I A v - B&B ImFoRmikrtom & imAmE mkm^=EME@ 300 @lmor &=Itnvn SOU@ Ulapolcm M,%OtLAORM, Pk4A%vtY"p4o ZC,747Z 0 Us^ 0 taol) 24@l 10 R FNIT@IQ RW,ION,AL -@ICAL M- (ry,,XO.S -11' i CO@,CfT-'ITEE OCTOBM 17-18, ig,0'6 No. @ReCrion Applic-T,,nt S02 R@f 00040-01 Colorado Un-.Lversity of Colorado,,,, Dr. Sanozaro V7yoming Dr. Kow@-'-! ewFk-;- S02 RY, 0004, 1-01 Western lJiiiversiju-y Health Center i)r. Pennsylvania of Pittsburgh Dr. Pm,-na D.-. Ruhe ll;oo .Yt 00042-01 New Jersey New Jersey Joint C for L-rplementation of Dr. Por--ia P.L. 89-239 S02 I've ooo43-01 Indiana Indiana University -'Dr. Pascasio - Fo-undation '.Dr. Sater. S02 ru4 OOo4l@-oi Yaryland Steering Co=ittee on D@. Ke4-.qey the Regional Program Dr. Pelle@@Liio--,, -L for Maryland S02 RM 00045-01 West Virginia West Virginia IJ,@iiversity-1, Dr Sutc@r @Ledical Center Dr. YL-,. lie r S02 i@4 0001@6-01 Georria Mccli.cal Association of Dr. Pac;cac.L Georgia Dr. P(.I.leL,-rinci .1' S02 i3y, ooo47-01 Nebraska LTebraska State Medical, ','I)r. Association Dr. Slc-eth i so,@ oool@8-ol Ohio Valley University o@ Kentucky Mir. L@raee I Research Foundation Dr. .@,ite -- sc).@ F,@4 ooo49-01 Virginia Medical College of Dr. Kenney.,- Virginia 'Dr. A.,@-'e - T S02 RM 00050-01 Syracuse Research Piund-ation Mr. State Univ. of New York., -Dr. ',,Uller @7\EVIE@@ ASSICNMENTS - 2 - .Apl@'L.@-cat4Loii iNo. Regioii Applicant S02 @l 00006-OISI North Duke University Dr. Carolina Dr. 3 S02 @i 00007-01SI "L'exis University of Te-.Kas Dr. Jer-(!, Dr. 11 SO:@ i'@M 00004-01 Albany Albany Medical College,@.' Dr. M-'Lll(.@r Dr. Kowalewok-' S03 I'V, 00 Missouri University of Missouri i Dr. Ruhe 009-01 Dr. Suter--,---- Dr. Kenney "Dr. sanazaro 11 S03 RM 00015-01 Intermountain University of Utah s I Dr. Janie Dr. Slcp th S02 RLM 00021-0'lR Nortlilands Minnesota State Medical. l@ Dr. RLihe (Minnesota) Association Foundation Dr. Jam(-,s ,.ro Dr. San,,iz. S02 l@M 00022-OIR Ohio Ohio State University Dr. 11 S02 IUI 00024-OIR Florida Florida Advisory Council Dr. S lee th - on Heart Disease, Cancer,@ and Stroke,, Inc. @ll S02 @f 00028 -OIR Alabama Un-Lversity of Alabama 1),, 'Dr. Saiia zaro - I Mr. Lindce 11 S02 rm 00033-OIR Louisiana St.%t-e Department of Dr. Pasc,-isio. Hospitals Dr. Kowalowski !@l S02 Wi C,0035-01R South Medical College of D @-. Pel"@(-@i,,rino Carolina South Carolina. Dr. PascaEio