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ASWM Partners to Create Wetland Mapping Consortium (WMC)

Fall 2008: The WMC is an interdisciplinary group of wetland scientists and managers interested in mapping and monitoring wetlands with remotely sensed images and/or using the resultant products to best manage wetland resources. For more information on this developing group, see

ASWM Feature Article
Wetland Mapping From Mylar to Mosaics and Beyond, by Leah Stetson, ASWM

Mapping has indeed come a long way from the introduction of paper maps that have been used for centuries. Geographic information systems (GIS) maps have been around since the 1960s, but primarily available to the federal government and to a limited number of groups who had the technical expertise to apply it. Since the 1990s, however, a wider range of organizations, including state wetland programs, have been equipped with the technology, funding and the basic data to begin mapping natural resources. [Read more]

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Media Coverage
Minnesota DNR Seeking Response to Wetland Mapping Questionnaire – Winter 2009

The MN DNR is conducting a survey about wetland mapping technology.  If you'd like to participate, please feel free to answer the 12 short questions posted at: The results of this survey are planned for delivery at the 2009 Society of Wetland Scientists meeting (June 22-26 in Madison, Wisconsin) as either a poster or a presentation. MN DNR seeks responses from mapping users throughout the U.S.. For a link to the MN DNR survey & results information, visit:

New Maps Show Playa Wetland Locations in Six States

Contact: Debbie Slobe – Playa Lakes Joint Venture press release – September 3, 2008
Wondering how many playas are in your backyard? New maps are available from the Playa Lakes Joint Venture (PLJV) that pinpoint the locations of more than 60,000 playa wetlands in 155 counties across six states in the region. All 155 maps are available for download from the PLJV website. “We hope these maps help landowners identify wetland resources on their properties and seek out ways to conserve them,” said Megan McLachlan, PLJV Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst. Multiple sources of geographic data went into making the maps, including the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI), Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database and satellite imagery. The data were analyzed for each state where playas are found – Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas – to create the most accurate playa location map possible using remote sources. In some cases, field studies on playas contributed to the mapping process. In southwest Nebraska and eastern Colorado, researchers surveying playas were able to provide PLJV information on playa conditions and locations. For information and the maps, go to:

CSUN is leading the charge in mapping of the wetlands
By Connie Llanos – Los Angeles Daily News – August 30, 2008
Armed with maps and high-tech compasses, the young scientists stared out into the vast tan landscape. Just a century ago, this swath of coastal land was teeming with small creeks and streams, moist soil and dozens of animal species. But today, a large section of Ormond Beach's wetlands is more dry than wet. Ringed by factories, the wetlands' dirt hills and dry grass mounds are the final resting place for a graffiti-covered train on a forgotten railroad. "It's just a remnant of what it used to be," professor Shawna Dark said to her team of students. For full article, go to:

Wetlands get new spy cam

State teams up with Ducks Unlimited for wetlands survey

By Rick Callahan – Chicago Tribune – August 21, 2008
The conservation group Ducks Unlimited is scouring Indiana's marshes and swamps to prepare the first inventory in nearly 20 years of the state's dwindling wetlands. The Memphis, Tenn.-based nonprofit will combine aerial photographs with fieldwork to gauge changes in the state's wetlands since the last survey was published in 1991, said Rob Elstro, a spokesman for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Under a memo of understanding with IDEM, Elstro said Ducks Unlimited will receive $90,000 to produce data for the revised inventory using its network of volunteers, who will tromp through wetlands, estimate their size and take digital photos to compare with the aerial maps. He said the new survey set for completion late next year will help guide future development, provide more accurate surface water modeling and aid in wildlife management and conservation. For full story, go to:,0,3285126.story

MD: Bay mapping will aid restoration efforts

By Colleen Kelleher – WTOP Radio News – August 8, 2008
Imagine heading out on a road trip without a map. For a nearby journey that may not sound like a big deal. You could drive around until you find your destination. You could ask directions. You could stop and buy a map. All are viable options. Now imagine trying to coordinate an entire state's Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts without a map. "Some agencies didn't even have a paper map to document and lay out where all of their bay restoration efforts were," says Donald Boesch, a bay scientist who heads up the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. For full article, go to:

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State Wetland Programs & Partners
California Awareness Floodplains

Missouri mapping

Montana’s Natural Heritage Program  &

New York Freshwater Wetlands Program
Interactive Wetland Mapping tool with North Carolina Division of Coastal Management
Vermont Stream Geomorphic Assessment Protocols
FEMA Map Center
FEMA’s Community Rating System (CRS)
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Radar Wetland Mapping for Great Lakes Basin Infrastructure
December 5, 2008 - An international, multi-agency group has formed to prepare and implement new radar remote sensing technologies to assist in the tasks of wetland infrastructure mapping and monitoring for the Great Lakes Basin. NASA JPL and the U of Michigan have already mapped the entire state of Alaska with radar image technology.  Michigan Tech Research Institute has also demonstrated wetland mapping techniques with radar including identifying invasive phragmites near Detroit.  Radar mapping technology has be ability to provide more frequent views of the landscape throughout the entire year (regardless of cloud cover) which enables better forecasting of flooding, habitat and landcover changes.  This is important as the demand for more frequent information increase for infrastructure development and climate change. If your organization is interested in becoming involved with this effort, or for more information, please contact Brian Huberty, NWI Coordinator, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service – (612) 713-5332  and see
Background on LLWW Descriptors by Ralph Tiner, FWS – December 2008

This document provides background on the development of hydrogeomorphic-type properties for wetland maps. These properties are called “LLWW descriptors” and the document includes a list of project areas where they have been applied.

Wetlands Interactive Mapper Online

The USFWS National Wetlands Inventory launched the Wetlands Interactive Mapper, a web-based, browser-driven system that allows the general public to view digital wetlands data, conduct simple processing (e.g., zoom, pan, identify, etc.) and print a custom map on their desk top printer. Users must have a web browser. Netscape 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.01 work best. The goal of the mapper is to provide information to meet the public's needs concerning their local wetlands and deepwater habitats. It will help people identify potential opportunities and potential problems, set goals, and determine the actions necessary to maintain or improve the "livability" of their communities. The mapper can be found on the NWI web site at or


“Land Area Change in Coastal Louisiana (from 1956 – 2006)”
By John A. Barras, Julie C. Bernier, and Robert A. Morton

New Draft Wetland Mapping Standard – July 2008

The Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Wetlands Mapping Standard is designed to direct the current and future digital mapping of wetlands and deepwater habitats where federal funds are involved. For access to this draft, go to:

Or try
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Links of Interest
Mapping and Climate Change
SLAMM – related projects and presentations via Indiana University
SLAMM – Warren Pinnacle Consulting (contains a good overview of the dev’t of SLAMM)
SLAMM Bibliography – list of publications related to the Sea Level Affecting Marsh Model
National Wetland Inventory
USFWS NWI – Status and Trends 
National Wetland Inventory – Info on
Cowardin Classification System
USFWS Wetlands Geodatabase & wetland mapper
Floodplain Mapping Links
Floodplains Key to Health of Lake Champlain
Watershed Concepts - Floodplains analysis
California Awareness Floodplains
General Links
Glossary of mapping terms, GIS Development s
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Mapping Resources

Richard Gitar
Water Regulatory Specialist
Office of Water Protection
Fond du Lac Reservation
1720 Big Lake Road
Cloquet, Minneosta 55720
Phone: 218-878-8022
Fax: 218-879-4854

Doug Norris
Wetlands Program Coordinator
Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources
Ecological Resources Division
500 Lafayette Rd., Box 25
St. Paul, MN  55155
(651) 259-5125

Bill O. Wilen
National Wetlands Inventory

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This webpage last updated January 5, 2009.
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Windham, ME 04062
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