0 go B&B INFoRm^,rioN & imamr- mAN^=L-mr.@ 200 @le4ac &=It=L-8 SOUL"mw Ulafocit MAItLjmoltc2o 04-OL 040 Z077Z 0 u ISA6 0 cmo I 1 24@ 1 1 0 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATI, LFARE Memora?zdum PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE NIH-DRMP-CMO TO Associate Directors, Branch Chiefs, DATE: February 23, 1968 and others concerned, DIU4P FROM Committee Management officer, DRMP suBjEcT: Attendance at Council meeting at 8:30 a.m., February 26-27, 1968, Conference Room 4, Building 31 Attached is your copy of the Agenda for the CouT-icil meeting. Each person will be responsible for bringing this to the meeting. Because we always have problems with seating, we are not putting names on the chairs, except for persons outside of the Division. It is suggested that Associate Directors, Branch Chiefs, and Office Chiefs limit the attendance of their staff's to those who are being oriented or are otherwise essential to the meeting. M.'Handal Attachment IMINATE WAS COST REDUCTION ROR?RAM DE-PAR -OF @TH, EDUCAT@.'ON, AND WELFARE Public Realtb Service Nati@l 'J'.uiititutes of Real,-.h Bethesda., @IaM AGMA Elev,enth Meeting of the NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON REGIM" HEDICAI. PROGRAMS Conference Rccm 4, Building 31 S-.,30 a.m.., Febi-Aary 26-27, 1968 Telephone). 496-6161 I-. CAI,L TO ORDER AND OPL"NXNG REMAM 11, AMM-NCEMMS II.T., MEIDnAT70H OF FtT= MEETMM DAM TV CMIDLRRATION OF HINMES M NO@ER 1967 COUNCIL MEETIM -CAB I V@, COt44EN,rS FROM LIARLS,'DN HMERS VI. EXTENSION OF P@L, 89-239. Doctor Marston VII@ DISCUSSIO,% OF DRAFT GUIDELINES, Mr. Yordy viii nmL or vu ADmiNisTRATioNks HOSPITALS IN REGIONAL MEDICAL PR Mr. Yordy IX@ CONSIDERATION OF MMr APPLICARZONS a@ Now Applicationoft, . I I : I I 13 z 11 I - 11 c: - - - L. Mrs.. Phillips b. Request for Program Expanalon in Non-competing Applications; M--B. Phillips c. Re@ "Earmarked ru@", Doctor Manegold X@ PE.,@T ON A3PPIICAT! M WHICH Iv'M CO%IDERED AT rU COTINCIL MEETING Mra, Phillips XI,. CZiTRACr PiR umr sTuDY-.4FRo.GU.Ss RE,-PORT ON 'I KTATION OF SECR:!ON 907, Doctor S loan KII, DEVELOPMM OF 'THE HEALTH POLICY RESE"CH CORMCTUAL PROGRAM . . . . . . . Mr. Ackerman xiii @. "ill r -A ,.ublil- He-a4,,tii Se-vice Nat!Lc=l -t-ratl@rtitet3 Of ReaR.-h BeLbesda, Mzxylavd AC;E,NDA Eleventh Meeti-ttg of the KA7'10t!AL ADt"@S,:)?,Y COV,,;C'lt lmvn RE@@IMAL mELi@Av-. rR Ls Conference Rocu 4, Building 31 B:,30 a,va,,, Febri@.ary 7.6-27, 1968 leleph.-@ne- 496-6161 1, CAIA. TO D"ER AND OPENHNG REMARKS ,f@l, ANN3 -M 111, CONSIDERATION Of RMURE MMING DATW@ IV- CONS7DERAT@ION DE MI%VFES Or MAVEMER 1967 COUNCIL MEETINCV TAB I V COMNTS FROM LIAIISDN MMERS VI. EXTE%103 OF P,,L,., 89-239@ Doctor Marston DISCUSSION OF DRAFT GUMELTNES. Mr. fordy INVOL OF '*TX Al.'MINLSTRATION'S HoSplIALS IN REGIONAL MEDICAL pRo2,RAM Mr- Yordy IX@, CONSIDERATION OF GRANT A"LZCAT7.ONS Mrs. Phillips a. New Applications; @b. Request for Program Expansicz in Non-Competing Applications; Mrs@ Phillips c. ReporL@ oiL. "Earmarked ftmds", Doctor Mmegold RE"T ON APPLICATIONS @YRICH WM CO'.4S IDEM At 'kHE NOVDM-BR C,"CEL MEETRKG Mrs. Phillips XI, CMRACT FOR STUDY-4PROMSS REPM on ATION OF SECTILON 907, Doctor Sloan XII, DEVELOPMM OF THE HEALTH POLICY RESEARCH CTUAL PROGRAM Mr. Ackerman XIII, AWO vzzl, /1