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HOW CAN FTAD HELP YOU? stylized photograph of 
    stairs from second to third floor of Younkin Success Center

  1. TALK about your teaching with one of our professional consultants.
  2. PARTICIPATE in our workshops, seminars, grant programs, and learning communities.
  3. READ about teaching and learning from the scholars in our online teaching resource area and library.


This specialization is for any graduate student interested in engaging in a rigorous, structured exploration of the theories and practice of university-level teaching, both in general and in their own discipline. Participants will develop skills and experience that enable them to become reflective, scholarly teachers in preparation for entrance into the professoriate. It is most appropriate for applicants who are considering careers as college or university faculty. For more information>>


The College Teaching Series continues in the Winter Quarter 2009 with sessions on teaching and learning issues. Each session in this series will be designed primarily for novice TAs and faculty; however, all instructors are invited to attend and will find useful information about improving teaching. These sessions will provide some techniques and ideas, help create awareness about teaching issues, and suggest resources for further information. Program information about these and other FTAD events is now available for your review and registration here>>.

Box contains the following text: 
			Sustainability at Ohio State. Box includes graphic logo for Ohio State's Scarlet, Gray, and Green initiative. Clicking on this box links to new website describing Ohio State initiatives related to sustainability.      Box contains the following text: Colloquium on Globalization and 
             Ethics at Ohio State. Box links to Ohio State's website for the Colloquium 
			on Globalization and Ethics.      Box contains the following text: Resources for Teaching with Carmen at Ohio State. 
             Box links to separate FTAD website that provides a number of Carmen resources for instructors
             and students.