I I It ivi Supersede, Number Date Sub-iect Amend, or Add 68-1 8/13/68 HSMHA Grants Policy Communications System 68-2 9/3/68 Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements PPO Info. Report #4 68-3 10/8/68 "Prior Approval" Program - Cumulative Listing PPO Info. Report I, of Participating Institutions Suppl. #14 68-4 10/7/69 Implementation of Section 5, Public Law 90-31 68-5 10/7/68 Sec. 907 of the Dept.'s Appropriation Act of 1968 (P.L. 90-132) 68-6 10/8/68 Change name of Jewish Chronic Disease osp. to Kingsbrook Jewish Med. Center 68-7 10/22/68 Discontinuance of Form PHS 4744-4, Quarterly Expenditure Report 68-8 10/29/68 Negotiation and Approval of Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements 68-9 12/2/68 Agreement on use of human subjects in projects supported by PHS in VA fac. 68-10 12/2/68 Prior Review of Grant & Contract Awards or Payments to Health Research 68-11 12/18/68 Payment of Pub. Costs from Red. Rsch. Grant and Contract Funds 68-12 12/3/68 Dist. of the Grants Adminis. Manual 69-13 1/3/69 Grants and Contract Awards or Payments to Health Research, Inc. 69"14 1/3/69 Revision of Policy Prohibiting Concurrent Grants Memo. 68-1 Awards 69-15 1/9/69 Reporting of Cost Sharing in Research Grants by Inst. Using Single Account 69-16 1/9/69 Cost Sharing in Research Grants List attached to Grants Memo. 68-2 69-17 1/15/69 Organization of Office of Grants Mgmt, Hlth. Services & Mental Hlth. Admin. 69-18 1/22/69 SUNY - Authorized Signatures Supersede, Number Date Subject @end, or Add 69-19 1/27/69 Implementation of HEW Chapter 1-71, Grants Administration Manual 69-20 2/6/69 "Prior Approval" Program-Cumulative Grants Memo 68-3 Listing of Participating Inst. 69-21 2/19/69 SUNY - Authorized Signatures List attached to Grants Memo. 69-18 69-22 4/l/69 Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements Grants Memo 68-2 69-23 4/15/69 Protection of Properties Listed in the PPO #147 National Register of Historic Places 69-24 4/22/69 Implementation of HEW Chapter 1-71, Grants Memo. 69-19 Grants Administration Manual 69-25 4/23/69 SUNY - Authorized Signatures Grants Memo. 69-21 69-26 5/16/69 Univ. of Colorado Medical Center Officials Authorized to Sign Grants Applications 69-27 5/16/69 Alterations and Renovations in Project Grants 69-28 12/15/69 Revised Policy -- Protection of the PHS Pti) icat on Amend Individual as a Research Subject 1804 and PPO #129 #1 69-28 7/l/70 Revised Policy -- Protection of the Amend Individual as a Research Subject #2 69-29 7/15/70 Procedure for Coordination of General Counsel Opinions on Grants Programs 69-30 6/16/69 Reorganization of Rice University 69-31 6/16/69 Cost Sharing in Research Grants Grants Memoranda 69-16 and 69-22 69-32 6/23/69 Form PHS-398, Revised 2/69, Form PHS-398 (Rev.5- Grant Application General Info. and Instructions, Appli. for Research Grant (Rev. 1-67) Supersede, Number Date Subject Amend, -or Add 69-33 7/i7/69 Change in the name of the Attending Staff Assoc. of the LA County Hospital to Professional Staff Association of LA County, U. of Southern California Medical Center, Inc. 69-34 7/23/69 Transmittal Notice - HSMHA Implementation of HEW Grants Administration Manual 69-35 7/28/69 Grant and Contract Awards and Payments to Health Research, Inc. 69-36 8/25/69 International Travel in Grants and Contracts 69-37 10/l/69 Creighton University Official Authorized to Receive Payments and Sign Grant Applications 69-38 10/l/69 Transfer of Southwest Center for Advanced Studies to The University of Texas at Dallas 69-39 10/l/69 Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements 69-40 11/5/69 SUNY Local Campus Officials Authorized to Sign Applications for Sponsored Support and Research Foundation of SUNY Individuals Authorized to Certify Expenditures from Sponsored Program Funds 69-41 11/13/69 Limiting Future Commitments to the Availability of Funds 69-42 69-43 70-44 3/16/70 Grant, Contract or Sub-contract Awards to the National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, Illinois 70-45 4/l/70 Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements 70-46 6/8/70 International Travel in Grants and Contracts Grants Memorandum Number 69-36 70-47 7/17/70 Cooperation with States and Localities in the Implementation of BOB Circular A-95 Supersede, Number Da Subject Amend, or Add te 70-48 10/9/70 Audit of Records of Contractors Paid from Grants 70-49 10/9/70 Change of Grantee 70-50 7/30/71 International Travel in Grants and Contracts 71-51 8/11/71 Institutional Cost Sharing Agreements