B&B ImFoRm^,rioN 300 @iftac @*=L"m nou@Ano Upoppen M,&ItLAostot Maw P40 Z0772 11 Us^ 10 t3ol) 24@l 10 AY 1962 EDITION GS@ Fp.k (Al Cfk) 101-11.6 @.jNITED STATES GON,ERNMENT f TO FOR THE RECORD DATE: April 21-, 1966 FROI,,F Council Assistant, DMFP Assignment of Planning Grant applications to Council members Dr. Marston called all of the Council members to let them l@now that the 11 planninc-, grant applications were mailed to them today. Also, he identified the applications for which the Council members would Have responsibility for reviewing as follows: Dr. Traeger RM-00010-01 U. Wisconsin 11 Marquette U. 07 U. Texas, Baylor U. & Methodist Hospital Dr. Slater RM-00002-01 Kansas 09 Missouri 06 North Carolina Dr. Bunting RLM-00003-01 Vermont 06 North barolina 02 Kansas Dr. Peeples RM-00006-01 North Carolina 10 U. Wisconsin 11 Marquette U. Dr. Moore @1-00007-01 U. Texas 05 Cornell 01 Hawaii Dr. Millikan RY,-00001-01 Hawaii 04 Albany 09 Missouri Dr. Howell RM-00004-01 Albany 10 U. Wisconsin 11 Marquette Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Saviiigs Plan 2 Dr. Ever4@st 7.U,.'-00005-01 Cornell 08 Connecticut 03 Verinont Dr. DeBakey @1-00008-01 Connecticut 06 North Carolina 09 Missouri Mr. Cu-,rriing PM-00005-01 Cornell 02 Kansas 03 Verniont Dr. Berry @i-00001-01 I-,awaii 08 Connecticut 07 Texas Dr. Hurst P@@4-00007-01 Texas 04 Albany 05 Cornell @va M. Handal cc: Dr. Marston Mr. Yordy Dr. Brewer COUNCIL ACTION APRIL 29-30., 1966 Application No. RM 00001-01 University of Hawaii APPROVAL Page 65, line 15 through 18 DR. NILLIKAN: I move approval of this application for the amount and time requested. DR. MARSTON: Is there a second? DR. ICORE: Second Page 70, line 12 through 1/+ DR. MA.RSTON: Those in favor of the motion which is approval with transmittal to the applicant of the information say, "Aye. It (Chorus of 'tAyes.tt) Application No. RM 00002-01 University of @sas APPROVAL Page 98, line 18-19 DR. MARSTON: Those in favor of the motion which is for approval,, please sav., ttAye.11 (Chorus of tAyes.1t) Opposed? No response. Application No. RM 00003-01 University of Vermont APPROVAL TRW Portion DEFERRED Page 144.. line 22-25 DR. MARSTON: Those in favor please raise your hands. (All hands were raised.) Opposed? (No hands were raised.) Page 99, line 13-4 (Council review) DR. MARSTON: Well,, I think we are all right so far. I think this question might come up. Vermont., approval with the TRW portion deferred for the types of studies that we have discussed. DR. SLATER: May I ask a que@ on for my own clarification? When you sav Approval, is that approval of the Vermont participation of the application exclusive-of the TRW so the thing can roll ahead? DR. MARSTON: This was my interpretation of the Councills action, Application No. RM 00004-01 APPROVAL with Commmnication Page 155., line 16-25 DR. MARSTON: Those in favor of the motion for approval please say., 'tAye.11 (Chorus of flayes.1i) Opposed? (No response.) DR. IEIJIKAN: Approval with co cation. Application No. RM 00005-01 Cornell University Medical College ADVINISTRATIVELY WITHDRA.WN Page 175, line 1/+-25. DR. DEBAKEY: Couldn't we save a lot of time since we re@ canlt take any action on this at a3.1-we are just discussing it almost fraitles@- not fruitlessly because we are getting some education discussing it-we canlt take action., our discussion doesn't lead to any action, and I just wonder if it wouldn't be appropriate to defer this application in the light of the fact that- DR. NILLIKAN: With conmmicafkon. DR. DEBAKEY: -in view of the fact it is'ntt a completed application., Page 100, line 6-7 (Council review) The Cornell application was incomplete and administratively with@awn. Application No. RM 00006-01 Duke University APPROVAL with Changes Page 209., line 13-15-16-19 through 25. DR. DeBakey: I withdraw ny second and make that as a motion. DR. BUNTING: We have a second chance. DR. DEBAKEY:I do so move. She has it recorded. DR. IULLIM: Second the motion, DR. MARSTON: The motion has been seconded. Is there dis@sion? DR. TRAEGER: Question. DR. MARSTON: I am going to call for the question. Those in favor of ths motion please i3ay,, "Aye." (Chorus of tiayes.n) Those opposed? (No response) Page 100, line 8 (Council review) North Carolina was approval with deferral of their operational components. Application No. RM 00007-01 University of Texas APPROVAL with changes of Page 1+6., line 5-8 (Second day transcript) operational aspects. Page 1+7.. @117-25 (Second day transcript) DR. SLA.TER: I move that the application be approved by the Council. DR. MARSTON: Is there a second? -M. TRAEGER: I second. DR. BFRRY: Imake a motion. DR. EV@T: I second. DR. MKRSTON: Addition dis=ssion? DR. TRAEGER: Question. DR. MA.RSTON: Those in favo@ of the motion please say Aye. (Chorus of Ayes.) Those opposed? (No response.) APPLICATION No. RM 00008-01 Yale University APPROVAL Page 57p line 6-3.1 (Second day transcript) DR. MARSTON: Any additional discussion of this application? Those in favor of the motion., please say aye. (Chorus of ayes.) DRO: MLRSTON: Opposed? (None) Application No. RM-00009-01 University of Missouri APPROVAL Page 8,, line 17-21 DR. MARSTON: Those in favor of the motion please say Aye. (Chorus of Ayes.) Opposed? (No response.) Application No. RM-00010-01 University of Wisconsin DEFERRAL Page 88, line 11-13 DR. MARSTON: Perhaps you would make a motion concerning the University of Wisconsin? DR. TRAEGER: That the application of the University of Wisconsin be deferred. DR. MARSTON: Thank you. Is there a second? DR. PEEPLES: Second. Application No. RM-00011-01 Marquette University D Page 90., line 5-11 DR. TRAEGER: I propose the same motion. (See above) DR. PF-F-PI,'F.S: I second the same motion. DR. MARSTON: Discussion? DR. TRAEGER: The question? DR. MARSTON: Those in favor of the motion., please say aye. (@rus of ayes.) O-D-posed? (i-o response.)