
Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States
Alphabetical Index: E

Note: This alphabetical index to the Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States is based on a paper version with the same title compiled in 1995. The index does not reflect updates to the Guide. The updated web version of the Guide can be searched with the Search the Guide feature.

See also:

A   B   C   D   E    F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M  
N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

E Group (German Army) 242.7.2
Eagle (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Eagle (Eagle City), AK
    customs collection 36.3.1
    townsite tract books 49.13.1
Eagle (Eagle City), AK, term (Territorial Court) 21.3.4
Eagle (Eagle City), AK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.1
Eagle Harbor, MI, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.7
The Eagle Has Landed: The Flight of Apollo 11 (motion picture) 255.9
Eagle Pass, TX 36.3.1
Eaker, Ira C. 18.8
Earhart, Amelia 237.2
    photographs 237.3.3
Earle, Swepson 22.4.4
Early, Jubal A. 109.13.2
Earnings Section (Coal Commission) 68.3.1
Earth Space (motion picture) 307.4.2
    Agricultural Marketing Service response 136.11
    Coast and Geodetic Survey research 23.3.8, 23.4.2
    damage photographs
        Alaska railroad 48.16
        Charleston, 1886 57.2.2
        San Francisco, 1906 30.8, 92.17, 111.10
        Santa Barbara, 1925 18.13
    relief naval operations 313.2.6
    seismic research on wildlife refuges 22.8.7
East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (Peace Corps) 490.2.3
East Asia Branch (Agency for International Development) 286.3.2
East Base, Antarctica 126.8
East Camp Claims Board 125.3.15
East, Charlotte 220.16.2
East China Railway Campaign 319.20.3
East Coast Director for Construction (Maritime Commission) 178.6
East Columbus, OH, Army Reserve Depot 92.7.1
East, Department of the (Army) 391.2.3, 393.2, 393.4
East Florida
    Spanish archives 49.3.4
East Florida, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
East Florida, Subdistrict of (Army) 393.4, 393.6
East Lake, MN 22.15.3
East Pascagoula, MS
    Army commands 393.7
East Pascagoula, MS, military asylum 231.2.3
East River, NY 77.10.37
East St. Louis, IL, federal court 21.15.3
East Tennessee
    aerial photographs 142.10.2
East Tennessee and Western Virginia, Confederate Army of 109.9.2
East Tennessee, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9
East-West Trade, Bureau of 489.7
East Wilton, ME, internal revenue collection district 58.5.19
Eastern Affairs Division (Berlin Element, High Commissioner
     for Germany) 466.4
Eastern Areal and Structural Geology Section
    (Geological Survey) 57.4.1
Eastern Arkansas, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5, 393.9
Eastern Band of Cherokee 75.7.5
Eastern Base Section (Mediterranean Theater) 338.3.2
Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Committee 75.7.5
Eastern Cherokee Indians
    artists (photographs) 435.4
    census rolls 75.6
    claims cases 123.8
    enrollment 75.7.5
    health survey 75.14.4
The Eastern Cherokee Today (motion picture) 378.4
Eastern Defense Command (Army) 338.2.1
Eastern Department (Army) 394.2.2, 393.4
Eastern Department (Revolutionary War army) 93.4.1
Eastern District (Customs Service) 36.3.1;
    (European Command) 349.6.3;
    (War Department Employment Section) 165.8.2
Eastern Division (Army) 393.2;
    (Army Engineers) 77.9.2;
    (Isthmian Canal Commission) 185.5.2
Eastern Europe
    ethnic German resettlement 242.13
    maps 242.25
        labor, communist activities 77.12.2
        water transportation 4.2.3
    photographs 242.28
    U.S. Army intelligence 319.19
    U.S. policy meetings 43.10.11
    USIA reports 306.5.2
    World War II shipping 248.3.4
Eastern European Affairs, Division of (State Department) 59.3.4
Eastern European Branch (Military Intelligence Service) 165.4.9
Eastern European Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.9
Eastern Field Operation Center (Mines Bureau) 70.14
Eastern Front (World War I)
    maps 120.3.2
Eastern Front (World War II)
    German operations histories 319.20.8
    intelligence 263.2.1
    photographs 242.28
Eastern Louisiana, District of (Army) 393.5
Eastern [Milling] Division (Food Administration) 4.4.2
Eastern Navajo Indian Agency 75.19.23
Eastern New York, Harbor Defenses of 392.3
Eastern Point, MA, Coast Guard Light Station 26.6.1
Eastern Point, MA, U.S. Troops 393.11.2
Eastern Region (Federal Aviation Administration) 237.5.1;
    (Forest Service) 95.9.6;
    (Personnel Management Office) 478.3;
    (Weather Bureau) 27.6.1
Eastern Regional Coordinating Committee
    (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.3.6
Eastern Regional Housing Expediter 252.4.1
Eastern Regional Office
    (Federal Coordinator of Transportation) 133.5.1;
    (Geological Survey) 57.10.1; (Mines) 70.11.1
Eastern Regional Train Service Board of Adjustment 13.8
Eastern Sea Frontier (Naval Forces) 313.7
Eastern Shawnee Census 75.19.88
Eastern Shawnee Indians
    constitution, charter 75.19.88
Eastern Shore, MD
    soil survey 54.5.4
Eastern Shore, MD, District of (Army) 393.5, 393.9
Eastern Shore, MD, Experimental Forest 95.10.3
Eastern Shore of Virginia, U.S. Forces 393.11.1
Eastern Softwoods Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
Eastern South Carolina, Military District of 393.4, 393.5
Eastern Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.4
Eastern states
        air transport weather 27.7
        internal improvements 46.23
        oil distribution 253.2.2
    weather reports 114.4.5
Eastern Virginia, District of (Army) 393.4, 393.5
Eastman, Joseph B. 133.2
Eastport, ME 41.5
Eastville, VA 41.5
Eastwind (revenue cutter) 26.5.2
Eaton, GA, field office (Confederate Treasury) 365.4.3
Eau Claire, WI, term (District Court) 21.52.5
Eberle, William 364.3
Eberts Field, AR 18.9.1
Ebeye Island Naval Air Facility 313.6.7
E.C.A. store 75.20.4
Echaque, Philippine Islands 395.14.4
Eckert Mineral Research Co. 155.4.7
Eckler, A. Ross 29.3.1
Eckstein, Otto 459.1
Ecological Studies, Division of 22.15.1
    Environmental Quality Committee 429.3
    salt marsh study (motion picture) 40.7.4
    survey photographs 49.17
    TVA functions 142.1
Economic Adviser (Price Administration) 188.8.1
Economic Adviser, Office of the
   (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.4.7
Economic Adviser, Office of the (State Department) 59.3.7
Economic Adviser Section (Budget Bureau) 51.8.1
Economic Adviser to the National Emergency Council, Office of the 51.7
economic advisers
    Agriculture Department 16.3.1
    Council of Economic Advisers 459
    National Security Resources Board 304.2.1, 304.2.2
    occupied Germany 260.9.3
    Rural Electrification Administration 221.2.2
    Supplies Bureau, Foreign Economic Administration 169.7.1
Economic Advisory Section
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.6
Economic Affairs, Assistant Secretary of State for 59.3.7
Economic Affairs, Deputy for
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
Economic Affairs Division (Army Staff) 319.5.2;
   (Berlin Element, High Commissioner for Germany) 466.4;
   (Land Commissioner for Bremen) 466.3.1
Economic Affairs, Office of (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.2
Economic Affairs, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.2
Economic Affairs, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for 43.7.11
Economic Analysis, Records of the Bureau of (RG 375)
    administrative history 375.1
    Business Economics Office 375.2
    machine-readable records 375.4
    Regional Economic Measurement Division 375.3
Economic Analysis Section
   (Food Distribution Administration) 136.7.4;
    (Price Administration) 188.8.5, 188.8.6, 188.8.9,188.8.11;
    (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.1
Economic and Administrative Main Office (SS) 242.3.2
Economic and Financial Affairs Committee
   (Far Eastern Commission) 43.11.23
Economic and Long Range Studies, Division of
     (Social Security Administration) 47.5.1
Economic and Procedural Section
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.1
Economic and Scientific Section
     (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46
Economic Atlas of the Pacific Northwest 16.10.3
economic botanists 54.3.6
Economic Branch (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.8
Economic Capabilities Division
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2
economic censuses 29.6.4, 29.6.5
Economic Commission 43.2.26
Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East 353.5.7
Economic Commission for Italy (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.5
Economic Commission for the Balkans and Finland
    (Paris Peace Conference) 43.5.5
Economic Committee (CENTO) 333.8.3
economic conditions
    Agency for International Development (sound recordings) 286.9
    Asian occupied areas 407.3
    business cycles study 167.7
    CIA maps 263.5
    civil disorders commission 220.11.4
    consular trade reports (maps) 59.3.7
    Council for National Defense reports 62.3.1, 62.8
        women's issues 62.5.2
    defense program effects 188.3.11
    Depression era 73
    District of Columbia 51.10.1
    Economic Analysis Bureau 375
    Economic Stabilization Agency 296.2
    Fiscal, Monetary Advisory Board 51.10.2
    foreign trade 20.3.2, 489.5.1
    France 489.2.2
    FTC studies 122.1, 122.3
        national wealth (maps) 122.4
    Germany 242.4.3, 260.3.6, 260.9.1
    Government Reports Office 44.2, 44.3, 44.4
    Indians 75.14.5, 75.16.9, 75.19.20, 75.19.82, 75.19.95,
        75.19.114, 75.19.128
    Inter-American Affairs Office 229.4.3
    international conferences 43.2.26
    international policy council 429.5
    Japan 38.4.8, 59.5.2, 331.41.1
        maps 319.26
    OSS analysis 226.6.1, 226.17.1
    Panama 335.10
    postwar conferences 43.6.5, 43.8.1, 43.10.9
    Presidential commissions 220.17.2, 220.17.3, 220.19
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.1
        motion pictures, photographs 260.12.9
    Soviet Union 242.18.3
    state laws 151.4
    statistical representation 40.3.7
    Treasury analysis 56.14.2
    TVA maps 142.10.1
    USIA (photographs) 306.5.3
    White House conference 220.10.1
    World War II reconversion 228.4.2, 250.3.2
Economic Cooperation Act (1948) 469.2, 469.2.2, 469.2.3
Economic Cooperation Administration
    Gray report 286.2.1
    interdepartmental committees 469.3.1
    occupied Germany 260.4.3, 466.1
    records 469.2
    special representative for Europe 469.3.2
Economic Data Analysis Section (Price Administration) 188.5.6
Economic Defense Board 151.9.1
Economic Demobilization, Committee on (Price Administration) 188.3.5
Economic Department (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.4
economic development
    Agency for International Development projects 286.5.3, 286.5.4, 286.10
    Alaska 126.5
    Brazil commission 43.11.29
    Caribbean area 126.6.1
    Economic Development Administration 378
    foreign aid 469.4
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.6
        maps 151.11
    Indian tribes
        agency records 75.19.59, 75.19.67, 75.19.117, 75.19.127, 75.20.29
        area office 75.16.2, 75.16.7
        Industrial Development Branch 75.14.24
        photographs 75.29
    NATO countries 330.6.4
    regional commissions 414
    road improvements 30.3
    technical assistance committees 353.3
    TVA 142.4
Economic Development Administration, Records of the (RG 378)
    administrative history 378.1
    Area Redevelopment Administration 378.2
    motion pictures 378.4
    regional offices 378.3
    sound recordings 378.6
    still pictures 378.7
    video recordings 378.5
Economic Development, Commission for the Study of International Migration and Cooperative 220.19
Economic Development, Department of
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.4
Economic Development, Office of Natural Resources
    and (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.11
Economic Development, White House Conference on
    Balanced National Growth and 220.27
Economic Directorate (Allied Control Authority) 260.8.4
Economic Distribution Staff
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.5
Economic Division (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2;
    (FTC) 122.3, 122.4;
    (World War I Peace Inquiry) 256.2
Economic Fields, Assistant Director for (Census Bureau) 29.6
Economic Foreign Policy, Executive Committee on (State Department) 353.5.3
economic intelligence 169.8.2
Economic Management Office
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Economic Ministries Division (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.6
economic mobilization studies 334.15.3
economic opportunity SEE discrimination in employment
Economic Opportunity Act (1964) 220.14.5, 362.2, 369.2,
    369.2.3, 381.3
Economic Opportunity Amendments (1966) 220.14.5
Economic Opportunity, National Advisory Commission on 220.14.5
Economic Opportunity, Office of 381.3, 381.4
    Sugarman Head Start files 235.3.2
"Economic Outreach" (video recording) 220.18.20
economic planning
    Inter-American Affairs Office 229.9.1
    World War II 250.1
economic policy
    Council of Economic Advisers 459
    Council on International Economic Policy 429.5
    State Department committees 353.5.7
    Treasury functions 56.1
Economic Policy and Programs, Departmental Committee (Labor) 174.4.5
Economic Policy Board 459.2
Economic Policy, Office of (Cost of Living Council) 432.2.5
Economic Programs, Office of
    (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.6.4
Economic Report, Joint Committee on 128.3
economic research
    agriculture 354
    FERA studies 69.3.6
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.6.7
    Labor Statistics, Bureau of 257
    Smaller War Plants Corporation studies 240.3.4
    War Trade Board 182.10
Economic Research and Special Studies, Director of (Board of
     Investigation and Research--Transportation) 198.4
Economic Research, Division of
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.6
Economic Research, National Bureau of 220.15.10
Economic Research, Office of
    (Federal Home Loan Bank Board) 195.2.2
Economic Research Service (Agriculture Department) 16.3.2
Economic Research Service, Records of the (RG 354)
    administrative history 354.1
    Farm Production Economics Division 354.3
    general records 354.2
    machine-readable records 354.6
    National Agricultural Advisory Commission 354.5
    Natural Resource Economic Committee 354.4
economic resources (maps) 169.8.1
Economic Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Economic Section (Council of National Defense) 188.3.11
Economic Security, Committee on 47.2
Economic Security Policy, Office of (State Department) 59.3.7
Economic Security Program 47.2
economic stabilization
    Korean War 293, 296
    Nixon administration 396.2, 432
    World War I 165.7.2
    World War II 208.3.3, 250.4
Economic Stabilization Act (1970) 432.1;
    (1971 amendments) 220.15.29;
    (1973 amendments) 434.2
Economic Stabilization Agency
    Wage, Salary Stabilization Boards 293
Economic Stabilization Agency, General Records of the (RG 296)
    administrative history 296.1
    Administrator's Office 296.2
    General Counsel's Office 296.3
    Operations Office 296.4
    sound recordings 296.5
Economic Stabilization, Board of 250.4.4
Economic Stabilization, Director of 250.4.2
Economic Stabilization, Office of 250.4, 432.5
Economic Stabilization Programs
    IRS case files 58.6.6
Economic Stabilization Programs, 1971-1974, Records of the (RG 432)
    administration history 432.1
    Cost of Living Council 432.2
    Economic Stabilization, Office of 432.5
        machine-readable records 432.9
    motion pictures 432.6
    Pay Board and Office of Wage Stabilization 432.3
    Price Commission and Office of Price Stabilization 432.4
    sound recordings 432.7
    still pictures 432.10
    video recordings 432.8
Economic Surveys Division (Census Bureau) 29.6.5
economic warfare
    National Security Resources Board 304.2.3
Economic Warfare, Board of
    Emergency Management Office 214.2
    export controls 151.9.1
    maps 169.8.1
    Naval Intelligence liaison 38.4.7
    U.S. Commercial Company 234.5.6
Economic Warfare, Office of (Emergency Management Office) 169.4
    maps 169.8.1
Economic Warfare Planning Committee 353.5.7
Economic Warfare Section (Justice Department) 60.14.3
Economic Warfare, Special Assistant for (War Secretary) 107.3.2
Economics and Analysis Section
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.5
Economics and Government Division
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.13
Economics and Planning, Office of the Director of
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.46.4
Economics and Statistics, Branch of
    (Interior Secretary) 48.5.10
Economics and Statistics Committee
    (Central Housing Committee) 207.3
Economics and Statistics Division
    (Solid Fuels Administration for War) 245.3.8
Economics and Statistics, Division of
    (Public Works Administration) 135.3
Economics and Supplies Branch (Allied Force HQ) 331.28.1
Economics and Supply Division (Allied Force HQ) 331.19.3, 331.31.2
Economics Branch (Mines Bureau) 70.4
Economics, Bureau of (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.7
Economics, Department of (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.4
Economics Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.3,
    260.7.1, 260.7.3-260.7.5;
(OSS) 226.6.1;
     (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.6, 238.4.8
Economics, Division of (Home Economics) 176.4.1
Economics, Reich Ministry of 242.4.3
Economics Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3
Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service 354.2
Economy Act (1933) 51.8.1
Economy and Efficiency, Departmental Committee on
    (Interior Secretary) 48.7
Economy and Efficiency, President's Inquiry on
    (Indian Affairs) 75.5.1
Economy of Using Steam with Different Measures of Expansion,
    Board to Determine (Navy Department) 80.7.3
    claims 76.4
    Peru boundary arbitration 76.5
    Quito exposition 33.5
    railroad survey (photographs) 43.11.2
    Spanish armistice 76.5
    transportation facilities (maps) 151.11
    U.S. aid (motion picture) 286.2.2
    U.S. offices, representatives
        Army mission 334.3
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Inter-American Affairs programs 229.6.4, 229.9.4
Eden, Anthony 43.7.17, 43.10.19, 43.10.25
Edenton, NC
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Edenton, NC, seat (District Court) 21.35.1
Edgartown, MA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Edgartown, MA, public health hospital 90.4.15
Edgefield, TN 393.7
Edgewood, MD, Arsenal
    construction 92.7.1
    records 156.9.7, 175.4.1
    transferred records 373.2
Edinburgh, TX 36.3.1
Edison, Thomas A.
    merit system motion picture 146.6
    Naval Consulting Board 80.4.6
    Naval Research Laboratory plans 80.4.1
    Navy Inventions Office reports 80.4.1
    Patent Office case files 241.3
    rubber investigations 54.2
Edisto (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.4, 26.6.7
Edisto Island, SC 393.4, 393.7, 393.11.1
Editing Division (Civil Aeronautics Commission) 237.3
Editor, Chief (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.3.2
Editor, Office of the (Forest Service) 95.3.3
Editorial and Production Division (OWI) 208.3.4
Editorial and Production Division
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.49.2
Editorial Director (2d Hoover Commission) 264.3.3
Editorial Division (Education Office) 12.2.4
Editorial Division (Price Administration) 188.7.4, 188.7.5, 188.18.5
Editorial Liaison Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.15
Editorial Section (House Un-American Activities Committee) 233.25.2
Editorial Section (Materials Policy Commission) 220.7.14
Edmond, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Edmonton, Alberta
    U.S. Army command 338.2.2
Edmonton, Alberta, District (U.S. Army Engineers) 77.10.15
Edmundson, R.C. 94.10.4
education SEE ALSO citizenship education;
   colleges and universities; elementary education;
   schools; secondary education; vocational education
    Agenda for the '80s Commission (sound recordings) 220.18.20
    antipoverty programs 381.3.2
    Asian occupied areas 407.3
    CCC programs 35.3.1, 35.3.3
    Civil Rights Commission research 453.3
        sound recordings 453.2.1, 453.2.2
    Danish Virgin Islands 55.2.1
    Education Office 12
    employment survey 369.4
    foreign countries 12.2.2, 12.3.3, 12.5.10
    freedmen 105.1, 366.6
    FWA records 162.2.5, 162.7
    Hispanics 220.15.6, 220.15.8
    Indian programs
          agency records 75.19.2, 75.19.3, 75.19.17, 75.19.26,
        75.19.27, 75.19.29-75.19.31, 75.19.33,
          75.19.35-75.19.37, 75.19.45, 75.19.46, 75.19.51,
          75.19.53, 75.19.60, 75.19.62, 75.19.67, 75.19.71,
          75.19.73, 75.19.79, 75.19.82, 75.19.94, 75.19.95,
          75.19.106, 75.19.110, 75.19.117, 75.19.125, 75.19.126
        area field offices 75.17.3
        area offices 75.16.2, 75.16.3, 75.16.5, 75.16.9, 75.16.11
        photographs 75.7.1, 75.29
        schools 75.20.29
    international conferences 441.2
    merchant seamen 248.4
    military welfare, recreation programs 220.7.9, 225.5
    Mines Bureau programs 70.2.2
    motion pictures
        hygiene films 90.13
        Peace Corps activities 490.4
        veterans' services 15.10
    Nazi Germany 242.4.4, 242.13
        Agency for International Development programs 286.11
        Hawaii 126.11
        USIA 306.11
    postwar Japan 331.45.3, 331.45.5
    Presidential commissions 220.5.2, 220.14.9, 220.14.11,
        220.15.8, 220.15.9, 220.19
    Soviet Union 242.18.3
Education, Advisory Committee on 12.4.3, 220.5.2
Education Amendments (1972) 220.15.30; (1976) 12.4.5, 220.17.1;
(1978) 220.17.1; (1980) 220.14.11, 220.18.26
Education and Cultural Relations Division
     (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11,
    260.7.1-260.7.3, 260.7.5
Education and Labor, Committee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.11
Education and Labor, Committee on (Senate) 25.6.1, 46.16
Education and Recreation Branch
    (War Department General Staff) 165.8.4
Education and Special Training, Committee on
    (War Department General Staff) 165.8.4
Education Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.19.7, 75.19.117;
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.18;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.4.11;
    (NASA) 255.4.3
Education, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.3.6
Education, Bureau of (Interior Department) 12.2.4, 75.16.5, 418.2.2
Education by Radio, Advisory Committee on 12.3.3
Education, Cabinet Committee on 220.15.8
Education, Commissioner of 12.2
Education, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.11
Education Division (Allied Commission for Austria) 260.11.2;
    (Food Administration) 4.2.3; (Freedmen's Bureau) 105.3.9;
    (Indian Affairs) 75.10, 75.19.74, 75.20.4;
    (Institute of Inter-American Affairs) 469.5;
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.6.3;
    (Military Government for Germany) 260.7.4;
    (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.5;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
Education for the Handicapped, Bureau of 12.2.11
Education, General Records of the Department of (RG 441)
    administrative history 441.1
    Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 441.4
    Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Public Affairs 441.3
    Deputy Under Secretary for Intergovernmental and Interagency Affairs 441.2
    machine-readable records 441.8
    motion pictures 441.6
    National Council on Education Research 441.5
    sound recordings 441.7
"Education in South Africa" 12.2.4
Education of the Deaf, Commission on 220.19
Education, Office of
    postsecondary education financing 220.15.30
    Social Security photographs 47.3.2
    sound recordings 106.5
Education, President's Panel on Nonpublic 220.15.9
Education, Public Health, and Welfare Office
    (Free Territory of Trieste) 331.33.3
Education, Records of the Office of (RG 12)
    administrative history 12.1
    Assistant Commissioner for Vocational Education 12.4
    Assistant Commissioner's records 12.3
    cartographic records 12.7
    Commissioner's records 12.2
    field office records 12.6
    machine-readable records 12.10
    motion pictures 12.8
    sound recordings 12.9
    special projects and programs 12.5
    still pictures 12.11
Education Subcommission (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Education, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
Education Voucher Demonstration 419.2
Educational and Cultural Affairs, Bureau of
    (State Department) 59.3.9
educational and cultural exchange programs
    Education Office 12.5.10
    government publications 128.4
    HUD programs 207.7.3
    occupied Germany 260.3.1
Educational and International Activities, Associate Director for
    (National Science Foundation) 307.2
Educational and Technical Training Staff
    (Technical Cooperation Administration) 469.4
educational associations 188.7.5, 188.15.5
educational films 142.4
educational camps (photographs) 119.10
Educational Camps for Unemployed Young Women,
    National Advisory Committee on 119.5.5
Educational Committee (National Youth Administration) 119.5.5
Educational Field Agent (Indian Affairs) 75.19.95
Educational Media Branch (Education Office) 12.2.6
Educational Program for the CCC, Advisory Committee on the 12.5.1
Educational Propaganda Department
    (Council for National Defense) 62.5.3
educational research
    Education Office 12.2.2, 12.5.12
    postwar Japan 331.45.3
Educational Services Branch (Price Administration) 188.7.5
Educational Services Center (Indian Affairs) 75.29
Educational Services, Division of (OWI) 44.5.6
educational television 173.10.2
educational testing 381.3.2
Educational Testing Service 12.2.10
Educational, Training, and Loan Guaranty Programs Under the
    G.I. Bill, Select Committee to Investigate (House of
    Representatives) 233.22.2
    HEW interview series 235.3.4
Edwards Air Force Base, CA 255.4.2
Edwards, India 174.3.7
Edwards, John R. 19.4.2
Edwardsville, IL
    watershed studies 310.5.12
Edwardsville, IL, land office 49.9.9
Effective Dates of Code Membership, Committee on (Bituminous Coal Division) 222.8
Effects of Incendiary Bomb Attacks on Japan 243.4.4
Effects Panel (Obscenity and Pornography Commission) 220.12.2
Efficiency, Bureau of 51.3, 90.3.6
Effluent Guidelines Division (EPA) 412.3
EG&G, Inc. 430.2.2, 430.2.3
"EG&G Video Coverage" (video recording) 220.18.16 eggs
    grading regulation 462.3
    marketing 136.2.1
Eglin Air Force Base, FL 220.17.9, 338.13
Egstrom-Holt Co. 32.4.12
    art 66.4
    capitulatory rights conference 43.2.33
    claims 76.4
    narcotics law enforcement 170.3
    photographs 24.12
    trade mission 40.7.4
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty (1979) 59.4.4
Ehrlichman, John D. 460.5.1, 460.6
E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co. 326.5.6
Eidlitz, Otto M. 3.3.1
Eiges, Sydney H. 452.3.6
Eighteen Nation Disarmament 383.2
Eighth SEE ALSO 8th
Eighth Air Force 18.7.1, 18.11
Eighth American Scientific Congress 43.2.38
Eighth Army Air Force 243.3.2
Eighth Bomber Command 18.7.1
Eighth British Army 331.25.3, 331.30.4
Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals 276.9
Eighth International Conference of American States 43.2.7
Eighth Service Command (Army) 338.2.2
Eighth Special Agency (Treasury Department) 366.9
Eighth U.S. Army 319.4.2, 319.13.2, 331.39.2, 338.9.8
eight-hour day 13.4.2
"Einsatzgruppen Case" (war crimes tribunals) 238.5.3
Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg Collection 260.4.9
Einstein, Albert 74.4
    photographs 221.6
Eisele, Harold F. 90.8.1
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
        special projects 130.3.5
        temporary organizations 220.8, 220.9, 220.21
    centennial commission 220.19
    condolences 59.5.3
    disabled employment 220.7.7
    exhibit posters 64.7
    Federal Interagency River Basin Committee 315.2
    Inaugural Committees 274.4, 274.5
    military personnel file 407.5.3
    motion pictures
        education address 12.2.1
        inaugural ceremonies, parades 111.9
        news conference 64.14
    National Security Council 273.5
        Army Surgeon General 112.8
        Atomic Energy Commission 434.3.1
        foreign travel 306.11
        National Park Service 79.17
        Social Security 47.4.2
    radar lab ceremony (sound recordings) 130.6
    reports, messages to Congress 130.3.1
    residence 121.4.2
    scientific, engineering manpower 307.8.1
    Secret Service details 87.3
    World War II
        Allied Force HQ 331.16
        concentration camp visits (motion pictures) 338.7.2
        occupied Germany 260.2, 260.3
        progress of war address (sound recordings) 38.3.5
        Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force 331.2, 331.2.1
Eisenhower, John S.D. 220.17.10
Eisenhower, Milton S. 220.13, 220.15.32
Ekern and Meyers Insurance Co. 258.2
Eklund, Carl R. 370.8.2
El Caney, Cuba 395.11.5
El Capitan Indians 75.19.60
El Dorado, AR, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.5.1
El Dorado, AR, Division (District Court) 21.5.3
El Meta Bond College 75.19.26
El Oro technical mission 229.9.4
El Paso, TX
    Customs Service drug commission briefing 220.15.24
El Paso, TX, District
   (Immigration and Naturalization Service) 85.5.10
El Paso, TX, District of (Army) 393.5
El Paso, TX, Division (Attorneys, U.S.) 118.39.3;
   (Circuit Court) 21.46.9;
   (District Court) 21.46.8
El Paso, TX, General Hospital 109.8.4
El Paso, TX, Medical Supply Depot 112.5.6
El Paso, TX, office (Military Telegraph Lines) 111.5.4
El Reno, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
El Salvador
    claims 76.4
    railroad survey (photographs) 43.11.2
    U.S. Army mission 334.3
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
El Salvador, Committee in Solidarity with the People of 65.2.2
Elberta, UT 96.4.9
Elderberry (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.10
elderly persons SEE ALSO Social Security
    antipoverty programs 381.3.4
    census surveys 29.5.3
        maps 29.3.6
    Cleveland study 411.4
    DC needs survey 351.2.5
    demographic study 47.5.2
    employment 369.2.1
    serpasil geriatric project 418.4.1
    taxpayer services 58.6.5
    White House Conference on Aging 220.24
Eldorado National Forest 95.9.4
Eldridge, Watson W. 418.4.3
Election of the President, Vice President, and Representatives,
    in Congress, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
elections SEE ALSO Presidential elections; voting
    campaign finance 128.4
    campaigning (photographs) 306.11
    census surveys 29.6.3
    Confederate Congress 109.4
    DC Territory 351.2.2
    election law violations 60.8
    federal court records
        Alaska 21.3.2
        Connecticut 118.8
        Louisiana 21.20.2
        Virginia 21.49.2
    Korea, 1948 (posters) 332.4
    Nicaragua supervision missions 43.11.12
    occupied Germany 260.4.5
    postwar Japan 331.42
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.9
Elections and Privileges, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Elections, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Elections, Subcommittee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Electoral College 11.7
electoral votes
    Confederacy 109.3
    joint Congressional committees 128.2
    Senate records 46.2
Electric Boat Co., Board on Claims of the 19.3.4
Electric Boat Company Under Contracts for Submarines, Board to
     Consider Claims of the 125.3.14
electric cable
    World War II production (sound recording) 228.3.4
electric cars
    mail route service 28.4.1, 28.4.3
electric cooperatives
    minutes 16.5.6
    Rural Electrification Administration 221.3.1-221.3.11, 221.4
        photographs 221.6
Electric Home and Farm Authority 234.6.2
electric lighting
    Washington, DC, streets 42.3.2
Electric Loans and Management Division (Rural Electrification
     Administration) 221.3.11
electric power SEE ALSO hydroelectric power; nuclear power
    aircraft demand curves (charts) 313.4.3
    Army Engineers records
        historical reference file 77.2.9
        House documents index 77.2.9
        photographs 77.22
        surveys 77.9.4, 77.9.9, 77.10.47, 77.10.55
            maps 77.10.5, 77.10.6, 77.10.8, 77.10.13, 77.10.37,
             77.10.46, 77.10.51, 77.10.55
        transmission line studies, projects 77.10.51
    coal requirements 245.3.5
    Congressional hearings 412.2.2
    Federal Power Commission 138.2
    Geological Survey studies 57.6.4, 57.6.9
    industry census scrapbooks 29.6.4
    Interior Secretary 48.5.10
    international conferences 43.2.31
    international exposition exhibits 43.12.3, 43.12.6
    Korean War defense production 327
        facilities 138.4, 142.12
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.1, 187.5.9
        transmission line rights of way 49.3.7, 75.19.37
        western Europe 226.6.4
    military accounting facilities 330.4.2
    motion pictures 48.14, 70.2.2, 142.4
    photographs 77.5.1, 142.5.1, 221.6
    public lands projects 49.2.2, 49.9.5
    resources, production
        graphs 150.4
        War Industries Board 61.2.3
    Rural Electrification Administration 221
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.11
    TVA 142
    wartime shortage 107.6.5
    Weights and Measures papers 167.2.2
    WPA photographs 69.10
Electric Power General in Space 255.9
electric railways SEE trolleys
Electric Utility Industry, Task Force on Environment and the 429.2
Electrical and Mechanical Office Equipment, Subcommittee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.14
Electrical Appliance Section (Price Administration) 188.8.6
Electrical Communication Division
    (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Electrical Communications, Preliminary International
    Conference on 43.2.11
Electrical Engineering 304 cheating scandal
    (Military Academy) 404.3.4
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
   (Military Academy) 404.3.3
Electrical Engineering Branch
   (Army Engineer Laboratories) 77.13.1
Electrical Engineering, Division of
    (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.2
Electrical Engineering Technical Committee
    (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.7
Electrical Equipment Section (Price Administration) 188.8.9
electrical machinery
    building plans 48.13
    engineering plans 77.10.49
    naval ships 19.5
Electrical, Tool and Foundry Section
   (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.6
Electricians Training School (Navy) 181.15.4
electricity (photographs) 23.7
Electricity Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.7
Electro-Acoustic Laboratory (Harvard) 227.10.2
Electrodeposition Section (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.2
Electrometallurgical Experiment Station (Mines Bureau) 70.12.5
Electronic Analysis Group (Railroad Retirement Board) 184.3.1
electronic communications
    War Secretary consultants 107.2.7
electronic equipment (photographs) 319.29
Electronic Fund Transfers in the United States 220.17.4
Electronic Programs, Office of (Munitions Board) 330.13.3
electronic surveillance 220.15.39
    Air Force research and development 341.13
    circuitry development, production 167.5.7
    defense preparedness 304.3.2
    foreign military aid 334.4.7
    naval lab 181.15.10
Electronics Division (Ships Bureau) 19.8.3
Electronics Division, Communications and
    (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.5
Electrosystems Division (National Bureau of Standards) 167.5.7
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) 12.2.1, 75.20.10
Elementary and Secondary Education, Bureau of 12.2.12
elementary education SEE ALSO Indian schools; secondary education
    CCC camps 12.5.1
    civil rights surveys 441.4
    federal data core 12.2.10
    federal impact aid 12.5.9
    German prisoners of war 389.4.4
    National Institute of Education research 419
    photographs 12.3.3
    Presidential commission 220.15.9
Elementary Education Branch
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.3
elevators 167.5.7
Elihu Thompson (steamer) 22.4.1
Elisburg, Donald 448.2
Elizabeth (wife of George VI) 64.6, 119.5.2
Elizabeth City, NC
    customs collection (Albemarle) 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Elizabeth City, NC, Coast Guard Base 26.5.6
Elizabeth City, NC, Division (Circuit Court) 21.35.2
Elizabeth City, NC, Division (District Court) 21.35.1
Elizabethton, NJ, District Office (Price Administration) 188.14.2
Elk Hills, CA, Naval Petroleum Reserve
    aerial photographs 80.5.1
    Mines Bureau development 70.10.2
    Petroleum Administration for War 253.3.5
    photographs 434.3.3
    Teapot Dome scandal 60.17.5, 80.5.1
Elk Lick Run, WV 95.10.6
Elk Point, ND, internal revenue collection district 58.5.34
Elk River 77.10.4
Elkhart, KS, conservation experiment station 114.4.2
Elkind, Arnold B. 220.14.23
Elkins Coal and Coke Company (motion picture) 515.3
Elkins, WV, Division (District Court) 21.51.1
Elko, NV, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
    Palisades fire (aerial photographs) 49.13.7
Elko, NV, land office 49.9.18
Ellery, George H. 366.11.2
Ellice Islands 22.3.3
Ellicott City, MD, project office
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.14.4
Ellicott map 23.6, 42.2.3, 351.4
Ellington Field, TX 18.9.1
Elliot, William 42.2.2
Elliot, William P. 42.2.2, 42.2.3
Elliott, Diane 381.5.6
Elliott, Ezekiel B. 56.3.1
Elliott, Foster F. 83.3.2
Elliott, Henry Wood 22.2, 57.2.3
Ellipse 274.12
Ellis, C.L. 75.19.3
Ellis Island, NY
    naturalization affidavits 85.3.4
Ellsberg, Daniel 460.6
Ellsworth, ME
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Ellsworth, ME, internal revenue collection district 58.5.19
Ellsworth, ME, public health hospital 90.4.16
Ellsworth, VA 393.4, 393.7, 393.13.2, 393.13.7
Elmira, MI 22.15.3
Elmira, NY
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
Elmira, NY, Quartermaster Depot 92.15.4
Elsey, George M. 273.1
USNS Eltanin 307.5.2
"Elwell's Weekly" (radio program) 171.4.8
Elwha Valley Community Project 75.19.111
Ely, Eugene 181.18
Ely, J. Edward 29.6.2
Ely, NV, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.5
EM Fuze Section (Ordnance Department) 156.7.16
    DC court records 21.10.1
Embarkation Service (War Department) 92.5.3
    depository banks 56.7
    Mint Bureau employees 104.3.8
Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense 43.11.18,
Emergency Conservation Work
    fish, wildlife projects 22.6.2, 22.8.5
    general records 35.2
    Grazing Service projects 49.6.3
    Indian programs 75.14.12, 75.16.8, 75.19.3, 75.19.21,
          75.19.26, 75.19.27, 75.19.30, 75.19.45, 75.19.53,
          75.19.60, 75.19.67, 75.19.73, 75.19.74, 75.19.81,
          75.19.95, 75.19.109, 75.20.8
        photographs 75.19.60, 75.20.29, 75.29
    national parks 79.4.5, 79.6.2, 79.7.1
        photographs 79.6.6
    photographs 35.3.2
    soil conservation camps 114.8.1
Emergency Conservation Work Program
   (Soil Conservation Service) 114.4.1
Emergency Construction, Committee on (War Industries Board) 191.5
Emergency Court of Appeals, U.S. 188.3.12, 252.4.2
Emergency Crop and Feed Loan Division
   (Farm Credit Administration) 96.2.8
Emergency Education Program 69.3.5, 69.3.8
Emergency Employment Act (1971) 369.2
Emergency Facilities Committee
   (Council of National Defense Advisory Commission) 179.2.2
Emergency Fleet Corporation 32.3
Emergency Health Services, Division of
   (Public Health Service) 512.4
Emergency Jobs Program Extension Act (1976) 220.18.4
Emergency Management, Office of
    World War II aid, lend-lease 169.3
Emergency Management, Records of the Office for (RG 214)
    administrative history 214.1
    Central Administrative Services Division 214.3
    Liaison Officer 214.2
emergency medical care SEE ALSO rescue services
    civilian defense 171.5.4, 171.5.7
    evacuation at sea 331.4.3
    national resources mobilization (motion picture) 235.6
    training 512.4.1
Emergency Operations Division (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.5
Emergency Planning Committee 220.10.5
emergency preparedness SEE ALSO civil defense
    Army Engineers procedures 77.10.45
    aviation 197.3.7
    Federal Emergency Management Agency 311
    Federal Preparedness Agency 269.11.5
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.10
    storm evacuation (maps) 370.11
Emergency Preparedness, Office of
    oil import control task force 220.15.1
Emergency Preparedness, Records of the Office of (RG 396)
    administrative history 396.1
    Interdepartmental Materials Advisory Committee 396.4
    records 396.2
    regional offices 396.3
Emergency Public Information Office
   (Civil Defense Office) 397.2.2
Emergency Railroad Transportation Act (1933) 133.1
Emergency Rehabilitation Division
    (Inter-American Affairs Office) 229.9.4
emergency relief SEE relief
Emergency Relief Act 44.3.4
Emergency Relief Administration 39.2.1
Emergency Relief and Construction Act (1932) 96.3, 196.2
Emergency Relief Appropriations Acts 46.4, 77.10.21
Emergency Rescue Equipment Section (OSS) 226.2.3
Emergency School Aid Act 12.2.9
emergency warning system 397.2.5, 397.2.8
emigration SEE immigration and emigration
Emigration and Cherokee Agency, Superintendency of 75.19.8
Emigration of Refugees and Escapees,
    Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.15
Emilia administrative region (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.3
Emilio Segre Collection (Fermi Manhattan Project reports) 326.5.7
Emmett, ID 310.5.9
Emmons, Samuel Franklin 57.3.1, 57.4.1
Employee Relations Branch (War Secretary) 107.8.3
Employee Section (Indian Affairs) 75.14.9
Employee Services Division (Boston Navy Yard) 181.3.1
Employees, [Appropriations] Subcommittee on Inquiry in re
    Transfer of (Senate) 46.4
Employees' Compensation Commission 90.4.31
Employment Act (1946) 459.1
Employment and Services Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.11
Employment and Training Administration, Records of the (RG 369)
    administrative history 369.1
    headquarters records 369.2
    machine-readable records 369.5
    Policy, Evaluation, and Research Office 369.4
    regional records 369.3
Employment and Training, Assistant Secretary for
   (Labor Department) 174.3.4
employment and unemployment SEE ALSO agricultural workers;
       alien labor policy; black employment; discrimination in
        employment; federal employees; industrial workers;
       labor-management relations; unemployment compensation; veterans'
       job programs; vocational education; wages and salaries;
       women's employment; working conditions
    Alaska development 126.5.1
    antipoverty programs 381.3.2, 381.3.4
    Area Redevelopment Administration (motion pictures) 378.2
    Caribbean area 126.6.1
    census data 29.5.2, 29.5.5
        maps 29.3.6
    District of Columbia 51.10.1
    Employment Security Office 183
    Hungarian refugees 220.9.9
    Indian assistance 75.13, 75.16.1-75.16.11, 75.18.1, 75.18.2,
    75.19.1, 75.19.17, 75.19.23, 75.19.24, 75.19.66,
    75.19.71, 75.19.73, 75.19.74, 75.19.89, 75.19.92,
    75.19.95, 75.19.99, 75.19.102, 75.19.117, 75.19.123,
    75.19.125, 75.19.127, 75.19.129
    Interior Secretary studies 48.5.13
        Agricultural Economics Bureau 83.4.5
        California 83.6.1
        National Resources Planning Board 187.5.2, 187.5.7, 187.5.9
        Tennessee Valley 142.10.4
    New Deal relief programs 35, 69, 73, 119
        budget advisory board 51.10.2
        NRA codes 9.8.1
        photographs 69.10, 119.10
        research 69.5.9, 187.2, 187.4
    regional estimates 375.3
    Ryukyu Islands 260.12.6
    small business employee recruiting (motion pictures) 309.5
    World War II manpower 211
        history 211.15.2
        mobilization, reconversion 250.3.2, 250.3.3
        shipbuilding 254
Employment and Unemployment Statistics, National Commission on 220.18.4
Employment Assistance Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.16.7, 75.16.9
Employment Division (WPA) 69.4.10
Employment, Manpower, and Poverty, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.16
Employment of the Handicapped, President's Committee on 220.7.7
Employment Office Service Division
    (War Manpower Commission) 211.19.2
Employment Plans and Suggestions, Committee on
    (President's Organization on Unemployment Relief) 73.4
Employment, Poverty, and Migratory Labor, Subcommittee on
    (Senate) 46.16
Employment Section (War Department General Staff) 165.8.2
Employment Security, Bureau of 183.2
Employment Security, Records of the Office of (RG 183)
    administrative history 183.1
    Employment Security Bureau 183.2
    Employment Service, U.S. 183.3
    Unemployment Compensation Bureau 183.4
Employment Service, U.S.
    issuances 183.2
    records 183.3
    World War II
        fair employment practices 228.4.3
        manpower 211.19.1-211.19.4, 211.21, 211.23.2-211.23.13
Employment Stabilization Act (1931) 187.2, 187.6
Employment Standards Administration, General Records of the (RG 448)
    administrative history 448.1
    records 448.2
Employment Standards, Assistant Secretary of Labor for 448.2
En Guardia 229.7.3
Enderbury Islands 37.3
Endicott Board 77.6.9
enemy aliens SEE aliens
Enemy Base Area File 330.10
Enemy Branch (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.8.3
Enemy Insurance Companies, Office of
    (Alien Property Custodian) 131.2.3
Enemy Oil Committee 38.4.8, 169.7.3, 253.3.1
Enemy Prisoners-of-War Information Branch
   (Provost Marshal General) 389.4.7
Enemy Property Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.2
Enemy Property Custodian, Philippines Command 338.8
Enemy Section (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.3
Enemy Sources, Section of (OWI) 44.5.4
Enemy Terrain and Defense Section (SHAEF) 331.9.2
Enemy Trade, Bureau of 182.6
Enemy Works Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.2
Energy and Commerce, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.9
Energy and Natural Resources, Committee on (Senate) 46.14
Energy, and Science Management Division, Natural Resources,
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.15
Energy and Utilities Office (National Security Resources Board) 304.2.3
Energy Awareness Month 434.3.1
energy conservation
    fuel economy standards 416.2.1
    Geological Survey proposals 57.7.2
    National Bureau of Standards (motion pictures) 167.10
    northwest electricity project 327.2, 327.3.1
    oil industry regulation 232.1, 232.2
Energy Conversion Procedures, Factors, and Empirical Constants,
    Subcommittee on (Federal Interagency River Basin Committee)
Energy, Department of
    Three Mile Island nuclear plant (photographs) 220.18.6
Energy, Food, and Analysis Division (Management and Budget
    Office) 51.9.6
Energy, General Records of the Department of (RG 434)
    administrative history 434.1
    central office records 434.3
    Federal Energy Administration 434.2
    field offices 434.4
    motion pictures 434.5
    still pictures 434.6
Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes,
    Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.13
Energy Reorganization Act (1974) 326.1, 430.1, 431.1
energy research
    fuels 434.3.6
    photographs 434.3.1
Energy Research and Development Administration, Records of the
    (RG 430)
    administrative history 430.1
    field offices 430.2
Energy Research and Development, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.14
energy resources
    Commerce Department records 40.2
    Council of Economic Advisers 459.4
    Geological Survey research 57.1, 57.6.9
    international planning efforts 43.2.31
    photographs 434.3.1
    power systems on federal lands 57.7.1
    regulation study team 220.15.36
Energy Resources Section (Materials Policy Commission) 220.7.14
Energy Team (Community Services Administration) 381.5.2
Enforcement Act (1870) 60.3.2
Enforcement, Bureau of (Civil Aeronautics Board) 197.3.8
Enforcement, Bureau of (Interstate Commerce Commission) 134.6
Enforcement Department (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.1
Enforcement Department (Price Administration) 188.6, 188.11.4,
    188.12.4, 188.13.4, 188.14.4, 188.15.4, 188.16.4, 188.17.4,
    188.18.4, 188.19.4
Enforcement, Deputy Administrator for
    (Price Administration) 188.6.3
Enforcement Division (EPA) 412.5.5
Enforcement Division (Food Administration) 4.2.3
Enforcement, Office of (Price Stabilization) 295.2.3
Enforcement Section (Wage Stabilization Board) 202.3.3, 202.5.3, 202.5.7
Enforcement Studies Section
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.5.7
The Enforcer (motion picture) 363.4
Engineer (I Corps) 394.2.1; (II Corps) 394.2.2;
    (VII Corps) 394.2.7; (VIII Corps) 394.2.8;
    (IX Corps) 394.2.9
Engineer and Architect, Office of the (Fish Commission) 22.3.1
Engineer Board (Army) 77.13.3
Engineer Branch (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.6
Engineer, Chief (Boston Navy Yard) 181.3.1;
    (Federal Communications Commission) 173.8;
    (Flathead Irrigation Project) 75.21.5;
    (Indian Affairs Irrigation Division) 75.8;
    (Reclamation Bureau) 115.3
Engineer Claims Board (Army) 77.6.5
Engineer Command Vietnam (Provisional), U.S. Army 472.5.12
Engineer Command Vietnam, U.S. Army 472.5.12
Engineer Commissioners of the District of
    Columbia 42.3.1, 351.2.3
Engineer Department (Shipping Board) 32.5.2
Engineer Department, Confederate 109.7.2
engineer depots 77.16.1, 77.16.2
Engineer Division (Military Government for Germany) 260.6
Engineer Division (SHAEF) 331.4.1
Engineer Equipment, Board on (Army) 77.6.9
Engineer in Charge of the [Washington] Monument 42.13.4
Engineer Maintenance and Supply School (Army) 77.17
Engineer Office (Hawaii Department) 338.5.1
Engineer Office (Interior Secretary) 48.5.3
Engineer, Office of the (Army Vietnam) 472.5.12
Engineer, Office of the Chief
    (Military Government of Cuba) 140.3.4
engineer officers and units
    American Expeditionary Forces 77.15.1, 120.3.2, 120.7.8,
         120.9.1, 120.9.2
    American Forces in France 120.10
    American Forces in Germany 120.11.4
    Army of Cuban Pacification 395.5.2
    Army Panama commands 395.13.1
    Civil War maps 109.14.4
    correspondence 77.10.37, 77.10.46, 77.10.53
    examining boards 77.6.8
    personal papers 77.2.8
    photographs 77.2.8
    railroad regiments 77.3.3
    unit records 391.4
    Vietnam War 472.7.6
Engineer Officers Candidate School 77.13.3
Engineer Officers for the Work of Raising or Removing
    the Wreck of the Battleship Maine from the
    Harbor at Havanna, Cuba, Board of 77.10.37
Engineer Pontoon Trains (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Engineer Redistribution Center (Army) 77.17
Engineer Replacement Training Center (Army) 77.13.3
Engineer Reproduction Plant (Army) 77.12.1
Engineer Research and Development Laboratories (Army) 77.13.1
Engineer Reserve Officers Training Corps Summer Camp 77.13.3
Engineer School (Army) 77.13.2, 120.3.5, 120.5.1
Engineer Section (1st Army) 338.9.1; (3d Army) 338.9.3;
    (5th Army) 338.9.5; (Allied Force HQ) 331.21.3;
    (Army Ground Forces) 337.6.2;
    (Civilian Defense Office) 171.4.7;
    (European Theater) 338.3.1;
    (India-Burma Theater) 338.4.4;
    (Pacific Theaters) 338.5.3, 338.5.8, 338.5.10;
    (SHAEF) 331.8.2
Engineer Services (Allied Force HQ) 331.29.1
Engineer Supply Control Office (Army) 77.15.1
Engineer Supply Office (Army) 77.15.2
Engineer Trains (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.9.4
Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army 77.14.1
engineering SEE ALSO agricultural engineering
    Army training 77.3.5
    highway training project 229.5.1
    Historic American Engineering Record 515
    laboratory test files 77.9.21
        advisory committee 307.8
        Education Office 12.5.8
        employment registers 307.3
    National Science Foundation 307.1
    schools 12.2.2
        Military Academy 404.3.3
        Shipping Service 41.7
engineering advisers 240.3.2
Engineering and Construction Division
   (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.3.4
Engineering and Construction Division
   (Atomic Energy Commission) 326.3.3
Engineering and Construction, Division of (WPA) 69.4.4
Engineering and Development Directorate (NASA) 255.4.7
Engineering and Housing, Directorate of
    (Military Academy) 404.10
Engineering and Manufacturing Division
    (Ordnance--Detroit) 156.7.20
Engineering and Research Division
    (Chief Signal Officer) 111.3.4
Engineering and Transition Office
    (Scientific Research and Development) 227.5.2
Engineering, Associate Director for
     (National Bureau of Standards) 167.3.2
Engineering Board (Federal Communications Commission) 173.3
engineering boards
    reclamation projects 115.2
Engineering Branch (Division) (National Park Service) 79.4.1,
    79.5, 79.6.3
Engineering Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
Engineering Branch (Ordnance--Detroit) 156.7.20
Engineering, Bureau of (Fuel Administration) 67.5.4
Engineering, Bureau of (Navy Department) 19.4, 72.2.1
Engineering Design and Construction, Office of
   (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.5
Engineering Division (Air Force) 342.3;
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6;
    (Army Engineers) 77.10.44, 77.10.45, 77.10.55;
    (Fish and Wildlife Service) 22.11.6;
    (Fixed Nitrogen Laboratory) 54.5.2;
    (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.3.7;
    (Housing Corporation) 3.4.11;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5;
    (Public Works Administration) 135.2, 135.4, 135.5;
    (Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration) 323.3.5;
    (Rubber Reserve) 234.5.8;
    (Soil Conservation Service) 114.5.3, 114.10.6, 114.10.9
Engineering, Division of (Forest Service) 95.4.1
Engineering, Office of (Coast Guard) 26.5.6
Engineering Officer (Naval Forces) 313.4.3
Engineering Purchase Office
    (American Expeditionary Forces) 77.15.1
engineering records
    drainage investigations 8.4
    farm loans 103.6.3, 103.6.8
    irrigation projects 75.16.10
    naval ships 19.3.3, 19.4.2
    Reclamation Bureau 115.3
    Signal Corps projects (photographs) 111.10
Engineering Reports and Information Staff
    (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.5.2
Engineering Review Section (WPA) 69.4.4
Engineering, Science, and Management War Training Program 12.5.8
Engineering Sciences, Directorate for
     (Consumer Product Safety Commission) 424.2.1
Engineering Section (Fuel Administration) 67.3.5
Engineering Section (Naval Forces) 313.4.5
Engineering Service (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.7.1
Engineering Service Division (Tennessee Valley Authority) 142.5.4
Engineering Standards, Conference on Unification of 179.4
Engineering Standards Division
    (Rural Electrification Administration) 221.3.3
Engineering Support, Deputy for
   (Air Technical Intelligence Center) 341.11.4
engineering tests
    naval ships 19.4.3
    correspondence 77.10.37
    personal papers 77.2.8
Engineers' Advisory Valuation Committee 68.3.2
Engineers, Board of (Army) 77.6.2, 115.2
Engineers, Corps of (Army)
    California river basin studies 49.13.3
    civilian employees 335.11.3
    economic intelligence 169.8.2
    fish, wildlife management 22.8.7, 22.11.3, 22.11.8, 22.15.6
    King Survey correspondence 57.2.1
    national parks 79.2.2, 79.6.5
    Public Buildings and Grounds Office 42.3
    War Assets Administration contracts 270.3.5
    water pollution hearings 412.5.6
    water resources projects 57.6.2
    Wilson Dam records 142.5.4
Engineers Examining Board 77.6.8
Engineers for Fortifications, Board of 77.6.9
Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Board of 77.6.4
Engineers for the Improvement of Lake Harbors and
    Western Rivers, Board of 77.4.2
Engineers for the Pacific Coast, Board of 77.6.9
Engineers on Deep Waterways, Board of 77.6.9
Engineers on the Washington City Canal, Board of 77.6.9
Engineers, Records of the Office of the Chief of (RG 77)
    administrative history 77.1
    Army Map Service and successors 77.12
    boards 77.6
    cartographic records 77.18
    depots 77.16
    districts 77.10
    divisions 77.9
    Fort Belvoir, VA, activities 77.13
    Headquarters Office
        general records 77.2
        subordinate organizations 77.3
    machine-readable records 77.21
    Manhattan Project organizations 77.11
    Mississippi River Commission 77.7
    motion pictures 77.19
    other commissions 77.8
    other engineer organizations 77.17
    purchase and supply offices 77.15
    research facilities 77.14
    sound recordings 77.20
    still pictures 77.22
    surveys and survey organizations 77.5
    Topographic Bureau 77.4
Engineers Section (War Department Claims Board) 191.4.3
England SEE Great Britain
English and Law, Department of (Naval Academy) 405.4
English Department (Military Academy) 404.3.3
English, Department of (Naval Academy) 405.4
English, History, and Government, Department of (Naval Academy) 405.4
English language
    army slang 319.20.3
English Language Center (Ryukyu Islands Administration) 260.12.5
English Language Proficiency Study 29.5.3
English Studies, History, and Law, Department of
    (Naval Academy) 405.4
Engraved and Lithographed Portraits of Abraham Lincoln 64.6
Engraving and Printing, Bureau of
    architectural plans 48.13
    Comptroller's ledgers 101.3
    Treasury records 53.2.6, 56.2.2
Engraving and Printing, Committee Appointed To Examine the Bureau of 56.15.2
Engraving and Printing, Division of (Geological Survey) 57.8
Engraving and Printing, Records of the Bureau of (RG 318)
    administrative history 318.1
    First Division, National Currency Bureau 318.2
    records 318.2
    still pictures 318.3
Engraving Division (Coast and Geodetic Survey) 23.3.6
Enid, OK (photographs) 233.15
Enid, OK, Townsite Trustee Board 49.10.2
Eniwetok 326.5.1, 342.12, 374.5.3
Enlisted Branch (Adjutant General's Office) 94.3, 94.6
Enlisted Division (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.1
Enlisted Naval Training School (Radio) 24.8.4
Enlisted Personnel Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.3
Enlisted Replacement Division (Army Vietnam) 472.5.8
Enoree River Basin 114.4.5
Enoree River, SC, Bedload Experiment Station 114.4.4, 114.4.9
Enright cartoons 65.10
Enrolled Bills, Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.14
Enrolled Bills, Committee on (Senate) 46.19
Enrollment Branch (Provost Marshal General's Bureau) 110.3.1
Enrollment Division (Adjutant General) 110.2
Entente powers (World War I)
    peace negotiation 256.2
Enteric Infections Commission
    (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
entertainers and celebrities
    drawings of black Americans 208.3.5
    FBI occasions (video recordings) 65.7
    inaugural events auditions (sound recordings) 274.9, 274.10
    military shows 407.6.2
        Alien Property Custodian 131.3.2
        Army Surgeon General 112.3.3, 112.8
        Coast Guard 26.5.2
        Indian chiefs, warriors 75.29
        liberty loan campaigns 53.6
        OWI 208.5.2
        Puerto Rico 126.11
        Signal Corps 111.10
        USIA 306.5.3, 306.11
        WPA 69.4.3
    public service announcements
        International Year of the Child Commission 220.18.10
        Price Stabilization (sound recordings) 295.4
        Social Security film series 47.4.2
        VA radio recordings, artist index 15.10
Entertainment Branch (Army Vietnam) 472.6.6
Entertainment Bureau (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.4
Entertainment Officer (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.4
entomologists (photographs) 7.4
    Foreign Agricultural Service reports 166.2
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of
    building, equipment plans 310.2.1
Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Records of the Bureau of (RG 7)
    administrative history 7.1
    cartographic records 7.6
    motion pictures 7.7
    operating divisions 7.5
    predecessor bureaus 7.2, 7.3
    records 7.4
    sound recordings 7.8
    still pictures 7.9
Entomology, Division and Bureau of 7.2, 7.3.1, 7.5
Entomology Research Division
   (Agricultural Research Service) 310.4.2
Environment and Public Works, Committee on (Senate) 46.18
Environment and Scientific Affairs, Bureau of Oceans and
     International (State Department) 59.3.8
Environment, Subcommittee on the (Senate) 46.9
Environmental Activities, Division of (Mines Bureau) 70.7
Environmental Branch (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.9
environmental health
    Center for Disease Control 442.2.4
    Public Health Service programs 90.8
Environmental Health Divisions 90.10
Environmental Health Personnel in Disasters, Health Mobilization
     for Communities and 512.4.1
Environmental Hygiene Commission
   (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
Environmental Impact Assessment, Office of 22.15.1
environmental law
    Interior Solicitor case files 48.12.2
Environmental Medicine, U.S. Army Research Institute of 338.11.6
Environmental Pollution, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.18
Environmental Protection Agency, Records of the (RG 412)
    administrative history 412.1
    advisory and international bodies 412.4
    cartographic records 412.5.6
    Effluent Guidelines Division 412.3
    field organizations 412.5
    motion pictures 412.7
    predecessors 412.2
    still pictures 412.8
Environmental Quality, Citizens' Advisory Committee on 429.3
Environmental Quality, Office of (Agriculture Department) 16.3.2
Environmental Sanitation Branch (Indian Health Division) 513.2
Environmental Science Services Administration 370.2-370.4, 370.11
Environmental Sciences Division (Army Staff) 319.17.3
environmental studies
    Army Engineers 77.10.21, 77.10.31, 77.10.57
    highway construction 406.2.1
    Nevada assessments 49.14.5
    population growth commission 220.15.10
    Pruitt-Igoe housing project 196.5.10
    Rocky Flats, CO, nuclear plant 430.2.1
    TVA (motion picture) 142.4
    water projects 22.15.6, 315.1
Environmental Supply Group (Army Secretary) 335.13
    water quality commission 220.15.33
Ephrata, WA 115.4.2
epidemic diseases SEE ALSO specific diseases
    Army medical records 94.12.5
    Indian Affairs Education Division 75.10.1
    joint Congressional committees 128.2
    Senate committees 46.22.1
    State Department notes 59.5.1
Epidemic Diseases, Committee on (Senate) 46.16
Epidemiological Survey Commission (Armed Forces Epidemiological Board) 334.11
Epidemiology and Research Analysis Branch 442.2.3
"Equal Chance" (video recording) 403.4
Equal Educational Opportunities Study 12.2.10
equal employment opportunity SEE discrimination in employment
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
    case files 60.8
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Records of the (RG 403)
    administrative history 403.1
    field office records 403.3
    headquarters records 403.2
    machine-readable records 403.6
    sound recordings 403.5
    still pictures 403.7
    video recordings 403.4
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Ironworkers Local 86 403.3.2
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Trailways 403.3.1
Equal Employment Opportunity, President's Committee on 220.10.2
Equal Justice Under the Law (motion picture series) 116.3
Equal Opportunity in Housing, President's Committee on 220.10.8
Equal Opportunity in the Armed Forces, President's Committee on 220.10.6
Equal Rights Amendment 11.2, 220.10.11, 220.16.2
Equality of Treatment and Opportunity for Negro Military
    Personnel Within the United States 220.10.6
"equalization" railroads 133.3.1
equestrian units (photographs) 274.9
    weather reports 27.2
Equipment and Materials Research Division (Navy Supplies and Accounts) 143.3
Equipment and Parts Division (Quartermaster General) 92.4.6
Equipment and Recruiting, Bureau of (Naval Personnel Bureau) 24.5
Equipment and Recruiting, Department of
    (Navy Yards) 181.3.3, 181.3.5, 181.3.7
Equipment and Research, Division of
   (Defense Transportation Office) 219.4.1
Equipment and Supplies, Division of
    (Post Office Department) 28.6.6
Equipment, Bureau of (Navy Department) 19.5, 45.4.7
Equipment Division (Chief Signal Officer) 18.2.2;
    (National Recovery Administration) 9.4.6;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.6.6
Equipment Procurement Section
   (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.3
Equipment Section (American Expeditionary Forces) 120.7.6
Equipment Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
Equipment Sections (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5, 156.6.12
Equitable Adjudication, Board of (General Land Office) 49.3.3
Equity Practice, Committee on 267.3.1
Erdman Act (1898) 13.3
Erhard, Maj. Gen. 242.28
Erickson, H.A. 18.13
Erickson Inlet, AK, Army Port of Embarkation 336.3.1
Erickson, William H. 220.15.39
Erie Ordnance Depot, OH 156.11
Erie, PA
    customs collection 36.3.1
    town planning 3.7.2
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Erie, PA, District Office (Price Administration) 188.12.3,
Erie, PA, Division (Circuit Court) 21.40.6
Erie, PA, Division (District Court) 21.40.5
Erie, PA, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Erie, PA, office (Topographical Bureau) 77.4.3
Erie Proving Ground, OH 156.10.2
    Four Power Commission 43.11.28
    U.S. consular posts 84.3
Eritrea Service/Base Command (Army) 338.3.4
Erlanger loan 365.15
erosion SEE ALSO soil conservation
    beach studies 77.6.7
    maps 114.6, 315.2.3
        EPA 412.8
        Farm Security Administration 96.4.9
        House of Representatives 233.22.2
        Indian reservations 75.9
        Soil Conservation Service 114.2, 114.10.9, 114.16
"ERR Collection" 260.4.9, 260.5.4
Ervin Committee 233.16
Escanaba (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
Escanaba, MI, District Office
     (Price Administration) 188.13.2, 188.13.3, 188.13.6
Escape and Evasion Section
    (Military Intelligence Service) 332.2.2, 338.3.1
Esch Car Service Act (1917) 398.2, 399.2
Escort Carrier Force Pacific 313.5.3
Escort Minesweeping Group (Naval Forces) 313.5.2
    Barrow family genealogies 298.3
    crafts (slide lecture) 435.4
    motion pictures 75.27
    photographs 75.11.4
    naval intelligence 38.4.1, 38.4.4
    Secret Service correspondence 87.2.1
    Shanghai activities 263.2.3
    Soviet network study 263.2.1
Espionage Act (1917) 28.2.5, 182.2
espionage devices 227.5.3
Esquire Magazine case 28.2.5
Essential Activities Committee (War Manpower Commission) 211.14
Essential Requirements Committee
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
Establishments Section (Allied Force HQ) 331.30.2
Estaing, Comte d' 360.2.4
estate settlements
    consular posts 84.3
    Indians 75.19.17, 75.19.50, 75.19.54, 75.19.60, 75.19.108
estate taxes 56.14.5
Esterline, Blackburn 60.6
Estes, Billy Sol and Bobby Frank 16.5.4
Estimates, Deputy Director for (Air Force Headquarters) 341.11.3
Estimates Division (Budget Bureau) 51.8.4
Estimates Section (Naval Intelligence) 38.4.7
Estimating and Scheduling Branch (Ordnance Department) 156.7.13
    German occupation 242.5.1
    U.S. diplomatic, consular posts 84.2, 84.3
Estonian-language captured records 242.22
Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biological and Behaviorial
    Research, President's Commission for the Study of 220.18.19
Ethics and English Studies, Department of (Naval Academy) 405.4
Ethics in Government Act (1978) 449.2, 449.3, 449.7;
    (1982 amendments) 449.1, 449.2
Ethics Law Reform, President's Commission on Federal 220.20
Ethics, Select Committee on (Senate) 46.22.2
    student 286.4.2
    U.S. aid (motion picture) 286.2.2
    U.S. offices, representatives
        diplomatic, consular posts 84.2-84.4
        Military Assistance Advisory Group 334.5.4
ethnic groups
    American Revolution Bicentennial programs 452.3.7, 452.4.3
    census records 29.5.2
        maps 29.3.6
    displaced persons 278.2.3
    Federal Writers' Project studies 69.5.5
    former Italian colonies 43.11.28
    German resettlement 242.3.2, 242.5.2, 242.13
    motion pictures
        Brazil 234.5.9
        Guatemala 234.5.6
    Philippine Islands 350.3
        Hamburg-America Line ports of call 131.3.2
        Thailand 166.7
    Presidential inaugural activities 274.9, 274.11
    school studies 220.15.9, 441.4
    State Department maps 59.3.10
    World War I peace negotiation 256.2
        maps 256.4
ethnological studies and reports
    Alaska 26.3.2
    CIA maps 263.5
    Indian Claims Commission 279.3
    Japanese mandated islands 181.2.13
    photographs 106.6
    Wheeler Survey 57.2.4
ethnologists 57.3.1
Ethnology, Bureau of (photographs) 75.29
ethyl alcohol 188.10
Ethyl Corp. 412.5.3
Etowah, District of the (Army) 393.4, 393.5
eucalyptus 95.7.1
Euchee Boarding School 75.19.26, 75.20.11
Eufaula, AL
    bauxite mines 70.10.1
Eufaula Dormitory 75.20.13
Eufaula Indian Boarding School 75.19.26, 75.20.12
Eugene, OR, District Office (Land Management Bureau) 49.14.6
Eugene, OR, War Price and Rationing Board 188.18.7
Eureka, CA
    customs collection 36.3.1
Eureka, CA, land office 49.9.5, 49.13.3
Eureka, NV, land office 49.9.18
SS Europa 242.11
    Agricultural Geography 166.2
    Confederate agents, property 365.15
    cooperatives 220.5.3
    diesel transportation equipment 133.3.4
    food relief 5.4.1-5.4.3
        maps 5.2.1
    maps 42.3.1, 242.25
        American Commission to Negotiate Peace 256.4
        electric power 226.6.4
        State Department 59.3.10
    military justice 153.2.6
    military logistical requirements 335.7
        military operations, units 131.3.2, 165.21, 407.13
        postwar conditions 286.11, 342.15
        Smithsonian Institution 106.6
        Soil Conservation Service 114.4.1, 114.16
        St. Elizabeths Hospital 418.4.2
        typhus control 112.3.3
        U.S. official visitors 306.11
    UNESCO activities (motion pictures) 59.7
    U.S. military activities
        Army medical services (sound recordings) 319.20.6
        defense aid 349.6.2
        naval intelligence 38.4.9-38.4.11
        postwar Army commands 338.7
    U.S. Technical Mission 72.4.1
    U.S. trade 151.3
    USIA reports 306.5.2
    World War I
        consular, attache reports 120.14.7
        Food Administration photographs 4.2.3
        graves 92.8.1
        maps 5.2.1, 38.10, 120.3.2, 120.4.2, 120.7.5, 120.15
        naval operations 38.3.5
        U.S. cemeteries 117.2, 117.3.1-117.3.4
    World War II
        Administration of Territories Committee 331.3.8
        air operations maps 77.12.3, 165.4.1
        Army Air Forces motion pictures 18.11
        Army Medical Corps photographs 112.8
        cultural resource protection 239
        German targets (aerial photographs) 242.9.4
        Japanese diplomats 38.4.8
        liberated areas 208.3.4
        maps 331.2.3, 331.16.3
        OSS 226.3.11, 226.6.1, 226.6.2, 226.6.4
        OWI information files 208.4.2
        postwar conditions 165.15.1, 226.12, 469.2
            photographs 331.4.4
        radio broadcasts 262.2
Europe-Africa Division (OSS) 226.6.3
Europe, Commander Naval Forces 38.2.4
Europe, Naval Technical Mission to 38.4.15
Europe-North African Section
    (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.3
Europe, Subcommittee for
    (State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee) 353.6
Europe, U.S. Army 338.7.2
European Advisory Commission 43.11.20, 43.11.22, 260.2.1, 260.2.2
European Affairs, Assistant to the Secretary of State for 43.7.11
European Affairs, Bureau of (State Department) 59.3.4
European Affairs, Office of (State Department) 59.3.4
European Allied Contact Section (SHAEF) 331.4.8
European Branch (Foreign Economic Administration) 169.10.3
European Coal and Steel Community 43.10.25
European Command
    effectiveness reports 330.6.1
    Headquarters 260.4.11, 334.4.1
    records 349.6
    U.S. Army records 338.7.1
        medical services 319.20.6
European corn borer 7.3.1, 33.4.2, 54.3.7
European Defense Community and Interim Committee 349.6.2
European Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
European Division (Displaced Persons Commission) 278.3.5;
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.9.3;
    (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.2;
    (International Programs Bureau [Commerce]) 489.5.1
European Economic Community 489.5.1
European Economic Cooperation, Committee of 220.7.5
European Economic Cooperation, Organization for 286.4.1
European Headquarters Office (Shipping Board) 32.5.13
European History Project (Displaced Persons Commission) 278.3.5
European Neutrals Committee 353.5.7
European Operations, Office of
   (Foreign Operations Administration) 469.6
European Petroleum Committee 253.2.5
European Recovery and American Aid 220.7.5
European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan)
    Air Force representative, Munitions Board 340.9.3
    Economic Cooperation Administration 469.2
    Interior Secretary 48.5.13
    motion pictures 59.7
    occupied Germany 260.9.3
    photographs 286.11
    State Department committees 353.5.7
    Trieste aid 331.33.4
European Recovery Program, Advisory Committee on the 220.7.5
European Recovery Program Group for Bizone Germany
    (Army Department) 335.3.4
European Regional Office
    (American Battle Monuments Commission) 117.3.1
European Regional Organizations, U.S. Mission to 469.6, 469.7
European Section (Army Service Forces) 160.3.2
European Section (Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service) 262.2
European Squadron (Naval Forces) 313.2.3, 313.9.2
European Survey (Strategic Bombing Survey) 243.2, 243.3
European Theater (World War II)
    AGO "Operations Reports" 407.3
    air forces construction 18.7.4
    Army Engineers activities 77.3.4
    Army Headquarters records 332.2
    Army unit histories 319.20.3
    Coast Guard activities 26.5.2
    cultural resource protection 239.2
    intelligence activities 457.2
    military communications 111.8
    SHAEF records 331.2.2
    situation maps 319.20.3
    war crimes trials 153.13.1
European Theater Historical Interrogations Series 319.20.8
European Theater of Operations U.S. Army 338.3.1
European Theater of Operations U.S. Army Headquarters 332.2
European Theater, U.S. Forces
    General Board reports 319.20.3
    German officers interrogation 319.20.8
    Headquarters records 260.4.11, 332.2
    records 338.3.1
European Waters, U.S. Naval Forces Operating in 19.3.1, 45.5.3, 45.5.4, 72.2.2, 125.3.9
    civilian defense 171.5.1, 171.5.4, 171.5.6, 171.5.7
    prewar Europe 38.4.11
    storm evacuation (maps) 370.11
Evacuation, Joint Committee on 171.5.6, 215.2.2
Evacuee Property Division (War Relocation Authority) 210.3.2
Evaluating Committee on Motion Pictures and Visual Aids 353.5.13
"Evaluating Governmental Performance: Changes and Challenges
     for GAO" 411.2.4
Evaluation and Analysis Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5
Evaluation and Program Implementation Division
    (Management and Budget Office) 51.9.7
Evaluation Commission for Jewish Property, Banat 242.5.4
Evaluation Division (OWI) 208.5
Evaluation, Division of (Peace Corps) 490.3.2
Evaluation of Programs Supported by Community Health Service
     Projects, Subcommittee on 90.9.2
Evaluation Research Division
    (Community Services Administration) 381.5.3
Evans, Luther H. 69.5.6
Evans, Waldo 284.2
Evans, Walker 47.3.2
Evanston, IL, Lifesaving Station 26.4.2
Evanston, WY, land office 49.9.27
Evanston, WY, seat (Circuit Court) 21.53.2
Evanston, WY, seat (District Court) 21.53.1, 21.53.2
Evansville, IN
    Army commands 393.4, 393.7
    customs collection 36.3.1
    vessel documentation files 41.5
Evansville, IN, Division (Circuit Court) 21.16.4
Evansville, IN, Division (District Court) 21.16.3
Evansville, IN, internal revenue collection district 58.5.14
Evansville, IN, Supervising District
    (Steamboat Inspection Service) 41.3.6
Events Division (1989 Inaugural Committee) 274.13
Everett, WA, regional headquarters (Emergency Preparedness)
    Agriculture Solicitor investigation 16.5.1
    drainage districts (maps) 114.4.3
    drainage surveys 8.2.2
    soil, water conservation 114.4.1
Evergreen (Coast Guard cutter) 26.6.1
ever-normal granary 145.2
Evidence Division (War Crimes Counsel) 238.4.3-238.4.5, 238.4.8,
Ewa, HI, Marine Corps Air Station 127.7.3
Ewing (revenue cutter) 26.3.6
Ewing, Oscar R. 220.21, 235.2.1
ex parte cases 267.3.4
Exact Match Study 47.5.1
Examination, Division of (FDIC) 34.3.2
Examination of Midshipmen, Board for the 406.1
Examination of [Navy] Officers for Promotion, Board for 45.7.6
Examiner, Chief (Justice Department) 65.2.1
Examiners, Board of (State Department) 59.3.2
Examiners, Board of (Treasury Department) 146.2
Examiners' Unit (Justice Department) 60.5.3
Examining Board for Promotions in the Corps of Engineers 77.6.8
Examining Board for Transfers to the Corps of Engineers 77.6.8
Examining Board of Engineers 77.6.8
Examining Board of Ordnance Draftsmen 125.3.5
Examining Boards of Naval Engineers 19.4.2
Examining Division (Comptroller of Currency) 101.4;
    (Reconstruction Finance Corporation) 234.2.4;
    (War Trade Board) 182.8.2
Excell Helium Plant 70.12.2
Exchange of Prisoners, Commissioner for the 249.4
Exchange of Prisoners, Federal Agent for 249.2.4
executions SEE capital punishment
Executive agreements
    international agreements 11.4.1
Executive and Legislative Reorganization, Subcommittee on
     (House of Representatives) 233.13
Executive Board (Institute of Inter-American Affairs) 469.5
Executive Committee (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.2.5
Executive Committee on Commercial Policy
   (State Department) 353.5.7
Executive Committee on Economic Foreign Policy
     (State Department) 353.5.3
Executive Council (Defense Secretary's Office) 330.11.3
Executive Council (Government Reports) 44.3
Executive Department (Aircraft Production Bureau) 18.4.1
Executive Department (Signal Corps Equipment Division) 18.4.1
Executive Departments, Committee on Expenditures in the
   (House of Representatives) 233.13
Executive Departments, Committee on Expenditures in the
    (Senate) 46.13
Executive Director, Office of (Government Reports) 44.3.1
Executive Division (Government Reports) 44.4.1;
    (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.5;
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.3, 156.7.10, 156.7.13, 156.7.15;
    (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.1
Executive Group (Army Ground Forces) 337.5.3
Executive Jet Aviation, Inc. 197.3.2
Executive Management, Office of (Budget Bureau) 51.8.9
Executive Mansion SEE White House
Executive Office Building
    floor plans 130.3.7
    proposals 220.9.8
    repairs 79.6.6
Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys 60.15.5
Executive Office of the President
    anniversary celebration (photographs) 51.14
    government organization study commission 220.9.1
    Meese investigation 449.5
    White House Office 130
Executive Office of the President, Records of Organizations
   in the (RG 429)
    administrative history 429.1
    cartographic records 429.12
    Citizens' Advisory Committee on Environmental Quality 429.3
    Citizens' Advisory Committee on Recreation and
    Natural Beauty 429.2
    Council on International Economic Policy 429.5
    Council on Wage and Price Stability 429.9
    Domestic Council Committee on the Right to Privacy 429.8
    Federal Property Council 429.7
    machine-readable records 429.14
    Presidential Clemency Board 429.10
    Property Review Board 429.11
    sound recordings 429.13
    Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention 429.6
    still pictures 429.15
    Telecommunications Policy Office 429.4
Executive orders 11.6, 130.2.1, 319.3.4
executive privilege concept 460.3.1
Executive Protective Service 87.3
Executive Secretariat (Federal Highway Administration) 406.2.2;
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2, 469.3.2;
    (State Department) 59.3.2, 353.5
Executive Secretary (Housing Corporation) 3.3.5
Executive Secretary (NATO, USRO mission) 469.6
Executive Secretary, Office of (Coal Commission) 68.2.2
Executive Section (Ordnance Department) 156.6.7
Executive Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.5.2
Executive Support Group (Defense Attache Saigon) 472.9.2
exequaturs 59.4.5
"Exercise in Democracy" (video recording) 381.3.3
Exercise Jigsaw 349.3.1
Exercise Long Horn 337.7.3
Exhibit Department (Paris Exposition Commission) 43.12.10
Exhibition Department (Federal Art Project) 69.5.2
Exhibits Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.45.2
Exhibits, Office of (Information Agency, U.S.) 306.5.4
Existing Programs Subcommittee
     (Urban Housing Committee) 220.14.19
Expansion Arts program 288.2.1
Expansion Planning and Control Office (Military Academy) 404.10
Expeditionary Flour Department (Grain Corporation) 5.2.3
Expeditionary Force messages 407.6.1
Expeditionary Forces, U.S., Veracruz, Mexico 395.6
Expenditures in Executive Departments, Committee on
    (House of Representatives) 233.13
Expenditures in Executive Departments, Committee on
    (Senate) 46.13
Experiment Station Organization, Committee on 164.2.5
experiment stations SEE agricultural experiment stations
Experiment Stations, Office of 164.2.3
experimental aircraft 342.12
Experimental Boiling Water Reactor 326.4.2
experimental broadcasting 173.10.2
experimental farms 16.7.1, 54.3.2, 54.3.3, 54.3.23
experimental forests 95.10.1-95.10.8
experimental mines 70.5.1
    engineering plans 70.2.2
Experimental Towboats for the Mississippi River and Its
    Tributaries, Board on 77.10.62
Exploding Universe (motion picture) 307.4.2
Exploitation Division (MAC Vietnam) 472.3.4
exploration expeditions and surveys
    Army commands 393.10
    Army Engineers 77.2.1, 77.2.9, 77.5
    Geological Survey 57.2.1-57.2.4
    intercontinental railroads 43.11.2
    Jackson interview 48.15
        Adjutant General's Office 94.14
        Army Engineers 77.2.3, 77.18
        federal activities 64.13
        Land Management Bureau 49.16
        Senate documents 46.23
    naval expeditions 37.4.1
        maps and charts 36.4, 37.2
        photographs 78.6, 80.11
    Pacific railroads (maps) 48.6, 94.13
        Geological Survey 57.12
        National Park Service 79.17
        Signal Corps 111.10
    South Pacific islands 237.2
Exploration Section (Petroleum Administration for War) 253.6.1
Explorations and Surveys, Office of (Interior Secretary) 48.6,
    77.5.3, 94.13
Exploring Expedition, U.S. 37.4.1, 46.5, 128.4, 370.11
Explosive, Chemicals, and Loading Division
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.12
    Mines Bureau projects 70.2.2, 70.3.2
    ordnance 156.7.14, 156.10.3
        photographs 156.10.1
    patents 74.3.4
    safety 334.9
    war surplus distribution 8.3.1
Explosives and Loading Division (Ordnance Department) 156.6.15
Explosives Division (National Defense Research Committee) 227.5.3
Explosives Division, Ammunition and
    (Ordnance Department) 156.7.18
Explosives Plants, U.S. 156.6.2
Explosives Sections (Ordnance Department) 156.6.5, 156.6.9
Expo '67 207.14, 306.5.4
Export Administration, Office of
   (Domestic and International Business Administration) 489.7
Export Advisory Committee (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.3
Export Branch (Census Bureau) 29.6.2
Export Certification Act 7.1
Export Coal Department 32.5.8
Export Control Act (1940) 169.6
Export Control Investigations Staff
     (International Programs Bureau) 489.5.2
Export Control, Office of (Commerce Department) 40.3.4, 151.9.4;
    (Domestic and International Business Administration) 489.7;
    (International Commerce Bureau) 489.6.3
Export Control, Select Committee on (House of Representatives) 233.22.2
Export Control, Subcommittee on (Coordinating Committee) 489.2.3
export controls
    coal 245.3.4
    Defense Secretary's Office 330.6
        commodity allocations 330.6.5
    Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau 151.9.1
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.6.2, 169.6.3, 169.6.7
    housing construction materials 207.6.1
    list review 489.6.3, 489.6.4
    "Proclaimed List" 353.4
    Senate committee records 46.6
    war reconversion 250.3.3
    War Trade Board 182.1
Export Controls and Policies, Subcommittee on (Senate) 46.9
export duties
    Confederate Treasury records 365.2.3, 365.7.2
Export-Import Bank
    President's foreign trade adviser 20.2.3, 20.3.2
Export-Import Bank Act (1945) 275.1
Export-Import Bank and the International Bank for
    Reconstruction and Development, Subcommittee to
    Investigate the (Senate) 46.6
Export-Import Bank of the United States, Records of the (RG 275)
    administrative history 275.1
    records 275.2
Export-Import Price Branch (Price Administration) 188.8.10
Export-Import Section (Price Administration) 188.5.3
export licenses
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.6.3
        Brazil Division 169.10.1
    postwar Japan 331.46.2
    strategic materials to Soviet bloc 489.2.1
Export of Civilian Supplies, Committee to Coordinate the 250.3.11
Export Policy, Advisory Committee on 489.6.4
Export Promotion Division
    (Special Representative in Europe) 469.2.2
Export, Purchase, and Sales Department
    (Grain Stabilization Corporation) 103.4.1
Export Section (Price Administration) 188.8.10
Export Supply, Office of
    (Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau) 151.9.4
Export Supply, Office of (Foreign Commerce Bureau) 489.2.1
Export Trade Section (FTC) 122.6
    Council on International Economic Policy 429.5
    Export-Import Bank 275
    fish culture 22.4.1
    Foreign Economic Administration 169.9.3
    oil 253.5.3
    promotion 489.10
Exports Administrative Board 182.4.1, 182.2
Exports and Imports Division (War Trade Board) 182.6
Exports, Bureau of 182.2.3, 182.5.1
Exports Council 182.15
Exports Executive Committee 182.4.3
Exports, Office of (Economic Warfare Office) 169.4.2
Exposition, Anniversary, and Memorial Commissions, Records of (RG 148)
    administrative history 148.1
    Alexander Hamilton Bicentennial Commission 148.11
    cartographic records 148.15
    Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission 148.6
    George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennial Commission 148.3
    George Washington Bicentennial Commission 148.2
    Goethals Memorial Commission 148.5
    Golden Gate International Exposition Commission 148.8
    Golden Spike Centennial Celebration Commission 148.13
    Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission 148.12
    National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission 148.10
    New York World's Fair Commission 148.7
    Northwest Territory Celebration Commission 148.4
    President's Commission for the Observance of Human Rights Year 1968 148.14
    sound recordings 148.16
    still pictures 148.17
    Thomas Jefferson Bicentennial Commission 148.9
Exposition of Arts and History at Rome 43.12.11
Exposition of Industry and Labor at Turin 43.12.11
expositions SEE fairs and expositions
express service 13.7.2
Extensible (South) Building 16.8.5
Extension and Credit Branch (Indian Affairs) 75.16.9,
    75.19.67, 75.19.92
Extension and Industry, Division of (Indian Affairs) 75.14.5,
     75.16.8, 75.19.47, 75.19.60, 75.19.74
Extension Division
    (Industrial College of the Armed Forces) 334.15.2
Extension Service, Records of the (RG 33)
    administrative history 33.1
    annual narrative and statistical reports 33.6
    cartographic records 33.7
    fairs and expositions 33.5
    motion pictures 33.8
    Plant Industry, Bureau of 33.2
    records 33.4
    States Relations Service 33.3
    still pictures 33.9
extension work SEE ALSO agricultural extension services
    Indian Affairs
        agencies 75.19.3, 75.19.10, 75.19.11, 75.19.16, 75.19.23,
        75.19.26, 75.19.29, 75.19.31, 75.19.39, 75.19.51,
        75.19.60, 75.19.71, 75.19.74, 75.19.98, 75.19.100,
            photographs 75.19.60, 75.19.127
        area offices 75.16.3, 75.16.8, 75.16.11
        schools 75.20.29
External Assets Branch (Supreme Commander Allied Powers) 331.51.3
External Relations Section (War Department General Staff) 165.6.2
extortion (radio program) 96.2.9
    District of Columbia courts 21.10.4
    postwar Germany 466.6
    State Department records 59.4.5
    war criminals 338.7.2
Extradition Board (postwar Germany) 466.6
"Eye on St. Louis" interview 453.2.2
Ezekial, Mordecai 16.3.1

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