Restoration and Revegetation

Restoration Guidelines | Revegetation after Fire | Native Plant Sources | Organizations

“Ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed.”  From the Society for Ecological Restoration.

The CIPM Restoration Resource Database, hosted by the Society for Ecological Restoration, can be searched to find resources on restoration, particularly relating to invasive species. A search provides a short description of the resource and contact information, web links, and/or journal references for obtaining the resource.

March '08 Restoration Ecology, special section on Tamarix restoration from 2006 Tamarisk Research Conf. See for pp 90-190, "Restoration in the context of Tamarix spp. invasion."

Restoration Guidelines & Publications

Case Study: Restoration Strategy for Yellowstone National Park’s North Entrance area. Presentation at Society for Ecological Restoration Meeting, 2005.

Genetically Appropriate Choices for Plant Materials (343 page PDF file) USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region. Synthesizes important genetic principles and provides examples to better inform land managers, and help them understand the context for advice from geneticists.

The Global Restoration Network (GRN)—a project of the Society for Ecological Restoration International—offers the field of ecological restoration a new database and web-based portal to trustworthy and hard-to-find information on all aspects of restoration, from historic ecosystems and recent causes of degradation to in-depth case studies and proven restoration techniques. Includes case studies, organizations, literature, and more.

Grow Native! Plant Identification for Prairie Plantings. From the Missouri Dept. of Conservation. Photos of seeds, seedlngs, juvenile, and mature plants, and distinguishing characteristics. Information on habitat and establishment.

Native Plants Journal is an "eclectic forum for dispersing practical information about planting and growing North American native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors . . . includes articles that are useful to and understandable by growers and planters of North American native plants and that contribute significantly to the scientific literature." (from publisher, Indiana University Press)

Native Plant Revegetation Guidelines for Alberta, 2001 Clear, consistent and integrated information about using native plant materials throughout Alberta where the revegetation goal is to re-establish a native plant community.

Native Plant Sources in Canada. Searchable database fron Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan.

Reading Seed Packaging Labels and Calculating Seed Mixtures. USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Boise, Idaho. Technical Note Plant Materials No. 4.

Research Needs Directed Toward Ecological Restoration, a CIPM survey summarizing five research areas for strengthening the field of ecological restoration.

Restoration Resource Database from Center for Invasive Plant Management. A search provides a short description of the resource and contact information, web links, and/or journal references for obtaining the resource.

Restoring Western Ranges and Wildlands. Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO, 2004. Philosophy, processes, plant materials selection, site preparation, seeding; emphasizes use of native species. No charge; download or find order info on website.

Revegetation Equipment Catalog. Produced in cooperation with Rangeland Technology & Equipment Council, USDA Forest Service, USDI Bureau of Land Management.

Revegetation Guidelines for Western Montana: Considering Invasive Weeds (pdf). EB 170, MSU Extension Publications.45-page book provides in-depth, step-by-step guide to the processes and procedures of establishing desired plant species in the portion of Montana west of the Continental Divide.  Free pdf or $3 from MSU Extension Publications.

Roadside Revegetation: An Integrated Approach To Establishing Native Plants. From Western Federal Lands Highway Division, Federal Highway Administration. Twelve chapters and bibliography in pdf format.

Tips in Ordering and Testing Seed for USFS Region 2 Rehabilitation Projects. Guidelines for purchasing seed to ensure a high-quality product.

VegSpec (located on the USDA PLANTS Database is a tool for developing seed mixes and selecting plant species appropriate to the climate, soils, and location of revegetation projects. Includes 2500+ plants and specific information for all U.S. climate zones and soils.

Wetland Restoration Enahncement and Management Technical information from USDA NRCS.

Revegetation after Fire — Guidelines & Publications

After the Fire: Restore and Protect our Western Ecosystems Flyer describing weeds likely to invade burned areas and how to report them

Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) Database maintained through the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, contains information about the effects of fire on almost 900 plant species, background on biology, taxonomy, and distribution.

The Great Basin Restoration Initiative Addresses the need for long-term restoration that goes beyond rehabilitation and treatment of invasive species in "Out of Ashes, An Opportunity," and offers a restoration strategy in "The Great Basin: Healing the Land." (both in pdf format)

Integrated Noxious Weed Management after Wildfires A CIPM booklet, available from MSU Extension Service or online.

Natural Heritage Baseline Survey and Fire Effects Literature Review Results of study conducted for the Air Force Academy by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program. Overview of fire history and effects on plants, animals, and natural communities.

The Nature Conservancy Global Fire Initiative   Website developed to share insights, tools and approaches to combat fire-related biodiversity threats.

NRCS Wildfire Protection and Restoration. Publications, sources of plant materials, and more.

Revegetation Guidelines for Western Montana: Considering Invasive Weeds (pdf). EB 170, MSU Extension Publications.45-page book provides in-depth, step-by-step guide to the processes and procedures of establishing desired plant species in the portion of Montana west of the Continental Divide.  Free pdf or $3 from MSU Extension Publications.

Tall Timbers Research Station maintains a fire ecology database of journal articles, books, and conference proceedings is international in scope, although main focus is on southeastern U.S. Search by keyword using general forestry or fire-related terms, as well as by geographic area or habitat type.

Weed Management after Fire, Chapter 9 in CIPM's Online Invasive Plant Management Textbook.

Wildland Fire in Ecosystems: The Rainbow Series, produced by the Rocky Mountain Research Station. Reviews the current literature of fire effects on flora, fauna, air, soil and water, and cultural resources.

Sources of Native Plants and Seeds

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center maintains an extensive database of native plants through the Native Plant Information Network.

Native Plants Network at the University of Idaho maintains a searchable propagation protocol database and was the original publsher of Native Plants Journal, which includes a searchable database of articles.

Native Plant Materials Directory, a service of the Native Plants Journal. 1,000+ listings of North American native plant producers and suppliers. Alphabetical, categorical, and state/province indexes. To order a directory, call 1-800-847-7377 or e-mail

Native Seeds Network was established to facilitate the development of economic sources of native plant material from local genotypes.

North American Native Plant Society provides links to native plant societies in most states and provinces.

Plant Materials Program of the USDA NRCS develops plants and technology for conservation purposes.

Plant Resources in Midwest and Great Plains from Kansas Native Plant Society. Retail sources for wildflower seeds/plants for plant community restoration and growing native plants. (Resource list only; vendors not endorsed nor plants/seeds guaranteed by the KNPS).

Recommendations for the Collection and Use of Native Plants, from the Native Plant Society of Saskatchwan.

Seeds of Success supports and coordinates seed collection of native plant populations to increase the number of species and the amount of native seed that is available for use in stabilizing, rehabilitating, and restoring lands in the United States.

South Texas Natives goal is to provide economically viable sources of native plants and seeds for the restoration of native plant communities in South Texas.

Texas Native Trees From TX Ag Experiment Station. Good photos, many links


California Society for Ecological Restoration Includes calendar of events and workshops in CA

California Association of Fire Ecology: Searchable fire ecology database

Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona University. Focus is on science-based restoration treatments that return forests to ecological health while reducing threats of unnatural wildfire.

The Global Restoration Network (GRN)—a project of the Society for Ecological Restoration International—is the first online portal to all things related to ecological restoration. Covers all aspects of restoration, from historic ecosystems and recent causes of degradation to in-depth case studies and proven restoration techniques. Easy online submission of your projects, before and after photos, etc. Includes case studies, organizations, literature, and more.

Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research Research reports in ecological restoration from New Zealand

National Interagency Fire Center Current information about fire activity; management and restoration links; current research projects.

The Plant Conservation Alliance works to solve the problems of native plant extinction and native habitat restoration. PCA supports on-the-ground conservation and restoration projects through a matching funds grant program administered by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Society for Ecological Restoration  Leading international organization with many regional chapters.

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Updated 12/04/08