Archived Information

The State of Charter Schools 2000 - Fourth-Year Report, January 2000

B. Basic Characteristics of Charter Schools

School Size | Grade Level Configuration |
Student to Teacher Ration | Computers for Instruction

Enrollment by State

As in past years, charter schools enrolled a relatively small percentage of public school students nationwide. Only three states had 2 percent or more of their public school enrollment in charter schools, with the District of Columbia enrolling the greatest percentage of students in charter schools. However, the number of students enrolled in charter schools continued to grow, with California charter schools continuing to enroll the greatest number of students. As the number of charter schools increases and student enrollment in charter schools expands, their potential impact on public education also increases.

Estimated Enrollment in Charter Schools and All Public Scools in the 27 Charter States

NOTE: Charter school enrollment includes data for 1,010 charter schools and is based on responses from all 975 open charter schools that responded to the survey, supplemented with data from state departments of education.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data Survey, 1997-98.

Charter School Enrollment as a Percentage of Public School Enrollment, by State1

Percentage of students in all public schools

1We do not have 1998-99 data for Idaho, Mississippi, and Ohio because their charter schools were not open at the time of our 1998-99 survey. In 1997-98, the number of students enrolled in South Carolina charter schools was too small to register on the scale.


A. States and Charter Schools
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B. Basic Characteristics of Charter Schools (cont'd)