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Our Environment
Our Environmental Programs
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PPL Montana - Environment

Environmental Education

PPL prides itself on being a conscientious steward of the environment. We are a member of CERES, Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies, and have garnered local, state, and national awards for our environmental education and stewardship efforts.

To the end, we have responsibility to be a leader in promoting sound environmental policies and responding to teachers' needs for quality environmental education resources.

  • Project Earth Grants — a competitive grant program that provides up to $1,500 to winning schools for funding innovative school projects that focus on issues such as watersheds, wetlands, air quality, renewable and non-renewable resources, energy conservation and the greening of schools. All schools in Montana are eligible. Click here for details.

  • Water Safety Poster Contest — a fun, hands-on learning activity for teachers and students designed to promote safety around Montana’s many lakes, rivers and streams. Winners will be featured on a special water safety poster calendar, copies of which will be distributed to schools, community leaders and PPL facilities in Montana. Click here for more information. (Grades 3 to 6)

  • River of Words —an international poetry and art contest focusing on the theme of watersheds. The contest is designed to help students explore the natural and cultural history of the place in which they live and express what they discover. PPL Montana partnered with The Montana Watercourse and Montana Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) to provide the initial funding to launch this program in Montana in 2004. Click here for more information.
    (Grades K to 12)
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