! DISTRJ'CT 001@ TL' Carter's district lies within the Ohio Valley Re,--'@olaal Medical z-,, @qhch has a current aw@rd totalling $34',797. The regional boundaries cross @Lo-ar state lines a-,id include what is known as the C-'Lncin-iiati--Lex-'Ln,,,ton-Louisvi7..'Le tr4-aii-le--the Ohio Valley. The Coordinating r7, -dqu,-@--ters is a new, non-p-zof4t or,-Lriization, 'i own as the Ohio Valley i?',2dica' Prograri and Dr. Willia-.ii H. McBeath is the Pro-rar,-, Coordina- i'l C, L b tor. Re,,ional Advisory Group has been very active in helping to set pro(7,ram -oal-s and in recruiting staff. W-1 i-,@c Tost 1',e,-,io-cial '@liedica'- Pro-i-a7.-,s i-,7,c'Ludc parts of one states or cover a :o--al s;L-a@L-c-,, tl,,c O.i-Lo Valley '.@ledical @A.-c)grar@i is u,,Iic@ue in ir,clj-u"'4.nr., parts of four states. activities have focused on re-'Ievan-", health data @-or this rc,,ional area which was prc,- _Ly due -o the state orientation of most health data V70',IS unaval - - sysi:er.-.S. These -and other plannin- activities are outlined in detai'L -@n the attached material. Carter may a!-so be interested in t-.-Lc ac@@. o@ the nearby 1,1@Ld,-South Re-io--al Medical ProgrLLi.,, .--aa'quartered in ',\Tq-shville at -zne Vanderbilt and Yeharry Schools of Medicine. Descriptions of the 0 a-.-,lt4-onal projects now underway in this region are also attached. Yi@@ch IL968 G Yos@- c@ i,,urLucky (101 l@erLucky o-:,- couri--ies in 16 ccLri@L--@'Lcs @-n O'@-,7o and 2 in West L@ LL;c cori,)rlsL the Ci-,-,@-inn@,,, 'l.i-@-,@ Louisville Oh@@o Va I ey C)'.'.'Lo Valley 967 Jz- @'@@4 797 6;D- 0 0 d 85,000;000 o 'oe-in in Fisca'@ Year 1969 C; C (i O'@ I Wil-L H. @'cBea'cll-l , 1.@ S T Chairmai: Lou @I.Toza--- Pr@sidenL anc' Gercral 1.@ait @@la-"Lifacturiii- O@orcpa-,iy ZD Daycon, 0.1l'O 2. c rs h : @) @- -@cal 8, Prac',--ic-Ln, '2'lays@c,",Ds 7, Z-" Administrators 5, Vo,.,Lii7,'i:@,,ry A,,-c,ncies Z@, Public itcalti-i Oil-:L-ic-@.a".s Other Health Workers 3, Pul,31-@@c 7 o@ V-11,-Ly i)ic)ora,.u is an ii,,iincorpor--@c@d -,-)r7vaL:O- n L-,so@ kroll,in as the Oh@Lo Val-.cy Po-ional Mod-@@cal Pro a S'.-) C,' -@-i S o --r s o j@ -Li-le LcL ivitios L-he 'i'xo(@ion wage L'n@ Ci Y @---vL- s @-y c -i-,c@L-.i-,iat-;. Coi of 'Lii-ve--siL o' K c r, L t:@ y c a -- CcrL-er and the U-,iivers-.-'@-y of 'Louisville-, School of c bi,il'z-l of capabilities arc or will be in auxiliary ac'visory -D3cii-@s of -there are three types: -2- Starclin- Con,.mittec- on Mc-,dicl-'L (2) or, Coi-,-,,-,Iulii@y 1-lo@l,)itals oil 1-ic,-alth Or,ranizat4-ons 0 @arels--I-.ol. yet cons,--ll^ucted but will be used as review point 1)iiaso. C. -,Ls'c Forces--thc- generalized be assured by L-,-e Task Forces which are not:, at present, in operation. The intended areas are Library Serv4@ces a-,id Service Areas. Policy rests @.7iti'l the Executive Board of the Ohio Valley S4 SIC '@edica',- -@ro-ram which con of a representative fro-,ii each of t'r,, th7--oc universities a-.id the chairman and v4.ce-chairi@,an of Advisory Group. obtaining adequate staff has been a ma@or -,:o date, but fo.-wa-zc, novcnLn@L in this are,- -'@s now evident. "T!--, of the -involvement of -.1e@iolL-,l Advisory Group has been s',ici-i as to -ivc it a strong in aci@,,isiiig '-Iic ',2r@D.-raTn on ',:he of (,oals." Due to lead Program staffi-.-,-, A,@,,ional Advis,-@-zy Group has also been c,-,I'Lod u@,o-@. to secure new i-,:k the r@,,ional !'cs shown great interest in fully acquainting I.-hc-mselvc-s with tl-le di 4- parc@ o--- the re-ion. S-'--.-ce rc---ion -:-s -,made uD of parts of -@our states, it has been e@.tromely Lif -,:icu--L-. to ,ise available data. @,luch of the basic data work trials Plate as a ,:e,-ion" ILZi@s take for @-Tranteci -'@s not applicable to -the Ohio va-. ley As a result, the Ohio Valley Regional Medical "D---o-,ra-,i ir. @@'--s first year of pla-i in- the kind of i-kiin- has concentrated on acquir , data base that is a prerequisite Lo the expansion of the progra,-,I. ?'--anning Stud.'.@..s - Current on-goiii- studies include: C, Def-7-iiit-7@o-i of program ,oals. tD r o i c c t @@@ o n o f d L,,i-,iand a d s,6 y o f p hy s 1. c i an s Czv -. c O,,i b y v o u s subregions within tire U-..:-o Vz..@ !Ley Pro@,rLi-,q. -"I.cd hoaltl-i personae inventory of a.L L latioi- of c'Lo,,Tograph4@c data for p@isL @7o@-Lrs. and co! Collection of basic n,.ai-i-@)ower and hospital data-- distribution ol@ health resources. L) V y @"2? Lirrent in c Iucle : c c) i ic ,ic vail@y Medical. plarLnin,, f-r@Lli,,Cwor,< u P, c iL- 'Lvi LI-y as in a,-Ld c; c I i a'@) a L n . T,,,o t:h@ory this fr--,,.iieworllc is rc,.prcsci,@rs a critical mLLss of activity upo@-i Eric.-, can cxi)L--ct i-,i--o areas such as continued, education L care units. Thc, activity components include cont-.nuir,,- -D-,:o- CaL4 c--@du @on, library cxteisi_on services, prevertion-detectior, coronary control a-id stroke rehabilitation -,rogra-,,n. in H-'@ll-',,@urton and Co-:,-,?rehens@Lve Health Oi'Lio iy,.-Cd--7cal Program -L.,; on @i tasl@ force to dcteri.-iiilc- t:y of the professional. and -,medical audit data system -@c) -L,-,c- area. --ch 9'3 ,a- ,@LV-@SOaY CO@@,,7--'@TEE FOII @@lil;"DI@L PaOo-li@.S '@"Toza- an@- Ge-.qeral @lana,,cr Cor"fja"y c s Rad-,ation '.Therapy T 7'. @Y c- C O'-, -1 C) Dr. P. '@lro7u o- cL.-id C-air-.ra--a of i),,.icsthc!siolo-y Kc L;.iivc-rs-'--.y o@ -,Ii@-ucl