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Advertising on

eNature’s range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities can meet your branding, traffic, and customer acquisition needs. And our unique niche and loyal viewership makes eNature a distinctive advertising choice on the Web.

    Your eNature media kit includes information on:

  • Site Advertising

    eNature’s diverse inventory and attractive pricing provide advertisers the most efficient way to reach a market of engaged and affluent buyers.

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

    Sponsoring a section of eNature lets our partners reach our visitors in ways that go far beyond basic ad placements.

  • Email Marketing

    Deliver your message to eNature’s most loyal and active subscribers via our monthly editorial e-mail.

  • Our Editorial Plan will be launching a number of new features in the coming months—all of which will be featured on the site as well as in outbound email.

  • Demographics On Our Visitors

    eNature viewers are engaged—visits to the site average almost 5 minutes with over 10 pages being viewed.

  • Download our Media Kit (PDF)

Advertising Policy is supported by advertising. Just as newspapers, magazines, television and radio are expected to be neutral and "non-denominational" when running ads, so are we at We don't want to be in the position of choosing whose voice will be heard and believe that all who wish to advertise on our site and our other media such as email newsletters should be free to do so as long as their message is neither abusive nor offensive. does not endorse the positions or opinions of our advertisers. We believe our readers and visitors are savvy enough to form their own opinions. We also believe our visitors want to hear from organizations who have interesting products to sell or things to say—and are here to provide those advertisers with a way to tell their stories to our readers.


Feel free to send any comments or suggestions regarding our advertising policy to the Staff mailbox at   Simply put the usual @ sign between the words "staff" and "" when sending us an email. Your comments are read and carefully considered—and you'll almost certainly here back from us.


For advertising and business development
Brittanie Williams



