with advice and encouragement to the RegilIl to resubmit. This Proposal is to be reviewed in ti-ie over-all regional operational conti,iiiiatiot, a r A -pl)licatic)n (early Feb u ry 1969) and direct referral to Council. The amount requested for a three year period beginning S,eptember.1, 1968. through March 31, 1971, is $691,422, plus appropriate iiid i@rect 3 C03 RM 00031-GISI, D.,C., Regional -k@d-i-c- -a I- P-r, -o-,g-r a- The.Council recommended approval with the condition that the,reque9t be reduced to $366,056 for the fi.rst year; $228,530 for the second year; and $69,500 for the third year. The amount requested for n-Lne projects with three year support Is $6 034,751. Indirect costs,,are to be negotiated. 3 G02 IM 00055. Arizona Rezional Medical Proa rqm The Council recommended that this application be returned for revision and Council expressed concern over a number of issues raised in t e review of this proposal. A major concern was the lack of a definitive outline of action, Although a state-wide program is mentioned, it was noted that the on-line computer program, the link between regional centers and the university, is not to be included and only one regional center is to be established The role of the University is not clearly defined. There is no documentation of local physicians' interest or participation in the program. Also, of the five hospitals involved, three are Federal. Council believed it would be advisable for the Region to resubmit the proposal along with other operational projects currently being planned* A revised proposal should not only clearly state its objectives, especially for the first year, but should also show its relationship to the Regional Medical Program's objectives and other activities* The amount requested was $205,688 for one year, plus appropriate indirect costs. 1 C03 R14 00057 01 14issis@jipp onal Medical Program The Council recommended approval with the condition that the award be reduced to $18'U,000 each year for two years for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Disease, and that funds be awarded as a supplemental planning gran,@-, 4 1 t r .- @ 1. I @@@ @ -n,@ @@ ; i 4, .@ , @ @@., ,, I@@ I --I . . "I., - , I i a. indirect costs* -16- 03 RM OO-L3@-01-Sl@ Stit(,r, R.ef.!ionql Medical Pro@ram The Coiln, 'rL'@-OT[imended c nditional approval subject to tlle following: 0 I-egal ruling of General Counsel tIlqi, )Ul@, (2) Appr@Ial. l@n with site visit reco,iiinA-t-tclat;ions.$ unt of -11-1, bcLipfitr,. in the auio (,), CL pe P@'r3,,)l:llnel and other:, aiki I-osA@-lisk8 Ck.ijL ELve years,, of the Core (3) Project 3 (Cancer) aplireved pending the resolution of the Pu,rcllia-,,- of eq(vipaieLit (lillo.-tv nerelerator) and negotiation of the b@t,ig,-t in li.nk-- wj-tli the of the site team; and (4) Project 4 'Stroke) deferred for revision which will reflect k the recommendation of the site visit report. The amount requested for a five year period beginning November 1, 1968t through October 31, 1973, is $80123,165, plus appropriate indirect A costs. Doctor Popma absented himself. 1 G03 R14 00047-01. South Dakota Regional Medical Program The Council recommended approval with the condition that the amount requested be reduced to $444,235 for the first year; $354,099 for the second year; and $383,042 for the third year. These funds should be awarded as a planning grant. The amount requested for four projects with three to five years'support is $5,160,837, with indirect costs to be negotiated. G03 RK 0094Z-0.1,__Ne-vi.Jo;.rsey Regional Medical Prom Thp Oniincil reco=ended approval for three year funding at a reduced level and with conditions. The level recommended for thp first year was $668,073. The amount requested for c three year period beginning December 1, 1968, through November 30, 1971, is $2,231,651, plus appropriate indirect costs. XV. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m., November 26, 1968. I hereby certify that, to the best of my klioi%71edge, the foregoing minutes are accurate and complete. Stanley W. Olson, M.D. Director Division of Regional Medical Programs Eva M. Handal Colincl.1 Secretary NP@TIOI,,".%T, ADVIS@L-'@Y COUNCIL ON REGIONAI, I,,Z-:DICAL Pl@OGI@AMS, Edwin L. Crosby, M.D. (71) George E. Moore, M.D., Ph.D. (68) Director Director, Public Health Research American Hospital.Association New York State Department of Health Chicago, Illinois '00611 Ro,,,iqell Park Memorial Institute 666 Elm Street Michael E. DeBakey, II.D. (72) Buffalo, New York 14203 Vice President for Medical Affairs of Baylor University Edmund D. Pellerrino, M.D. (70) ---@@-'-@-Profe,,sor and Chairiian Vice President for the Health Sciences Department of Surgery Director of the Center College of Medicine State University of New York Houston, Texas 77025 Stony Brook, New York 117.90 Bruce W. Everist M.D. (71) Alfred M. Popma, Yi.D. (70) Chief of Pediatrics Regional Director Green Clinic Regional Medical Programs 709 South Vienna Street 525 West Jefferson Stre@t- Ruston, Louisiana 71270 Boise, Idaho 83702 John R. Hogness, @I.D. (70) Mack I. Shanholtz, MoD. (70) Dean, School of Medicine State Health Coiimissioner University of Washington State Department of Health' ',"eattle, Washington 98105 Richmond, Virginia 23219 James T. lio@7ell, M.D. (68) Mr. Curtis Treen (71) E,,,ecutive Director Director Henry Ford Hospital Pension and Insurance Department Detroit, Michigan 48202 United Rubber, Cork, Linoluem, and Plastic Workers of America Clark H. Millikan, li.D. (72) 87 S. High Street Consultant in N@.,urology Akron, Ohio 44308 Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota 55902 Administrator Health Services and Mental Health Administration 9000-Rockville Pike Bethesda 31 Maryland 20014 DRMP CMO 09/19/68