
Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: M

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

M-3 tanks 156.7.20
Mabini, Apolinario 350.3
Macabebe Scouts 395.14.5
MacArthur, Douglas
    Pacific war reports 338.5.9
    photographs 112.3.3
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12
    Southwest Pacific GHQ 331.34
    Supreme Commander Allied Powers 43.11.27, 238.7, 331.36,
    White House records 42.3.3
"MacArthur Histories" 331.34
MacDonald, Arthur C. 418.2.2
    World War II 331.17.2
MacGowan, Charles F. 380.2
Machias, ME
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Machine Gun and Small Arms Section
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Machine Gun Battalions (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
"Machine Gun Kelly Case" 21.38.5
Machine Gun Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.1
machine gun training center 156.14
machine guns
    naval ordnance 74.3.1
    photographs 156.16
    research and development 227.11
Machine Records Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.1
Machine Tool Section (Navy Department) 80.11
Machine Tool Section (War Industries Board) 61.3.9
machine tools 74.6, 240.3.4
Machine Tools and Industrial Supplies Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Machine Tools and Radio Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Machine Training School (Army Service Forces) 160.4.2
Machinery Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.5
Machinery and Equipment Section (Special Representative in Europe) 469.3.2
Machinery Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Machinery Division (Navy Yards) 181.3.3, 181.3.7
Machinery, General Inspector of (Bureau of Ships) 19.4.2
Machinery Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.9
MacIntyre, James T. 220.18.8
Mackay Companies Land Line System 173.3
mackerel 22.14.1, 22.14.3
Mackinac Factory 75.3
Mackinac Indian Agency 75.15.5, 75.19.5
Mackinaw (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.7
MacLeish, Archibald 59.3.9, 208.2.1
MacLeod, Dorothy 220.24
MacMillan, Donald 27.5.15
Macomb, John N. 77.2.8
Macomber, Irving E. 3.3.2
U.S.S. Macon (airship) 72.5.2
Macon, GA
    Army commands 393.7
    Confederate arsenal 109.7.5
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    weather observations 27.4.3
Macon, GA, Confederate Medical Purveyor's Office 109.8.3
Macon, GA, Confederate Treasury depository 109.10.10
Macon, GA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.12.7, 21.12.8
Macon, GA, Division (District Court) 21.12.5, 21.12.6, 21.12.8
Macon, GA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.10
Macon, MO 393.4, 393.7
Macy, John 146.6
Macy, V. Everit 32.4.10
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Madeira Islands
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Madigan, John 107.3.2
Madison Barracks, NY 394.4
Madison, IN 393.4, 393.7
Madison, James
    death 128.2
Madison Square Area Office (Manhattan Project) 77.11.4
Madison, WI
    campus unrest 220.15.17
Madison, WI, District Office (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Madison, WI, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Madison, WI, Finance Center (Army Comptroller) 319.7.6
Madison, WI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.49
Madison, WI, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.14
Madison, WI, term (Circuit Court) 21.52.6
Madison, WI, term (District Court) 21.52.5
Madisonville, IN, Office (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Madrid, Spain
    OSS base 226.8
    Public Information Committee representative 63.2.3
Madrid, Spain, office (War Trade Board) 182.9.2
Madrona (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3, 26.6.4
Madsden, David H. 79.4.4
Magazine and Features Branch (Price Administration) 188.7.4
Magazine Liaison Office (OWI) 208.3.9
magazine publishing
    food editors 16.7.1
    war reconversion 250.3.6
    USIA records 306.5.3
Magic diplomatic summaries 457.2
Maginot Line 332.2.3
magnesite 57.4.2
magnesium 70.12.3
    Coast and Geodetic Survey research 23.2.2, 23.3.8, 23.4.2
        maps 23.6
        photographs 23.7
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration charts 370.11
    Naval Observatory observations 78.2
    Weather Bureau observations 27.4.6
magnetosphere 307.4.2
magnetron radar transmitters 227.10.1
Magnuson, Paul A. 220.7.16
Magnuson, Warren G. 220.9.7
Magoon, Charles E. 199.2
Magruder, Carter B. 319.15.1
Magruder, J.B. 109.13.2
Magruder, Jeb S. 274.9, 460.5.2
Magruder, John 338.4.1
U.S.S. Mahana 37.4.1
Mahnomen, MN 75.19.17
mahogany 234.5.6
Mahoney, Frank J. 248.3.1
Mahoney, James B. 220.15.7
Mahoning (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Mahoning River 77.10.45
Mahoning Valley 187.5.4
mail SEE postal service
Mail and Files Division (General Land Office) 49.3.5
Mail and Files Division (Treasury Department) 56.2.1, 56.14.8
Mail and Property Division (Second Auditor) 217.7.6
Mail and Records Section (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.5
mail bags (motion pictures) 28.2.2
mail carriers 28.3.4, 28.4.4
    surety bonds 28.2.5
Mail Depredations, Office of (Post Office Department) 28.8
mail fraud 28.2.5
    motion pictures 28.2.2
mail robbery 28.2.2
U.S.S. Maine 18.11, 19.3.1, 60.4.4
    photographs 48.16, 77.10.37
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.2
        attorneys, U.S. 118.18
        district courts 21.21
    food administration 4.3
        Army Engineers 77.9.4, 77.10.5
        property surveys 31.2.2
        strategic minerals 57.10.1
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1
    New Brunswick boundary 76.2.1
        American Guide 69.5.5
        fisheries 22.4.4
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.1
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service office 114.12.2
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.19
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.1
        manpower 211.23.2
        price controls, rationing 188.11.1, 188.11.2
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Maine, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Maine from the Harbor at Havana, Cuba, Board of Engineer Officers
    for the Work of Raising or Removing the Wreck of the
    Battleship 77.10.37
Maine State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.11
Maine, U.S. Attorney for 118.18
Maine, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.21.2
Maine, U.S. District Court for 21.21.1
Maintenance and Repair Division (Shipping Board) 32.5.6
Maintenance and Transportation Branch
   (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.6
Maintenance Branch (Army Staff) 319.10.4
Maintenance Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.7;
    (Army Service Forces) 160.4.5;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.4;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.19;
    (Ships Bureau) 19.3.2, 19.8.2
Maintenance Engineering, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.12.6
Maintenance Operations Branch (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.7
Major Equipment Scheduling Branch
   (Defense Electric Power Administration) 327.3.2
Major Items Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.11
Major Samuel Ringgold (mine planter) 391.2.6
Major Surveys Division (Education Office) 12.2.5
Majuro Atoll, Submarine Advance Base 313.6.8
Makah Indians 75.19.107
Makapa Point, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Makassar Strait 37.4.1
Making Steel for War (motion picture) 179.6
Malahi (Malagi) Island Military Prison and Post, Philippine
    Islands 395.14.4
malaria 90.15
Malaria Control in War Areas, Office of 442.2.1
Malate Barracks, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Malay Archipelago (maps) 313.5.3
Malay Federation
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.4
    U.S. naval intelligence 38.4.8
    oil fields, refineries (maps) 151.11
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
malfeasance SEE waste, fraud, and abuse in government programs
Malheur Indian Agency 75.19.56
Malheur Indians 75.16.9
Malik, Yakov A. 43.10.7
Malki Day School 75.19.57
Malki Indian Agency 75.19.57
Malkiel, Burton 459.3.4
Mall, Washington, DC 42.3.5
Mallet (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.6
Mallow (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10, 26.6.11
Malmedy case indexes 338.7.2
Malmedy Massacre, Subcommittee on Investigation of the
    (Senate) 46.5
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Malta Conference 43.3.9
Mammoth Cave National Park, KY 79.16
Mammoth Oil Co. 60.17.5, 80.5.1
Management Analysis, Director of (Air Force HQ) 341.8
Management Analysis Division (Customs Service) 36.2.3
Management Analysis Division
   (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.4, 237.5.7
Management Analysis, Division of (Public Debt Bureau) 53.7
Management Analysis Office (NASA) 255.4.7
Management Analysis, Office of the Director of (Army Staff)
Management Analysis Services (Centers for Disease Control)
Management and Administration, Office of (National Archives) 64.3
Management and Budget, Office of
    Management Improvement Council 220.15.7
Management and Budget, Records of the Office of (RG 51)
    administrative history 51.1
    advisory committees and boards 51.10
    Budget Bureau 51.8
    cartographic records 51.12
    Central Bureau of Planning and Statistics 51.4
    Central Statistical Boards 51.7
    Departmental Methods Committee 51.2
    Efficiency Bureau 51.3
    Federal Board of Hospitalization 51.6
    Federal Board of Surveys and Maps 51.5
    President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency 51.2
    records 51.9
    sound recordings 51.13
    special World War II offices 51.11
    still pictures 51.14
Management and Disposition Division (Public Housing
    Administration) 196.5.8
Management and Enforcement, Division of
   (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.11.7
Management and Financial Services Branch
   (Office of Economic Opportunity) 381.4.3
Management and Organization Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.3.3
Management and Organization, Office of (Budget Bureau) 51.8.5
Management, Assistant Administrator for (Technical Cooperation
     Administration) 469.4
Management, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for 340.5
Management Branch (Army Support Services) 410.2.1
Management Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.6.4
Management Control, Office of (Railroad Retirement Board) 184.3.2
Management, Deputy Administrator for
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.2.2
Management, Director of (National Capital Housing Authority) 302.2.4
Management Directorate (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.1
Management Division (Army Staff) 319.7.4;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.5; (MAC Thailand) 472.8;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.15; (Small Business Office) 240.5;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.4;
    (WPA) 69.4.10
Management/Economic Analysis Branch (Management and Budget
    Office) 51.9.6
Management Engineer, Office of the (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.9
Management Guide (Military Academy) 404.11
Management Improvement and Research Branch (Budget Bureau) 51.8.5
Management Improvement Council, President's 220.18.18
Management Improvement, President's Advisory Committee on
Management Improvement, President's Advisory Council on 220.15.7
Management Information Systems, Office of the Deputy Chief of
    Staff for (Army Vietnam) 472.5.6
Management Labor Policy Committee (War Manpower Commission) 211.5
Management-Labor Policy Committee on Defense Manpower 174.4.6
Management, Office of (Community Services Administration) 381.5.4
Management, Office of (General Services Administration) 269.8
Management, Office of the Director of (Army Staff) 319.7.4
Management Operations Division
    (White House Conference on Children) 220.23.6
Management Planning Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.12
Management Practices Division (Army Staff) 319.7.4
Management Research and Evaluation, Division of
    (Indian Affairs) 75.14.5
Management Research, Division of (Interior Secretary) 48.5.8
Management Review Division (Housing Authority) 196.3
Management Service Division (Rural Electrification
    Administration) 221.3.10
Management Services, Bureau of (Civil Service Commission) 146.3.4
Management Services Division (NASA) 255.4.7
Management Services, Office of (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.5
Management Services, Office of (OWI) 208.2.5
Management Support Directorate (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.10
"Management Survey Team" (General Services Administration) 269.9
Management Systems Division (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.6
Management Systems Staff (General Services Administration) 269.8
Manasquan Inlet, NJ, Coast Guard Station 26.6.3
Manassas National Military Park 79.6.6
Manassas, VA (photographs) 77.2.5
U.S.S. Manayunk 19.3.4
Manchester, IA 22.15.3
Manchester, NH 252.4.1
Manchester, NH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.29
    Japanese activities 59.5.2
    maps 59.5.1
    reparations commission 59.5.1
Mandan, ND, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.18
Maneuver Director's Headquarters (2d Army) 338.9.2
Maneuver Headquarters (1st Army) 338.9.1
maneuvers 394.2.1, 394.2.2, 394.2.4, 394.2.6, 394.2.8, 394.2.9
manganese 70.12.3
S.S. Manhattan 32.5.14
"Manhattan District History" 77.11.1
Manhattan Engineer District
    Armed Forces Special Weapons Project 374.3
    Atomic Energy Commission records 326.2.1, 326.3.1
    civilian employee wages 335.11.3
    field offices 77.11.4
    Headquarters Office 77.11.3
    Scientific Research and Development Office records 227.3.1
Manhattan, NY, internal revenue collection district 58.5.32
Manhattan Project
    Commanding General's Office 77.11.1
    Fermi records 326.5.7
    field offices 77.11.2
    photographs 77.11.1, 434.4.3
Manila Bay, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Manila Pact 333.7
Manila, Philippine Islands
        Army Philippines commands 395.14.1
        harbor projects 350.2
    newspapers 350.5
    U.S. Army posts 395.14.1
        hospitals 112.5.5
        Medical Supply Depot 112.5.6
    U.S. Commissioner's residence 48.4.7
    U.S. official visitors (sound recordings) 306.9
Manila, PI, Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.39.7
Manila, PI, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.27
Manila, PI, Regional Service Center
   (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Manila Railroad Co. 350.3
Manion, Clarence E. 220.9.2
Manistee, MI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
Manitou (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Manitou Experimental Forest, CO 95.10.8
Mankato, KS, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.3
Mankato, MN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.25.2
Mankato, MN, Division (District Court) 21.25.1
Mann-Elkins Act (1910) 172.1, 173.3
Mann, John W. 248.3.3
Mann White Slave Act (1910) 60.3.4
Manned Space Flight, Associate Administrator for (NASA) 255.12
Manner of Doing Business in the Treasury Department, Committee
     Appointed To Investigate the 56.15.2
Manning and Equipment Division (Air Force Headquarters) 341.10.5
Manning of the Merchant Marine, Committee on 32.2.2
"Manpower Action Programs" (video recording) 403.4
Manpower Administration
    headquarters records 369.2
    regional records 369.3
Manpower Analysis Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.7
Manpower and Materials Division (Defense Transportation Office)
Manpower and Organization Branch (Armed Forces Special Weapons
    Project) 374.3.9
Manpower and Organization, Director of 341.10.5
Manpower and Reserve Forces, Assistant Secretary of the Army for
Manpower and Veterans Affairs Division (War Mobilization and
    Reconversion) 250.3.5
Manpower, Assistant Secretary for (Labor Department) 174.3.4
Manpower Control Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Manpower Development and Training Act (1962) 174.5.3
Manpower Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Manpower Division (Air Force HQ) 341.10.4;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.7, 260.7.1, 260.7.4, 260.7.5;
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.4;
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.7.2, 253.7.3
Manpower Group (Army Staff) 319.7.4
Manpower Office (NASA) 255.4.3;
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.9
Manpower, Personnel, and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of
    Defense for 330.5
Manpower Priorities Committees (War Manpower Commission) 224.2
Manpower Programs Subcommittee (Urban Housing Committee) 220.14.19
Manpower Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1, 253.6.5
Manpower Subcommittee (Heart Disease Commission) 220.14.3
Manpower Utilization, Bureau of (War Manpower Commission) 211.21
Manpower Utilization, Division of
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.23.13
Manpower Utilization, Office of (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.5
Mansfield, McMurray, and Cornish 75.12.1
Mantoloking, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Mantua Creek 77.10.44
Manual of Budget Administration (Air Force) 341.8
Manufactured Dairy Products Section
    (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Manufacturers, Committee on (Senate) 46.9
Manufactures, Censuses of 29.2.3, 29.3.6, 29.6.4,
      29.6.5, 29.8.3, 38.4.16
    historical file 29.6.4
Manufactures, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.9
manufacturing SEE industry
Manufacturing Branch (Ordnance--Detroit) 156.7.20
Manufacturing Division (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.8
Manufacturing Inspection Section
     (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.7
Manufacturing Service (Ordnance Department) 156.7.12
    DC court records 21.10.1
Manzanar, CA, Relocation Center 49.12, 49.17, 210.3.4
Manzanillo, Cuba 395.11.5
Map Analysis, Division of (Army Map Service) 77.12.3
Map Division (OSS) 226.6.4
Map Intelligence and Cartography, Division of 59.3.10
Map Survey Section (SHAEF) 331.3.6
Maple (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Maple Island 77.10.52
Mapleton, KS, land office 49.9.12
mapping SEE cartography
Mapping Service Section (Rural Electrification Administration)
Mapping Services Branch (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.11
Maps and Graphs Division (Foreign Economic Administration)
Maps and Surveys Division (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.11
Maraki Island 313.4.4
Maramec River, MO 77.10.52
marble building materials 42.13.2, 42.13.4
Marble Canyon National Monument 79.7.6
Marblehead, MA 36.3.1
Marblehead, OH, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
Marburg, Germany, Office (Military Government for Germany)
"Marc Peter Reports" 171.4.7
March Field, CA 18.9.1
March, Michael S. 220.23
Marcus Island Coast Guard LORAN Station 26.6.11
Marcy, Mildred K. 220.16.2
Mardian, Robert 460.5.1
Mare Island, CA (aerial photographs) 181.3.3
Mare Island, CA, Group (Pacific Reserve Fleet) 181.15.31
Mare Island, CA, Naval Hospital 52.6
Mare Island, CA, Navy Yard 45.6, 71.6, 181.3.3
Mare Island-Vallejo, CA, Area Commander
    (San Francisco Naval Base) 181.4.11
Margolis, Howard 220.11.2
Mariana, FL, Division (Confederate District Court) 21.11.3
Mariana, FL, Division (District Court) 21.11.1
Mariana Islands SEE ALSO Northern Mariana Islands
    aerial photographs 239.3
    cultural resource protection 239.3
    economic intelligence maps 169.8.2
    Manhattan Project records 77.11.1
    maps and charts 59.6
    Naval Operations 38.3.2
    U.S. naval operations 38.4.16, 313.6.6, 313.6.7
Marianas-Bonins Command (Army) 338.8
Mariano Clothing Depot, Cuba 395.11.5
Marietta, PA, Army Transportation Depot 336.3.2
marijuana 220.15.24
Marin County, CA 171.5.4
Marine Aids to Navigation, International Conference on 43.2.50
Marine Air Group 33 313.5.8
Marine Aircraft units 127.8
Marine and Dock Industrial Relations Division 32.2.4
Marine and Seamen's Insurance Division
   (War Risk Insurance Bureau) 15.4.3
Marine Artillery 393.15
Marine Band, U.S.
    White House performances 42.3.3
Marine Barracks 127.6.1, 127.6.2
Marine Board 26.5.11
marine casualty investigation boards 41.6.1
Marine Chart Division (National Ocean Service) 370.9
Marine Committee (Continental, Confederation Congresses) 360.2.5,
Marine Conference (1918) 32.2.4
Marine Corps Air Stations 127.7.3
Marine Corps, Confederate 109.10.4, 109.14.1
Marine Corps, Records of the United States (RG 127)
    Adjutant and Inspector's Department 127.3
    administrative history 127.1
    barracks and shore establishments 127.6
    cartographic records 127.9
    Commandant's Office 127.2
    expeditionary forces and detachments 127.7
    marine units 127.8
    motion pictures 127.10
    Paymaster's Department 127.4
    Quartermaster's Department 127.5
    sound recordings 127.11
    still pictures 127.12
Marine Corps School 330.7.5
Marine Corps, U.S.
    aerial photography trainees 72.8
    equal employment opportunity 220.7.8
    intelligence summaries 38.4.8
    medical records 94.12.3
    naval operating forces 313.5.3
    Navy Department records 80.2.1, 80.2.3
        lists 24.6.4
        photographs 24.3.1, 38.8
    Philadelphia Navy Yard exhibit (photographs) 80.11
    recruiting broadcasts 127.11
    Samoan damage claims 284.3.2
    Second Seminole War 45.2.5
    seized Grenadan records 242.24
    Treasury accounts 217.9.4
    Vietnam War operations 319.20.4
    World War II
        combat (sound recordings) 38.3.5
        servicewomen (photographs) 80.11
Marine Division (Weather Bureau) 27.5.5, 27.5.6
Marine Engineering Division (Coast Guard) 26.5.6
marine hospital fund 90.2.3
Marine Hospital Service
    accounts 39.2.1
    employees 56.3.2, 56.3.3, 56.3.5
marine hospitals
    accounts 36.3.1, 90.2.3, 217.6.2
    architectural plans 121.6
    records, patient records 90.3.3
Marine Hospitals Division (Public Health Service) 90.3.3
Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of 26.5.1, 26.5.2
Marine Inspection and Navigation, Records of the Bureau of
       (RG 41)
    administrative history 41.1
    cartographic records 41.8
    Navigation Bureau
        field records 41.5
        headquarters records 41.4
    records 41.6
    Shipping Service 41.7
    Steamboat Inspection Service
        field records 41.3
        headquarters records 41.2
    still pictures 41.9
Marine Inspection Offices (Coast Guard) 26.6.3-26.6.6
marine insurance
    Maritime Commission 178.2.4, 178.5
    Shipping Board 32.1, 32.2.7, 32.4.6
    Steamboat Inspection Service survey 41.3.9
    war risk 56.14.3, 190
Marine Investigation Boards
   (Marine Inspection and Navigation Bureau) 41.6.3
marine life SEE fish
marine mammals SEE seals; whales
Marine Meteorology, Division of (Hydrographic Office) 37.4.2
Marine Officer's School 127.6.3
Marine Provisional Batallion 127.7.3
marine railways 71.2.5
Marine Resources and Development Act (1966) 220.14.13, 303.1
Marine Resources and Engineering, National Council of 303
Marine Safety Council 26.5.4
Marine Safety Offices (Coast Guard) 26.6.2, 26.6.5, 26.6.6,
     26.6.8, 26.6.9, 26.6.11
Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, Commission on
Marine Section (War Risk Insurance Bureau) 15.4.3
Marine Society of New York 90.4.37
Marine Traffic Control System (Panama Canal) 185.8
Marine Transportation Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
marine worms 45.4.1
Marion, IA, land office 49.9.11
Marion, IN, soldiers' home 15.3
Marion, OH, Depot (Army Engineers) 77.16.2
Marion, VA 393.7, 393.14
marionette projects 69.5.4
Mariposa (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3, 26.6.7
Maritime Act (1981) 357.1, 398.2
Maritime Administration, Records of the (RG 357)
    administrative history 357.1
    headquarters records 357.2
    Western Regional Office 357.3
Maritime Authority, U.S. 248.3.3
maritime affairs SEE shipping
Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua 185.5.2, 185.4
Maritime Commission, Records of the United States (RG 178)
    administrative history 178.1
    cartographic records 178.11
    Construction Division 178.6
    Finance Bureau 178.5
    general records 178.2
    motion pictures 178.12
    Operations Division 178.4
    Production Division 178.8
    Regulations Division 178.3
    Research and Statistics Division 178.9
    San Francisco field office 178.10
    sound recordings 178.13
    still pictures 178.14
    Surplus Property Division 178.7
Maritime Division (Staff) (Smaller War Plants Corporation)
Maritime Labor Board, Records of the (RG 157)
    administrative history 157.1
    records 157.2
Maritime Ports and Shipping Branch (Military Government for
    Germany) 260.4.8
Maritime Quarantine Division (Public Health Service) 90.3.4
Maritime Section (Reparations Commission) 43.11.11
Maritime Security, Division of (Hydrographic Office) 37.4.2
Maritime Service, U.S. 26.5.2
Maritime Subsidy Program, Subcommittee to Study the (Senate) 46.9
Maritime Unit (OSS) 226.13, 226.17.3, 226.17.5, 226.17.6, 226.18
Maritime War Emergency Board 248.4, 248.5
"Maritime War Emergency Board Decisions" 248.5
"Maritime War Emergency Board Weekly Bulletins" 248.5
Mark 15 (Norden) bombsight 80.3.4
Mark Twain (packet boat) 91.4
Mark Twain National Forest, MO 95.11.4
marker buoys 227.5.3
Market News Branch (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.2-136.11.4, 136.11.6
Market News Branch (Consumer and Marketing Service) 136.12
Market Square Park, Washington, DC 220.15.35
Marketing Agreements, Division of
   (Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation) 124.2.6
Marketing and Marketing Agreements, Division of
   (Surplus Marketing Administration) 124.3, 136.5
Marketing and Operations, Branch of (Interior Secretary) 48.5.10
Marketing and Transportation Research, Division of
   (Agricultural Economics) 83.4.6
Marketing Branch (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.5
Marketing Division (1985 Inaugural Committee) 274.12; (1989
   Inaugural Committee) 274.13; (National Bituminous Coal
   Division) 222.2.2
Marketing Facilities Branch ([Food] Distribution Office) 136.8.5
Marketing Laws Survey (WPA) 151.4
Marketing Laws Unit (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.4
Marketing Research and Service Division
   (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.6
Marketing Research Division
   (Agricultural Marketing Service) 136.11.6
Markets and Crop Estimates, Bureau of 83.2
Markets, Bureau (Office) of
   (Agriculture Department) 83.2, 136.2.1
Markham, IL 29.8.3
Markland, IN, locks and dam 77.10.26
Marquesas Islands 22.3.3
Marquette, MI
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Marquette, MI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
Marquette, MI, Division (Circuit Court) 21.24.5
Marquette, MI, Division (District Court) 21.24.4
Marquette, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
marriage SEE ALSO divorce
    census records 29.5.2
marriage records
    Air Force chaplains 341.9
    Army chaplains 247.2.1
    Army posts 94.12.3
    DC licenses 21.10.1
    freedmen's certificates 105.2
    Indians 75.16.5, 75.19.3, 75.19.10, 75.19.35, 75.19.54,
      75.19.70, 75.19.73, 75.19.81, 75.19.115, 75.19.126
        white intermarriage 75.19.35, 75.23.3
    U.S. citizens abroad 84.2, 84.3
Marriott, J. Willard 274.8, 274.9
Mars (maps) 77.12.3
Marschner, Francis 83.4.5
"Marsden Permanent Files" 114.5.3
Marseilles, France 120.8.1
Marsh, Harold, Jr. 220.15.18
Marsh, Othniel Charles 57.4.1
Marshal (Supreme Court) 267.5
Marshall, Burke 60.8, 220.14.14
Marshall, George C., Jr. 59.5.1, 330.7.2, 334.2, 338.4.5
Marshall, James C. 77.11
Marshall, John 79.4.8, 79.13.1, 267.3.1
Marshall, John, Jr. 103.3.2
Marshall Islands
    photographs 22.3.3, 38.4.16, 74.7
    U.S. naval operations 38.3.2, 313.6.3-313.6.9
Marshall, L.C. 174.3.7
Marshall Plan SEE European Recovery Program
Marshall, Ray 174.3.1
Marshall, Robert B. 79.2
Marshall Space Flight Center 255.4.3, 255.4.7
Marshall, TX, Division (District Court) 21.46.3
Marshall, TX, internal revenue collection district 58.5.43
Marshalltown, IA, internal revenue collection district 58.5.15
marshals, Confederate 365.13.2
Marshal's Office (war crimes trials) 260.5.2
marshals, U.S.
    appointments 130.2.5
    census enumerators 29.2.1
    Commerce Court 172.2
    district courts
        Indiana 21.16.3
        Kentucky 21.19.3
    Justice Department records 60.3.3, 60.5.3
        deputies' commissions 60.16.2
        personnel records 60.16.1
    parole boards 129.3
    records 118.47
    steamboat inspection cases 41.3.4
    Treasury accounts 217.6.3
    Treasury Solicitor correspondence 206.2, 206.5
Mars-sur-Allier, France 120.8.2
martial law
    World War II Hawaii 118.11
Martin, A.H., Jr. 151.4
Martin, Elbert 332.3.3
Martin, Glenn L. 18.13
Martin, Jewell D. 75.19.73
Martin, John B. 220.24
Martin, Lawrence 59.3.10
Martin-Mitchell controversy 153.2.5
Martin, Pete 252.4.4
Martin, Preston 195.2.1
Martin, SD 22.15.3
Martinez, Eugenio R. 460.4.1, 460.4.2
    harbor charts 80.7.2
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.3, 84.4
Martinsburg, WV, Division (Circuit Court) 21.51.2
Martinsburg, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
"Mary Ann" incident 319.11
Mary Gregory Memorial School 75.19.50
Mary Island, AK 36.3.1
U.S.S. Maryland 181.18, 313.4.2
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    Army Engineers projects 77.10.64
    C & O Canal 79.12.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.5
        attorneys, U.S. 118.19
        district courts 21.22
    food administration 4.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    land, subdivision 351.4
        Army Engineers 77.10.4
        land classification 164.4
        National Capital Planning Commission 328.3
        property surveys 31.2.2
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    monuments and parks 79.6.6
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Confederate memorials 92.10.2
        fisheries 22.4.4
        housing projects 302.3
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    redevelopment projects (motion pictures) 328.4
    rent control 252.4.2, 252.4.9
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    slave claims commission 94.9.2
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.9, 114.12.3, 114.14.3
    soil survey 54.5.4
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.20
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.4
        manpower 211.23.5
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.4.2, 69.6.1
Maryland, Department of (Army) 393.4
Maryland, District of Eastern Shore of (Army) 393.5, 393.9
Maryland School for the Blind 48.4.6
Maryland State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.9
Maryland Steel Co. 156.13
Maryland, U.S. Attorney for 118.19
Maryland, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.22.2
Maryland, U.S. District Court for 21.22.1
Marysville, CA, land office 49.9.5, 49.13.3
Marysville, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Mascoutah, IL 412.8
Mashburn, Lloyd A. 174.3.2
Maslow, Will 228.4.3
Masonry Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
    New York Navy Yard 181.3.5
Masqueraders 405.3.3
Mass and Scale Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.1
Mass-Length and Volume Section (National Bureau of Standards)
Mass Media Conference (Violence Commission) 220.13.1
Massabesec Experimental Forest, ME 95.10.3
U.S.S. Massachusetts 313.9.3
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.2
        attorneys, U.S. 118.20
        district courts 21.23
    federal prisoners 129.2.1
    food administration 4.3
    geographic names 324.2
    maps and charts
        calorie consumption 4.2.3
        geology 57.10.1
        harbor, channel surveys 77.10.5
        property surveys 31.2.2
        reservoirs 77.10.47
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1
        American Guide 69.5.5
        CCC work 35.3.2
        fisheries 22.4.4
        housing developments 207.14
        hurricane, flood damage 69.10
        naval shipbuilding 80.11
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    rent control 252.4.1
    Revolutionary War records 93.2.2
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.21
    western lands cession 360.3.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.1
        manpower 211.23.2
        price controls, rationing 188.11.1, 188.11.2
    WPA, federal relief projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
        rural rehabilitation 69.3.9
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Materials Policy Commission forum (sound recordings) 220.15.23
Military Aeronautics School 18.9.2
Radiation Laboratory 227.10.1
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont, District of (Army)
     393.4, 393.5
Massachusetts, Office of the State Administrator for
   (National Youth Administration) 119.6.1
Massachusetts State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.12
Massachusetts State Loan Office (Treasury Department) 53.3.2
Massachusetts, U.S. Attorney for 118.20
Massachusetts, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.23.2
Massachusetts, U.S. District Court for 21.23.1
Massachusetts WPA 69.6.2
Massachusetts Writers' Project 69.5.5
"Massacre at My Lai" (sound recordings) 319.28
Massena, NY 36.3.1
Master Radio Division (OWI) 208.6.2
Mastery of Space (motion picture) 255.9
Masursky, Harold 57.10.3
Matagalpa, District of, Nicaragua 127.7.2
Matagorda Peninsular, TX 393.4, 393.11.1
Matamoros, Mexico 94.2.5
Matanuska, AK, agricultural experiment substation 164.3.1
Matanuska Valley Colony, AK 69.3.9, 126.5.1, 126.11
Matanzas and Santa Clara, Department of (Army) 395.11.3
Matanzas, Cuba 395.5.3, 395.11.5
Matanzas, District of 395.11.4
Material Coordinating Committee
   (Combined Production and Resources Board) 179.4
Material, Director of (San Diego Naval District) 181.2.10
Material Disposal and Salvage Division (Air Service) 18.5.3
Material Division (Air Corps) 18.5.3
Material Laboratory (New York Navy Yard) 181.3.5
Material Needs and the Environment Today and Tomorrow 220.15.23
Material Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.3, 313.4.5
Material Order Section (Navy Department) 80.6
Material Structures and Engineering Branch (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Material Support, Deputy for
    (Air Technical Intelligence Center) 341.11.4
Materials Accounting Staff (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Materials and Equipment Division
   (Defense Electric Power Administration) 327.3.2
Materials and Equipment, Division of
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.5.4
Materials and Facilities, Office of
   (War Food Administration) 136.9.1
Materials and Products Branch (Lend-Lease Administration) 169.3.4
Materials and Products Division
   (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
"Materials at Risk: the Preservation Challenge" (slides, soundtrack) 64.6, 64.16
Materials Coordinating Committee (Petroleum Administration for
     War) 253.4.3
Materials Division (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.6
Materials Division (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.2,
Materials Evaluation Division (National Bureau of Standards)
Materials Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Materials, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.5
Materials Policy Commission, President's 220.7.14
Materials Resources, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
Materials Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Materials Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2,
Materials, Vice Chairman for (Munitions Board) 330.13.5
Materiel and Services Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.6
Materiel, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for 340.4, 340.7
Materiel Atomic Energy Group (Air Force HQ) 341.12.5
Materiel, Deputy Chief of Air Staff for 341.12
Materiel, Director of (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
Materiel Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.4
Materiel Maintenance Division (Army Staff) 319.15.2
Materiel Program Control, Assistant for 341.12.2
Materiel Programs, Deputy Undersecretary of the Air Force for
Materiel Requirements Review Committee 319.25.4
Materiel Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.2
Mathematica, Inc. 12.2.10
Mathematical Sciences, Department of (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Mather Field, CA 18.9.1
Mather, H.T. 253.6.4
Mather, Stephen T. 79.2, 79.16, 79.17
Mathews, Elbert G. 273.1
Mathews, Forrest David 235.3.1
Mathews, Francis P. 428.2.1
Matthews, H. Freeman 59.3.4, 333.6
Matthias, Franklin T. 77.11.1
Mattoon, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Mattress Covers, Code Authority for (National Recovery
     Administration) 9.9
mattress-making 69.3.4
Maui, HI
    naval stations 181.11.10, 313.6.6
Mauna Loa Observatory 370.3.4
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Maury, Matthew Fontaine 27.5.5, 37.3, 37.4.3, 78.2
Mauthausen Concentration Camp, Austria 238.3.3
Maverick, Maury 240.2.2
Maximum Average Price program 188.11.6, 188.12.6, 188.13.5,
     188.14.6, 188.16.6, 188.17.6, 188.18.6
Maxwell Air Force Base (Field), AL 18.9.1, 342.2, 342.5
Maxwell, George H. 115.6.2
May Day Parade (motion picture) 319.12.2
Mayaguez, PR, Agricultural Experiment Station 54.3.17, 164.3.3,
Mayari Barracks, Cuba 395.11.5
Mayari, District of (Army) 395.11.4
Mayer, Rene 43.10.17
Mayer, William E. 112.7
Mayfield, M.L. 253.7.3
Maynard, MA 338.11.6
Mayor, Office of the (DC Government) 351.2.1
Mayport, FL, Coast Guard Base 26.6.5
Maysville, KY, office (Army Engineers) 77.10.10
McAdoo, William G. 14.2
McAlester, OK, District Mining Engineer 57.10.2
McAllister, Walter W. 195.2.1
McAuliffe, Anthony C. 208.5.3
McAuliffe, S. Christa 255.7.3
McAvoy, Paul 459.3.3
McBride, Don 142.3.2
McBride, Thomas 460.7
McCall, G.G. 54.4
McCallum, Daniel C. 92.6.1
McCallum, Gordon E. 412.2.1
McCarran Internal Security Act (1950) 220.6, 278.2.2, 278.3.1
McCarthy, Joseph R. 46.13, 335.3.2, 335.3.3
McCaskill, J.C. 48.5.12, 75.5.2
McCaw General Hospital 338.2.2
McChesney, Charles E. 75.19.73
McCleish, E.E. 151.4
McClellan, George B. 42.3.4, 94.13, 108.2
McClellan, John L. 46.13
McClellan Statue Commission 42.12
McClelland, Roswell D. 220.5.11
McClintock, Robert 59.5.2
McCloy, John J. 107.4.1, 238.6, 260.3, 466.2.1
McColough, C. Peter 220.18.11
McCone, John A. 326.2.2, 330.2.4
McConnell, William J. 75.14.7
McCook Field, OH 18.9.1
McCook, NE, Division (Circuit Court) 21.29.3
McCook, NE, Division (District Court) 21.29.2
McCook, NE, land office 49.9.17
McCord, James W., Jr. 460.4.1, 460.4.2
McCormick County, SC 57.3.2
McCormick, Thomas F. 75.19.73
McCowan, S.M. 75.20.8
McCoy, Frank 43.11.13
McCoy, Frank T. 340.5
"McCoy Law" 43.11.12
McCrory, Samuel H. 8.4, 54.3.1, 97.4
McCully, N.A. 38.4.3
McDermott, Albert L. 174.3.6
McDonald, Marshall 22.3.1
McDonald Ranch House 434.3.5
McDonough, B.F. 109.10.11
McDonough, Lawrence L. 220.17.9
McDowell, Irvin 159.4
McElroy, Neil H. 220.15.9
McEwen, G. Hiram 29.5.5
McFadden, George 182.9.3
McFarlane, Noel Mason 331.30
McGarraghy, Joseph C. 274.4
McGill, William 220.18.20
McGinnis, Harold A. 18.8
McGrady, Edward F. 107.3.2
McGrath Pass, AK 49.13.1
McGregor, IA, CCC camp 114.8.1
McGuire, E. Perkins 220.15.5
McGuire, John R. 95.2.1
McIntire, Ross T. 220.7.7
McIntosh County, GA 90.13
McIntyre, H.H. 36.4
McKay, Douglas 48.2, 315.2
McKay, James C. 449.7, 449.8
McKean, Thomas 360.2.1
McKee, Harley J. 515.4.2
McKee, William F. 255.3
McKellar, Kenneth D. 220.7.10
McKernan, Donald L. 22.12.6
McKinley, William
    assassination 87.2
    Panama Canal 185.4
McKittrick, CA 80.5.1
McLaughlin, Charles V. 174.3.4
McLaws, Lafayette 109.13.2
McLean County, IL 29.8.3
McLean, John 267.3.1
McMahon, Brien 128.4
McMahon, Stephen J., Jr. 296.3
McMillan Commission 42.4
McMillan, Edwin 326.5.7, 434.4.2
McMinn, Joseph 75.19.8
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica 307.5.2
McMurdo Sound Station, Antarctica 307.5.2
McMurray, Joseph 195.2.1
McMurry, Frank B. 22.17.1
McMurtrey, J.E. 54.3.21
McNair, Lesley J. 337.2, 337.3, 337.12
McNair, Ronald E. 255.7.3
McNarney, Joseph T. 260.3
McNeill Island Penitentiary, WA 129.5
McNenny National Fish Hatchery 22.15.3
McNutt, Paul V. 12.2.1, 211.3, 228.2
McPherson, Archibald T. 167.3.2
McPherson Barracks, GA 393.7
McPherson Hospital, Vicksburg, MS 393.13.9
McPherson, James B. 42.3.4
McQuigg, Henry J. 75.19.73
Meacham, Alfred B. 75.25
Mead Committee 250.3.11
Mead, Wilfred J. 35.3.2, 54.7
Meade Memorial Commission 42.12
Meany, George 432.2.9
Measurements, Office of 95.7.1
    grading procedures 136.2.4
    price controls 60.11.2, 188.3.6
        photographs 188.16.5
    Utah production census 29.2.2
Meat Control Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.5
Meat Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Meat Enforcement Branch (Price Administration) 188.6.8
meat inspection
    Agriculture Solicitor case files 16.5.2
    Food Safety and Quality Service 462.3
meat packers
    Agricultural Economics Bureau survey 136.2.4
    Agriculture legal records 16.5.2
    case files 136.3.1
    labor dispute investigation 280.4.1
    postwar government seizure 16.10.3
    rationing case files 188.18.7
Meat Packing Commission 202.6.3
Meat Rationing Branch (Price Administration) 188.9.5
Meat Section (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Meats, Fish, Fats and Oils Price Branch
    (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Mechanical Advisory Committee (Federal Coordinator of
    Transportation) 133.6
Mechanical Equipment Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Mechanical Inspector (Chinese Eastern Railway) 43.11.10
Mechanical Shops Section (National Youth Administration) 119.4.4
Mechanics Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.5
Mechanics Regiments (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.5.1
Mechanized Cavalry Board 177.4
Medal for Merit 130.3.6
Medal for Merit Boards 130.3.6
The Medal of Honor of the United States Army 319.4.3
    mint records 104.2.4, 104.3.4, 104.4.4
        motion picture 104.8
    photographs 24.12, 38.4.16, 66.4
    Presidential inaugurals 274.2-274.9
Medals, Board of Decorations and (Navy Department) 80.7.3
Medford, OR, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.6
media SEE news media
Media, Conference on (Civil Disorders Commission) 220.11.3
Media Programming Division (War Mobilization and Reconversion)
Media Task Force (Violence Commission) 220.13.2
Mediation and Conciliation, U.S. Board of 13.4
Mediation, Board of 13.6
Medical Advisory Board 70.9, 171.4.6
Medical Advisory Group (MAC Vietnam) 472.4.8
Medical and Educational Division (Indian Affairs) 75.10.1
Medical and Public Affairs, Department of
   (George Washington University) 511.2.1
Medical and Surgical Services, Chief of (St. Elizabeths Hospital) 418.4.3
Medical Board (Military Academy) 404.13
Medical Board (National Institutes of Health Clinical Center) 443.3.4
Medical Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.25.1
Medical Branch (SHAEF) 331.8.2
medical cadets 94.12.4
medical care SEE health and medical care; military medical
Medical Care and Public Health Service in the Resettlement
    Administration, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Medical Care of Dependents of Military Personnel, Citizen
    Advisory Commission on 330.5.1
Medical Care, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Medical Care Utilization Study 510.2
"Medical Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Medical Casual Detachment (2d Army) 338.9.2
medical claims 217.7.4
Medical Consultants Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Medical Corps 211.20
Medical Department (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.7;
    (MAC Thailand) 472.8;
    (Military Mission to Berlin) 120.14.6;
    (Shipping Board) 41.7
Medical Department Activity (Military Academy) 404.13
Medical Department, Confederate 109.8
medical depots 112.5.6, 338.11.4
medical devices
    photographs 52.7
    regulation 88.7
    veterans' prosthetic appliances 15.8
Medical Division (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.6, 171.5.4;
    (Record and Pension Office) 94.12.1;
    (SHAEF) 331.4.3
Medical Division, Paymaster, Ordnance, and (Second Auditor) 217.7.3
medical education and training
    Area Resource File 512.3.1
    federal-state programs 90.8
    motion pictures 80.10
    neuropsychology course 418.4.3
    student nurse training 75.19.92
Medical Education for National Defense Program, Office of
     the National Coordinator of the 334.24
medical equipment and supplies
    Air Surgeon General 341.6
    Army field depots 391.6.2
    Army reports 94.12.5
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.5
    Confederate records 109.8.3, 109.8.5
    Food and Drug Administration 88.7
    Indian agencies 75.19.3
    Indian school property 75.20.14
    Marine Hospitals Division 90.3.3
    National Defense Council 62.4.2
    postwar Italy 331.22.2
medical ethics 220.18.19
Medical Field Service School 112.5.7
Medical History Division (Army Staff) 319.20.6
Medical Materiel Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.18
Medical Office (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.2
Medical Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.3, 313.4.5
Medical Officer (New York Navy Yard) 181.3.5
medical officers and units SEE ALSO headings beginning with
    Army Examining Boards 112.4
    Confederate officers 109.8.1, 109.8.2, 109.8.5
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.3.2, 105.5
    histories 319.20.6, 472.5.18
    Naval Academy 405.5.1
    personnel records
        Adjutant General's Office 94.12.3, 94.12.4
        Army Surgeon General 112.2.3
        naval officers 52.2.2
    Regular Army 391.6.3
        Panama Canal Department 395.13.1
        Philippine Department 395.14.1
    unit mobilization plans 319.20.6
    Vietnam War 472.7.4, 472.7.6
    World War I 120.7.7, 391.6.2
    World War II war diary 331.4.3
Medical Purveyors, Confederate 109.8.3
medical records SEE ALSO hospital patient records
    Army personnel 94.2.3
    Indian families 75.19.53
    NIH systems 443.3.4
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.2, 110.3.1
Medical Records and Statistics Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.18
Medical Records Branch (St. Elizabeths Hospital) 418.4.1
Medical Regiments 391.6.3
medical research
    aviation medicine 341.6
    Food and Drug Administration 88.7
    Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (motion pictures) 326.5.7
    National Institutes of Health 443
    Navy activities (photographs) 52.7
    privacy issues 220.18.16
    Public Health Service 90.2
    war crimes 338.7.2
Medical Research, Adviser on (Scientific Research Board) 220.7.1
Medical Research, Committee on
   (Scientific Research and Development) 227.4.3, 227.6, 227.7.2
Medical Research on Aging, Interagency Review of 443.10
Medical Reserve Corps 62.4.2
Medical Science, Division of (National Research Council) 52.3.1
Medical Section (I Concentration Command) 18.9.5;
    (1st Army) 338.9.1; (2d Army) 338.9.2;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2;
    (Council for National Defense) 62.4.1;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.3, 338.5.8;
    (SHAEF) 331.9.3
Medical Service Veterinary School (Army) 338.11.8
Medical Services, Bureau of (Public Health Service) 90.7
Medical Services Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.50.2
Medical Services Office (OSS) 226.3.6, 226.17.5, 226.18
medical societies 62.4.1, 62.11.1
Medical Statistics Division (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
medical supplies SEE medical equipment and supplies
Medical Supply Section (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Medical Supply Unit 2 391.6.2
Medical Survey Group 245.6
Medicare 47.4, 47.4.2
Medicare: Health Insurance for People 65 and Older (motion
    picture) 47.4.2
medicine SEE drugs and pharmaceuticals
Medicine and Biological and Behaviorial Research, President's
    Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in 220.18.19
Medicine and Hygiene Committee
   (Council for National Defense) 62.4.1
Medicine and Sanitation Committee
   (Council for National Defense) 62.4
Medicine and Surgery, Department of
   (San Francisco Navy Yard) 181.3.3
Medicine and Surgery, Records of the Bureau of (RG 52)
    administrative history 52.1
    cartographic records 52.6
    field records 52.4
    general records 52.2
    miscellaneous records 52.5
    office divisions 52.3
    still pictures 52.7
Medicine, Division of (Food and Drug Administration) 88.7
Medicine Division, Research and
   (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Mediterranean Air Transport Service (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Mediterranean Allied Air Committee (Allied Force HQ) 331.24
Mediterranean Allied Air Forces (Allied Force HQ) 331.26
Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Forces
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Mediterranean Allied Photographic Reconnaissance Wing
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.4
Mediterranean Army Interpretation Unit (Allied Force HQ) 331.16.3
Mediterranean Base Section (Mediterranean Theater) 338.3.2
Mediterranean Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Mediterranean fruit fly 7.3.1, 7.6
Mediterranean Fruit Fly Board 7.4
Mediterranean Joint Planning Staff (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.3
Mediterranean Photographic Intelligence Center
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.26.2
Mediterranean region
    economic intelligence 169.8.2
    naval intelligence reports 38.4.13
    OWI information files 208.4.2
    U.S. official visitors (photographs) 306.11
Mediterranean Theater of Operations
    aerial photographs 242.9.4
    air forces construction 18.7.4
    Allied Force HQ 331.16-331.32
    cultural resource protection 239.2
    war crimes trials 153.13.1
Mediterranean Theater of Operations U.S. Army 338.3.2
Mediterranean Theater of Operations U.S. Army Headquarters 332.5
Meese, Edwin III 449.5, 449.7, 449.8
"Meeting House--W. Kuhns with William Goode"
   (video recording) 220.18.16
Meigs, Montgomery C. 48.4.13, 92.3.4
Meiners, W.W. 32.5.12
Meinter, E.O. 57.6.7
Mekosukey Academy 75.20.22
Melbourne, Australia
    international expositions 43.12.5, 43.12.7
Melish, John 11.4.1
Mellen, William P. 366.2
Mellett, Lowell 44.4.1
Mellon (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.11
Mellon, Andrew W. 220.2
Melville Dollar (steamer) 22.4.1
Melville, Herman 56.3.1
Melville, RI, torpedo boat training center 181.5.6
Memorial Day ceremonies
    AEF in France, 1920 120.16
    Navy radio program 24.6.1
Memorial Division (Army Support Services) 410.3
Memorial Division (Quartermaster General) 92.8
memorials SEE historic sites and monuments
Memphis Child Abuse Committee 60.17.10
Memphis, TN
    Army commands 393.7, 393.9
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    customs collection 36.3.1
    housing discrimination (sound recordings) 453.2.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Memphis, TN, Defenses of 393.7
Memphis, TN, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.28;
    (Mississippi River Commission) 77.7.1;
    (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.3
Memphis, TN, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.8, 393.9
Memphis, TN, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.1-188.14.3, 188.14.7
Memphis, TN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.45.7
Memphis, TN, Division (District Court) 21.45.6
Memphis, TN, General Depot (Quartermaster General) 92.15.4
Memphis, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Memphis, TN, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.2
Memphis, TN, Naval Air Training Command 181.13.4
Memphis, TN, Navy Yard 71.2.5, 181.3.4
Memphis, TN, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Memphis, TN, Purchasing Agent (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.11.2
Memphis, TN, Supervising District (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.6
Memphis, TX, CCC camp 114.8.1
Memphremagogg, VT 36.3.1
"Men at Sea" (radio program) 178.13
"Men, Machines and Victory" (radio program) 179.7
Mendell, George H. 77.9.20
Mendocino National Forest, CA 95.9.4, 95.11.5
Menlo Park, CA, office (Geological Survey) 57.10.3
Menominee Garment Factory 75.16.6
Menominee Indian Agency 75.19.58
Menominee Indian Mills 75.16.6, 75.21.9
Menominee Indian Reservation, WI 48.4.1
Menominee Indians
    Claims Court case 75.16.6
    enrollment 75.19.49
    lands (maps) 75.21.9
Men's Clothing Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Men's Section (Price Administration) 188.7.5
mental competency actions
    DC courts 21.10.4
    Indian trust funds 75.12.4
mental health and illness
    Indian facilities
        Canton Asylum 75.21.3
        traveling clinic 75.10.1
    insane soldiers 94.2.7
    National Institute of Mental Health 511.2
    St. Elizabeths Hospital 418
Mental Health Council, National Advisory 511.2.4
Mental Health, President's Commission on 220.18.1
Mental Health Statistics, National Conference on 511.2.1
Mental Health Study Section 511.2.4
Merced River 114.10.12
Merchandise Warehouse Section
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.5.6
Merchandising Research Division
   (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.6
Merchant Fleet Corporation 32.3, 178.4
Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. 357.1
Merchant Marine Act (1936) 32.2, 157.1, 178.1, 357.2, 358.2,
Merchant Marine and Defense, Commission on 220.19
Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Committee on
   (House of Representatives) 32.4.1, 233.17
Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
Merchant Marine and Maritime Matters, Subcommittee on
    (Senate) 46.9
Merchant Marine Bulletin 41.6.1, 32.7
Merchant Marine Council 26.5.14
Merchant Marine Medal Awards Committee 248.2
Merchant Marine, President's Advisory Committee on the 220.7.4
Merchant Marine, Special Committee to Investigate
     Conditions in the American (Senate) 46.22.2
Merchant Marine Training and Education, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
merchant seamen SEE ALSO crew lists; shipping articles
    alien registration 85.2.5
    awards to foreign seamen 59.4.5
    casualties 41.6.3, 178.2.5
        World War I 41.7
    child labor 155.3.2
    Coast Guard districts 26.6.1-26.6.12
    consular lists 84.3
    destitution relief 217.10.1
    federal court cases 21.23.1
    impressment 59.5.2
    labor disputes 157
    marine hospitals 90.2.3, 90.3.3, 90.4.1-90.4.41
    naval intelligence 38.6.2
    Navigation Bureau 41.5
    photographs 41.7
    recreation, welfare services 248.4
    recruitment, training 41.7, 178.2.2, 178.12
        sound recordings 26.10
    service records 178.4
    Shipping Service 41.7
    State Department correspondence 59.2.3
    Steamboat Inspection Service 41.2.4
    war risk insurance 190.2, 248.5
    World War II 178.12, 178.13, 248.4, 331.17.2
Merchant Shipbuilding Corp. 34.4.11
    astronomical observations 78.3.2
    space program 255.4.7, 255.9, 255.13
Mercy, Arch 44.4.5
Meredith, Burgess 69.5.4
Meriden, CT
    naturalizations 21.8.3
Meridian Hill, DC, Depot Camp 393.13.7, 393.13.8
Meridian Hill Park 42.3.4, 42.7, 66.2.2
Meridian House International 220.16.1
Meridian, MS
    Army commands 393.7
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
Meridian, MS, Division (District Court) 21.26.3
Merit Systems Protection Board, Records of the (RG 479)
    administrative history 479.1
    appeals records 479.2
    machine-readable records 479.4
    sound recordings 479.3
Meriwether Lewis National Monument, TN 79.11.3
Merman, Ethel 28.13
Merriam, Robert E. 220.9.14
Merriam, William R. 29.2.4
Merrick, Samuel V. 174.3.6
Merrimac River (Knobbs Beach), MA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Merrimack River Basin 57.6.5
Merritt, Ella Arvilla 102.2.1
Mescalero Indian Agency 75.19.59
Me-Shin-Go-Me-Sia Band of Miami Indians 75.7.4
Mesilla, AZ 393.7
Mesoamerican art 66.4
meson experiments 326.5.7
Mesquite (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1, 26.6.7
Mesquite Falls, NM 114.4.5
Message Center (Allied Force HQ) 331.16.1
    armed forces couriers 334.23
    German World War I network (maps) 111.8
    mail messengers 28.4.4
    Quartermaster General 92.11.1
    training recordings 179.7
    Treasury employees 56.3.6
Messines, Battle of (aerial photographs) 120.3.2
Mesvres, France 120.8.2
Metabolic Diseases Council, National Advisory Arthritis and 443.9
Metalliferous Deposits Section (Geological Survey) 57.4.1
Metallurgical Branch (Mines) 70.12.1
Metallurgical Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.6.10
metallurgical plants
    employment and accident tables 70.4.2
    postwar Japan 331.49.2
    strategic materials 291.3.4, 291.4
metallurgical research 70.3.2, 227.5.3
Metallurgical Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5
    Atomic Energy Commission program 326.4.2
Metallurgy Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.18
Metallurgy Laboratory (Aeronautics Bureau) 72.4.1
    aircraft materials 72.4.5
    defense production 179.2.6, 179.2.8, 179.3, 277.2.2
    foreign resources (maps) 169.8.1
    foreign source shipments 234.5.1
    industry labor disputes 280.4.1
    metal-working wage survey 202.5.6
    mine safety 70.2.2, 70.4.2
    mint management 104.3.5
    ordnance testing 74.3.1, 156.9.18
    production (maps) 70.2.2, 70.4.4
Metals Accounting Branch (Price Administration) 188.5.5
Metals and Minerals Division (Commercial Company) 234.5.6
Metals and Minerals, Division of (Foreign and Domestic Commerce
    Bureau) 151.5
Metals Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Metals Reserve Company 234.5.1, 234.7.2
Metalworking Equipment Division (National Production Authority)
meteor reports 37.4.2
Meteorological Officer, Chief (Air Staff SHAEF) 331.13.2
Meteorological Research, Office of (Weather Bureau) 27.5.8
Meteorological Sub-Section (SHAEF) 331.3.6
meteorology SEE weather
Methadone Treatment Policy Review Board 429.6
Methodist Mission 75.19.50
Metlakahtla controversy 75.11.1
metrazol 418.4.1
Metric Board, U.S. 40.7.5
metric system 40.7.5
Metropolis, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
metropolitan areas SEE urban areas
Metropolitan Edison Co. 220.18.16
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 70.5.2
Metropolitan Police (DC Government) 351.5
Meuse-Argonne area (maps) 120.2.1, 120.3.2
Meuse-Argonne War Memorial 117.3.2
MEV synchrotron 326.5.7
Mexican-American Commission for Economic Cooperation 229.4.1,
    229.4.2, 229.5.1
Mexican Americans
    Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.4.2
Mexican Border Inspection Act 7.1
Mexican border program (Price Administration) 188.15.7
Mexican Border Project (Quartermaster General) 92.7.1
Mexican claims 153.2.8
Mexican Federal Stamp Office 141.4
Mexican fruit fly 310.5.4
Mexican Fruit Fly Control, Division of 7.5.12
Mexican Fruit Fly Laboratory 310.5.4
Mexican indemnity records 53.4.2
Mexican Kickapoo Indians 75.12.1, 75.19.98
Mexican land grants 49.3.4, 49.7.8
Mexican Punitive Expedition
    10th Cavalry diary 391.3.4
    Army records 395.7
    artworks 111.10
    claims 153.2.8
    maps 94.14
    photographs 94.16, 165.21
Mexican Relations Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Mexican Springs, NM 114.4.2
Mexican Technical Mission
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.2
Mexican War
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.4, 94.2.5
        muster rolls, returns 94.2.2
    Army Engineers (maps) 77.2.3
    artworks 111.10
    California, Texas volunteers 217.7.7
    cavalry units 391.3.3
    compiled military service records 94.12.2
    infantry units 391.5.3
    medical records 94.12.3
    pay accounts 217.9.5
    quartermaster activities 92.3.5
    rosters 217.7.3
Mexican War veterans
    bounty land warrants 49.3.2
    pensions, bounty-land claims 15.7.2
Mexican workers
    agricultural laborers photographs 54.7
    Bracero program 174.4.1
    World War II manpower 211.2, 211.19.3
        corn cultivation photographs 54.3.7
        plant quarantine 7.3.2
    airfields (aerial photographs) 165.21
    Amistad recreation area 79.9.1
    aphthosa control 16.7.2
    arms, munitions trade 59.5.2
    Chinese immigrant smuggling 85.2.4
    claims 76.4, 76.7
    FBI case files 65.2.2
    fisheries 22.3.4
    indemnity claims 39.2.3, 50.3
    livestock trade 154.3.10
        civil war 77.12.2
        Disturnell map 11.4.1, 59.6
        interocean canal routes 77.6.6
        military intelligence 165.4.1
        refugees 19.12
        U.S. Army Engineers 77.12.1
        U.S. International Tariff Commission 81.5
        U.S. Navy ships 19.12
    monetary exchange 104.3.6
    neutrality violations 65.2.2
    petroleum industry 70.2.2
        hydrographic survey 37.3
        Marine Corps 127.9
        Naval Operations 38.4.16
        views 226.22
        War Department General, Special Staffs 165.21
    scenic views 79.17
    UNESCO activities (motion pictures) 59.7
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army commands 394.2.8, 394.5, 395.6, 395.7
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Government of Veracruz 141
        railway missions 229.5.4, 229.5.5
        War Manpower Commission 211.19.3
    U.S. relations
        joint commission 43.11.9, 43.11.33
Mexico and Central America Expedition for Tobacco Seeds 54.3.17
Mexico City, Mexico
    Olympic games (photographs) 306.11
Mexico City, Mexico, Regional Service Center
   (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.3
Mexico Commission for Border Development and Friendship,
    U.S.- 43.11.33
Mexico Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.1
Mexico, MO 393.7
Mexico-U.S. boundary
    border area economic development commission 43.11.33
    boundary monuments (photographs) 77.22
    inspection stations 36.2.3
    international commissions 76.3
    maps 77.12.2
    Sabine River expedition 98.2.1
Meyer, Vincent 260.2.2
Meyers, Tedson J. 351.2.6
MG-2 tractor 337.11
MI-8 182.8.1
Miah Maull Shoal, NJ, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.3
Miami Beach, FL, Branch Office
   (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.10
Miami County, KS 393.11.2
Miami, FL
    civil disorders 220.13.2
    customs collection 36.3.1
    passenger arrival records 85.3.1
    rent control 252.4.4
    vessel crew lists 85.3.3
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Miami, FL, Army Transportation Office 336.3.2
Miami, FL, Coast Guard District 26.6.5
Miami, FL, Coast Guard Radio Station 26.6.5
Miami, FL, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.29
Miami, FL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.3,
Miami, FL, Division (District Court) 21.11.6
Miami, FL, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.5
Miami, FL, Naval Air Station 181.11.15
Miami, FL, Naval District 80.11, 181.2.6
Miami, FL, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Miami Indians 75.7.4, 75.19.88
mica 48.11, 57.4.3, 70.3.3, 70.11.3
Michel, Anthony L. 80.3.2
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    census schedules 29.8.2
    farm homes survey 176.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.7
        attorneys, U.S. 118.21
        district courts 21.24
    food administration 4.3
    Indian allotments 75.7.2
        CCC camp site plans 77.3.5
        forest types 95.10.2
        Indian reserves 49.3.6
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2,
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.4
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Army Air Forces 18.13
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        lead, copper lands 49.5
        private claims 49.3.4
        survey 57.10.2
    resettlement projects 96.4.2
    rent control 252.4.3
    rivers, harbors 77.10.30
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    schools 220.15.9
    surplus property disposal 103.7.6
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.22
    Work Incentive (WIN) program files 369.3.3
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.5
        manpower 211.23.6
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Michigan City, IN 77.10.6, 77.10.9
Michigan City, IN, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
Michigan, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Michigan, District of Indiana and (Army) 393.5
Michigan Interstate Highway 696 406.2.3
Michigan State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.13
Michigan State Office
   (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service) 145.7
Michigan Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.5
Michigan, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.21.2
Michigan, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.21.1
Michigan, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of 21.24.3
Michigan, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.24.5
Michigan, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.24.2
Michigan, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.24.4
Michigan, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.24.1
Michilimackinac Factory 75.3
Michilimackinac, MI
    customs collection 36.3.1
Michler, Nathaniel 77.18
Microfilming Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.32.1
microfilming projects
    Adjutant General's Office 407.6.3
    photographs 64.6
    World War II Mediterranean Theater 331.32.1
    motion pictures 234.5.6
    U.S. trust administration 126.6.4
microwave radar 227.10.1
Midcentury White House Conference on Children and Youth 220.21
Mid Continent Division (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
Mid-East Branch, Africa and (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.13
Mideast Force (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
Middle Atlantic Coast Artillery District 392.2.1
Middle Atlantic Region (National Resources Planning Board) 187.5.2
Middle Department (Army) 393.2, 393.4, 393.9
Middle District (Army Department of Dakota) 393.4, 393.5
Middle Division (Isthmian Canal Commission) 185.5.2
Middle East
    Agency for International Development 286.3.2
    Agricultural Geography 166.2
    American Commission to Negotiate Peace (maps) 256.4
        land use, flood control 114.4.1
        Smithsonian Institution 106.6
    State Department maps 59.3.10
    U.S. export controls 489.2.1
    U.S. official visitors
        photographs 306.11
        sound recordings 306.9
    USIA reports 306.5.2
    World War II
        Army Engineers activities 77.3.4
        German targets (aerial photographs) 242.9.4
        maps 332.5
Middle East Branch, British Empire and
   (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9
Middle East Division (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.9.5
Middle East Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Middle East, Subcommittee for the Near and
   (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) 353.6
Middle East, U.S. Army Forces in the 338.3.3
Middle Florida, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Middle Military Department 111.4, 393.2, 393.4
Middle Military Division 393.2
Middle Pacific, U.S. Army Forces in the 338.5.4
Middle Rio Grande Project 115.4.2
Middle River, MD 69.10
Middle River, MN 22.15.3
Middle Tennessee, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Middletown, CT
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
    weather observations 27.4.3
Middletown, CT, public health hospital 90.4.21
Middletown, PA, Air Depot 18.9.3
Middletown, PA, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Midgett (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.9
Midland Chemical Plant, MI 175.4.5
Midland Valley Railroad 75.19.71
U.S.S. Midnight 313.9.3
Mid-Pacific Area (Military Sea Transportation Service) 313.6.1
Mid-Pacific Regional Office (Reclamation Bureau) 115.4.1
midshipmen 24.6.4, 405
    photographs 19.12, 405.10
Midshipmen Activities, Office of (Naval Academy) 405.3.3
Midshipmen, Confederate Board for Examining 109.12
Midshipmen's Practice Squadron 405.3.2
Midway Island
    rivers and harbors 77.10.20
    U.S. naval operations 80.2.1, 313.6.4, 313.6.5
Midwest Chemical Depot, AR 175.4.4
Midwest Disaster Loan Committee
   (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.1
Midwest Refining Co. 60.17.5
Midwest Regional Office (Internal Revenue Service) 58.6.6
midwestern states
    airway routes (maps) 26.2.2
    Civil Service Commission community review 146.5.5
Mifflin, Thomas 360.2.1
Mighill, Thomas 93.2.1
Migrant Education, National Commission on 220.19
migrant workers
    Agricultural Economics (maps) 83.4.5, 83.6.3
    antipoverty programs 381.3.4
    Farm Security Administration records 96.2.5, 96.4.1, 96.4.9
    motion pictures 96.2.9, 174.6
    photographs 47.4.2, 220.9.4
Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 22.8.7, 22.11.3
Migratory Bird Treaty Act 22.6.1
migratory birds 22.5, 22.6.1, 22.11.7
Migratory Labor in American Agriculture 220.7.13
Migratory Labor, President's Commission on 220.7.13
Migratory Labor, President's Committee on 220.9.4
Migratory Labor, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16, 220.9.4
Migratory Labor, Technical Committee on 220.5.1
Mike Monroney Aeronautics Center 237.6.1
"Miki" joint tactical exercise 341.4
Milch, Erhard 238.5.3, 242.9.1
Mileage Conservation Section (Price Administration) 188.9.4
Miles, A.H. 43.2.12
Miles City, MT
army signal operators 111.5.3
Miles City, MT, District (Territorial Court) 21.28.1
Miles City, MT, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.4
Miles City, MT, land office 49.9.16
"Miles Expedition" 94.16
Miles Glacier 22.4.1
Milford, CT, Biological Laboratory 22.13.3
Milford, IA 22.15.3
Milican, TX 393.4, 393.12
Military Academy Band, U.S. 404.17
Military Academy Catalog, U.S. 404.12.1
Military Academy Centennial 404.15
Military Academy, Records of the United States (RG 404)
    Adjutant General 404.6
    administrative history 404.1
    boards and committees 404.14
    Commandant, Corps of Cadets 404.4
    Community and Family Activities Directorate 404.7
    Dean of the Academic Board 404.3
    discontinued commands 404.16
    Engineering and Housing Directorate 404.10
    General Staff Secretary 404.5
    Information Management Directorate 404.8
    Logistics Directorate 404.9
    miscellaneous post and academy records 404.15
    quasi-official associations 404.18
    Resource Management Directorate 404.11
    sound recordings 404.20
    Special Staff 404.12
    still pictures 404.21
    Superintendent's Office 404.2
    tenant activities 404.13
    troops stationed at West Point 404.17
    video recordings 404.19
Military Academy Sesquicentennial 404.8.1, 404.15
Military Academy, U.S.
    Adjutant General's Office records 94.2.6, 407.4.3
        candidates' physical exams 94.2.3
    engineer detachment returns 77.2.7
    maps 165.5.1
    records 404
Military Advisers (SEATO) 333.7
Military Advisory Group to the Republic of Korea, U.S. 334.5.8
Military Aeronautics, Division of 18.3, 18.5.2, 18.7.6
military affairs
    food purchasing 4.6
        Adjutant General's Office 94.14
        defense areas 187.3.1, 187.5.1-187.5.11
        Geological Survey 57.3.2
        Senate 46.23
    National Archives records study 64.12
        Central, South America 229.14
        prewar Europe 131.3.2
    Presidential orders 11.6
    public opinion 330.7.2
Military Affairs, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.5
Military Affairs, Committee on (Senate) 46.5
Military Affairs Division (Air Judge Advocate) 341.5.1
Military Affairs Division (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.15
military aid SEE ALSO lend-lease
    Allied aid before lend-lease 156.7.10
    Army Staff 319.10.3
    Caribbean 338.6.2
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.4.1, 330.5.2
    interservice agencies 334.4, 334.5
    Latin America 353.11.6
    motion pictures 286.2.2
    photographs 286.11
    Western Europe 349.6.2
    World War II Russia 80.5.7
Military Aid Programs--Far East, U.S. 330.4.7
military aides to the President 42.3.3
Military Air Transportation Service and Military Sea
    Transportation, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
military aircraft SEE ALSO naval aircraft; specific types of
    Air Force operations 341.10.3
    artworks 407.13
    engineering advisers 240.3.2
    foreign military aid 334.4.7, 334.5.14
        lend-lease allocations 18.7.4
    Germany 242.4.7
    Korean armistice monitoring 333.6.3
    motion pictures 18.11
    ordnance procurement 156.7.9
    performance 18.2.1
        Air Force 342.15
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        Coast Guard 26.5.2
        Marine Corps 127.12
        Ordnance Department 156.10.1
        Air Force 341.8, 341.12.8
        Army Air Forces 18.3.2, 18.5.3, 18.7.5
        chemical components 18.4.4
        Defense Secretary 60.17.3
        investigation 60.17.3
        Signal Corps 18.2.2, 18.4
        wood components 18.4.3
    research, development
        Army Air Forces 18.7.4
        Air Force commands 342.3, 342.4
        Air Force Headquarters 341.10.1, 341.13
        Defense Secretary 330.2.4
        testing (motion pictures) 342.12
    Spruce Goose 269.11.4
    supplies 165.6.7
military airfields
    Army Air Forces 18.5.1, 18.7.1, 18.9.1
        construction 18.7.4
        maps 18.10
        photographs 18.13, 432.15
        postwar planning 107.5
    Army Engineers 77.2.4, 77.10.29
        architectural, engineering plans 77.2.5
        maps 77.3.5, 77.10.15, 77.12.1, 77.12.3
        runway evaluations 77.9.18
    artworks 407.13
    Coast Guard air stations 26.2.3, 26.6.6, 26.6.8-26.6.12
    foreign countries 18.7.3
    ice landing strips 342.7
    U.N. airfields, South Korea (maps) 338.9.8
    World War I
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.5.1
        bombing targets 120.3.2, 120.5.1
    World War II
        China-Burma-India Theaters (maps) 332.3.1
        economic intelligence (maps) 169.8.2
        Greece (aerial photographs) 331.16.3
            aerial photographs 331.34
            maps 127.9
Military and Atomic Energy Division
   (Defense Production Administration) 304.3.2
Military Applications Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
Military Armistice Commission (U.N. Command) 319.9.2, 333.6.3
Military Art and Engineering Department
    (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Military Assistance Advisory Group Belgium-Luxembourg 334.4.2
Military Assistance Advisory Group Brazil 334.5.1
Military Assistance Advisory Group Cambodia 334.5.2
Military Assistance Advisory Group Denmark 334.4.3
Military Assistance Advisory Group Ethiopia 334.5.4
Military Assistance Advisory Group France 334.4.4
Military Assistance Advisory Group Indonesia 334.5.5
Military Assistance Advisory Group Iran 334.5.6
Military Assistance Advisory Group Italy 334.4.6
Military Assistance Advisory Group Japan 334.5.7
Military Assistance Advisory Group Laos 334.5.9
Military Assistance Advisory Group Libya 334.5.10
Military Assistance Advisory Group Netherlands 334.4.7
Military Assistance Advisory Group Norway 334.4.8
Military Assistance Advisory Group Portugal 334.4.9
Military Assistance Advisory Group Spain 334.4.10
Military Assistance Advisory Group United Kingdom 334.4.12
Military Assistance Advisory Group Vietnam 472.2
Military Assistance Advisory Groups 330.6.2, 334.4, 334.5
Military Assistance Command Thailand, U.S. 472.8
Military Assistance Command Vietnam Special Troops 472.4.3
Military Assistance Command Vietnam, U.S.
    records 472.3
    Westmoreland papers 319.20.4
Military Assistance Division (Army Staff) 319.7.2
Military Assistance, Office of
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.6.2
Military Assistance, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.9
Military Assistance Program, President's Committee to Study the
    U.S. 220.9.13
Military Assistant for Panama Affairs 335.10
Military Asylum 231.2
military attaches
    AEF intelligence 120.3.2
    Air Force intelligence 341.11.2
    American Commission to Negotiate Peace reports 120.14.7
    Army intelligence 353.5.11, 457.2
    cablegrams 407.2.3
    naval intelligence reports 38.4.6, 38.4.11
    War Department General Staff 165.4.1
    Yugoslavia (motion picture) 319.12.2
military aviation SEE ALSO air force personnel and airmen;
        military aircraft; naval aviation
    Air Coordinating Committee 340.9.1
    air demonstration 330.7.6
    Air Force operations 340.10.3
    airborne radar 227.10.1
    Civil Aeronautics Administration 237.3
    European Command 349.6.4
    foreign countries 18.6.2, 18.7
    joint Congressional committees 128.3
    maps and charts
        Air Commerce Bureau 237.2
        Army Air Forces 18.10
        Army Engineers 77.12.1, 77.12.3
        FAA 237.2
    Marine Corps (motion pictures) 127.10
    Military Aeronautics Division policies 18.3.1
    navigational facilities 237.3
    photographs 94.16
    Signal Corps investigation 159.4
    training films 18.11
    World War I 18.5.2
military aviation safety
        Air Force investigations 340.3.3
        Army reports 338.2.2
        survivors' medical reports 52.2.2
        Vietnam War reports 472.5.9
        World War II crash reports 92.9.2
        X-2 reports 255.4.2
    crash landings (motion picture) 428.2.2
    ground safety 18.7.2, 341.9
military awards and decorations
    AGO applications 407.5.1
    Army Ground Forces 337.6.1
    ceremonies (photographs) 260.4.4
    Defense Personnel Policy Board 330.5.8
    Quartermaster General 92.11.2
    SHAEF 331.9.2
    Vietnam War 472.3.7, 472.3.14, 472.5.8, 472.9.4
    World War I (photographs) 120.16
    World War II 338.3.1
Military Board (Army HQ) 108.2.4
Military Board of Allied Supply 120.14.2
military boards
    AGO index 407.6.6
    war crimes trials 331.39.5, 331.39.7
Military Bounty Land Scrip Acts 49.3.2
military casualties
    Adjutant General's Office 94.12.5, 407.2.4, 407.12
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.4.1, 120.7.7
        air service 120.5.1
        Americans with British Forces 120.14.3
    Army Philippines commands 395.14.1
        Philippine Insurrection 395.3.1
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.2
    condolence survey 160.3.3
    Confederate records 109.7.1, 109.8.5, 109.9.4
    Korean War 333.6.1
        photographs 52.7, 319.29
    Marine Corps 127.3.2
    naval ships and stations 52.2.2
    Provost Marshal General's reports 110.2
    "Red Cross Conferences" 43.2.2
    Signal Corps 111.2.4
    Vietnam War 330.4.4, 472.5.8, 472.9.2
    World War II
        Ninth Army combat statistics 338.9.9
        photographs 52.7, 112.8, 319.29
            evacuation at sea 331.4.3
military cemeteries SEE ALSO national cemeteries
    American Battle Monuments Commission 117
    Army Engineers construction 77.3.1
    Army inspection reports 159.3
    battlefields 92.9.2
    Confederate grave markers 92.10.2
    Military Academy 404.9.5
    photographs 92.8.2, 332.2.3
        AEF panoramas 111.10
    Quartermaster General 92.8.1, 92.9.1, 92.10.2
        architectural plans 92.7.1
Military Censor, Chief 165.4.3
military ceremonies
    photographs 111.10, 330.20
    Washington military district 394.3.2
The Military Chaplaincy 220.7.9
Military Commission (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.8
military commissions 94.3, 153.2.2
Military Committee of the Five Powers,
   Western Union, U.S. Delegation to the 334.4.1
military communications
    AEF maps 120.7.8, 120.9.1, 120.9.2
    Caribbean Command 349.7.2
    Confederate telegraph accounts 109.11
    foreign aid 334.4.5, 334.4.7
    Punitive Expedition to Mexico 395.7.2
    Signal Corps 111
    War Secretary consultants 107.2.7
Military Compensation, President's Commission on 220.18.3
military construction
    Defense Department program 330.4.6
    European Command 349.6.3
    Organization Todt 242.5.6
    Vietnam War 472.3.11
Military Construction Division
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4.6
Military Construction, Subcommittee on Real Estate and (Senate) 46.5
Military Council (Army Staff) 319.25.1
military dependents
    medical care 330.5.1
    relief payments 42.2.5
military deserters
    Adjutant General's Office 94.10.1
    Civil War
        Army convalescent camps 393.13.2
        Confederates 109.13.3, 393.13.3
        prisoners 249.3.3, 249.5.2, 249.5.4
        Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.1, 110.3.2
    Korean War defectors 319.12.2
    Marine Corps 127.3.2, 127.6.1
    Navy 24.3.2, 24.5, 125.2.2
    Presidential Clemency Board 429.10
Military Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Military Division (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2;
    (High Commissioner for Germany) 466.5;
    (Third Auditor) 217.8.4;
    (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.6
military draft SEE draft
Military Economics and Armaments Office
    (German Armed Forces High Command) 242.6
Military Engineering and Engineering Supplies, Division of
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
military equipment and supplies
    Allied Force HQ 331.20.2
    Army Ground Forces 337.5.4, 337.5.7, 337.5.8, 337.6.1
    Commissary General of Subsistence 192
    engineer offices 77.15.1
    foreign aid 334.4, 334.5
    German air force 242.9.1
    Munitions Board 330.13.2, 330.13.4
    ordnance drawings 156.15
    photographs 77.22, 92.17, 111.10, 165.21, 242.28, 319.29
    Quartermaster General 92
    research and development 227.11, 227.12, 338.11.1
        evaluation 218.2.5
    Revolutionary War 93.2.2, 93.4.1, 93.4.2
    SHAEF 331.3.8
    Treasury records 53.2.6
    Vietnam War units 472.7.6
    War Department General Staff 165.6
    World War I
        Allied purchases 113
        American Expeditionary Forces 120.7, 120.14.2
Military Equipment Delivery Team, Cambodia 472.10
Military Geographical Institute (Poland) 242.20
Military Geology Branch (Geological Survey) 57.4.8, 169.8.2
Military Government and Civil Affairs Section (Allied Force HQ)
Military Government, Bavaria, Office of 260.7.1
Military Government, Berlin Sector, Office of 260.7.5
Military Government, Bremen, Office of 260.7.4
Military Government Division (Provost Marshal General) 389.3
Military Government for Germany [U.S.], Office of the 43.10.3,
    238.4, 238.5, 260.3-260.7, 335.11.6
Military Government, Hesse, Office of 260.7.2
Military Government of Cuba, Insular Affairs Bureau 350.2
Military Government of Cuba, Records of the (RG 140)
    administrative history 140.1
    cartographic records 140.4
    general records 140.2
    staff offices 140.3
Military Government of Hawaii 338.5.2
Military Government of Santo Domingo 38.3.2
Military Government of Veracruz, Records of the (RG 141)
    administrative history 141.1
    customs service 141.3
    Finance Department 141.4
    Legal Department 141.5
    Military Governor's Office 141.2
    Public Safety Department 141.6
    still pictures 141.7
Military Government, Wuerttemberg-Baden, Office of 260.7.3
Military Governor (Germany) 260.2.1, 260.3.2, 260.3.4
Military Governor, Office of the (Allied Force HQ) 331.31.1
Military Governor, Office of the (Free Territory of Trieste)
Military Guard Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.3
Military Headquarters (Balkans) (Allied Force HQ) 331.28
Military History, Office of the Chief of (Army Staff) 319.20.1
Military History Section (8th Army) 338.9.8
military hospitals SEE ALSO naval hospitals; veterans' hospitals
        and health services
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.7.7, 120.11.4, 120.13
        architectural plans 120.4.5
    Army commands 338.11.5, 393.4, 393.9, 393.13.9
        convalescent, invalid camps 393.13.2, 393.13.4
        Fort Belvoir, VA 77.13.3
    Army Surgeon General 112.2.3, 112.2.6, 112.5
        blueprints 112.3.2
        photographs 112.8
    arsenals 156.9.4, 156.9.18, 156.9.19
    building plans 92.7.1, 92.16
    Civil War
        accounting returns 109.10.5
        Confederate Medical Department 109.8.1-109.8.5
        prisons 109.14.2, 249.2.4, 249.3.2, 249.5.4
    Hawaii 395.12.2
    medical records 94.12.5
    patient movement coordination 334.20
    photographs 92.7.1
    spruce squadrons 18.4.3
    Vietnam War 319.20.6
military housing
    Air Force Secretary 340.3.3
    Pearl Harbor naval district 181.2.13
    photographs 77.3.1
    Yards and Docks Bureau 71.3.2
Military Hygiene Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Military Information Control Committee
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.6.2
Military Information Division
   (Adjutant General's Office) 94.14
military insignia SEE army insignia
military installations SEE military posts
Military Instruction, Office of (Military Academy) 404.4.2
military intelligence
    Air Force Headquarters 341.11
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.2, 120.7.4, 120.9.1
        American Forces in Germany 120.11.2
        Siberia 395.9
    Army Air Forces 18.1, 18.6.1, 18.6.2, 18.7.1
    Army commands
        IV Corps 394.2.4
        Alaska Department 338.2.1
        postwar Austria 338.7.3
        Sixth Service Command 338.2.2
    Army Ground Forces 337.2
    Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.2
    Army Staff 319.12, 319.20.3, 319.21-319.23, 319.25.3
    Army Vietnam 472.5.3
    Asian occupied areas 407.3
    Caribbean Command 349.7.2
    chemical warfare 338.9.1
    Chief Signal Officer 111.2.1, 111.2.4
    Defense Intelligence Agency 373
    Far East Command 349.3.2-349.3.4
    joint studies 313.4.2
    La Fe, Cuba, naval station 181.12.11
    maps 77.12.2
    Marine Corps 127.7.1, 127.7.2
    Naval Intelligence Office 38.4, 38.6.2
    OSS 226
    State-Defense Committee 334.8
    Vietnam War 472.3.4, 472.7.5
    war college 165.7.1, 334.16
    War Department General Staff 165.4, 165.6.2, 165.7.1
    World War II
        Allied Force HQ 331.17.1-331.17.4
        Army commands 338.9.4-338.9.6
        European Theater 332.2.3
        India-Burma Theater 338.4.4
        Pacific Theaters 331.34, 338.5.4
        Samoa 284.2
        SHAEF 331.3.1, 331.3.3, 331.3.4, 331.9.2, 331.9.3, 331.11
        Southeast Asia Command HQ 331.35
Military Intelligence Branch (Army Staff) 319.21
Military Intelligence Division
     (Africa-Middle East Theater) 338.3.3;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.3;
    (War Department General Staff) 63.2.3, 77.3.5, 107.5, 165.4,
      165.6.2, 182.8.1
Military Intelligence Research Service, Pacific 165.4.1
Military Intelligence Service 165.4.6-165.4.10, 319.12.3,
    332.2.2, 338.3.1
Military Intelligence Service Division
     (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.3
Military Intelligence Training Center 165.4.14
military justice SEE ALSO courts-martial; military police;
        military prisons and prisoners; war crimes
    Army Judge Advocate General 153.2.1-153.2.3, 153.2.6, 153.3,
        153.4, 153.13, 153.14, 153.17
    criminal investigations 389.6
    European study 153.2.6
    Navy Judge Advocate General 125.2.1, 125.2.2, 125.2.5,
        125.3.4, 125.3.6, 125.3.7
    pardons 204.2
    Presidential Clemency Board 429.10
    Provost Marshal General 389
    radio spots (sound recordings) 330.17
    uniform code
        Air Force counsel 340.3.1
        Army correspondence 319.3.2
        Defense Secretary committee 335.5, 340.9.2
Military Justice Division (Judge Advocate General, Army) 153.14
Military Justice, Uniform Code of 335.5, 340.3.1, 340.9.2
Military Justice, War Department Advisory Committee on 107.12
Military Leadership, Office of (Military Academy) 404.4.3
Military Liaison Committee (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.2.2
Military Liaison Headquarters (Albania)
    (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Military Liaison Headquarters (Greece) (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Military Liaison Headquarters (Yugoslavia)
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Military Liaison Mission to Soviet Forces in Germany 334.3
Military Liquidating Agency 338.3.2
Military Medical Advisory Council 330.12.2
Military Medical Committee (SEATO) 333.7
military medical services SEE ALSO medical officers and units;
      military hospitals; sanitary reports
    Air Surgeon General 341.6
    Army Surgeon General 112
    blood programs 319.20.6, 330.12.1, 330.12.2
    Civil War medical exemptions 110.3.1
    civilian cooperation 330.12.4
    Confederate War Department 109.8, 365.2.3
    Defense Assistant Secretary 330.12
        draftees 163.2.2
        Military Academy candidates 94.2.3
        Naval Academy candidates, midshipmen 405.2.3, 405.5.1
        Regular Army recruits 94.12.5
    joint policy 330.12.1
    Naval Academy journals, reports 405.5.1
    naval medicine history 52.5
    Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery 52
    post medical histories 94.12.5
    "Red Cross Conferences" 43.2.2
    Vietnam War 472.3.21
    World War I 120.7.7
Military Mission to China, U.S. 338.4.1
Military Mission to Moscow, U.S. 334.2
Military Mission to the Iranian Army, U.S. 334.5.6
Military Missions Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Military Occupational Specialty Panel 337.9
Military Operations, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
    (Army) 319.13
Military Operations, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.13
military passes 107.2.2, 107.2.12
military pay
    Army Finance Chief 203.2
    Army paymasters 99
    black soldiers, sailors 105.4.2
    Defense Manpower Commission 220.15.38
    Hook Commission 330.5.1
    Presidential commission 220.18.3
    Revolutionary War 93.5
    Treasury accounts 217.4.2, 217.4.3, 217.7.2-217.7.4,
       217.7.7, 217.9.4, 219.9.5
military pensions
    black soldiers, sailors 105.4.2, 105.5.1
    compiled service records 94.12.2
    Interior Secretary 48.4.2
    Revolutionary War 53.3.7, 53.3.10, 93.5.2
    Treasury accounts 217.4.4, 217.8.3, 217.8.7, 217.9.3
    Veterans Administration records 15.2.1, 15.7
Military Pensions, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.8
military personnel
    AGO records 94, 407.5
        classification 407.5.2
        compiled service records 94.12.2
        serial number file 407.9
        statistics 407.2.4
    Army commands 98, 337.6.1
    army slang 319.20.3
    Army Staff 319.8, 319.11
        statistical reports 319.7.5
    cemeteries, graves 92.8.1-92.8.5, 92.9.1, 92.9.2
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.4
    Defense Manpower Commission 220.15.38
    discrimination 220.7.8, 220.10.6
    Marine Corps 127.3.2
    meteorological work 27.4.2
    morale reports 165.8.3, 165.14
        foreign jurisdiction 153.17
    nuclear emergency use 397.2.4
    officer efficiency 159.4
    ordnance officers 156.3.3
    Personnel Policy Board 330.5.8, 340.9.4
        FWA 162.7
        OWI 208.3.5, 208.5.2
        Philippine Islands 350.3
        Signal Corps 111.10
    Presidential appointments 130.2.5
    Presidential inaugural activities 274.9
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110
    Quartermaster General 92.11.2
    recreation, welfare services 165.8.4, 407.6.2
        Caribbean area 215.3.3
        joint committee 225.5
        news, variety broadcasts 335.3.4
        Presidential commission 220.7.9
        religious ministry 94.11, 220.7.9
    retirement board 165.18.2
    Revolutionary War 93.2.1, 93.3, 93.5.1, 93.5.2
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.10
    Signal Corps 111.2.3
    vice control 334.13
    War Department General Staff 165.3
    war risk insurance 15.4
military personnel (blacks)
    10th Cavalry regiment 391.3.4
    bounty, pay, pension claims 105.3.1, 105.4.2
    Colored Troops Division 94.7
    veterans vocational rehabilitation 15.5.1
    World War II (photographs) 208.3.5
military personnel (Civil War)
    Adjutant General's Office records 94.2.3-94.2.5
        compiled service records 94.12.2
        medical records 94.12.3
        muster rolls, returns 94.2.2
        officers 94.3
    bounties 15.2.1, 42.2.5, 110.2
    commerce 366.8
    compiled service records 94.12.2, 109.14.1
        Adjutant and Inspector General's Department 109.7.1
        compiled service records 109.14.1
        grave markers 92.8.5, 92.10.2
        papers 109.13.2, 109.13.3
        pay 109.7.3, 109.10.5
    hospital records index 15.2.1
    Indians 75.7.4
    medical exemptions 110.3.1
    naval muster rolls 24.2.3
    pay 217.7.7
    pensions 15.2.1, 15.7.3
        generals 56.22
        memorials 92.10.2
        Union officers 111.10
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110
    soldiers' wives relief 42.2.5
military personnel (Indians)
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.6
    Civil War 75.7.4
    draft registration
        World War I 75.19.30, 75.19.54, 75.19.108
        World War II 75.19.23, 75.19.60, 75.19.73
    pensions, bounty-land claims 15.7.2
    photographs 75.19.51, 75.29
    scout discharges 75.19.11, 75.19.30
    scout unit histories 391.6.1
    Sioux pay 75.12.3, 75.19.100
military personnel (World War I) SEE ALSO
          prisoners of war (World War I)
    AEF members (photographs) 407.13
    cemeteries, graves 92.9.1
        repatriated remains 52.4.2
        U.S. cemeteries in Europe (photographs) 92.8.2
    demobilization 62.8
    heroic act dramatizations (motion pictures) 53.6
    naturalization 85.2.1
    naval reserve training 405.2.4
    Navy (photographs) 24.11
    Navy recruiting posters 45.11
military personnel (World War II) SEE ALSO prisoners of war
        (World War II)
    blacks (photographs) 208.3.5
    cemeteries, memorials 92.9.2, 117.2, 117.3.1, 332.2.3
        gravestones (photographs) 111.10
        repatriated remains 92.9.2
        Tomb of the Unknown Soldier 92.8.2
    combat experiences (sound recordings) 407.11
    equipment loading (photographs) 336.3.1
    European Theater rosters 338.3.1
    field camouflage (photographs) 171.9
    Indians (photographs) 75.29
    medical care (photographs) 112.8
    missing in action 92.9.2
    parents' "Service Star" 171.5.5
    procurement, distribution 160.4.4
    recruiting, training 407.5.1
    Selective Service 147.1
    troop attitudes surveys 330.5.3
    voting, 1944 107.2.9, 230
        naval service 24.7
        photographs 80.11, 86.3
Military Personnel Division (Army Service Forces) 160.4.4;
    (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2;
    (Army Vietnam) 472.5.8;
    (Chaplains) 247.2.2;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.5
Military Personnel Policy Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.2
Military Personnel Policy Division
    (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.5.6
Military Planning Division (Quartermaster General) 92.4.5
Military Planning Office (SEATO) 333.7
Military Plans Division (Ordnance Department) 156.7.2
military police
    9th Army 338.9.9
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.9.2, 120.9.4, 120.10
    auxiliary 389.7
    training 389.2.1, 389.5
    Vietnam War 472.7.6
Military Police and Provost Division
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.37.6
Military Police Board (Provost Marshal General) 389.5
Military Police Division (Provost Marshal General) 389.5
Military Police Schools 389.5
military postal service 28.4.5
military posts SEE ALSO air force bases and installations; naval
        bases; specific posts
    aerial photographs 77.2.5
    architectural, engineering plans
        Army Engineers 77.2.5, 77.3.1, 77.10.4, 77.10.5, 77.10.8,
        77.10.22, 77.10.31, 77.10.35, 77.10.56, 77.10.66, 393.7
          Quartermaster General 92.7.1, 92.16
    Army commands 98.2.5, 393.2-393.4, 394.2.3, 394.4
        Army Headquarters 108.2.4
        Army Secretary 335.11.13
        China Relief Expedition 395.4.2
        Cuba 395.5, 395.11.5
        Hawaii 395.12.2
        Panama 395.13.2
        Philippines 395.14.1, 395.14.2, 395.14.4
        Puerto Rico 395.15.1, 395.15.3
    camp shows 407.6.2
    cemeteries 92.8.4
    clothing, equipage reports 92.4.3
    Confederate returns 109.9.1, 109.9.5
        Adjutant General's Office 94.2.1
        Army Engineers 77.3.1
        War Department General Staff 165.6.5
        AGO compilations, outline index 94.10.3
        Quartermaster General narratives 92.7.2
    inspection reports 159.3
    issuances 407.2.5
        8th Service Command 338.2.2
        Adjutant General's Office 94.13, 94.14
        Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.3.5, 77.10.1, 77.10.5, 77.10.8,
          77.10.22, 77.10.23, 77.10.31, 77.10.35, 77.10.38,
        Army Map Service 77.12.2, 77.12.3
        central, western states 411.3
        corps areas 394.5
        Hawaii 338.8
        Indian Affairs 75.26
        Iran 332.5
        National Capital Planning Commission 328.3
        New York Harbor 313.4.5
        Panama Canal Zone 338.6.2
        Philippines 11.4.1, 350.3
        railroad lines 92.5.1
    Marine Corps installations 127.6
        maps 127.9
    marriage records 94.12.3
    morale reports 165.8.3
    orders 94.2.2
    overseas leased bases 77.2.4
    paymasters remittances 99.2.2
        Army Air Forces 18.13
        Army Engineers 77.2.5, 77.3.1, 77.10.48
        Army Staff 319.29
        camouflage 171.5.4
        Civil War 165.21
        Indian Affairs 75.10.2
        Quartermaster General 92.7.1, 92.17
        Signal Corps 111.10
        War Department General Staff 165.21
        Wheeler Survey 106.6
    post exchanges 334.18, 395.14.1
    Revolutionary War losses 360.2.4
    returns 94.2.2
    sanitary study 90.12
    surplus property disposal 103.7.10, 165.6.5
    Vietnam base closure teams 472.5.15
    weather reports 27.2, 27.5.7
Military Prison Record Division
   (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.2
Military Prison, U.S. (Ft. Leavenworth)
    clemency appeals 153.2.2
    inspection reports 94.10.2
military prisons and prisoners SEE ALSO prisoners of war
    Adjutant General's Office registers 94.2.3, 94.10.2
    Army commands 393.4, 393.9, 393.12, 393.13.7, 393.13.11
        convalescent camps 393.13.2
        disciplinary barracks 407.4.4
    Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.3
    Army Philippines commands 395.14.4
        native prisoners 395.14.1
    Coblenz, Germany 120.11.4
    Commissary General of Prisoners 249
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    naval disciplinary barracks 125.3.6, 125.3.7
    Portsmouth Naval Prison 181.15.32
    Provost Marshal General divisions 389.7, 389.8
    U.S. military personnel in foreign countries 153.17
Military Procurement Liaison Office
   (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Military Products Section
   (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.8.3
Military Provisional Health Assistance Teams
   (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.21
Military Publications Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.10
Military Railroads United States,
   Office of the Director and General Manager 92.6.1
Military Railways, Office of the Director General of 77.3.3
Military Readiness Division (Coast Guard) 26.5.10
military recruiting and recruits SEE ALSO bounties; draft
    armed forces coordination 340.9.4
    army service
        AGO records 94.5, 407.4.2
        Colored Troops 94.7, 393.4
        corps areas 394.2.3, 394.2.4
        engineer returns 77.2.7
        facilities (photographs) 77.22
        medical examinations 94.12.5
        National Guard 407.4.1
        posters 92.3.1, 94.16, 338.16
            Citizens Military Training Camps 407.13
            Engineer, Ordnance, Transportation Corps 77.22
            World War I 4.2.3, 120.16
    Marine Corps 127.2.4
        radio broadcasts 127.11
    naval service 24.3.2, 24.7
        posters 24.12, 45.11
    Signal Corps 111.2.3
    women 330.14, 407.5.1
    World War II 407.5.1
        health professionals 211.20
Military Representative at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers
Europe, U.S. 349.6.1
Military Reservation Division
   (Adjutant General's Office) 94.10.3
military reservations
    AGO compilations 94.10.3
    Army acquisition 319.3.2
    Army commands 394.2
        Cuba 395.11.1
    Army Engineers records 77.2.9, 77.10.57
        architectural, engineering plans 77.10.44
    arsenals 156.9.1
    CCC work 35.1
    Land Management Bureau 49.14.2
        Army 391.7
        Army Air Forces 18.10
        Army Engineers 77.3.5
        Army Map Service 77.12.1-77.12.3
        Defense Mapping Agency 456.2
        General Land Office/BLM 49.16
        Geological Survey 57.5
        Judge Advocate General (Army) 153.5
        public lands surveys 49.3.6
        War Department General Staff 165.18.3
        War Secretary 107.2.1
    public lands
        abandoned reservations 49.3.10
        Fort Dalles town lots 49.9.22
        surveys 49.3.6
        withdrawal, restoration 49.3.5
    supervision 92.7.2
    title records 92.7.1
military reserves SEE ALSO National Guard
    AGO records 407.2.4, 407.5.1
military roads
        Army commands 94.13, 391.7
        Army Engineers 77.2.3
        Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.2
        public lands rights of way 49.3.7
        troop routes, 1858 233.28
    national cemetery approaches 92.8.2
    Topographical Bureau 77.4.3
Military Roads, Pacific Coast, Office of 77.4.3
Military Sales Division (Army Staff) 319.15.2
military schools
    issuances 407.2.5
    Vietnam War advisory detachments 472.3.12
Military Sea Transportation Service 181.15.5, 313.6.1
Military Sea Transportation Service, Subcommittee on
    Military Air Transportation and (Senate) 46.9
Military Security Board (occupied Germany) 466.5
Military Security Board, Committee of Deputies of the
     (occupied Germany) 260.10
Military Security Division (occupied Germany) 466.3.1
Military Security Section (SHAEF) 331.3.4
Military Security Subsection (Allied Force HQ) 331.17.2
Military Selective Service Act (1948) 147.1
military service SEE military personnel
Military Service Institute 404.15
military storekeepers 156.2.1, 156.9.1, 156.9.9, 156.9.16,
Military Stores, Commissary General of 93.4.2
Military Stores, Superintendent of 92.2.2, 93.4.2
military supplies SEE military equipment and supplies
Military Supply Section
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.4, 253.7.5
Military Technical Advisory Group, Indonesia 334.5.5
Military Telegraph Lines, U.S. 111.5
Military Thought (Soviet publication) 319.12.3
Military Traffic and Terminal Service 338.11.10
military training
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.3.5
    Army centers 338.2.3
    Army Engineers (photographs) 77.22
    Army Ground Forces 337.5.3-337.5.6, 337.6.2
        photographs 337.12
    Army manuals 111.2.2
    Army Staff (photographs) 319.29
    basic training drills (photographs) 77.2.5
    Cambodia 472.10.2
    camp site reports 337.6.1
    chemical warfare 175.1
    Civil War instruction camps 393.13.1
    Defense Secretary surveys 330.5.3, 330.5.5
        public opinion 330.7.2
    European Command 349.6.5
    filmstrips 110.10
    foreign aid 334.4, 334.5
    foreign nationals 330.4.3, 330.6.4
    maps 160.4.3
        Army exercises 391.7
    Marine Corps
        motion pictures 127.10
        photographs 127.12
    Mexican Punitive Expedition 395.7.1
    Military Academy 404.4.1
    motion pictures 111.9, 338.13
    National Youth Administration 119.4.4, 119.6.2
    naval service (photographs) 24.12
    nuclear weapons (motion pictures) 374.6
    radio monitoring 173.11
    Vietnam War 319.20.4, 472.3.12
    War Department General, Special Staffs 165.8.4, 165.12.1
    Woodrum Committee 165.20
    World War II 338.4.3, 407.5.1
Military Training, Director of
   (Army Service Forces) 160.4.2, 160.4.3
military transportation
    Army logistics 336
    Cavalry Depot records 108.4.3
        commands 338.11.9
        Engineers maps 77.10.15
        Ground Forces 337.5.7, 337.6.2
    Confederate Quartermaster 109.7.3
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.8.2
    Vietnam War units 472.7.6
    war college 334.16
    World War I problems 120.14.2
military tribunals
    World War II war crimes 238.5, 260.5.1
military uniforms
    Army Engineers photographs 77.22
    Army lithographs 165.21
    Confederate army 109.7.3
    Navy Nurse Corps photographs 52.7
    Quartermaster General photographs 92.17
    Signal Corps photographs 111.10
militia SEE ALSO naval militia
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.1
    medical personnel records 94.12.4
    officers' pay 217.7.3
    ordnance property 156.3.1
    returns 168.2
Militia Act (1903) 168.3
Militia Act (1908) 168.3
Militia Affairs, Division of (War Secretary) 168.3.2
Militia Bureau (War Department) 168.4
Militia, Committee on the (House of Representatives) 233.5
Militia, Committee on the (Senate) 46.5
Militia Division (Adjutant General's Office) 168.3.1
    import permits 88.5
    inspection 152.2
    marketing 136.5.1
    price controls 188.12.6, 251.1
    school program 16.5.1
        consumption survey 145.3
    World War II distribution 136.8.2
Milk and Dairy Products Section, Fluid
    (Price Administration) 188.8.7
Milk River Basin, MT 57.6.2
Milkweed Floss Program 114.5.2
"Mill Papers" (National Security Council) 273.5.2
Mill Schedule Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Milledgeville, GA, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.4.4
Miller, Arthur L. 380.2
Miller, Dale 274.7
Miller, Dorie 80.3.1
Miller, Gerald 253.3.4
Miller, Guion 75.7.5, 75.12.2, 123.8
Miller, Herbert L., Jr. 460.12
Miller, J. Clayton 40.3.7
Miller, Justin 60.4.2
Miller, Malcolm 352.2
Miller, N.B. 22.2
Miller, Ruth 304.2.6
Miller, Spencer, Jr. 174.3.4
Miller, Watson B. 235.2.1
Miller, William T. 237.2
Millerton Lake National Recreation Area, CA 79.9.4
Milliken, Harry S. 70.2.3
Milling Division (Food Administration) 4.4
Millis, Harry A. 25.3
mills and milling
    dust explosions 97.3.1, 97.3.3
    Hawaii maps 126.2
    Indian agencies 75.19.21
    World War I grain management 4.2.3, 4.4
Mills, Enos A. 95.3.3
Mills, Robert 42.2.6, 42.13.1, 56.3.1
Millstein, Ira M. 220.15.4
Millwork Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Milton, MA 370.6
Milwaukee Gas Light Co. 280.4.1
Milwaukee, WI
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    rent control 252.4.6
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Milwaukee, WI, District (Army Engineers) 77.9.8, 77.10.9,
Milwaukee, WI, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.2,
    188.16.3, 188.16.6, 188.16.7
Milwaukee, WI, internal revenue collection district 58.5.49
Milwaukee, WI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Milwaukee, WI, public health hospital 90.4.21
Milwaukee, WI, Public Museum 48.16
Milwaukee, WI, regional office (Farm Security Administration)
Milwaukee, WI, soldiers' home 15.3
Milwaukee, WI, term (Circuit Court) 21.52.3, 21.52.4
Milwaukee, WI, term (District Court) 21.52.2, 21.52.4
Mindanao and Jolo, Department of (Army) 395.14.2
Mindanao, Philippine Islands 395.14.1, 395.14.2
Minds of Men (motion picture) 59.4.5
Mine Disposal Unit (San Pedro Naval Operating Base) 181.6.8
Mine Division 3 (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
Mine Division 11 (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
Mine Division 50 (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
Mine Division 82 (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
mine experiment stations
    experimental mines 70.5.1
        engineering plans 70.2.2
    location maps 70.2.2
    photographs 70.12.2
    records 70.6, 70.11.3, 70.12.1-70.12.6
Mine Force, Atlantic Fleet 45.5.4, 313.5.2
Mine Force, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
mine planters 391.2.6
mine safety
    coal mine inspection 70.13, 245.4.1
    Geological Survey reports 57.7.3
    Mines Bureau records 70.2.2, 70.4.2, 70.5
        photographs 70.17
        research 70.12.4
        safety stations (maps) 70.2.2
    Royalton disaster (motion picture) 70.2.2
Mine Squadron 2 (Naval Forces) 313.5.8
Mine Squadron 3 (Naval Forces) 313.5.3
Mine Squadron 8 (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
Mine Squadron 20 (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
Mine Track Bureau (Fuel Administration) 67.3.9
Mine Warfare Division (Section)(Naval Operations) 38.2.4, 38.5
minecraft 313.4.2
Minecraft Delivery Point Team (Seattle Naval Station) 181.8.14
Mineral Deposit Branch (Geological Survey) 57.4.2
Mineral Division (General Land Office) 49.3.14
mineral fuels 70.12.4
mineral industries
    census records 29.6.4, 29.6.5
        maps 29.3.6
    defense preparedness 304.2.3
    production reports 70.11.3
        maps 70.2.2, 70.4.4
    tax policy 220.7.14
Mineral Industries, Office of 70.11.3
Mineral Industries Statistical Work Project 70.11.2
mineral lands
    entry registers 49.4
    General Land Office/BLM survey approval files 49.2.2
    Indian leases 75.19.92
    land office records 49.9.5, 49.9.6, 49.9.16, 49.9.19, 49.9.23,
    lease receipts 49.3.13
        General Land Office 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        Interior Secretary 48.5.3
        public domain committee 220.4.2
    mining claims, patents 49.2.3, 49.3.14, 49.4, 49.7.4, 49.9.5,
      49.9.18, 49.13.10, 49.14.1, 49.14.2
    ordnance records 156.3.4
    surveyors 49.12
        General Land Office 49.7.2-49.7.13
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.1, 49.13.3, 49.13.6, 49.13.7
    War Department supervision 49.5
Mineral Production Security Division 70.5.4
Mineral Reports Register 70.10.1
mineral resources SEE ALSO specific minerals
    Army Engineers records 77.10.25
    economic research 51.4
    foreign countries 70.4.3
        postwar Japan 331.49.2
        procurement, development (photographs) 169.6.7
    Forest Service claims study 95.9.4
    Geological Survey records 57.1, 57.4.2, 57.4.5
        land classification 57.7.4
    Indian land surveys 75.19.16
    Interior Secretary 48.9-48.11
    joint Congressional committees 128.4
        Europe 120.3.2
        Hawaiian Islands 70.9
        world resources 169.8.1
    materials policy conference 220.15.23
    National Resources Planning Board maps 187.3.1, 187.5.7,
      187.5.9, 187.5.10
Mineral Resources and Statistics Division 70.4.2
Mineral Resources, Office of 70.11.2, 70.11.3
Mineral Technology Division 70.11.3
mineral waters 57.6.7
Mineral Wells, TX, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.17
minerals SEE ALSO mines and mining;
      strategic materials; specific minerals
    Paris Exposition specimens 43.12.2
    types (photographs) 70.17
Minerals and Fuels Division (Interior Secretary) 48.5.11
Minerals and Mining, Committee on (Senate) 46.14
Minerals Availability, Division of (Mines Bureau) 70.8
Minerals Availability System (Mines Bureau) 70.8
Minerals Exploration, Records of the Office of (RG 320)
    administrative history 320.1
    Review Committee records 320.2
Minerals, Materials, and Fuel Economics, Subcommittee on
   (Senate) 46.14
minerals officers
    Indian Affairs 75.17.2
Minerals Resources Branch (Geological Survey) 57.4.9
Minerals Resources Study and Report Group
   (New England-New York Inter-agency Committee) 57.10.1
Miners' Strikes in Pennsylvania, U.S. Troops 393.11.2
mines (naval ordnance)
    harbor systems report 77.6.2
    maps and charts 313.3.1
        World War I 45.9, 38.10
    mine planters 92.5.3
    motion pictures 24.10
    Ordnance Bureau 74.4, 74.7
    photographs 38.4.16
mines and mining SEE ALSO coal industry; mine safety;
    Trail, BC, smelter fumes investigation
    census records 29.6.4, 29.8.3
    depreciation allowances 58.3.3
    international commission 43.11.4
        employment (maps) 69.3.1
        labor disputes 174.5.2
        pensions, welfare benefit plans 317.3.4
        World War II manpower 211.19.3
        consular reports 59.3.7
        Geological Survey 57.3.1, 57.4.1, 57.5
        mining regions 70.2.2
    Mines Bureau 70
    mint operations 104.3.5, 104.5.11
    Oklahoma case files 57.10.2
        Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.13
        Geological Survey 57.7.4, 57.12
        Indian lands 75.8
        mint 104.3.9
        survey teams 106.6
    postwar Japan 331.49.2
    serialization 48.11
    strategic materials 291.3.4
Mines and Mining, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.15
Mines, Bureau of
    Commerce Department records 40.2
    fuels research 434.3.6
Mines, Records of the U.S. Bureau of (RG 70)
    administrative history 70.1
    cartographic records 70.14
    Economics Branch 70.4
    Environmental Activities, Division of 70.7
    Experiment Stations 70.12
    Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review 70.13
    field offices 70.10
    general records 70.2
    Health and Safety Branch 70.5
    machine-readable records 70.16
    Minerals Availability, Division of 70.8
    motion pictures 70.15
    regional offices 70.11
    special projects 70.9
    still pictures 70.17
    Synthetic Liquid Fuels Division, Fuels and Explosives
        Branch 70.6
    Technologic Branch 70.3
Minesweeping Group (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
Minidoka Relocation Center 210.3.4
minimum wage
    apprentices 155.2.2
    Wage and Hour Division 155.3, 155.4
Minimum Wage Study Commission 220.18.6
Mining and Geology Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers)
Mining Branch (Geological Survey) 57.7.3
Mining Division (Bureau of Mines) 70.3.3, 70.11.3, 70.12.1
mining equipment
    engineering plans 70.2.2
    photographs 70.17
Mining Machinery Division, Construction and
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Mining Requirements Division
   (Defense Materials Procurement Agency) 48.11
Mining Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.2
Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics, meetings
    of 43.2.37
"Ministries Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Ministries Division (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.6, 238.4.8
Mink, Patsy T. 220.16.2
Minkler, R.L. 253.6.4
Minneapolis, MN
    Mississippi River channel 77.10.53
    rent control 252.4.6
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Minneapolis, MN, Agricultural Loan Agency 154.3.7
Minneapolis, MN, Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.6
Minneapolis, MN, Area Office (Indian Arts and Crafts Board) 435.3
Minneapolis, MN, District (Fuel Administration) 67.5.7
Minneapolis, MN, District Office (Federal Board of
     Vocational Education) 15.5.2
Minneapolis, MN, District Office (Price Administration) 188.16.3
Minneapolis, MN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.25.2
Minneapolis, MN, Division (District Court) 21.25.1
Minneapolis, MN, field office (Wage and Hour Division) 155.4.8
Minneapolis, MN, land office 49.9.14
Minneapolis, MN, Naval Air Station 181.11.16
Minneapolis, MN, Office (Army Engineers) 77.10.9;
    (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.3;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.6
Minneapolis, MN, Operating Section
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.6.6
Minneapolis, MN, Regional Office
   (Fair Employment Practice Committee) 228.5.8
Minneapolis, MN, regional office
   (Wage Stabilization Board) 293.3.9
Minneapolis, MN, Rent Advisory Board 252.4.6
Minneapolis, MN, Zone Agency (Grain Corporation) 5.3
Minneapolis Rental Property Association v. Tighe E. Woods 252.4.6
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, Field Personnel Council
   (Civil Service Commission) 146.4.3
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, Regional Office (FWS) 22.15.3
Minneiska, MN 48.4.1
    agricultural loans 154.3.7
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    census schedules 29.8.1, 29.8.2
    Chippewa lands logging 49.3.10
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.9
        attorneys, U.S. 118.22
        district courts 21.25
    food administration 4.3
        health conditions 75.19.88
        lands 75.7.3
        Sioux depredation claims 75.14.3
        flood control 77.10.53
        forest types 95.10.2
        property surveys 31.2.2
        Red River drainage 114.4.6
        township plats 76.2.4
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.4, 187.5.6
        agricultural extension services 12.2.4
        American Guide 69.5.5
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.14
        survey 57.10.2
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.12.4, 114.14.5
    surplus real property disposal 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.23
    wage and hour standards enforcement 155.2.1, 155.3.1
    Work Incentive (WIN) program files 369.3.3
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.8
        manpower 211.23.9
        rent control 188.3.5
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Minnesota, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Minnesota Judicial District, Special Assistant to the Attorney
    General for the Sixth Division 118.22.1
Minnesota National Forest 75.19.54
Minnesota Ranch Job Corps Conservation Center 75.19.17
Minnesota River 77.10.53
Minnesota State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.14
Minnesota Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.6
Minnesota, U.S. Attorney 118.22.1
Minnesota, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.25.2
Minnesota, U.S. District Court for 21.25.1
Minnetti, Joseph 197.3.1
Minnow, Newton 173.6
    antipoverty programs 381.3.2, 381.3.4
    Civil Rights Commission research 453.3
    discrimination 188.3.13
    Inter-American Affairs Office 229.10
    Presidential inaugural activities 274.8, 274.9, 274.11
Minority Affairs Staff (White House Conference on
    Small Business) 220.30
minority business SEE ALSO Indian business enterprises
      federal purchasing (motion picture) 269.13
Minority Business Development, Commission on 220.19
minority employment
        Equal Employment Opportunity Commission data 403.2.2
        Fair Employment Practice Committee support 228.5.7
        War Manpower Commission case files 211.23.8
    federal agencies, courts 453.2.1
    housing construction 196.5.6
    military personnel 340.9.4
Minot, ND, Division (Circuit Court) 21.36.3
Minot, ND, Division (District Court) 21.36.2
Minot, ND, land office 49.9.20
Mint, Bureau of the 56.2.2, 104.3
Mint, Records of the U.S. (RG 104)
    administrative history 104.1
    Annual Assay Commission 104.6
    branch mints, assay offices 104.5
    Bureau of the Mint 104.3
    motion pictures 104.8
    Philadelphia Mint 104.4
    records 104.2
    still pictures 104.9
    Treasury Secretary's records 104.7
Mint, U.S.
    personnel 56.3.7
    Presidential inaugural medals 274.2
    Treasury Department functions 56.1
"Minute Man" (radio program) 56.13.1
Minute Men 220.13.2
Minutes Section (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.2
Mira Loma, CA, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Miramas, France 120.8.1
Mirex 310.3
Mirror of America (motion picture) 64.14
MIS-X Detachment (Army) 332.2.2, 338.3.1
Miscellaneous Accounts, Division of (First Comptroller) 217.3.10
Miscellaneous Activities Division 4.2.3
Miscellaneous Claims Division (Second Comptroller) 217.4.8
Miscellaneous Collection (National Park Service photos) 79.17
Miscellaneous Commodities Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Miscellaneous Commodities Division 4.2.3
Miscellaneous Division (Adjutant General's Office) 407.6.5;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.1;
    (Customs Commissioner) 217.5.3;
    (FifthAuditor) 217.10.4;
    (First Auditor) 217.6.5;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.14.6;
    (Internal Revenue) 58.3.2, 58.5.27;
    (Treasury Department) 56.2.1, 56.6
Miscellaneous Materials Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.4.3
Miscellaneous Products Rationing Division
   (Price Administration) 188.9.7
Miscellaneous Products Section (Price Administration) 188.8.5
Miscellaneous Property Branch
   (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
Miscellaneous Tax Division (Internal Revenue) 58.5.16
Miscellaneous Weapons Division
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Miskovsky, Milan C. 220.11.2
missile launchers 72.4.2
Missile Sites Labor Commission 280.4.2
missiles SEE ALSO headings beginning with Guided Missile
    Air Force (photographs) 342.15
    Army Secretary 335.7
    Army Staff 319.4.2, 319.15.2
    NASA (photographs) 55.13
    naval aviation 72.3.4, 72.4.1, 72.4.2
    naval weapons 181.15.27, 181.15.30
    Ordnance procurement 156.7.11, 156.7.14
    research and development
        Air Force (motion pictures) 342.4, 342.12
        evaluation 218.2.5
        Vietnam War tests (motion picture) 472.7.7
Missiles and Space Division (Army Staff) 319.17.2
missing-in-action military personnel
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.4.1
    Army information units 338.11.7
    Vietnam War 472.5.8
    World War II 92.9.2, 338.4.3
"Mission 66" Program 79.3.3
Mission for Economic Affairs 169.12.1
The Mission Indian 75.19.60
Mission Indian Agency 75.19.60
Mission Indian Federation 75.19.60
Mission Indians
    reservations (aerial photographs) 75.16.8
    schools 75.10.1
    song, language recordings 106.5
mission lands 75.19.35
Mission Operations Directorate (NASA) 255.4.7
Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European
     Regional Organizations 469.6, 469.7
Mission to the Sudan 286.5.1
    postwar Japan 331.45.4
    seed collection, distribution 16.2
missions (photographs) 79.17
Missions Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.4.1
U.S.S. Mississippi 24.12
    American Guide (photographs) 69.5.5
    Army Engineers projects 77.10.62
    captured, abandoned lands 56.5
    CCC camps 114.8.1
    Confederate organizations
        army units 109.9.4
        cotton records 205.2, 365.11, 365.14.2
        courts 21.26.2
        funded state debt 109.10.11
        miscellaneous records 109.13.1
        Treasury field offices 365.6
    discrimination case files 453.2.1
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.5
        attorneys, U.S. 118.23
        district courts 21.26
    food administration 4.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
        Civil War census data 57.8
        forest types 95.10.7
        military reservations 107.2.1
        Mississippi River Commission 77.7.1
        property surveys 31.2.2
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.3
    naval timber reserves 71.2.5
        maps 49.3.6
    price controls 295.3
    public lands
        land offices 49.9.15
        private claims 49.3.4
        surveys 49.3.6, 57.10.2
    rent control 252.4.4
    soil conservation research 114.5.3
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.10
        direct taxes 58.4.6, 217.10.3
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.24
    wildlife refuges 22.8.4
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.7
        manpower 211.23.8
        rent control 188.3.5
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Mississippi and East Louisiana, Department of
   (Confederate Army) 109.9.2
Mississippi, Army of the 393.4, 393.8, 393.10
Mississippi Backwater Study 83.4.5
Mississippi Centennial Exposition 56.15.4
Mississippi Choctaw Indians 75.7.5, 75.23.3
Mississippi, Confederate Army of the 109.9.2
Mississippi, Confederate States District Court for 21.26.2
Mississippi, Department of (Army) 393.2, 393.4
Mississippi, Department of the (Army) 393.4
Mississippi Direct Tax Commission 58.4.6
Mississippi, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Mississippi, Division of the (Military Railroads) 92.6.1
Mississippi, Military Division of the 393.2
Mississippi, Northern District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Mississippi office (War Risk Litigation Bureau) 190.3
Mississippi Power Co. 51.8.7
Mississippi River
    aerial photographs 77.10.62
    barge transportation 91.1
    Civil War defenses 77.10.28
    flood relief 26.5.2
    maps and charts
        Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.7.1, 77.9.14, 77.10.9, 77.10.28,
          77.10.35, 77.10.52, 77.10.53, 77.10.62, 77.12.2
        floods 27.5.11, 27.7
        hydrographic survey 91.3
        light locations 26.2.2
    navigation improvements 77.7.1, 77.9.13, 77.10.49, 77.10.52,
      77.10.53, 77.10.62
        engineering plans 77.10.28, 77.10.49
        maps 77.7.1, 77.10.49
        photographs 77.10.9
    photographs 233.22.2
        floods 77.7.1, 92.17
    wildlife refuges 22.8.7
Mississippi River and Its Tributaries, Committee on
   (Senate) 46.9
Mississippi River Basin and Valley
    Coast and Geodetic Survey work 23.5.1
    drainage basins (maps) 135.10, 187.5.5
    flood control (maps) 114.7.1, 187.5.4
    navigation improvements 77.9.13, 77.9.14
    stream flow studies 57.6.2
    water quality studies 412.5.4
    waterway routes (animated film) 91.4
Mississippi River Commission 77.7
Mississippi River, Committee on Levees and Improvements on the
   (House of Representatives) 233.19
Mississippi River Delta 77.4.3, 77.10.35
Mississippi River Expedition 393.10
Mississippi River lock and dam no. 15 77.9.14
Mississippi River Parkway Survey 79.3.3
Mississippi River Valley Conservation Experiment Station,
    Upper 310.5.10
Mississippi, Southern District of (Army) 393.5
Mississippi Statewide Drainage Survey 114.4.6, 114.5.3
Mississippi, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.6, 393.14
Mississippi, Surveyor General of 49.3.6
Mississippi, University of
    integration (motion picture) 118.23
Mississippi, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of 118.23
Mississippi, U.S. District Court for the Northern
     District of 21.26.1
Mississippi, U.S. District Court for the Southern
     District of 21.26.3
Mississippi Valley Laboratory 54.3.14
Mississippi Valley Parkway 30.7
Mississippi, Western District of (Army) 393.5
Missoula, MT, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Missoula, MT, land office 49.9.16
U.S.S. Missouri 80.11
    aerial photographs 77.10.23, 77.10.61
    Army Advisory Group 338.11.2
    bank examiner's reports 101.4
    Confederate organizations
        army units 109.9.4
        miscellaneous records 109.13.1
        property damage 109.14.4
    crop reports 136.11.6
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.9
        attorneys, U.S. 118.24
        district courts 21.27
        marshals, U.S. 118.47.7
    food administration 4.3
    Freedmen's Bureau 105.5
    Indian immigration 77.4
        Civil War census data 57.8
        Mississippi River Commission 77.7.1
        private land claims 49.3.4
        property surveys 31.2.2
        township plats 49.3.6
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.6
    Naval Reserve training 24.6.7
        American Guide 69.5.5
        Army Air Forces 18.13
    price controls 295.3
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    public lands
        private claims 49.3.4
        surveys 49.3.6, 57.10.2
    resettlement study 96.4.3
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    slave claims commission 94.9.2
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.12.5, 114.13.4
    surplus property disposal 103.7.5
        real estate 121.4.1
        internal revenue collection districts 58.5.25
    water quality 57.6.8
    weather reports 27.5.7, 136.11.6
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.9
        manpower 211.23.10
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Missouri and Arkansas Railway 219.8
Missouri Basin Interagency Committee 315.2.3
Missouri Basin Survey Commission 220.7.17
Missouri, Department of (Army) 393.2
Missouri, Department of the
   (Army) 94.11, 153.2.5, 153.3, 393.2, 393.4, 393.12
Missouri, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Missouri, Division of the (Military Railroads) 92.6.1
Missouri, Military Division of the 393.2
Missouri [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
Missouri-Oahe Project 115.4.2
Missouri River
    aerial photographs 75.16.4
    barge transportation 91.1
    maps and charts 77.8.1, 77.10.23, 77.10.41
    Minneapolis channel 77.10.53
    photographs 77.9.16, 77.10.41
    surveys 77.10.41
Missouri River Basin and Valley
        Army Engineers 77.9.16, 77.10.41
        development 114.10.9
        drainage basins 187.5.6
        mineral resources 57.4.1
        Reclamation Bureau 115.2
        survey commission 220.7.17
        water use 187.5.6
    photographs 77.10.41, 220.7.17
    water quality studies 412.5.4
Missouri River Basin Committee 114.7.1
Missouri River Basin Investigation 75.16.4
Missouri River Commission 77.8.1
Missouri River Division (Army Engineers) 77.9.16
Missouri River Drainage Basin Committee 75.20.28
Missouri River Railroad Co. 75.12.1
Missouri State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.15
Missouri, Surveyor General of 49.3.6
Missouri, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of 118.24.1
Missouri, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of 118.24.2
Missouri, U.S. Circuit Court for the Eastern District of 21.27.2
Missouri, U.S. Circuit Court for the Western District of 21.27.4
Missouri, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of 21.27.1
Missouri, U.S. District Court for the Western District of 21.27.3
Missouri, U.S. Marshals for the Western District of 118.47.7
Missouri Valley Region (National Resources Planning Board)
Mitchel Field, NY 18.9.1
Mitchell, Clarence M. 228.4.3
Mitchell, James P. 174.3.1, 220.9.15
Mitchell, John N. 129.2.2, 460.5.1
Mitchell map 59.6
Mitchell News Bureau 115.6.1
Mitchell, SD, land office 49.9.23
Mitchell, William 153.2.5
Mitsubishi Bank 131.3.4
Mitsubishi Shoji Kaisha Ltd. 60.14.3, 131.3.3
Mitsui and Co. 131.3.3
Mitsui Bank 131.3.4
Mitylene field office (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.2
Mixed Claims Commission (U.S. and Germany) 15.4.5, 76.9.1
Mixed Claims Commission (U.S. and Great Britain) 76.8, 365.15
Miyako Civil Affairs Team 260.12.12
Moab, UT, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.7
Moapa Tribal Cooperative Enterprise 75.19.110
Mobile, AL
    Army commands 393.7
    Confederate hospitals 109.8.4
    Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.4.2
        admeasurement case files 41.5
        customs collection 36.3.1
        harbor survey 23.2.2
        longshore labor 317.3.2
        passenger arrival records 85.3.1
        shipping 36.3.1
        vessel crew lists 85.3.3
        vessel documentation files 41.5
Mobile, AL, Army Port Agency 336.3.2
Mobile, AL, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Mobile, AL, Army Transportation Office 336.3.2
Mobile, AL, Camp of Distribution 393.13.3
Mobile, AL, Coast Defenses of 392.3
Mobile, AL, Coast Guard Base 26.6.6
Mobile, AL, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.31
Mobile, AL, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Mobile, AL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.2
Mobile, AL, Division (Circuit Court) 21.2.8
Mobile, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.7
Mobile, AL, federal depository 39.5
Mobile, AL, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.3.1, 365.3.2
Mobile, AL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.1
Mobile, AL, land office 49.9.1
Mobile, AL, Lighthouse District 26.2.5
Mobile, AL, Marine Inspection Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Mobile, AL, Marine Safety Office (Coast Guard) 26.6.6
Mobile, AL, office (Treasury Civil War Special Agency) 366.10
Mobile, AL, public health hospital 90.4.23
Mobile Gun Carriage Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5
mobile homes 196.4, 207.6.4, 302.2.4
Mobile Laundry Companies 391.6.2
Mobile Ordnance Repair Shops
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Mobile Point, AL
    Army commands 393.4, 393.11.1
Mobile Point, AL, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.6
Mobile Topographic Unit (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Mobilization and Overseas Operations Division
    (Army Surgeon General) 112.3.2
Mobilization Division (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Mobilization of Relief Resources, Committee on
   (President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.4
Mobilization Planning Staff
   (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3-304.2.6
mobilization plans
    Army commands 394.2.1, 394.2.2, 394.2.4, 394.2.6, 394.2.9
    Army Engineers 77.2.4, 77.10.31
    Army medical units 319.20.6
    aviation 197.3.7
    civilian defense (motion pictures) 171.4.8
    European Command 349.6.3
    German air force 242.4.7, 242.9.1
    interservice coordination 335.11.11
    Ordnance Department 156.7.2, 156.7.11-156.7.14, 156.7.17
    Signal Corps test 111.2.4
    War Department General Staff 165.3.1, 165.5.1, 165.8.1, 165.9.1
    War Production Board 179.2.1
Model Cities Program 207.7.5
model ships (photographs) 19.12
Modern Volunteer Army Branch (Army Vietnam) 472.5.2
Modification of Materials Control, Committee on 253.2.5
Modoc (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
Modoc Census 75.19.88
Modoc Expedition 393.4, 393.10
Modoc National Forest, CA 95.11.6
Modoc War claims 159.3
modular housing 207.7.7
Moen Island Naval Air Facility 313.6.7
Moffett Field, CA 255.4.1
Mogi, Momonoi and Co. 131.3.3
Mohall, ND 22.15.3
Mohave Indians 75.7.2
S.S. Mohawk 41.6.1, 41.6.3, 46.9
Mohawk Valley 360.2.4
U.S.S. Mohican 313.2.2, 313.9.3
Mohican (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3
Mohole project 307.9
moisture conservation SEE water conservation
moisture research 54.5.3
Mojave River 114.10.12
molasses 167.2.1, 188.10
Moline, IL, District Office
   (Price Administration) 188.16.2, 188.16.6, 188.16.7
Molokai, HI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.11
Moltke, Helmuth C.B. 242.10
Mona Island, PR, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.3
Monadnock Project 78.2
Mondale, Walter
    Panama Canal visit (motion picture) 185.8
    photographs 378.7
Monetary Affairs, Subcommittee on Foreign Operations and
     (House of Representatives) 233.13
Monetary Affairs, Subcommittee on Legal and
    (House of Representatives) 233.13
Monetary and Economic Conference 43.2.26
monetary policy
    Council of National Defense 188.3.11
    Federal Reserve 82.1
    Gold Commission 220.18.27
    international aspects 43.7.11, 43.11.3, 56.12.1-56.12.3
    Mint Bureau 104.3.6
    Treasury Department 56.1, 56.10, 56.12.1
Monetary Policy, Conference on Fiscal and 220.10.1
Monett, MO 77.10.61
money SEE currency
Money, A.K. 79.11.2
Money Order Service 28.10
Money Orders, Division of (Post Office Department) 28.5.4
    plant expedition 54.2
    vocabulary terms 324.2
U.S.S. Monitor 45.8.4
Monitored Retrievable Storage Review Commission 220.19
Monitoring Division (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service)
monitors (naval ships) 19.6.2
Monmouth Beach, NJ, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Monnet, Jean 43.10.25
Mono (Pacific island) 127.9
U.S.S. Monongahela 313.9.3
Monongahela, Department of the (Army) 393.4
Monongahela, District of (Army) 393.5
Monongahela National Forest, WV 95.10.6, 187.5.4
Monongahela River 77.10.45
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.6.4
    Temporary National Economic Committee studies 144.1, 144.2
Monroe County, AR 103.6.3
Monroe, James
    Army Engineers Chief 77.1
    mineral lands 49.5
    State Secretary 59.3.1
Monroe, LA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.20.4
Monroe, LA, Division (District Court) 21.20.3
Monroe, LA, land office 49.9.13
Montague, Ludwell Lee 263.2.2
    Army claims 159.4
        Chinese immigrants 85.2.4
        schedules 29.8.2
    electric power utilities 305.2
    federal courts
        appeals cases 276.10
        attorneys, U.S. 118.25
        district courts 21.28
    food administration 4.3
    forest, range fire reports 49.15.2
    game management reports 95.9.1
    Indian housing 207.14
        mineral surveys 49.7.7
        mining claims, patents 49.3.2, 49.3.14
        property surveys 31.2.2
        public lands withdrawals 49.3.6
        township surveys 49.7.7
        wildlife areas 22.15.5
    military draft records 163.2.6, 163.3, 163.4.1, 163.4.2
    National Resources Planning Board 187.5.9
        American Guide 69.5.5
        federal buildings 121.4.3
        floods 220.7.17
        forest reserves 95.13
        Hayden Survey 79.17
        Indian lands 75.8
        soil conservation 114.10.9
    price controls 295.3
    public lands
        Land Management Bureau 49.13.6, 49.14.4
        land offices 49.9.16
        surveys 49.7.7, 57.10.2
    rent control 252.4.7, 252.4.8
    rural rehabilitation loans 96.5
    Soil Conservation Service offices 114.11.11, 114.12.6,

    surplus property disposal 103.7.1, 269.11.5
        internal revenue collection district 58.5.26
    territorial papers 48.4.7
    wheat elevator loans 154.3.6
    World War II
        Fair Employment Practice Committee 228.5.11
        manpower 211.23.12
    WPA, CWA projects 69.2.2, 69.6.1
Montana and Idaho District (Customs Service) 36.3.1
Montana and North Dakota Wheat Association 154.3.7
Montana, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Montana State Headquarters (Selective Service) 147.3.16
Montana State Office (Agricultural Statistics) 355.2.2;
    (Land Management Bureau) 49.13.6;
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.4.1
Montana Superintendency (Indian Affairs) 75.15.7
Montana, Surveyor General of (General Land Office) 49.7.7
Montana, U.S. Attorney for 118.25
Montana, U.S. Circuit Court for 21.28.3
Montana, U.S. District Court for 21.28.2
Montana, U.S. Territorial Court for 21.28.1
Montecassino, Italy 260.4.9
Monterey, CA 22.14.3
Monterey, CA, Presidio of 165.11.5
Monterey County, CA 49.13.3
Montfaucon, France 117.3.2, 120.3.2
Montgomery, AL
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    Confederate cotton records 365.11
    housing discrimination (sound recordings) 453.2.1
    weather observations 27.4.3
Montgomery, AL, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.1
Montgomery, AL, Army Holding and Reconsignment Point 336.3.2
Montgomery, AL, Confederate Medical Purveyor's Office 109.8.3
Montgomery, AL, District (Army Engineers) 77.10.32
Montgomery, AL, District of (Army) 393.5
Montgomery, AL, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.7
Montgomery, AL, Division (District Court) 21.2.4
Montgomery, AL, Division Office
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Montgomery, AL, Division Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Montgomery, AL, office (Price Stabilization) 295.3
Montgomery, AL, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Montgomery, AL, regional office
    (Farm Security Administration) 96.4.5
Montgomery County, MD (map) 28.10
Montgomery, IA, Soil Conservation District 114.10.5
Montgomery Ward and Co. 153.12, 188.17.7
Monthly Weather Review 27.6.2
Monticello, IA, CCC camp 114.8.1
Monticello, IN 29.8.3
Montierchaume, France 120.8.2
Montmorillon firing range 120.5.2
Montoir, France 120.8.1
Montpelier, VT, District Office
   (Price Administration) 188.11.3, 188.11.6, 188.11.7
Montpelier, VT, District Office (Public Roads) 30.5
Montpelier, VT, Division Office (Federal Highway Administration) 406.3
Montreal, Quebec
    Russian consulate 261.3
    shipping 32.5.12
Montrose, CO, Division (Circuit Court) 21.7.3
Montrose, CO, Division (District Court) 21.7.2
Montrose, CO, land office 49.9.6
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Monument Valley 79.17
monuments SEE historic sites and monuments
Monuments and Fine Arts Branch
   (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2
Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Section
   (SHAEF) 239.2, 331.3.9
Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives Subcommission
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
    lunar maps 77.12.3, 77.17
    mineral resources 70.12.6
    NASA programs 255.4.7
        motion picture 255.9
        photographs 255.4.3, 255.13
    surface charts 342.8
Mooney, James E. 370.8.2
Mooney, Thomas T. 10.2
Moonshine and Taxes (motion picture) 58.6.5
Moore, Archie 47.4.2
Moore, Charles 66.2.1
Moore, James R. 252.4.8
Moore, Rae 452.4.3
Moorestown, NJ, entomology research station 7.9
Moorestown, NJ, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.8
Moorman, Mary A. 60.10.2
Moose Peak, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Mopac reports (War Manpower Commission Region VII) 211.23.8
Moqui Pueblo Indian Agency 75.19.61
Moqui Reservation, AZ 75.7.2
Morale Branch (SHAEF) 331.9.2
Morale Branch (War Department General Staff) 165.8.3
Morale Division (Navigation Bureau) 24.6.6
Morale Division (Strategic Bombing Survey) 243.4.3
Morale Operations Branch (OSS) 226.12, 226.17.1-226.17.3,
     226.17.5-226.17.8, 226.18
Moran, Edward C. 174.3.4, 178.2.2
Moran, Frederick A. 238.6
Morcan School 220.23.7
More Effective Public Service 220.15.27
Morell, Theo 242.14
Morgan, A.E. 142.3.1
Morgan City, LA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    naval air station 80.11
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Morgan, Edmund M., Jr. 340.9.2
Morgan Engineering Co. 156.13
Morgan, Frederick E. 331.2
Morgan, H.A. 142.3.1
Morgan Horse Farm, U.S. 17.2.2, 17.3.5
Morgan horses (photographs) 17.2.2
Morgan, John 360.2.4
Morgan, NJ, General Ordnance Depot 156.11
Morgan, Thomas A. 220.7.11
Morgantown, NC 393.4, 393.7
Morgantown, WV
    fuel experiment station 70.6
    Seneca Glass Works film 515.3
Morgantown, WV, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.10.3
Morgantown, WV, office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.12.13
Morganza, LA
    Army commands 393.7, 393.11.1, 393.12
Morganza, LA, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Morgenthau (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.3, 26.6.10, 26.6.12
Morin, Charles H. 220.15.21
Morinigo, Higinio 229.14
Mormons 106.6
Moro provinces 350.3
Morocco SEE ALSO French Morocco; Spanish Morocco
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        military attache 319.12.2
    World War I trade 182.9.3
    World War II 338.9.5
Morongo Subagency 75.19.60
Morrell, Fred 95.8
Morrell, Jacque C. 253.2.4
Morris & Nicholson 42.2.3, 42.2.5
Morris Dam Group 227.5.3
Morris, Hugh M. 21.9.1
Morris Island, SC 393.4, 393.5, 393.9, 393.11.1
Morris, Robert 39.2.3, 42.2.1, 360.2.3
Morrison, Alexia 449.7
Morrison Aviation Camp 3.4.7
Morrison, John G. 75.19.17
Morristown, NY 36.3.1
S.S. Morro Castle 41.6.1, 41.6.3, 46.9
Morro Castle, Santiago, Cuba 395.11.1, 395.11.5
Morrow, Malcolm 44.5.3
Morse, Charles E. 217.7.3
Morse, David A. 174.3.2, 174.4.4
Morse, Samuel F.B. 28.2.2
mortality census schedules 29.8.2
Mortgage Company (Reconstruction Finance Corporation)
    234.5.10, 234.6.3
Mortgage Interest Rates, Commission on 207.7.11
mortgages SEE ALSO home mortgages
    agricultural economics 83.4.2
    census agent 29.2.3
    Indian lands (maps) 75.19.71
    merchant ships 26.6.5, 26.6.6, 26.6.10, 26.6.12, 41.5
    railroads 49.2.3
    secondary market 294.2
Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers 43.3.4
Moscow, ID, Agricultural Experiment Station 310.5.9
Moscow, ID, area office (Soil Conservation Service) 114.11.6
Moscow, ID, Division (Circuit Court) 21.14.3
Moscow, ID, Division (District Court) 21.14.2
"Moscow Mail Bag" (radio program) 233.25.2
Moscow, Russia
    American International Exhibition 306.5.4
    interviews 233.25.2
    Military Mission, U.S. 334.2
    Public Information Committee representative 63.2.3
    traffic density map 234.2.5
Moseley bridges 92.17
Mosely, Philip E. 43.11.20
Moskow, Michael H. 174.3.2, 174.3.4
    disease distribution maps 52.6
Mostaganem, Algeria, Advanced Amphibious Training Base 181.5.3
Motion Picture and Television Archives (Marine Corps) 127.9
Motion Picture Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.4
Motion Picture Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.2
Motion Picture Division (Agriculture Department) 16.7.2;
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.6;
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.6.1;
    (OWI) 208.6.5
motion picture industry
    OWI liaison 208.6.5
    postwar German decartelization 466.2.3
    stars in war bond drives 56.13.1
    World War I trade 182.9.1, 182.9.4
Motion Picture Record Division (WPA) 69.4.3
Motion Picture Service 16.7.2
Motion Picture Society of the Americas 229.6.1
motion pictures
    government films on World War II 107.10.2, 208.3.8
    nitrate film tests 64.14
    OWI review 208.6.5
    pornography commission 60.17.10
    postwar Japan 331.45.2
    USIA distribution 306.4.2
    World War I information use 63.2.2
Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings, Division of (National
    Archives) 64.6
Motion Pictures and Visual Aids, Evaluating Committee on 353.5.13
Motion Pictures, Bureau of (OWI) 44.4.1, 208.3.8
Motor Carrier Act (1935) 398.2
Motor Carrier Act (1980) 220.18.3
Motor Carrier Claims Commission 219.7
Motor Carrier Information Management and Analysis, Office of
    (Federal Highway Administration) 406.2.4
Motor Carrier Ratemaking Study Commission 220.18.23
Motor Carrier Safety, Bureau of (Federal Highway Administration)
Motor Carriers, Associate Administrator for
   (Federal Highway Administration) 406.2.4
Motor Command units (Army) 391.6.2
Motor Dispatch Service (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.4.1
Motor Division (Ordnance Department) 156.6.16
Motor Equipment Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Motor Equipment Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.1, 156.6.5
Motor Fuel and Equipment Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.5
Motor Repair units (Army) 391.6.2, 391.6.3
Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 1 313.5.3
Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron, 7th Fleet 313.5.5
Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons, Pacific Fleet 313.5.3
Motor Torpedo Boat Squadrons Training Center 181.15.6
Motor Transport Battalion (Military Government for Germany) 260.6
motor transport companies (Army) 391.6.2
Motor Transport Corps (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.8
Motor Transport Corps (War Department) 92.6.3
Motor Transport for the District of Columbia, Coordinator of
motor transport officer (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.2
Motor Transport Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.4
Motor Transport Service (Army) 156.7.19, 156.7.20
Motor Transport, Special Adviser for (War Secretary) 107.3.2
Motor Truck Companies (Army) 391.6.2
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (1966) 398.2, 416.2
Motor Vehicle Service, Division of
   (Post Office Department) 28.6.3
motor vehicles
    American Expeditionary Forces service parks 120.7.8
    Defense Transportation Office 219.1
    Federal Coordinator of Transportation 133.3.2
    mail routes 28.4.2, 28.6.3
    Ordnance Department 156.7.12, 156.7.15
        Detroit office 156.7.19
        photographs 156.6.8, 156.10.1
    Presidential inaugural license plates 274.7, 274.8
    Quartermaster General 92.6.3
        photographs 92.3.1
    traffic accidents 42.3.4
motorboat inspections 38.7.2
motorboat laws 41.4.1
motorcycle companies
    American Expeditionary Forces 120.7.8
    Regular Army 391.6.3
Moulton Commission 330.5.1
Mound City, IL 77.9.12
Mound City, IL, Naval Station 45.8.6, 181.8.6
Mound City, KS 393.4, 393.7
Mound City, MO 22.15.3
Moundsville, WV, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.14
Mount Baker, WA 79.17
Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, WA 95.11.7
Mount Carroll, IL, internal revenue collection district 58.5.13
Mount Desert, ME, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Mount Desk (Ordnance Bureau) 74.4
Mount Diablo Meridian 49.9.5, 49.9.18, 49.12, 49.13.3, 49.14.2
Mount Edgecumbe Boarding School 75.16.5
Mount Hebron, CA, seeding project 49.14.2
Mount McKinley (motion pictures) 79.7.5
Mount Rainier National Park (motion pictures) 28.2.2
Mount Rainier Ordnance Depot 338.11.4
Mount Sterling, KY 393.7
Mount Vernon 37.3, 43.12.15, 66.4, 148.2
Mount Vernon Barracks, AL 393.7
Mount Vernon Memorial Parkway 16.5.1, 30.7, 30.8, 42.3.4
Mount Vernon, OH, internal revenue collection district 58.5.35
Mount Washington, NH 27.5.7
Mount Weather, VA 27.5.7
mountain corps (German Army) 242.7.5
Mountain Department (Army) 393.4
Mountain District (Army) 393.5
Mountain Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.12
Mountain Training Center (Army Ground Forces) 337.7.3
    Alaska border areas (photographs) 76.2.9
Mounted Riflemen, Regiment of 391.3.2
Mounted Service School (Army) 177.4
Mouth of White River, AR, 393.4, 393.9, 393.12
Movements and Transportation Branch
   (Allied Force HQ) 331.20.2, 331.25.1, 331.28.1
Movements and Transportation Branch (SHAEF) 331.3.7, 331.6.2
Movements Branch (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
Movements Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.8
Movements Division (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.48
Movietones (newsreels) 208.6.5
Moving Picture Censorship Department 38.6.2
Moyer, Burton Jones 326.5.7
Moyers, Bill 490.2.1, 490.2.2
Moyers, Gilbert 56.4
Moylan, Stephen 92.17
    U.S. consular posts 84.3, 84.4
Muchmore film (of Kennedy assassination) 272.4
Muchmore, Mary 272.4
Muckleshoot Indians 75.19.125
Muckleshoot Reservation 75.19.86
Muir, John 56.3.1
Mukden, China 226.21
Muldoon, William J. 211.23.6
Mule Creek, IA 310.5.12
mules 17.2.2, 108.4.3
Mulhall, Michael M. 87.2.1
Mulhall, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Mullen, Joseph P. 75.23.3
Mullett, Alfred .B. 42.6.1, 56.3.1
Mulligan Stew (motion picture) 16.7.2
Multinational Corporations, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.12
Multiregional Input-Output Accounts 235.3.3
Multnomah County, OR, School District No. 1 381.6.3
Munfordville, KY 393.4, 393.7
Munich, Germany, Branch (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.1
Munich, Germany, Central Collecting Point
   (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.9
Munich soviet republic 242.28
Municipal Engineering Section (WPA) 69.4.4
Munising, MI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
munitions SEE weapons
Munitions Assignment Committee (Ground) 169.3.6
Munitions Assignments Board 333.2
Munitions Board
    Air Force representative 340.9.3
    Area Joint Committees 334.14
    Army representative 335.11.11
    records 330.13
Munitions Board Procurement Policy Council 319.25.4
Munitions Committee (War Department Claims Board) 191.4.2
Munitions Industry, Special Committee Investigating the (Senate) 46.22.2
Munitions Patent Board 153.9.3
Munitions Section (Fuel Administration) 67.4.1
Munitions Standards Board 62.10.1
Munitions Stockpile Committee 304.4
Munoz Marin, Luis 220.15.37
Munro (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Munsee Indians
    enrollment 75.7.5
    lands 75.7.3
Murchison, Claudius T. 151.2.1
    American prisoners of war 338.7.2
    Arctic weather technician 370.6
    Freedmen's Bureau records 105.5
    Spotted Tail 75.19.92
Murfreesboro, TN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1, 393.13.7
Murfreesboro, TN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.42
Murie, O.J. 22.17.1
Murmansk Expedition 120.13
Murmansk, Russia 182.16
Murphy, Charles S. 273.1
Murphy, Frank 60.4.3
Murphy, Franklin D. 220.15.40
Murphy Iron Wheel 74.3.1
Murphy, Raymond E. 263.2.2
Murphy, Robert D. 220.15.31, 260.2.2
Murray, James 75.6
Murray State School of Agriculture 75.19.26
Murrow, Edward R. 306.3.4
Murrow Indian Orphans Home 75.23.3
Muscatine County, IA 49.7.14
Muscatine, IA 22.15.3
Muscle Shoals, AL
    Army Engineers records 77.10.33
    Chemistry and Soils Bureau records 54.4
    patent claims 153.9.1
    TVA photographs 142.18
Muscle Shoals, AL, Joint Committee on 128.3
Muscle Shoals, AL, Nitrate Plant 54.5.2, 156.6.2, 156.16
Muscle Shoals Grant 49.2.3
museum curators 75.19.73
museum exhibits
    Indian arts and crafts 435
    National Park Service labs 79.6.3
Museum of Modern Art 435.2.2
Museum Services Act (1976) 288.2
museum shops
    National Archives poster 64.8
music SEE ALSO bands
    Air Force public information programs
      (sound recordings) 342.14
    American Revolution Bicentennial theme song 452.3.5
    ballads for Venereal Disease Project 90.3.5
    bugle calls (sound recordings) 94.2.1
    German-American Bund rallies 131.3.2
    Guthrie songs for Bonneville Power 305.4
    Indian songs, linguistic material 106.5
    International Women's Year anthem (sound recordings) 220.16.2
    Ku Klux Klan songs (sound recordings) 220.13.2
    Military Academy
        Glee Club (video recording) 404.3.1
        performances (sound recordings) 404.8.1
    National Youth Administration program 119.5.6
    opera 131.3.2
    Presidential inaugural concert, 1969 (video recording) 274.8
    propaganda songs 226.12
    Revolutionary War music book 93.6
    WPA projects 69.5.3
        photographs 69.10
    Zip Code song (sound recording) 28.13
Music, Advisory Committee on 353.3
music festivals 69.5.3
musical instruments
    Military Academy chapel organ 404.12.2
    military medical records 94.12.3
Muskegon, MI
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Muskegon, MI, Coast Guard Lifeboat Station 26.6.7
Muskegon, MI, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Muskingum (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.2
Muskingum River watershed 114.4.5
Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District 77.9.12, 77.10.21
Muskingum Watershed Microclimatic Project, OH 114.4.5
Muskogee, OK, Area Office (Indian Affairs) 75.16.7
Muskogee, OK, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.34.5
Muskogee, OK, field office (Geological Survey) 57.10.2
Muskogee, OK, Probate Attorney (Indian Affairs) 75.19.26
Muskogee, OK [Indian Territory], District
   (District Court) 21.38.1
Muskogee, OK [Indian Territory], townsite 75.7.3
Muslims 118.10
mussels 22.4.3
Mussolini, Benito
    official records 242.17.1
    speeches (sound recordings) 242.27, 262.4
mustard gas 70.9
    photographs 171.4.6
muster rolls
    Adjutant General's Office 94.2.2
    Army Hospital Corps 94.12.4
    Army overseas commands
        Cuban Pacification 395.5.1
        Philippines 395.14.1
        Puerto Rico 395.15.2
    Army Treasury accounts 217.7.7
    arsenals 156.9.1, 156.9.6, 156.9.11, 156.9.19
    artillery units 391.2.1
    cavalry units 391.3.2, 391.3.4, 391.3.5
    Chickasaw removal 75.6
    Coast Artillery companies 391.2.3
    Coast Guard 26.5.5
    compiled service records 94.12.1, 94.12.2
        exchanged, paroled prisoners 109.6
        hospitals 109.8.1
        military units 109.7.1
    Engineer units 391.4
    Field Artillery units 391.2.2
    Hot Springs military hospital 112.5.1
    Indian Scouts 391.6.1
    infantry units 391.5.5, 391.5.6
    Lifesaving Service 26.4.4
    Londonderry Naval Operating Base 181.6.5
    Marine Corps 127.3.2, 127.6.1, 127.6.2
    Military Academy 404.4.1, 404.17
    Naval Asylum 71.2.2
    naval operating forces 313.3.1, 313.4.2
    naval service 24.2.3, 24.3.2, 45.2.3, 181.14.5, 217.9.5,
    Provost Marshal General's Bureau 110.4
    Revenue Cutter Service 26.3.4
    Revolutionary War 93.3
    Signal Corps units 111.7
    Soldiers' Home 231.2
Mustering and Disbursing Office
   (Provost Marshal General's Bureau) 110.5
Mustering Officer (2d Army Corps) 395.2.1
Mutual Aid Association 26.3.4
Mutual Defense Assistance Act (1949) 334.4, 334.5.5, 334.5.6
Mutual Defense Assistance Program
    Air Force Secretary 340.3.1
    Army Secretary 335.4
    Defense Secretary 330.6.2, 330.6.3
    Quartermaster General 92.3.5
Mutual Security Act (1951) 220.9.13, 273.2, 334.4
Mutual Security Act (1954) 273.2
Mutual Security Agency 469.2.1-469.2.3, 469.3
Mutual Security Program
    Defense Secretary 330.6.1
    Special Representative in Europe, U.S. 469.2.2, 469.3.2
    State Department economic committees 353.5.7
MX missile site maps 233.15
My Lai massacre 153.2.3, 319.11, 319.28, 335.2
My Tho, Vietnam, regional team (Four Party Commission) 472.11.2
Mycalex 70.11.3
Myers, Bennett E. 18.7.4
Myrtle Street Prison, St. Louis, MO 393.4, 393.13.11

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