B&B INFORmikriom ImAa3E MAm^ummmmT 300 @Ifecc @StOL"m BOULZVARD 040 Z077Z , Us^ , tzo I) %49-01 10 1967 Dear !,,,ra. Roberto: The @Tatioaal Advisory Council on .regional L-dicnl pro&r,5.ms at itz ilebzua.-y 1967 meeting Van inCoimicd of the pass4-ng of Dr. Rober-s. Ju5t prior to adjou@-mient of this meetirg individual nim@er.-, o@ the Coimcil asked that the minutes show that among the more pleasnnt are. info.,@tive activities they had experienced during the past year w--s the opportunity to %fork with you.- huqbnnd both fo,.@lly a-@d irifor,-,.ally. The Council, thcn, as a u-,iola* instructed me to express its condolences to you and your ',amily. Tho-y specified that you be iiafon-,ed of their deep appreciation for Dr. Poberts' contribu- tions to the Council azd to this now pro&,-am. I u@ish to again express the appreciation of the entire staff for the opportunity to L-,ork with I)r.Roberts and the v@ saxise of loss that the Division of ReZional'Nedical ProS;rams sharoa with you -and your f=ily. S@erely yours, RdloorP. liarstor,, l@;. D. Aszociate Director, ilIE, and Director, Division oE Rec.,io.-4il Iledical Progrars I-.rs. Ha4.@ r. Rot-erts and family 141-Z)2 Parkland Drive @ryland 20853 RQIIarston:cmb