I B&B lr4Fmitm^-rior4 & ImAmE m^p4A=cmicmT 300 @1140C Mmasirs wou@ Uinfor.st M,%ItLaosta, P4^lty"odo Z077Z 0 Us^ * C301) 24@l 110 NIH-DRMP Surgeon General, 'PIIS Tliru Director, NIH May 10, 1966 Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional :4edical Programs Reporting Highlights of the third meeting of the @ational Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs, April 29-30, 1966 At the third meeting of this Council, 11 planning grants were reviewed. Of these, the Countil made the following recommendations: 5 were recommended for approval 5 were recommended for deferral I was withdrawn (incomplete) The Council recommended that the staff of this Division have discussions with each applicant prior to making an award, in order to negotiate any problems which were discussed by the Council. @larston, ki. D. EMH:Jaf