Ah B&B ImFoRmikriom & ImAmE M^m^=L-MENT 300 Device M=Itmclln R=uLxv Uloomen M-%IRLAORM, Mk No ZC'77Z 0 US^ 'D 9301) 24@ 1 1 0 M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: See Below D&TE: August 15, 1967 FROM: Grants Review Branch, DRMP SUBNCT: Additional materials for your application books for Council Meeting The attached materials should be inserted in your application books for the August 28-29 meeting of the National Advisory Council on Regional Medical Programs. 1. Indeic 2. "Blue Sheets" covering the following applications: IS02 RYi 00024-OlR2 - Florida IS02 RM 00062-OIR - Tri-State 3S02 RM 00003-02SI - Northern New England 3S02 %I 00006-02SIR - North Carolina 3S02 RI! 00018-02SI - Tennessee Mid-South 3S02 "@i 00019-OIS3 - California (San Diego) 3S02 IU-I 00019-OIS4 - California (Stanford) 3S02 RM 00035-OISI - South Carolina 3S02 Pd-I 00033-02Sl - Washington-Alaska 3S03 rd@,! 00037-OISI - Wisconsin These "blue sheets"' replace the yellow summary statements we prepared for the July l'u-19 Review Cc=ittee application books. The paragraphs headed History and Present Application are re- printed from the yellow summary statement. The information added ur,.6er the heading Review Committee is new material. Follov,-ir.3 Council meeting, --hese sheets will be up-dated to include Council's critique and -ecomendation and we will dis- tribute copies of the complete review resum4r. 3. 3'SO2 Rl,,i 00003--02Sl The report of the site visit to the Northern Nex-7 Englarid Regional Medical Program made by Drs. Proger and Galliher. 4. 3 S02 PI-i 00013-02Sl Tennessee Iiid-South - An up-dated Staff Observations sheet which covers the planning supplement only. Tennessee Yiid-South's operational application will not be reviewed by August Council. 5. 3 S02 luvi 00038-02SI - 14ashington-Alaska - An up-dated Staff Observations sheet which covers the planning supplement only. !4ashington-Alaska's operational application will not be re- viewed by August Council; a copy of a letter dated June 23, 1967, 2 Micite to Dc@au liogues s 6. 3 S03 '@Ui 00037-OISI Wisconsin - An up-dated Staff Observa- tions sheet; Dr. George l@liller's reportof a July 13 site visit; replies from Drs. James I.-!. Stengle and Jerry T. Guy, NHI, to our inquiry as to the relationship between the current liarsh- field participation in NHI activities and the proposal presen- ted to DMIP; an up-6ated fiscal summary which shows an approves operational program period an6 the first year auTard. 7. Federal and Non-Federal Support Sheets. li.rs. Fuller Dr. O'Bryan Mr. Koontz Dr. Marston Dr. Sloan Mr. Peterson vqlr. Yordy Mr. Stradhocki 1.@,iss Shouse Mr. Van Nostrand Mr. Hilsenroth Mr. Beattie lir. Ziyick Mr. Simeone Mr. Gruening Pir. Odoroff Mr. LaT.Trence Miss Conrath Miss Resnick Dr. Golde I,.,irs. Handal Dr. Husted Mr. Clepper Dr. Mathewson Mr. Jones I,J.r. Friedlander Miss Morrill Mrs. Xyttle Miss Nelson ivirs. McDonald Dr. Bucher Mrs. Sadin Mr. O'Flaherty Dr. llanegold Dr. Schmidt Mrs. Phillips Dr. Schneider Mrs. Salazar Mr. Alpert Mrs. Silsbee Mr. Anderson Dr. Tapp Dr. Carollo Miss Turner Mrs. Geisbert 8/15/67 Dr. Hamilton Miss Abrams Mr. Hellickson Mr. Ackerman Dr. Klieger Mr. Kakalik Dr'. Mitchell Mr. Kinser