B&B INFORmikriom ImAmE M^m^oL-mmmT 300 @opeoc D=St=L"n mou@Ano Uowpmcst M,%mLmootm, MAN No ZC'77Z 0 USA 11 920 1) 249-01 1 0 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE BE'rHESE)A, MD. 20014 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH AREA CODE 301 TEL: 6%-4000 MEMORANBUM - - - - - - - - - --- - NIH-DRMP-CMD TO DRHP Re-iiew Cct=ittee .;..DATE: May 10', 1967 iic' FROM Associate Dir tor, NIH, and Directoi@ Divi 'lion of Regional Medical Programs ..,SUBJECT.-,, heath of Mr. Sidney B. Cohen it is with regret t"i-It'advise you of th .a death, following a heart attack, of Mr'. Cuban 'on April 27.,.,Mr. Cohen'had had several heart attacks previously',, but continued to work with great dedication* Mr, Cohen is S'urvived by his wife and two children, Robert Q. Marston,, M.D,,