B&B INF'ORMAriON & IMAME MANAML-MENT 300 @encr. M=stncon UouixvAno Z077Z 0 USA 0 Caml) 24@l 10 Febru,:ry 16, 1968 lq. Popc,-i, E.I@. Reglon.,-l Direct@ @gion-41 kleCic@,l Pro@rams 5-75 i.:cs'L Jeffersjn St-reLI- Boise, Fnclose@ are some Very brief summ@rie5 of reeuei;r-s-to be Present@ LO Lbe N,tioii.@@l A4visory Council tm Re,.@ion.@l tt the Febru,@ry 26-27 nee.Li@.i. These re-4uests .,.riso when regiona submit non-cumpetin@ -ont-inw-Lion pl,-Annin@t7. i4pplic@itions riK@uesting amounts which ri;4rk@ly exceee. @t@ ;mounLs cmaitLed for @.he ye@r. .@-s we expl@@in@, at the lasL meeLinf@, of council, ic h.@A been Dr. rirston's decision ch;--t Such renuests - lprrk-icul@,rly in inst@inces in which they reinresent Lncreises in program b--.se wiiicti will likely be perm@tn@tnt Pthoulct be brou,,hE to Lhe !LLenLiOn of' Council end subject to their consi4er.,tion. We -@re @iskin@ you infj two other @ers to revie-.o these su=...ries for zi brief presentation to the meeLin6. @ Will b,@.-Ve. Lbe fUll @ippliCaLion from e ch of cti&, rel-,,LomE, r@viilable it: the WeeLin- And will Lry to be ,.Able to provide aef-izion.@i information you m@-y t4eel you need. We '@i@tve @n looki@l for i@ w,,y to liancle these r@.,uests, some of which we will il@ways h-,ve before us without @ burdensome -,addition Lo Lhe Council tjo 'ppreci4Le your heli@ this time ,@nd -any sugv,*sLienu you may h.,.ve in thisereg.-,rd. Sincere'ly yours, hz-rth4 L. Pitillips Chief, Crznts Revie,@- Br.@!neh Divivicm of Rep-ional Progr,:ims Llncloaure