B&B ImFoRmAriom & IMAGE M^m^oEmEmT 300 "grace M=ot=L"n nou Upposen mawLsomm, MANT"*40 Z077Z 0 USA taol) 24@l 10 -A! June 20-45-1- -iL Of Pme@@ r-j&lming, C.)Ij, %,!;i qTune. 14, 1966 "Lexislative Develo@,nts' recently dirtribu-terd to Ciunc-l@."L irer,,bers combined arL anal2mis of some of tbe major legislation intro@ed in @ube 89th CcNgess,rSeeond Session, in the and related fields. The "@i@tive Notee" brin g -be rtattis of tble Jegislat-ion up @,o date amd iml:ttde reference to n.@ location introduced and Congressional hearings @@ place -since the iE;suande of @he "@gislaiive rave' ni4s. LOP= 7 L@e aL@ @l" Sc,,:r**f@y nte e ';. @ i ax -@ri r@it s r*ppropeia6@,i(.jziL% of 0,@WO to 'bc- @--36 the Stat@s &epic', lt@ p@,rmilv, f--,r of ecer,@@@IL serricL;, p@@i an3 i--ent c@rA- o@zf-,s ap .P-?opria--ions of $40 miilio-@ fc,-r f@.Sce.1 ym@- ilioti -iOor f.scal @r 1963, a-ad $80 ml 1.14cn -for fiRce-I @,ar ..to te@ -o the Art;$ (YU 'Joe @asia of m.-e-3 @Por sewice program_, and financial a--eul of he Crar-;,o b,@t made for 1-ip lo of th-- adm,'-ninljrallve art I me@a,3 coe..e of c(mmur-ity zervice p37ogram &,,L@i '13% of services sLch 4s joint dialp. oei6i-- and reftrml servi6es vbich stem frca %-,he develop - of a pme .,ram and uere ao@ -prz7iax ly available within t I.* co=i-m.i@4y service area,. @b pariic@t@ Sl@te vould de@zelop a @.a@ piece,, mtlinine of a statevidi-- system of c service propmm 'base4- c.Wr@ a survey c@f needs and resources and 9. sabL-3ul(- fear t o@es appropri@Aor-s of $50 Ad-" I I,.@n for fisca' mi).Lirin for fliteal @r 1968., and @100 ri 1-@on ft@l- fiiscal @.r lio' 93P #L%citpt 'cu @--. cost-, of construction of commmit.,y r-vrvice @;bare v@iula vary fro3m IJ3, -uc> 2/3 of -@be cos-, as detarzdnel (vloordinal@lng Cotwcil,) lssue.J by t.@. @re@ry of aW prescrib- -.nxs of services required to be provide3 by a a lty service e.-enTer. ri-)mparable legislation. on -this subject vaa introduced in '@he Hc,-u xi aMAy OCR. 152P@,, Congresw'm Fogarty VI.,R, I!i:Pit6. Gotgressman @rd: Ft. i4643, itbe i@nLAcraa,-,.ional. Ac,.7 of amLLIt@l, _was passe,@ 1-y T@Pie fi,,7@e by, a record vo@,e of 194 to BIQ on JiAw IL essences E-E@ 14643 would @horize a domstic program by DHgw of -?,,tderal gmnts desigr@d to s%,ren@-hen 44he res(xtrces azd cap&-- tilitiecs of cclleg--s are universi,-Ues, in -Q&ntermal@':ional s@@udi@6es jLtkd research, -Appro-prlat:Lous totaling $140 zdluon are @thor:ize-I for the f:Ereti -Three @2lon in fiscal year )mara--$-LO siLlion for fisc&;L @r 1967,,.$40 'k93 million in fiscal @ 1969--wi@h suab sums au Congress @y and for -the fo@ving tvo @rs,, r 21 C;@' E. 77@ bLfot,-- bto c C*. rvlc@ I-a be be r. orftT;Xil taltvill. is @hrm9hout. i;am for advice @@n ik-@@ re ri e ?rumvi l@ @lt prt@-le -ra.A,-7@ -b2.. P@ No. y provides tte Sqcre@.ary .3 s@l to r"oriKe;iAize. It does no@ specify vhat form -.be reor@7^ifor1 14.e_ef@@ 1. pror.-ose to put Into effect a plan developed by the SurCeo*n @eral vi t,b -the advice t s@ citizens of ac@ttee of dis bwi@' chaired by Dr, Joim J. Corson of @rtceton @vt-raity. T)-w play-, @ls for orVmiz5ng the @'t-.Uc Real+.h Service intc, eight major currents,. The Bureaus of Health Services. Health Mankover, ry @ention and Control, -Vational Inati@itte DiBease and Inju of Mo-a@. Health, and NeLtional Institutes of Health, ftt4,)nal. !Abiary -of Meliclue, National Center for Health Statiptics. and the Offire The of Heali@h.@ Sero-lec-s vill se.-ve as a central. reso @@ce 'y cf he&l,,b <-are for @@be Am.@ 2an c-pr.-reir@ tL@ -,Iw-i 1 1 t yd a-&,cessibliLi-@. It will @Lncl-,4de all PIS activ,14ties coace,@rne@a with qual@14-Uy f")r service. @lt vill co@!Le @4:Lreel,@ medi-a2 Pr ','.hose which. supply new an?- iwroved -perr.@,rm:L icel- @"31reau -.)f Ilea @'@h y c.>n-txr r vill hwie t he p@r I -. supply of hea I t@h mnpover for -- be be lt vi.11 i-Asrbl!ect4@o-4is to tlds proposal have been@received.@ fine C @issioner stressed -the-t "our progxwas in. tlt* d--up, abuse T@zea @'nVoj..Ve no@' oidy ac)or@-tion,vith the efforts Ye -@@e -rn,@0--d bTi@ -wi Be re ionship' th and lo a4mneles l@irg resl-o,.rAsibi3.it-lies in this same area...We -%,III be- ter, viLh tr'aining for -tional and .-@t4_r:ag@g as vell as informa 'edu@ationp.1 rate Tile !;,tee A, g p,r. and r 1 d cu ,:LOM. w',hen :Li ka iuy->f; nts =4 in -thp. of w, oui ,r %o r duty-@ree Research. the and de,-fa Of @t" la as b @ I . i I .1 -@ " ' T- , , @ -, pmgr@e o)l L@ye the o@- c of VA9 -false Fe@c-rsl ma Involved in researc-h-, m-edical Lxse of tF-,D, presew@ed tes@@imony @.o t-h@ So?Ar- o.@ th,,@ r-%ther area-ii -iApoD vhich future kw@irii4siN -,PI,a are 3-a Heal.@,@h and M.MJ-6,.h Persor4ael ardation for l@n@ -h and I*ntal Re-, Progr@ for, t@ Age@,5 r-.rogmm for Disabled, emd Rebab:ilitatioA CO=Mit He alth Programs Of I ALUed Health @f@olots Pets6imel Tra@- A041, ne A@nis@r@@,o @@d bil3.. HR. i@3196, Allied Beach FrQf Pers3o@@el Tmining Acte of 1966, ordered fwirombly reported @o 'he 3=s,-- @@-aded) ou i@-14 I>y the Rout-,e Inte@tAte an! Ft-)rc-.Izn comi@rce co@ttee. The bill. v@U-11 @-ad T-,4,C@ Act t(@ increaixe f-r -*,rdinl!a&p radical technologist an@:1 perzomc,l in ottwr &.'"Iied @rcfve thF-- @c@. omi qualt,y of rcivi.@i t;t.ch alj'iej health profession perso@me.1, eul and 'L;tie existing studen,@ 'toan program for medical, op@omet.-Ic,, ex-3 nur=-ing studen@r>.@ On ame 1, ibe Serql-ve IAbor and I-u'bl-,-e We@,,@tre SI)ecial Oil f3ea Gragit Cc" toy large I*r@nt We-@ a-rid nsteries T4e mjor Ilkfe"3c*s bet, tt-.* @-W.* w@,,4 &@7 am Ad he %141.oral loecienc* an,-' of sea college% aLtil prvgrans. -w@ am tirle- IX @t the PArebant. Mor4.rAe Ac4@l,, 8,@@ as to @bo. & the ra of IR@.@ of @lbe ze ar.tlx.a t the t"ratury of ttL* carry the policies istabli@d by bill;,., S. 2439 voulcl authorize appropil for file ywaalr 196T, $i5 aiiii@-i for fitseal "sr 19a, and $?.O vdllior,, for fiscal @r 3,90 vit it the @@i h Fed6@T @ig' cost, ta b auto: HE. :L5192 world @ib-6@'rize -It---& @rd of mn@s'vitu t 6f or v tA J,6int3.Y dr 'Ei 77- 3@ S.,2439 vouiia 4LUthoriie, the estabii@@t'of a Advi,,,,3ry Cou:icil on @a G-@t Colleps and Fro e@ -ea @-f 't 1 @,..rrp, giam to be appoin@ Vy the President,. persons p=Wnent @b I,!- alf a ln@ -,he. fields cxf education, ocevnology, oeean tooluvilogy, and related to m@ resourcoa@ rtl92 carries no such @sicm. SYSTE14S ANALYSIS This policy statement is to be used by those applicants who desire to incorporate systems analysis methodologies into their applications. The use of systems analysis methodologies in regional medical programs is encouraged, but only to such an extent as it is considered applicable as an essential integral component of the individual program proposed by the applicant. The applicant should emphasize the development of innovative, adequately formulated studies of realistically restricted problems involving the application of "systems" methodologies rather than submit an application dominated by general proposals for the utilization of large scale "systems" approaches for the design of a regional medical program. The Division of Regional Medical Programs will explore through contracts and selective studies the applicability of systems analysis to the planning and implementation of a regional medical program. One approach to the use of systems analysis in current grant applications, within the framework of this policy, is the incorporation of limited numbers of personnel with such analytic skills into the planning process. These personnel may come from university departments or schools of industrial engineering, schools of public health, commercial systems firms, those with experience in program planning and budgeting, and a variety of other sources. It is expected that from such a beginning, areas worthy of more detailed activity may well become apparent and qualify for subsequent additional grant support. Applicants are encouraged to direct any questions they may have relative to the use of systems analysis to the Division of Regional Medical Programs.