B&E3 INFORmikriom ImAa3c M^m^CBMME@ 300 "Ifd=c @MUL"N Mau UppDrft 04AItLacam, P4^lt 040 Z=77Z U a^ tac 1) 24@ 1 1 0 DEP@.RDIEN,r OF T-TE!-P'@RE Health Service Nati@ndl InstitLtes of Health Bethesda, Maryla--id AIZ- NDA Seventh meeting of the NiVrlll'iAl- OVYSDRY COU.,KCIL, ON RELII"IAL @DICAL IPRXRAM.S Cor.ierence Room 4, Bldg@ 31 8@00 p,=, --bruaTy 19, 196@- 8:30 a.m , E',,@bruary 20-21,, 1967 Telep.@ 496-6161 1, CALL- TO ORDER u-ND OPENING RMUM II,, MOLYNCEMBURS ITT, CONSIDERVTION DF FLITL-RE MEETING DATES n., CONSLDERATIION OF MINLTES OF NOVENBER 1966 NEET@.NG ------ @----Tab I VI, PROGRESS REPORT ON, "SURGEON GENER,@'S REPOKI TO CONGRESS----.Mr. Ickerman VI,, COMENTS FROM LLAISON @ERS Vll,. REPORR ON ALL YPLIC,ITIONS WHICH WM CONSIDERED iT THE NO@ER COUNCIL MEETING ----------------------------------------------- Mr.- Yordy Vlll,, FOLLOW-UP 'I-SCINSION q.)N C@i-R,kCrS IX:. C-ONSIDER,\TION OF OPER.,kT@-ONAL GRANR APPLIC-IT.IONS X.- CONSIDER.,%TION OF PLANNING GRANT @PLIC.NTI@IONS XI, -IDJOURNMENT Dr. Leonard D. Fominger February 16, 1967 Director, Bureau of Health Manp Associate Director,, YM, and Chief, Divisim of R*sioaal Medical ProVams February 19-21 @ting of the Regional Medical Program National Advisory Comeil For your infmwtion, attached are the sumary statmmts covering the applications @ch were considered at the January 14-15 meting of the Regional Medical Program ftview-Comittoo. These rec ations will be Tested to the National Advisory Council on R*@al Medical Program at its February 19-21 Meeting to be hold in Conferent* Roca #4, Building 31, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, VA., b*gLnuing at 8:00 p.s. February 19. Robert Marston Attachmts: 1S02 IN 00051-01 - @his 1902 RK 00052-01 - Arkansas 1802 IN OOD53-01 - Michigan 3302 RN 00053-01SI - Michigan 1S02 RN 00034-01 - Main* 1302 RK 00055-01 - Arixona IS02 RH 00056-01 - St. Lmist Ni- State lS02 In 00057-01 - Mississippi IS02 RH 00053-01 - Now York 1$02 IM 00012-011 - Oregon 1S02 RN 00026-OIR - UBSC, Phil&.$, Pa. 3$02 IRK 00003-OISI - Vermont 3902 RK 00019-Olsi - California 1803 XK 00002-01 -@as IS03 MM 00004-01 - Albany, N.Y. 1S03 IM 0OW9-01 - Missouri 3S03 IRK 00009-0131 - Missomi 3803 IN 00009-OlS2 - Missouri 1803 IN 00015-01 - Utah LKyttle:tr Mr. John L. Pendleton February 16, 1967 Office of Grants Mamg t and Coordination Natimal Center for Cbzmic Disease Control Associate Dir*ctor, NIX, and i Chi*f 1, Division of Regional MWicaLl Programm February 19-21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Progrmo National Advisory Council for yow iafwmtion, attached are the ry sta to co"r@ the applications which were ider*d at the ry 14-13 mmeting of the Regional Medical ftogram Review ttee. These ree dat:ioux will be prommted to the National Advisory Cm=il on Regional Medical @ans at its ft 19-21 waeting to be held in Conference @ #4, Building 31t gatLocAl institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.,, begivmiug at 8:00 p.m. F* 19. uwrt H"Stonv N.D. Att&cW"to: I S02 IX 00051-01 - is 1 S02 NM 00052-01 - Arkarw&s 1 902 BM W053-01 - XichiWm 3 S02 RH 00053-OISI - Michigan I S02 IN 00054-01 - Woe 1 302 XX 0005@l - Arixma I S02 IN 00056-01 - St. L*uLs, No. I 502 IN 00057-K - Mississippi I S02 U 00058-01 - Mm York 1 302 RN 00012-011 - Oregon 1 $02 U4 00026-OIR - USCS. Phil&.$ rap 3 302 ift 00003-OlSl - V t 3 S02 RN 00019-0181 - California- I S03 RH 00002-01 - Xamoas 1 S03 = @-01 - Albany, N.Y. 1 303 In( 00009-01 - Missouri 3 S03 IIK OD009-0191 - Klosouri 3 $03 IN 00009-0132 - Xl"ottri 1 S03 RK 00015-01 - Utah cc: Dr. Richard A. Prindle LKyttle:tr Dr. Martin M. Cw=bW Tobroary 16, 1967 DLroctor, N&tLmal Libra" of Medicine As#oci,ate Di"cter, Nin, aW Cbief, Division of Regional ModlLcal Program February 19-21 Hmtin of the Ro@l Medical Program National Advisory comcii For your tufmmtioa, attached a" the statmonts cmeatal; the applicatL=s @th cmsidered at the 14-15 meting of th* Regional M*dical Program @low @ittes. The&* r*c times v:ill be pr OW to @ N&tim&l Advisory Council m R*gimal K*dical ProV@ at Its 19-21. wants to be bold in Confamee @ 04, saildin 31. Matimal imtitotos of Boalth, X*tbasdat Xd.0 begiming at $too pm. ire 19. t Karsten* M.D. A ttac@ts t 1S02 XK 00051@ - Is 1 $02 IN 00052-01 - Ark=was 1902 Xk 00053-01 - @ 3 302 XX WM-OISI - MichiVm ISOZ IN 00054-01 - Main* 1 $02 IN ODOSS-01 - Arlsona 1$02 IN 00056-01 - St. Umits No. 1 $02 IN OW57-01 - KLssissLppl 1302 Ng 00058-M - ftw York 1902 IN 00012-011 - I SMAK 00026-011 - @o PkiLa.s Pa. 3 $02 RH 00003-0181 - t 3S02 JU 00019-0151 - Califo=ia 1303 RK OOM-01 - Ko=as IS03 M -01 - A@# N.Y. I S03 = 00009-01 - kia"wl 3 S03 IN MM-0191 - Mis@L 3 $0,3 IX 00009-OIS2 - I 1303 XK 00015-01 - Vtob wttle:tr Dr. Carruth J. Wagner February 16, 1967 Director. Bureau of Health Services Associate Director, NIH, and Chief, Division of Regional Medical Programs February 19-21 Meeting of the Regional Medical Programs National Advisory Council For your information, attached are the sumary statement# covering the applications which were considered at the January 14-15 meeting of the Regional Medical Programs Review C- itteo. Thes* recommendations will be presented to the National Advisory Council an Regional Medical Programs at its February 19-21 meeting to be held in Conference Room #4, Building 31, National Institutes of Health, Bethooda, Md., beginning at 8:00 p.m. February 19. Robert Marston Attac@nts: IS02 RH 00051-01 Memphis 1S02 M4 00052-01 Arkansas 1802 RM 00053-01 Michigan 3S02 RR 00053-OlSl - Michigan 1S02 RM 00054-01 - Maine IS02 RH 00055-01 - Arizona 1S02 RK 00056-01 - St. Louis, Mo. 1S02 IM 00057-01 - Mississippi 1S02 RX 00058-01 - Now York 1S02 RK 00012-01R - Oregon 1S02 RH 00026-01R - UCSC, Phila., Pa. 3S02 KK 00003-OISI - Vermont 3902 RK 00019-OlSl - California 1803 M4 00002-01 - Kansas 1S03 RH 00004-01 - Albany, N.Y. IS03 KK 00009-01 - Misso=i 3803 RM 00009-OlSl Missouri 3S03 RM 00009-OlS2 Missouri 1S03 M4 00015-01 - Utah LKyttle:tr MEMORANDUM NIH-DRMP-CI10 TO : National Advisory Council on DATE: February 2, 1967 Regional Medical Programs FROM : Committee Management Officer Division of Regional Medical Programs SUBJECT: Summary sheets and Assignment sheet for meeting of National Advisory Council, February 19-21, 1967 As a follow-up on our memorandum of January 24, enclosed are the summary sheets on the planning.grant applications which will be reviewed at the February Council meeting. Summary statements on the operational applications are being prepared and will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Enclosed also are the assignments of specific responsibilities for each Council member. Eva M. Handal Enclosures