B&B impormikriom 300 Lomas ft=nmclln nou Ufmosca K,&SRLJBCRM* MA 040 Z077Z 0 USA CMC 1) 24@ 1 1 0 UNI'I'ED STATES GOVERNNIENT DEPARTMENT OF ITEALI-11, EDU(.ATION, AND Meni,o,i-a?zclum PUBLIC III,',Al:l'ii SERVICE ,ro Associate Director for Operations DATE: February 29, 1968 Division of Regional Medical Programs FRONT Chief, Grants Review ]3ranch Division of Regional Medical Programs ,SUBJECT: Recommended award of unexpended funds for use in second grant year, National Advisory Council - February 26-27,"1968,. Indiana Regional Medical Programg 5 G02 RM 00043-02 MOTION: Award additional $23,000 for direct costs The Council approved the recommendation by staff that the second year planning grant be amended to include an additional $23,000, to.s'upport a multiphasic screening feasibility study at Flanner House in Indianapolis. In a letter to me on January 2, 1968, Dr. Stonehill, the Program Coordinator, stated tbat.these funds would be needed in the following categories: Personnel $ 5,000 Equipment 500 Other 18,000 Total for Direct Costs $230500 Martha L. Ph. HELP ELIMINATE WAS COST REDUCTION PROGRA L UNITED STATES GOVE]tiN,NIEN'l' DEPARTMENT OF HEALTIT, EDUCATION, AND INIELFikRE Me7no7-aizdii,m PUBLIC llk.ALI'll SERVICE TO Associate Director for Operations DATE: February 29, 1968 Division of Regional Medical Programs FRONI Chief, Grants Review Branch Division of Regional Medical Programs SUIIJECT: Recommended award of unexpended funds for use in second grant year, National Advisory Council - February 26-27, 1968, North- lands Regional Medical Program, 5 G02 RM 00021-02 MOTION: Award additional $81,200 for direct,costs The Council approved the staff recommendation that the second year planning grant be wnended by $81#200, to support planning studies and core staff in the Northlands Regional_Medical Program. The budget categories for these additional funds will need to be negotiated with the Region. Martha L. Ph IMINATE WASTE c RIIIUCTION PROGRAM UNI'I'El) (;O@'I,"I'\Ni\ILNT DEPARTMEN-l' OF TO Associate Director for Operations 1)..kTE: robruary 29, Division of Regional Medical Programs FRONI Chief, Grants Review Branch Division of Regional Medical Programs SUBJECT: Recommended use of unexpended funds for.program expans,'-o.-i in.@-'.-.e second grant year for the Ohio Valley Regional Medical ProgramL - 5 G02 RM 00048-02, National Advisory Council Meeting, Februarv 26-. 27, 1968 MOTION: An additional amount of $40,000 (direct costs) o@L -@irst-- year unexpended funds for use in the second grant yea-- The Council agreed with the staff recommendation that nlanning activities would benefit from support of modest program e;.:-oansion. The first year unexpended funds will be used for additional personnel and core staff positions and related office equinrc,-.t. Martha L. Phillips IMINATE WASTE COST REDUCTION PROGRAM @.;q-gNrrED STATES GOVERNMENT, ALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE "PEPAI;LTMENT OF HE PUBUC HEALTH SERVICE 'du ran m ctor, Div Dire ision of Regional Medical Programs DATZ.- January .4,.,1968 ,@-,i,,ThrOUgtk:,' Associate Director for Operations,, Grants Re4iew Branch' Chief, :,Division of Regional,Medical Programs Amended Notice of Award to Georgia.Regional Madical'Program 5 G02 RN 00046-02 -in my memorandum of December 12, 1967 (copy attached) I- reported the staff's redommendation for asecond year planning award of $292,089. This represented the carryover of $88,,882 in unexpended funds from the first.year. -Your decision was.to approve an award in--the c- ttted amount of"$2039207, because the.higher amount repr!esented'an expansion of the program bass beyond what the Committee and Council.had originally approved. The car.ryover amount"',h@ver, will be' submitted for consid@ 9 @ation at the next Committee Meeting. (All above are..dirimt costs) In telephone conversat an with the Georgia Re ional Medical Pr,6gi 9 (January 2 & 3, 1968)-.4 it has been greed tha:t,&ii,eatego'ries exce -personnel should be budgeted for the amounts proposed'in-the'conti application. .'The ro-ma inder should' be - devoted to. the, personnel "categorym Because the amounts in'most of the@ other"'categories'i&re -.iiiia@'thari@wha had been'submitted with-tha':Initial aDPlicationt'thii,versome 'actually,',nh Be,, t ELF stimiNAl ITEDUCTION lt@O UNITED STATES GOVERN.%,IENT DL,PAI@TMENT OF I-IEALTL, Alc,,iizo,.r e.,Y. P, ctl, i iq n TO TIIE RECORD DATE. March 1, 1968 l-'RO@l Public Health Advisor Division of Regional Medical Programs SUBJFCT: Recommendation on Supplemental Planning Grant Application, 3 G02 R.M 00031-02Sl and Unexpended Funds for use in Secona Gran@, 'Year 5 G02 rM 00031-02, submitted by Metropolitan Washington, D.C. I'@1c:,Zional Medical Program, National Advisory Council - February 2'0-27, 1968 MOTION: Approval of the planning supplement for the time and in the amount requested, $256,089 for one year (#l), with advice that staff competence be broadened beyond clinical fields to include educational and administrative competence; award additional $35,163 for direct costs from unexpended funds The Council felt that experience during the first planning ,@ar has demonstrated that the original projection of staff needs was unreal- istic and that coordinators are needed in each of the participating universities, the Health Department of the District of Columbia, and the Hospital Council of the National Capital Area. The Council@ shared the Review Committee's concern that the proposed staff competence does not extend beyond clinical fields. The Council also approved the staff recommendation that the second year planning grant be amended by'$35,163. These funds will support a stroke project director, coordinating personnel at the District of Columbia Health Department, and consultant services. The budget categories are: Personnel $26,887 Consultants 8,276 TOTAL $35,163 Patricia McDonald IMINATE WAS COST REDUCTION PROGRAM