B&B INF'ORMAIrlom 300 @lpecc a=*=L-M SOULXV Ulaosica M,%RLMORO, MAN $WC ZO'772 a U a^ 0 gzo 1) 2,4@ I -1 0 April 17, 1967 The National Advisory Council of the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness passed the following resolution at its March 1967 meeting: "The National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council has noted with pleasure the rapid progress of the Regional Medical Program and the enthusiastic response to this progressive enterprise. It has observed, however, the somewhat uneven representation upon regional advisory committees and the apparent disproportionate interest in the different phases of the heart, cancer, and stroke programs. As a result, in smme localities, the emphasis upon stroke and in other areas, upon cancer, has been less than desirable. The National Advisory Neurological Diseases and Blindness Council fears that if this trend continues, it may lead to unbalanced programs which may deprive some regions of this country of the benefits of the medical advances in certain health fields. For this reason the NANDB Council urges that reviewing groups and advisory councils, in considering planning and operation grants should direct attention to a balanced program so that all categorical areas may be adequately supported throughout the Nation."